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I see a lot of comments about the hospitals popping up here. I have never had a bad experience in a Thai hospital. I have heard of someone being charged 30,000 baht for something that shouldn't have cost any more than 2,000 baht however you get that in every country. Some hospitals will just over charge you as they are about profit not helping people.

I have found the service at hospitals in Thailand much better than Australia. Cost is a lot less and the Dr's that I have seen have always really made an effort to sort the problem and not just cover it by giving medicine and sending me on my way.

Good and bad doctors are everywhere regardless of the country you are in. My wife gave birth in Australia and in Thailand. We looked at private hospitals in Australia and it would cost about $15,000 AUD to give birth however they tried to push her into a C section. We ended up going public and it cost nothing. We had the same doctors from the private hospital and a much better room than private. Staff were very good.

In Thailand we had no real chose and went with private, cost about 900 AUD. Staff were very good and always there when we needed them. They explained everything very clearly and we had no issues. The only thing I thought was a little strange was I wasn't allowed in the baby room and they controlled when you could have the baby in the room. Very different to Australia however again, they did everything to make sure my wife was ok.

In addition to the great service in the Thai hospital the fee also included some home visits. So again, I can't see an issue with the hospitals here. We looked at a number of different hospitals and they were all good. When it comes to comparing them with Australian hospitals I would have to say the Thai hospitals look much better, faster service (when you factor the patient to staff ratio) and actual help from the staff.

In Australia I remember my ex partner, she had epilepsy and could go into seizures very easily. We were in the emergency room as she had a very bad cut to her arm. I told the staff about her condition and that I was concerned she would have a seizure however she was still left in the waiting room for over an hour. No assistance or nurse to check on her.

I take my child to the hospital because she has a temperature in Thailand and she is with a nurse on arrival. Even if it is just a check up, a nurse is there right away.

I can only speak from my own experience between the two countries and for my Thailand comes out on top each time. I have heard the Bangkok hospital in Hua Hin is very expensive (someone told me they were charged about 30,000 there) however the hospitals around BKK have been at a respectable rate. Doctor visit around 600 baht, and if we need to pay for medication it is normally around 1,200 baht in total for doctor fee and medication.

It would be interesting to see what other people are being charged so we can compare and possibly help each other steer clear of the hospitals that are over charging people.

"I have never had a bad experience in a Thai hospital." - I always puzzles me when someone who has been in a Thai hospital and come out alive seems to think that their personal lay-experience has any chance of reflecting the overall situation in a health industry that services millions of people

The plural of anecdote is NOT data.

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surely anywhere that has had so many coups (23) cannot be considered as anything else? only Haiti has had more at 25

Ah; but Thailand never gives up that easily and will keep trying ''To be number one ''.


I see a lot of comments about the hospitals popping up here. I have never had a bad experience in a Thai hospital. I have heard of someone being charged 30,000 baht for something that shouldn't have cost any more than 2,000 baht however you get that in every country. Some hospitals will just over charge you as they are about profit not helping people.

I have found the service at hospitals in Thailand much better than Australia. Cost is a lot less and the Dr's that I have seen have always really made an effort to sort the problem and not just cover it by giving medicine and sending me on my way.

Good and bad doctors are everywhere regardless of the country you are in. My wife gave birth in Australia and in Thailand. We looked at private hospitals in Australia and it would cost about $15,000 AUD to give birth however they tried to push her into a C section. We ended up going public and it cost nothing. We had the same doctors from the private hospital and a much better room than private. Staff were very good.

In Thailand we had no real chose and went with private, cost about 900 AUD. Staff were very good and always there when we needed them. They explained everything very clearly and we had no issues. The only thing I thought was a little strange was I wasn't allowed in the baby room and they controlled when you could have the baby in the room. Very different to Australia however again, they did everything to make sure my wife was ok.

In addition to the great service in the Thai hospital the fee also included some home visits. So again, I can't see an issue with the hospitals here. We looked at a number of different hospitals and they were all good. When it comes to comparing them with Australian hospitals I would have to say the Thai hospitals look much better, faster service (when you factor the patient to staff ratio) and actual help from the staff.

In Australia I remember my ex partner, she had epilepsy and could go into seizures very easily. We were in the emergency room as she had a very bad cut to her arm. I told the staff about her condition and that I was concerned she would have a seizure however she was still left in the waiting room for over an hour. No assistance or nurse to check on her.

I take my child to the hospital because she has a temperature in Thailand and she is with a nurse on arrival. Even if it is just a check up, a nurse is there right away.

I can only speak from my own experience between the two countries and for my Thailand comes out on top each time. I have heard the Bangkok hospital in Hua Hin is very expensive (someone told me they were charged about 30,000 there) however the hospitals around BKK have been at a respectable rate. Doctor visit around 600 baht, and if we need to pay for medication it is normally around 1,200 baht in total for doctor fee and medication.

It would be interesting to see what other people are being charged so we can compare and possibly help each other steer clear of the hospitals that are over charging people.

"I have never had a bad experience in a Thai hospital." - I always puzzles me when someone who has been in a Thai hospital and come out alive seems to think that their personal lay-experience has any chance of reflecting the overall situation in a health industry that services millions of people

The plural of anecdote is NOT data.

I didn't realize you had data to back your opinion!

Don't you think your statement works both ways? I said it was based on my experience in both countries, not based on analysis of data.

Your statement

" I always puzzles me when someone who has been in a Thai hospital and come out alive seems to think that their personal lay-experience has any chance of reflecting the overall situation in a health industry that services millions of people

The plural of anecdote is NOT data."
So your saying the only way to determine the quality of the hospitals is to filter out all good experiences and only analyse the bad experiences to determine the the quality of service overall?
Instead of taking an aggressive approach to push your point of view, why not be productive to help others. As per my closing statement.
"It would be interesting to see what other people are being charged so we can compare and possibly help each other steer clear of the hospitals that are over charging people. "
I believe that is a more productive way of continuing the topic on hospitals in Thailand. There are bad hospitals in Australia and in every country, help point out the good ones so others who actually need medical support can see this post and visit the closest hospital.
My experience isn't base on one encounter, if you read my post it is clear I have been to the hospital for many reasons. My son was born in hospital and that experiences was great.
My daughter has been to the hospital on many occasions to see the doctor. At times because she is sick, an injury or checkup. Regardless they have always been good.
Prior to my wife giving birth we visited many different hospitals to see the facilities. She had appointments with doctors in each hospital to see what they are like and if she felt comfortable with them. So my post isn't based on one experience and one hospital. It is based on research of many hospitals.
Your reply is filled with aggression and hate for the local hospitals and does nothing but make you look foolish as your statement clearly works both ways. And just for your own knowledge on analysis, both good and bad experiences are reviewed and analysed to help make an assessment on any subject. Analysis doesn't work if only negative data is collected and used, that is called bias analysis and is only good for reviewing complaints not an industry performance. Good and bad need to be assessed.
So again. Instead of making the claim that all hospitals are the same in Thailand, try making people aware of your bad experience, where and what it was so they can learn from it. Post the hospitals you have had good and bad experiences and how much you had to pay. That will help people and future readers of this post.

stoneyboy. Sorry but i disagree with you.

Thailand has some first class hospitals.I know spent 7 months in Khonkaen hospital.

Yes at 1 point i was on a ward with nearly 70 beds.

My wife slept on the floor.

I did not pay millions of baht. It was paid for by my wifes government health insurance.

You can pick up a VIP room for about 1000 a night, but would need a private nurse if you needed constant care. It's cheap really. I'm on the same system as my wife is a civil servant.


Can you name a first world country ruled by a military Junta? Coups when the vast majority vote in their government of choice? It's not all about the cosmetics. I almost died in a very nice Thai hospital because they diagnosed valley fever as the flu! Thank goodness I made it back to the states in time before meningitis killed me!


Thailand is classified as a "developing" country because it is politically incorrect to call it a corrupt, backward dysfunctional country.

The reference to "first class" hospitals and to the presence of cookie cutter shopping malls as an illustration of the country's status, would be funny if not for the fact that those making such claims actually believe it.Sadly, the people making the claims are not qualified to offer an informed assessment.

A large concrete structure holding retail units and fast food purveyors is not an indication of an advanced society. Universities, green spaces, affordable housing, effective public transit, environmental quality of living space, a viable economy and a solid infrastructure are all characteristics of a healthy society.

The hospitals of Thailand that meet developed world standards of quality are few. They are inaccessible to the majority of the population.

Thailand has lots of universities... Huge areas of national parks (127 of them) and forests for 'green spaces'.

Housing is very affordable.. out in the countryside you can even build your own without all that expensive planning permissions and regualtions.

Transport is better here than in the UK.... the Song Taews are very cheap.. and regular. You can get almost anywhere on them.. so don't need a car. In the UK the bus and train service is bad.. If you live in a rural village its likely there is no public transport service there.. and taxies cost a small fortune. Even regular bus services outside London.. are only a few busses each day and only stop at set stops. They are expensive and dirty and you are likely to get mugged or attacked by teenagers on them.

Much more living space here too.. All the houses in my village have lots of land... you can go walking in the mountains.. and even the sizes of houses on the new style Moo Baans are bigger than those you get on the estates in the UK.

Seems the Thai economy is doing well... better than the Euro.. just ask Spain. And research the European Debt crisis.

I would rather go to a government hospital here than go to a National Health Hospital in the UK.. at least here there are staff and no super bugs to kill you. Having had many family and friends in the UK tell me horror stories about their care.. and I have seen it myself... allowing people to starve to death in the hospitals as they can't feed themselves.. and putting off their operations.. going on strike.. and letting people get worse and worse.. not changing their bandages or leaving them in soiled clothes for hours at a time.....

And why does a country have to have a democracy to be considered a developed country? You really think that America and Europe have no corruption? http://economyincrisis.org/content/political-corruption-on-the-rise

In the UK we only really have the choice of two political parties that are basically the SAME. And they promise so much.. but seldom deliver it.

  • 1 year later...
On 2/12/2016 at 9:41 AM, jak2002003 said:

Thailand has lots of universities... Huge areas of national parks (127 of them) and forests for 'green spaces'.

Housing is very affordable.. out in the countryside you can even build your own without all that expensive planning permissions and regualtions.

Transport is better here than in the UK.... the Song Taews are very cheap.. and regular. You can get almost anywhere on them.. so don't need a car. In the UK the bus and train service is bad.. If you live in a rural village its likely there is no public transport service there.. and taxies cost a small fortune. Even regular bus services outside London.. are only a few busses each day and only stop at set stops. They are expensive and dirty and you are likely to get mugged or attacked by teenagers on them.

Much more living space here too.. All the houses in my village have lots of land... you can go walking in the mountains.. and even the sizes of houses on the new style Moo Baans are bigger than those you get on the estates in the UK.

Seems the Thai economy is doing well... better than the Euro.. just ask Spain. And research the European Debt crisis.

I would rather go to a government hospital here than go to a National Health Hospital in the UK.. at least here there are staff and no super bugs to kill you. Having had many family and friends in the UK tell me horror stories about their care.. and I have seen it myself... allowing people to starve to death in the hospitals as they can't feed themselves.. and putting off their operations.. going on strike.. and letting people get worse and worse.. not changing their bandages or leaving them in soiled clothes for hours at a time.....

And why does a country have to have a democracy to be considered a developed country? You really think that America and Europe have no corruption? http://economyincrisis.org/content/political-corruption-on-the-rise

In the UK we only really have the choice of two political parties that are basically the SAME. And they promise so much.. but seldom deliver it.

The link is not working >>> This page is missing / No longer available. Sorry about that. :(


"Third world country" isn't used anymore because it was a cold war political distinction, and has never been an economic one. The first world were the Western powers, the Second world was the Soviet Union and its allies, and the third world was everyone else who also happen to be poor. As soon as the Soviet Union fell, the term stopped making sense.

On 12/02/2016 at 11:11 AM, jak2002003 said:

Thailand has lots of universities... Huge areas of national parks (127 of them) and forests for 'green spaces'.

Housing is very affordable.. out in the countryside you can even build your own without all that expensive planning permissions and regualtions.

Transport is better here than in the UK.... the Song Taews are very cheap.. and regular. You can get almost anywhere on them.. so don't need a car. In the UK the bus and train service is bad.. If you live in a rural village its likely there is no public transport service there.. and taxies cost a small fortune. Even regular bus services outside London.. are only a few busses each day and only stop at set stops. They are expensive and dirty and you are likely to get mugged or attacked by teenagers on them.

Much more living space here too.. All the houses in my village have lots of land... you can go walking in the mountains.. and even the sizes of houses on the new style Moo Baans are bigger than those you get on the estates in the UK.

Seems the Thai economy is doing well... better than the Euro.. just ask Spain. And research the European Debt crisis.

I would rather go to a government hospital here than go to a National Health Hospital in the UK.. at least here there are staff and no super bugs to kill you. Having had many family and friends in the UK tell me horror stories about their care.. and I have seen it myself... allowing people to starve to death in the hospitals as they can't feed themselves.. and putting off their operations.. going on strike.. and letting people get worse and worse.. not changing their bandages or leaving them in soiled clothes for hours at a time.....

And why does a country have to have a democracy to be considered a developed country? You really think that America and Europe have no corruption? http://economyincrisis.org/content/political-corruption-on-the-rise

In the UK we only really have the choice of two political parties that are basically the SAME. And they promise so much.. but seldom deliver it.

This is a reflection of your bias towards the uk and a total ignorance of what living in Thailand is for average Thais and what good things the UK has to offer....something is only affordable because there is little demand for it..you sound old and retired..I have come to dislike foreigners who despise their own country it says more about them than the country they are criticising..they bring nothing to this country I have called home for nearly 35years and am not even at retirement age..your ignorance is breath taking ( borderline delusional) and is the only reason I have bothered to reply..

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