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Uk Credit Cards - No Fees

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Seems some people like to pay for getting poor interest and the prospect of the UK Gov asking them about unreported tax on interest for several years when they may have been regarded as UK resident !

Have more than 1 bank and take what is good from them - the banks like people who just want 1 service provider as they make more money from people like that...

Most of the offshore banks I have dealt with have been exceptionally good - much better than UK on-shore and as a rule I dont pay for day-to-day services - of course some transactions do involve a charge. I have noticed that Allied Irish have some good rates for basic services.

Seems we may be getting a bit confused here as there is Allied Irish :



Anglo Irish :


Anyway this is a bit off topic

Any comments on usage of the Post Office credit card anyone ?


Edited by Khun Bob
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Seems some people like to pay for getting poor interest and the prospect of the UK Gov asking them about unreported tax on interest for several years when they may have been regarded as UK resident !

Have more than 1 bank and take what is good from them - the banks like people who just want 1 service provider as they make more money from people like that...

Most of the offshore banks I have dealt with have been exceptionally good - much better than UK on-shore and as a rule I dont pay for day-to-day services - of course some transactions do involve a charge. I have noticed that Allied Irish have some good rates for basic services.

Seems we may be getting a bit confused here as there is Allied Irish :



Anglo Irish :


Anyway this is a bit off topic

Any comments on usage of the Post Office credit card anyone ?


K.Bob wrote :

"Most of the offshore banks I have dealt with have been exceptionally good "

How lucky you are !

My experience with Singapore banks in particular tells a differrent story !

Almost every one offered me favourable charges to get me to open an account and put funds with them only to double/triple the charges within two years , usually giving only 4 weeks notice ! Abnamro the worst as one of their accounts they offered offered ZERO custodian fees then out of the blue introduced a fifty dollar a month fee in direct contradiction of what they had put in writing !!

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Seems some people like to pay for getting poor interest and the prospect of the UK Gov asking them about unreported tax on interest for several years when they may have been regarded as UK resident !

Have more than 1 bank and take what is good from them - the banks like people who just want 1 service provider as they make more money from people like that...

Most of the offshore banks I have dealt with have been exceptionally good - much better than UK on-shore and as a rule I dont pay for day-to-day services - of course some transactions do involve a charge. I have noticed that Allied Irish have some good rates for basic services.

Seems we may be getting a bit confused here as there is Allied Irish :



Anglo Irish :


Anyway this is a bit off topic

Any comments on usage of the Post Office credit card anyone ?


K.Bob wrote :

"Most of the offshore banks I have dealt with have been exceptionally good "

How lucky you are !

My experience with Singapore banks in particular tells a differrent story !

Almost every one offered me favourable charges to get me to open an account and put funds with them only to double/triple the charges within two years , usually giving only 4 weeks notice ! Abnamro the worst as one of their accounts they offered offered ZERO custodian fees then out of the blue introduced a fifty dollar a month fee in direct contradiction of what they had put in writing !!

Be inetrested to know what Singapore banks they were... I'm just about to start a relationship with one, but may do a Thai U-turn on it, because of Big Brother government in the UK...

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Some good news (actually some of the best news I've heard for a while) today

I called Post Office Credit card today and the Irish customer service girl I spoke to, who knew her stuff, stated that if the Post Office credit card has a positive balance then there would be no charges (PO refer to it as a cross border fee) and no interest would be payable (as the account is in credit).

This is incredible, as if true, then it gives an alternative to the Nationwide Flex account.

As I have mentioned, the card that was used for me in Italy had a very good euro rate. The exchange rate used is set by mastercard international.

Now how do the Visa and Mastercard rates compare ? This would enable us to compare the NAtionwide Visa Debit cards and the Post Office credit card (in positive balance)

Note this appears to work the same as the Austrialian Wizard credit card that has been mentioned on TV.

If anyone is using the Post Office card in Thailand would really appreciate to hear from you - both for purchases and cash advances and ATM usage...


Got some more details and will post later - is a bit late here in the UK...

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Some good news (actually some of the best news I've heard for a while) today

I called Post Office Credit card today and the Irish customer service girl I spoke to, who knew her stuff, stated that if the Post Office credit card has a positive balance then there would be no charges (PO refer to it as a cross border fee) and no interest would be payable (as the account is in credit).

This is incredible, as if true, then it gives an alternative to the Nationwide Flex account.

As I have mentioned, the card that was used for me in Italy had a very good euro rate. The exchange rate used is set by mastercard international.

Now how do the Visa and Mastercard rates compare ? This would enable us to compare the NAtionwide Visa Debit cards and the Post Office credit card (in positive balance)

Note this appears to work the same as the Austrialian Wizard credit card that has been mentioned on TV.

If anyone is using the Post Office card in Thailand would really appreciate to hear from you - both for purchases and cash advances and ATM usage...


Got some more details and will post later - is a bit late here in the UK...

Dear friend Bob,

Congratulations ! You have indeed cracked one side of the cost equation...that was the position with N/W Credit cards until they changed their rules a couple of years back, but what about the other, just as important factor ?


Firstly is it competitive and without 'currency loading' as they call it, and secondly under the current dual rate system will we lose the extra 10 percent approx we are getting from the Nationwide Debit Card ? They can call it what they like..wholesale rate or whatever but it does indeed direcftly equate to the current onshore subsidised rate...(for as long as it lasts ) ?

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