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Krabi Immigration - Applying for my Second Extension of Stay - Retirement.

I have researched many dozens of TVF Threads and Posts on this subject. I have learned much - but find I still need clarification.

Does anyone have any questions or suggestions about this listing, explanation or approach?


Second Extension of Stay Based On Retirement Application to be done on or before March 11, 2106

(Almost everything is the same as the previous approved Extension Application last year)

My Situation and Meeting Requirements as follows:

- TM.7 Extension Application Form completed.

- Passport (signed copies of each page) - including the current Extension of Stay Stamped Page.

- Passport type photo for TM.7

- Last Departure Card TM.6 and copies

- Apartment Rental Agreement Original with copy of Owner's Thai ID card and house ownership papers

Proof of meeting Financial Requirements - (For 'Combo' - Income and Savings Method):

(Note: The total of my Social Security Monthly Payments Received for the 12 months prior to this Extension Application Date - PLUS my Savings Balance Exceeds the 800,000 Baht / Baht Equivalent... Specifically - the Savings Account Balance is more than enough to meet 800,000 Baht when added to the Monthly S.S. Benefits Total for the year). The Total of My 12 months of Social Security Benefits comprises about 81% of the total 800,000 Baht / Baht Equivalent needed... Savings equals remaining percentage.

- U.S. Embassy Letter/Affidavit stating income each month.

- Bangkok Bank Book (original) and copies. (Savings Account opened on January 8, 2016).

(as per suggestions from other posts - I will make a small deposit or withdraw on the day of the Applicatio)

- Bank form letter stating that I am owner of account and current balance ... signed by Bank Employee. To be Done as close to the Application Date as possible.

For Backup documentation I have or I can produce:

- ATM Withdraw Receipts for most all of 2015 - U.S. Bank - withdraws taken in Thailand

- U.S. Bank Statements for 2015/16 showing Social Security Monthly Deposits - from On-Line Statements

- A Form Letter on the U.S. Social Security Administration Letterhead stating the amount of my current monthly benefit payment.

- An Itemized Ledger of my Social Security Benefits payments for 2015 - produced by the U.S. Social Security Admin. Website.

Also - please let me know if I have assumed, miss-assumed or misunderstood something, or otherwise got it wrong as to what I should do. I am seeking kindly offered clarification and advice. I am open to amending my approach. Have I left anything out as to what I should do?


you seem to have it well covered until a poster comes along and tells its not the same at their office

or of course IO is having a bad hair day male/female

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