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Murder Of Paul Mason (uk) In 2003


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Hmm.. Funnily enough there is no further mention of her in any english language media I can find.

I cannot read thai media.

Yes, I searched further myself but could not find anything more. Did the case even come to trial yet? I know this is old news, but somehow this case intrigued me.

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  • 2 months later...
Came across a report on this murder while Googling for something else. Just wondering what the outcome of the trial was. Does anyone know?

Thank you so much for your interest in my son's death.

Paul went to Thailand to teach English, his mum and I bought his airline tickets and pre-paid his hotel costs as a Christmas present. In December 2003 his murderer received 18 years imprisonment which was reduced to 12 years for her original plea of 'guilty' when she was first questioned by the authorities. She told the police that she killed Paul because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women.

This wicked act took away a wonderful young life and totally destroyed our family. Our lives and hopes for the future are now in ruins.

Paul is now buried in a peaceful woodland cemetery in east Manchester, England.

The autopsy found no drug in Paul's body, this was confirmed by the British coroner.

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I feel so sorry for your son Paul, Mr and Mrs Mason ! A sad, sad story; it must be still so difficult for you and your family, especially during these days.

May he rest in peace and I wish you strenght.


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  • 1 year later...
After a bit more searching I also found this report from the Nation.

The BIB really sprang into action in order to preserve forensic evidence. "Maids had already cleaned the apartment and washed off the knives by the time police arrived" :o

Yeah, gotta love it. They "cleaned the apartment and washed off the knives" and any possible evidence, but they did "find some marijuana." How helpful. :D

I feel so sorry for your son Paul, Mr and Mrs Mason ! A sad, sad story; it must be still so difficult for you and your family, especially during these days.


Yes, and unfortunately, also a ubiquitous story.

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because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women

I am very sorry for your son, this story is almost impossible to believe and realize.

what's the deal with that thai psychology? such things do not happen in europe (at least not for just "speaking"). it's not for the first time i come accross killing because of baseless jealousy in thailand. is there a way to avoid such "girlfriends"? horrendous.

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  • 1 year later...
because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women

I am very sorry for your son, this story is almost impossible to believe and realize.

what's the deal with that thai psychology? such things do not happen in europe (at least not for just "speaking"). it's not for the first time i come accross killing because of baseless jealousy in thailand. is there a way to avoid such "girlfriends"? horrendous.

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After a bit more searching I also found this report from the Nation.

The BIB really sprang into action in order to preserve forensic evidence. "Maids had already cleaned the apartment and washed off the knives by the time police arrived" :)

Yeah, gotta love it. They "cleaned the apartment and washed off the knives" and any possible evidence, but they did "find some marijuana." How helpful. :D

I feel so sorry for your son Paul, Mr and Mrs Mason ! A sad, sad story; it must be still so difficult for you and your family, especially during these days.


Yes, and unfortunately, also a ubiquitous story.

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Upon reading this post and the genuine sadness of all replies, particularly the one from the parents of Paul, I am at a complete loss as to the mindset of his thai girlfriend.

To his family, please accept my sincere condolences on your tragic loss.

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Upon reading this post and the genuine sadness of all replies, particularly the one from the parents of Paul, I am at a complete loss as to the mindset of his thai girlfriend.

To his family, please accept my sincere condolences on your tragic loss.

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I’m struck totally numb by this thread. On a forum where everyone is anonymous my heart turned momentarily cold, the hairs on the back of my neck stood and a chill shot through my body…

To the parents of Paul, I wish to offer my most sincere condolences.

I truly hope someone somewhere can be protected, learn or even be saved in some way after knowing of the tragic events which have struck your family.

After reading this thread, I for one have remembered not to take anything or anyone for granted and if it’s of any value 1376 people who have read this thread so far feel the same.

I apologize in the way I so weakly articulate my thoughts at this tragic loss.

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..............In December 2003 his murderer received 18 years imprisonment which was reduced to 12 years for her original plea of 'guilty' when she was first questioned by the authorities. She told the police that she killed Paul because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women..................

I'm not making any comment on the justification of the death penalty but am i the only one missing Something here?

Murder carries a mandatory death sentance in Thailand. This was commuted to life in prison. I would like to think this was due to the extraordinary generous plea by the victim's parents to the Thai embassy.

However, because the perpertrator of the crime pleaded 'guilty' straight away the 18 year sentance was then reduced to 12 years. That's a huge reduction in the sentance. Originaly Death, now 12 years. For a young woman, she'll be out in middle age! Any chance they'll give her a further reduction for good behaviour inside?

( I couldn't read any of the links in the thread, they wouldn't open maybe, my answer is there)

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I'm not making any comment on the justification of the death penalty but am i the only one missing Something here?

Murder carries a mandatory death sentance in Thailand. This was commuted to life in prison. I would like to think this was due to the extraordinary generous plea by the victim's parents to the Thai embassy.

However, because the perpertrator of the crime pleaded 'guilty' straight away the 18 year sentance was then reduced to 12 years. That's a huge reduction in the sentance. Originaly Death, now 12 years. For a young woman, she'll be out in middle age! Any chance they'll give her a further reduction for good behaviour inside?

( I couldn't read any of the links in the thread, they wouldn't open maybe, my answer is there)

She could possibly receive a Royal Pardon and be freed sooner but I don't konw under what circumstances a pardon is granted.

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A sad case and my heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and loved ones.

It is a fact that there is many pit falls in Thailand, which can lay in wait for those who are naive to the ways, culture, system and the dangers of living here. Such as, relationships, scams, driving, diseases, real estate, condos & property, employment, visas, health care, laws, drugs and the dos and don’ts.

I have seen the downfall of many here in the past, including the death of my best friend who got involved with the wrong crowd. I too had fallen foul of a scam here when I was naive and a victim waiting to happen.

My daughter is a part time policewoman in Chiang Mai and these days I am much more savvy now having 22 years of Thailand experience behind me.

I am willing to pass on my experiences and knowledge for free to anyone who has enquiries and is able to take advice, but have no time for idiots or for artful dodgers.

Pm me anytime and as I said, I expect nothing in return; I take pleasure in helping my fellow ex-pats.

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A sad case and my heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and loved ones.

It is a fact that there is many pit falls in Thailand, which can lay in wait for those who are naive to the ways, culture, system and the dangers of living here. Such as, relationships, scams, driving, diseases, real estate, condos & property, employment, visas, health care, laws, drugs and the dos and don'ts.

I have seen the downfall of many here in the past, including the death of my best friend who got involved with the wrong crowd. I too had fallen foul of a scam here when I was naive and a victim waiting to happen.

My daughter is a part time policewoman in Chiang Mai and these days I am much more savvy now having 22 years of Thailand experience behind me.

I am willing to pass on my experiences and knowledge for free to anyone who has enquiries and is able to take advice, but have no time for idiots or for artful dodgers.

Pm me anytime and as I said, I expect nothing in return; I take pleasure in helping my fellow ex-pats.

With 22 years experience that would be appreciated by expats. Why not start a topic with a proviso that negative comments are not welcome.

Good on ya

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am deeply humbled that so many people have read about the death of my son and have taken the time to comment and send condolences. Thank you all for your kindness.

It is true that we asked the authorities and the British Embassy in Bangkok to plea to the Thai Court that Paul's murderess should be excused the death penalty - we could not see the sense or purpose of another young life being taken needlessly.

Renu Tabtim who stabbed Paul through the heart with a knife was released in June 2009 having served just over 6 years imprisonment including her time on remand.

Perhaps this is not an excessive sentence for such a wicked act but this is the judgment of Thailand and we abide by the decision.

Nearly 300 people attended Paul's funeral service in our parish church in Bury and recently a small memorial rockery was placed at the head of our cul-de-sac by neighbours.

We know that soon we will need to empty Paul's wardrobes and go through his belongings in his room, we are dreading this moment and not able to face it yet.

An innocent and treasured life was extinguished on that terrible morning in February 2003 and we are still unable to understand the reason or come to terms with our loss. Paul's death seems so pointless really.

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So her sentence was in effect cut to a 1/3rd? And she is out and free to stab the next guy she becomes jealous of?


At the same time there are guys in there serving 30 years for having some pills of E...

After-thought: Any recent pictures and notes of her location?

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So her sentence was in effect cut to a 1/3rd? And she is out and free to stab the next guy she becomes jealous of?


At the same time there are guys in there serving 30 years for having some pills of E...

After-thought: Any recent pictures and notes of her location?

truely shocking :)

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To Paul's parents, family and loved ones I offer my sympathy for your loss and wish you continued strength year by year.

To other readers here let me say this. I was once married to a Thai lady who appeared to be the loving wife and mother. But after the 3rd failed knife attack I decided my luck was going to run out one day and divorced her. Some will be wondering why I hung around after the first attempt. Let's just say that our feelings can impair our judgment. Be careful, it can happen to you.

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Nearly 300 people attended Paul's funeral service in our parish church in Bury and recently a small memorial rockery was placed at the head of our cul-de-sac by neighbours.

It is good to know that so many thought well of your son and of your family, people not only go in remembrance of your son but in respect for you.

Rest in Peace

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She's still in her 20s and is released.


Her face should be plastered everywhere and a public health warning written underneath it.

Anyone have any photos?

I can't see her mind being stable. It's not like she received therapy inside.

A sad story.

I hope Paul's family can stay strong...

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Indeed, if she was unstable before chances are she is worse now given the lack of any real care [rehabilitation] on the inside for disturbed individuals.

Here (and in the US etc, I know...not Thai bashing per se) prison is just punishment and then releasing angry individuals back into the wild, sometimes with even a wider contact-net amongst unsavory individuals and possibly a new skill or two from fellow inmates...

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is it with Thai women and Knives and scissors?

A friend had a Thai gf who was mental.

She imagined he was seeing other women........ not so, I knew him well.

In the end I rec'd a phone call one day from Don Muang.... he was on his way back to Blighty.

Scared witless of her stabbing him with scissors while asleep.

He had a top job teaching English to Thai corporations

There are some real nutters out there amongst the female population.

To Paul's family, my condolences, I can't imagine what you have been through. :)

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Came across a report on this murder while Googling for something else. Just wondering what the outcome of the trial was. Does anyone know?

Thank you so much for your interest in my son's death.

Paul went to Thailand to teach English, his mum and I bought his airline tickets and pre-paid his hotel costs as a Christmas present. In December 2003 his murderer received 18 years imprisonment which was reduced to 12 years for her original plea of 'guilty' when she was first questioned by the authorities. She told the police that she killed Paul because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women.

This wicked act took away a wonderful young life and totally destroyed our family. Our lives and hopes for the future are now in ruins.

Paul is now buried in a peaceful woodland cemetery in east Manchester, England.

The autopsy found no drug in Paul's body, this was confirmed by the British coroner.

My deepest sympathies.

She should have received the death penalty.

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I am deeply humbled that so many people have read about the death of my son and have taken the time to comment and send condolences. Thank you all for your kindness.

It is true that we asked the authorities and the British Embassy in Bangkok to plea to the Thai Court that Paul's murderess should be excused the death penalty - we could not see the sense or purpose of another young life being taken needlessly.

Renu Tabtim who stabbed Paul through the heart with a knife was released in June 2009 having served just over 6 years imprisonment including her time on remand.

Perhaps this is not an excessive sentence for such a wicked act but this is the judgment of Thailand and we abide by the decision.

Nearly 300 people attended Paul's funeral service in our parish church in Bury and recently a small memorial rockery was placed at the head of our cul-de-sac by neighbours.

We know that soon we will need to empty Paul's wardrobes and go through his belongings in his room, we are dreading this moment and not able to face it yet.

An innocent and treasured life was extinguished on that terrible morning in February 2003 and we are still unable to understand the reason or come to terms with our loss. Paul's death seems so pointless really.

Many thanks for this update; I can only imagine how difficult it must be to write this.

Could you please let the forum know more about Renu Tabtim? Her location, photo? I realise this is not a very nice thing to ask but it could help someone in future...honestly.

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