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A sticky situation.


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Hi, been doing odd jobs outside the house today and some guy was riding up and down the road outside stopping, looking around then riding away, I noticed he had a machete strapped to his back. Turns out this bloke is after the Wife's dad and this morning his house got raided. The wife and her dad are good friends with a high ranking police officer and it turns out this guy thinks the wife's dad has grassed him up. The police have been round and said they can't do much because he hasn't hurt anyone yet. Anyway I've tooled up but I'm starting to think that off this madman comes around tonight with a few mates we may be in trouble. Apparently this guy just got out from serving a 10 year stretch and is a nutter. Ours and the in laws houses are at the top of the village and very secluded, would you hang around or go stay in the nearest hotel till things calm down?

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Why don you and your father in law borrow some big dogs for a couple of weeks they will act as a good deterrent to most people who should not be on your properties..... I hope this situation gets resolved very soon. Why can't the police give the guy a warning if he does anything he will be back inside fir a much longer term.

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Well, leaving and then returning just puts the confrontation off. Unless you send the FIL away and work on convincing the guy not to take action against him. Use the Villiage Head Man or PooYaiBan and other conections to convince the guy.....

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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

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Why don you and your father in law borrow some big dogs for a couple of weeks they will act as a good deterrent to most people who should not be on your properties..... I hope this situation gets resolved very soon. Why can't the police give the guy a warning if he does anything he will be back inside fir a much longer term.

I have 2 good guard dogs already. It was the look on the wife's dads face when he was explaining what was going on that worried me.

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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

For every MAD MAN there's somebody that's even nuttier.

The simple solution to this is to employ someone to take care of business. I normally avail myself in these situations however I'm abroad now upsetting folk a million miles away, plus I'm

Old and past it.....almost 55555. I'm talking about a body guard, if you will WINKWINK NUDGE NUDGE!

Maybe start a rumour around town that your house is haunted. That will help.

Watch the movie 'Rambo' first blood, tool up and rig your yard with defences......my ex mother in law was a great deferent......if I could get her into a cage I'd send her over to you.

Check your health insurance to make sure it's current. Finally, RELAX, most machete deaths are reasonable quick.


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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

For every MAD MAN there's somebody that's even nuttier.

The simple solution to this is to employ someone to take care of business. I normally avail myself in these situations however I'm abroad now upsetting folk a million miles away, plus I'm

Old and past it.....almost 55555. I'm talking about a body guard, if you will WINKWINK NUDGE NUDGE!

Maybe start a rumour around town that your house is haunted. That will help.

Watch the movie 'Rambo' first blood, tool up and rig your yard with defences......my ex mother in law was a great deferent......if I could get her into a cage I'd send her over to you.

Check your health insurance to make sure it's current. Finally, RELAX, most machete deaths are reasonable quick.


I've watched the Rambo movies and believe you me I'd like nothing better more than John J Rambo and his machine gun sitting next to me now!
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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

BUT he's not a member of this forum and subject to forum rules YOU are.

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does your wife's dad live there or somewhere else?
your wife's safety is at risk as well. if your in a real isolated location i would not do nights there unless things were well fortified.

would be worried about home invasion.

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Run up and down the fenceline on your hands and knees barking like a dog. I did that once and now the whole village won't come near me.

It was the way you cocked your leg on every second fence post that most scared people, although others were amused by the gravel rash on your testicles as they dragged behind you thru the gravel.

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If the nutter is going around advertising the fact of what he is going to do it could just be scare tactics, maybe it's possible for your father-in-law or wife to apply for a gun licence and buy a small pistol, in fact even if they don't buy a gun, if they spread the word around that the father-in-law has one it may stop everything.

I had something of the sort happen to my family, after a failed romance with my step daughter who was 15 at the time a 20 year old was very persistent in continuing the relationship. His grandfather who i met by chance in the village shop told me proudly that his grandson was considering breaking into my house at night and raping her. I told him that i had a samuri sword at home and that if the little swine broke into my house at night i had the right to kill him and i would take his head off. All the persistence stopped.

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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

It would be nice to know the details as to why the nut job is on to the father in law....about what?...what is the story here.??

Let us know


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....some might say that the father-in-law is acting guilty...otherwise what would he have to fear...

...and the lack of any police intervention might reinforce that...

...it is not your fight...

...and hope you don't get caught in the middle.....

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"Sorry honey, I just remembered some urgent visa business I need to attend to in <fill in country or your choosing with cute chicks, cheap hotels and food and no machete wielding psychos> immediately. See you next month"

Here's a few pointers should you decide to stay...

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Please note: ANY posts suggesting or advocating the use of violence or operating outside the law will be removed without notice.

Thank you.

He's operating outside the law, he's advocating the use of violence. Turns out he's been down to the headmans house and told him what he's gonna do. He's also been down to the local boxing teacher threatening him and he's a tough nut. Nobody knows were he is now and the police don't seem to give a monkey's.

It would be nice to know the details as to why the nut job is on to the father in law....about what?...what is the story here.??

Let us know

It's either money or honey.

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