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Temporary Fillings Kits?


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As there seem to be as many dentists offices as drug stores it would make more sense to visit a real dentist and take care of the matter - a filling itself will not be that expensive. For emergency pain relief oil of clove was effective for me when in a country without dental facilities.

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Thanks for the replies.

It's just that I've got a relative visiting for a few weeks and she got a twinge in a molar the other day. As she's heading off upcountry for a few days, she asked me about these kits just in case. I think she's apprehensive about visiting a dentist out in the sticks. I thought it would put her mind at rest to have first aid on hand. She'll be returning home soon to visit her regular dentist.

When I googled temporary filling kits, there were plenty of results on sites like amazon and also on the Boots UK site but I'd never seen them here. Hence my query. Might be because there seems to be a dentist on every street corner (in Bangkok, at least).

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Couple days before New Years. I felt a twinge in a molar. Thought after the long holiday I would see the dentist. Went to bed NYE.....Woke up at 4am with the Mother of all throbbing toothaches....I was lucky to find an open pharmacy. I bought Tramadol and Amoxy with clauvonic acid 1000mg. took two of them a day and used tramadol the first day only as all the pain went away quickly. Root canal when the dentist came back from holiday.

I know this is what she is worried about so just have these two meds on hand.

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I wouldn’t count on them emergency filling kits. I tried using one before that I bought online and I ended up with a swollen cheek, and eventually went to my dentist for an emergency appointment. The dentist told me I should’ve resorted to mefenamic acid (ponstan) and amoxicillin antibiotic as a temporary fix for my tooth that’s been aching to the bones when the fillings fell off. Just make sure you have these two over-the-counter meds in your pack and see a dentist as soon as possible.

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As there seem to be as many dentists offices as drug stores it would make more sense to visit a real dentist and take care of the matter - a filling itself will not be that expensive. For emergency pain relief oil of clove was effective for me when in a country without dental facilities.

I am familiar with IRM kits. These are temporary restoration kits made of Eugenol (Clove Oil extract) and zinc oxide powder. This combo can effectively plug a number of lost fillings for a short period of time. If one ever used it be certain to peroxide/water bath the mouth and totally dry (cotton) before plugging. I have not found the over the counter kits to be worth a darn. I would recommend getting a real IRM kit if you desire one for standby. I have used such kits a number of times in "Where there is no Dentist" areas.

Edited by arjunadawn
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  • 1 month later...

Couple days before New Years. I felt a twinge in a molar. Thought after the long holiday I would see the dentist. Went to bed NYE.....Woke up at 4am with the Mother of all throbbing toothaches....I was lucky to find an open pharmacy. I bought Tramadol and Amoxy with clauvonic acid 1000mg. took two of them a day and used tramadol the first day only as all the pain went away quickly. Root canal when the dentist came back from holiday.

I know this is what she is worried about so just have these two meds on hand.

You bought Tramadol over the counter ?? Where was this..

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Couple days before New Years. I felt a twinge in a molar. Thought after the long holiday I would see the dentist. Went to bed NYE.....Woke up at 4am with the Mother of all throbbing toothaches....I was lucky to find an open pharmacy. I bought Tramadol and Amoxy with clauvonic acid 1000mg. took two of them a day and used tramadol the first day only as all the pain went away quickly. Root canal when the dentist came back from holiday.

I know this is what she is worried about so just have these two meds on hand.

You bought Tramadol over the counter ?? Where was this..

Many Pharmacy will still provide OTC. Just ask around but dress nicely when you do !! Go in with tshirt and shorts and dont be surprised when you get a No

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I had a filling fall out and needed a Root Canal filling done but had to wait for a week before I could get an appointment but I was in a lot of pain normal meds did not help much the only relief from the pain I could get was filling the tooth with toothpaste applied by my finger the pain went within about 10 minutes and I did not have to take any medication any more for the pain I do not know if this was a one off remedy or it would only work with the toothpaste I used

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I can't imagine waiting a week for an appointment in Thailand - dentists will treat immediately in such cases - and that would have likely avoided the RCT requirement.

But I have known tooth pain where there was no dental option (Dacca during the birth of Bangladesh) and a drop of Oil of Clove worked wonders in killing the pain.

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I can't imagine waiting a week for an appointment in Thailand - dentists will treat immediately in such cases - and that would have likely avoided the RCT requirement.

But I have known tooth pain where there was no dental option (Dacca during the birth of Bangladesh) and a drop of Oil of Clove worked wonders in killing the pain.

Where i live no dentist would do a Root Canal filling (they only seemed interested in was fitting Braces to teenagers which seems a fashion item at the moment) and the only time I could got to Bangkok was on a weekend and the filling fell out on a Saturday evening so i had to wait till the following weekend

The dentist in Bangkok did not believe me either about my pain relief remedy but I can only say it worked for me for nearly a week

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Did you need RCT or did you already have RCT? I assumed you had a normal filling fall out so had pain and then had to have an RCT done. If you actually had an RCT and a filling over that fell out I would not expect much pain.

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No the tooth was always open I did not have RCT and I lost the filling. The first night I had a bad pain I could not sleep even after taking painkillers, in the morning I cleaned my teeth using an electric toothbrush and really worked hard on the tooth and the pain disappeared that is what made me try putting paste directly into the tooth it meant that I had to carry toothpaste around but that was much better than having the pain

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  • 8 months later...

Not completely sure about that, but why not just get a filling or a root canal treatment instead of that kit? Dental fillings are affordable and the procedure is quick. Try having it done at Thantakit Dental if you are in Bangkok. I find their prices very competitive. Service is superb. Their building and facilities are pretty impressive too. 

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