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Farang men who have a problem with farang women in Thailand.

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Now everytime the TV members see a farang couple in a bar-restaraunt we'll be wondering....hhmm, Is that bikey and his old lady?

Don't stare at her, she'll get the hump !

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I personally am a bit annoyed by non thai, non-working women coming to places where hos congregate, just to get a frisson of pleasure at their own naughtiness. They are not there for barfining per se...just for the thrill of seeing prostitutes and thinking theyre being quite edgy.

But ive learnt to live with it.

Well soibiker. Here is already one answer


I personally am a bit annoyed by non thai, non-working women coming to places where hos congregate, just to get a frisson of pleasure at their own naughtiness. They are not there for barfining per se...just for the thrill of seeing prostitutes and thinking theyre being quite edgy.

But ive learnt to live with it.

Well soibiker. Here is already one answer

We weren't in a 'place where hos congregate' - we were in a rather pleasant bar/restaurant.


which one?

I travel a lot, and it's nice to know of such places.

for example, if we're staying in Nakhon Sawan, we go to Maison 456, a nice place with lovely food, excellent wine list, and certainly not the type of place you would expect to find in a small provincial city/town.



which one?

I travel a lot, and it's nice to know of such places.

for example, if we're staying in Nakhon Sawan, we go to Maison 456, a nice place with lovely food, excellent wine list, and certainly not the type of place you would expect to find in a small provincial city/town.


Which one is not really relevant to the discussion. Like I said several times, I'm not interested in naming and shaming a particular establishment or its customers.


I personally am a bit annoyed by non thai, non-working women coming to places where hos congregate, just to get a frisson of pleasure at their own naughtiness. They are not there for barfining per se...just for the thrill of seeing prostitutes and thinking theyre being quite edgy.

But ive learnt to live with it.

Well soibiker. Here is already one answer

We weren't in a 'place where hos congregate' - we were in a rather pleasant bar/restaurant.

Something of a contradiction here. SoiBiker has a Western wife, presumably does not sample the local lassies. So how does he know there weren't any hos there? Were the Thai women wearing neon signs saying " I am not a ho "?


Strange that, i have noticed that those on this site who have never paid for sex (direct / indirect / whatever) can spot hos much easier than anyone else or can tell by the way they dress. Almost as if they are not real people.


I personally am a bit annoyed by non thai, non-working women coming to places where hos congregate, just to get a frisson of pleasure at their own naughtiness. They are not there for barfining per se...just for the thrill of seeing prostitutes and thinking theyre being quite edgy.

But ive learnt to live with it.

Well soibiker. Here is already one answer

We weren't in a 'place where hos congregate' - we were in a rather pleasant bar/restaurant.

Something of a contradiction here. SoiBiker has a Western wife, presumably does not sample the local lassies. So how does he know there weren't any hos there? Were the Thai women wearing neon signs saying " I am not a ho "?

They were women who arrived with their partners. I didn't verify their professional status, but this wasn't the kind of bar where women were available for hire.


which one?

I travel a lot, and it's nice to know of such places.

for example, if we're staying in Nakhon Sawan, we go to Maison 456, a nice place with lovely food, excellent wine list, and certainly not the type of place you would expect to find in a small provincial city/town.


Which one is not really relevant to the discussion. Like I said several times, I'm not interested in naming and shaming a particular establishment or its customers.

Okay, you're just a useless troll then. :(

Good luck. :)

I am with HG here.

By naming a town or city you do not name or shame any establishment.

I guess you thought up the scenario to get some attention.

A figment of your imagination, so to speak.


I think men in general would like to think they are superior to women, would prefer subservient women, and are uncomfortable with strong-willed women.

Disagree. Thai women can be just as strong-willed as any Western woman, they are just more subtle about it.

I think you'll find the problem most divorced expats have with Western women is that the women were lazy fat cows who were quite happy to bludge off the hardworking husband. Then when it wound up in the divorce courts, a spineless judiciary awarded the women assets they had done SFA to earn.bah.gif

"Disagree. Thai women can be just as strong-willed as any Western woman . . . "

Ah, did you miss the topic. It is . . .

"Farang men who have a problem with farang women in Thailand."

While I agree most farang women look like farang men--big bellies, sagging tits, thick ankles, triple chins . . . Some farang women, especially the younger ones, are not fat cows.

However, if you think all farang men get hooked up with women who become fat cows, who add nothing to the relationship, then when the relationship turns sour the women take it all--now you must be are talking about Thai women as well as farang women; just look at all the tales of woe told by TV posters.

It seems too many farang men are cuckolded by their women no matter the women's origin.


Interesting point of view, we seem to forgive our Thai ladies and blame Western women. I think it is because we had ultimate (inbred trust) with our Western relationship but realise we were stupid in Thailand. And Thai ladies certainly work for their reward unlike ..........


Plenty of other people found the discussion interesting. If you don't find it worthwhile, feel free to stop returning to the thread.

Has the mystery been solved?

If not, I would like to ask about your wife: would you describe her as being confident, demanding ?

I remember something that might be relevant if the description fits.


it's interesting watching the ebb and flow of people's interaction in this conversation ... the formation of a group / pack deciding which one to join, the attacking or defending or arbitration (or the other group, I outed myself in, watching with mild boredom)


Plenty of other people found the discussion interesting. If you don't find it worthwhile, feel free to stop returning to the thread.

Has the mystery been solved?

If not, I would like to ask about your wife: would you describe her as being confident, demanding ?

I remember something that might be relevant if the description fits.

Confident, yes. Demanding, no. Quietly eating dinner without bothering anyone, yes.

Confident, yes. Demanding, no. Quietly eating dinner without bothering anyone, yes.

I didn't ask about the last part, that information is already mentioned earlier.

I went to a restaurant with my GF and there was a western couple two tables away.

The woman was what I would describe as very confident and demanding and capricious.

She was talking louder than needed, only about herself and tried to act/look sexy except she didn't have the looks to be able to do it.

She changed her opinion a couple of times about her order and litterally told her male friend what he was allowed to order for himself.

The guy she was with was quiet, except for some excuses and compliments.

I think you get the picture.

I have no idea if some of the above bears some resemblance with your situation or not at all.

But it was on this occasion that I happened to throw some hostile looks to that woman.


Confident, yes. Demanding, no. Quietly eating dinner without bothering anyone, yes.

I didn't ask about the last part, that information is already mentioned earlier.

I went to a restaurant with my GF and there was a western couple two tables away.

The woman was what I would describe as very confident and demanding and capricious.

She was talking louder than needed, only about herself and tried to act/look sexy except she didn't have the looks to be able to do it.

She changed her opinion a couple of times about her order and litterally told her male friend what he was allowed to order for himself.

The guy she was with was quiet, except for some excuses and compliments.

I think you get the picture.

I have no idea if some of the above bears some resemblance with your situation or not at all.

But it was on this occasion that I happened to throw some hostile looks to that woman.

Not at all.

Like I said, quietly eating dinner and minding her own business.


Maybe because they don't like farang women and that is one of the rasons for moving here.

But there are farang women here. Should they not be?


its off topic (a bit) but you may see the connection ...

We are looking to put an advert on radio; I thought a female voice saying our company name with a male voice saying 'what?'

and the Female voice over explaining the benefits of our product ... the radio station suggested that a quarter million dollar survey revealed that most buyers - particularly women - were more likely to trust an assertive male voice, whereas a female voice evoked some threat (what the woman looked like, what she was wearing ... that sort of stuff) ... I was surprised

so it - seems to - appear that women too, try and establish a pecking order ... and the falang males could sense this from the woman and it did - as some suggested - raise their ire ... be it that the woman projected this or they felt challenged by being with a non-falang

it is paradoxical ... that sometimes the only one who will accept a falang is a non-falang, and the falang is sometimes ashamed of his relationship with her (and women are very atuned to this, it must make them feel akward)


Nobody was trying to establish a pecking order. My wife - and I'm tiring of saying this as much as some of you are tiring of reading it - was simply eating her dinner. The other women present did not seem at all bothered that she was there.


sorry SoiBiker ... (you more comfortable now that I have accorded you as the more knowledgeable of the two of us?)

I, on the other hand, realise I am largely ignorant of how other people think (particularly women - having lived with a few over the years), and of the subtleties of body language and people's perceptions ... therefore, I am open to learning

I over-stepped the mark from casual (but not indifferent) observer ...to participant ... but I will tell you that in every species there is a pecking order in both males and females ...

(so piss in your own pocket by all means, but don't try and tell the rest of us there is no pecking order)


"Disagree. Thai women can be just as strong-willed as any Western woman . . . "

Ah, did you miss the topic. It is . . .

"Farang men who have a problem with farang women in Thailand."

While I agree most farang women look like farang men--big bellies, sagging tits, thick ankles, triple chins . . . Some farang women, especially the younger ones, are not fat cows.

However, if you think all farang men get hooked up with women who become fat cows, who add nothing to the relationship, then when the relationship turns sour the women take it all--now you must be are talking about Thai women as well as farang women; just look at all the tales of woe told by TV posters.

It seems too many farang men are cuckolded by their women no matter the women's origin.

In the USA, UK and Australia, 50% of assets go to the woman when the marriage breaks down. If it's a defacto relationship of more than one year's standing, the same applies. That's the law.

In Thailand, only those assets accumulated during the marriage are divided. Defacto relationships are not recognised under Thai law. The only way a Thai woman can "take it all" as you put it, is when the falang buys a house, they have joint bank accounts, and he transfers all his assets to Thailand. There's a big difference between legal entitlement and egregious stupidity.

The old saying goes if you want to know what your wife will look like in 30 years' time, look at her mother. Be that as it may, my own experience is Thai women age much better than Western women. It's because they don't let themselves go. My Thai GF looks a lot younger than her 50 years.

She acts a lot younger too.biggrin.png

Don't know where the subject of cuckolding came from, except left field. If you think I'm off topic, you're tarring yourself with the same brush.


I find it a mixture of frustrating, irritating, and mildly amusing, that people persist regardless of the fact that no matter how much they say or justify "A", the OP always says "B" and it is therefore impossible to resolve or conclude, it remains a circle, going round and round.As the OP refutes and denies every possibility or suggestion and just says basically "no, it wasnt like that" and as no one else was there, cant prove or disprove anything.

The OP can make it whatever he wants.

Stop being manipulated.

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