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'Metered' Taxi Under Scrutiny


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So are they going to use metres now in Pattaya?

Let us know your experiences. If they do it you have to thank the general...if not then i'm disappointed in his power.

Never going to happen. They just enjoy having meetings to keep the public thinking they are doing something positive. Logistically I don't think they can make enough money using these proposed meter rates. Pattaya is different to Bangkok as paying return trips are less likely here when they travel out of the city center... and moving around the city center is too slow. The best option would be to get rid of the "taxi-meter" signs and meters and operate as limousines.

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Actually for unprofitable no return trip it's a Chicken or Egg problem, if there are more cars on the road , not hanging around tourist area, people might flag them down and go somewhere,


For Russians going down from city centre to Ambassador, you're sure to pick up a fare going back into town, but at Ambassador, looks like there are already a 'taxi rank' of non-route Songthaew waiting for private hire already, maybe it's a territory thing where the city boys don't encroach on other people's turf, plus they are doing nice for themselves ripping off tourist, so no desire for real change that would see many of the mafias shaken up and maybe those mafias power structure run right into soi 9 and city hall

Even after a big bust initiated by forces from out of town like Chonburi or Bangkok, it'll be back to business as usual after a week

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From now on, Taxi in Pattaya can not park in the front of Central beach. And should be charged by meter. If they are not the customer should complain to Pattaya City Hall, tel. 1337 to inform the Taxi number and the driver name.

"customer should complain to Pattaya City Hall, tel. 1337 to inform the Taxi number and the driver name." That's an old joke... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I remember when there were no taxis with a meter in Bangkok and it did not say "TAXIMETER" on the roof, just TAXI". You had to negotiate a price before you go sat down in the car. It should be possible to use that system in Pattaya.

I know, I know, it's just a pipe dream. It will never happen because both the taxi drivers and the police make more money by pretending to be like Bangkok style "TAXIMETER".

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I used GrabTaxi this morning to go from north Jomtien (Thappraya/Thepprasit area) to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Quoted fare was 270 Baht. When I got in I was surprised to see the driver start the meter. When we arrived at the hospital the meter read 141 Baht - I asked if that was the fare? He quickly said "no no" and showed me the quote screen on his phone, 270bt - I gave him 300 and he was happy. So, I guess the quoted fare trumps the meter fare.

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I guess not engaging the meter means the red light in front will attract the attention of the police who must be told to look out for meter use in taxi this week....

Well for tourist, even if the driver 'negotiated' a higher fare, at least they'll now know how much they've been ripped of by

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I used GrabTaxi this morning to go from north Jomtien (Thappraya/Thepprasit area) to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Quoted fare was 270 Baht. When I got in I was surprised to see the driver start the meter. When we arrived at the hospital the meter read 141 Baht - I asked if that was the fare? He quickly said "no no" and showed me the quote screen on his phone, 270bt - I gave him 300 and he was happy. So, I guess the quoted fare trumps the meter fare.

That's a new variation, perhaps to feign compliance with the "use meter decree." My experience is they will take the Grab Taxi fare without complaint.
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I used GrabTaxi this morning to go from north Jomtien (Thappraya/Thepprasit area) to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Quoted fare was 270 Baht. When I got in I was surprised to see the driver start the meter. When we arrived at the hospital the meter read 141 Baht - I asked if that was the fare? He quickly said "no no" and showed me the quote screen on his phone, 270bt - I gave him 300 and he was happy. So, I guess the quoted fare trumps the meter fare.

Seems they have been ordered to use the meters - but someone forgot to order them to charge the price that is shown on the meter.

Who said Thais are not resourceful.

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So the trick is just pay what's on the metre and leave. If he makes problems make a pic of his ID-sign on the dash and report it to that complaintline.

That's a neat trick to get your butt kicked. You can't beat this system. They'd need a clean officer riding along with them all the time. I reckon this is just a big laugh. "Crackdown" over yet? Got crackdown?

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"So the trick is just pay what's on the metre and leave."

Once you've agreed to have them send the taxi, you've implicitly agreed to the quoted fare. To try and stiff them after you've used their service would only be asking for trouble.

But you could always test your theory by going into a 7-Eleven - choose something that costs 100bt - wait for them to ring it up - hand the clerk 50bt - take your item and walk out and see what happens . . . smile.png

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270 baht for a short distance ? Grab taxi in Bangkok is way cheaper so not the same prices then , not funny at all , luckily I will never use them .

Btw, you can negotiate 200 baht with a baht bus driver for the same distance, or if you smile and he likes you , even 150 baht . If you're really good looking , he might even pay you.

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Imho, it was well worth the fare for the convenience of booking in advance, going door-to-door in a comfortable air-con mini-van, not having to go out in the jungle and hunt for an available baht-bus and sweat like a pig all the way to the hospital. Different strokes, I guess . . .

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Imho, it was well worth the fare for the convenience of booking in advance, going door-to-door in a comfortable air-con mini-van, not having to go out in the jungle and hunt for an available baht-bus and sweat like a pig all the way to the hospital. Different strokes, I guess . . .

I'm sure plenty of tourists, who are used to extortionate taxi fares back home, think a 300 baht flat fare, especially for a family, is a good deal!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first post - I didn't want it to be negative, but would like to know if anybody else has experienced any similar reactions from any Pattaya taxi meter driver.

On the 21st December, last year, I was trying to cross Second Road with my wife. As we were about to cross, a red and yellow taxi (registration number available) stopped in front of us, preventing us from crossing. I politely told the driver that we didn't want a taxi and asked him to move. After the driver had spat out few choice phrases in Thai, he shouted, "**** off", and sped off down the road.

Yesterday, I was driving along Sukhumvit road, through some traffic lights. A blue and yellow taxi (registration number available), obviously in the wrong lane as he wanted to go straight on, tried to pull in front of me; that would be an understatement as he almost side-swiped me. I jammed on my brakes and hooted him to let him know I was there. He managed to push his way in behind me, came up on my inside, opened his window, shouted, "**** you", and sped off weaving in and out of the traffic.

I imagine taxi driving must be quite a stressful job, especially in and around Pattaya, but surely a few manners wouldn't go amiss.

Just another blow for tourism. When will it end!

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My first post - I didn't want it to be negative, but would like to know if anybody else has experienced any similar reactions from any Pattaya taxi meter driver.

On the 21st December, last year, I was trying to cross Second Road with my wife. As we were about to cross, a red and yellow taxi (registration number available) stopped in front of us, preventing us from crossing. I politely told the driver that we didn't want a taxi and asked him to move. After the driver had spat out few choice phrases in Thai, he shouted, "**** off", and sped off down the road.

Yesterday, I was driving along Sukhumvit road, through some traffic lights. A blue and yellow taxi (registration number available), obviously in the wrong lane as he wanted to go straight on, tried to pull in front of me; that would be an understatement as he almost side-swiped me. I jammed on my brakes and hooted him to let him know I was there. He managed to push his way in behind me, came up on my inside, opened his window, shouted, "**** you", and sped off weaving in and out of the traffic.

I imagine taxi driving must be quite a stressful job, especially in and around Pattaya, but surely a few manners wouldn't go amiss.

Just another blow for tourism. When will it end!

Well, at least his English training works perfectly,

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