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Why are there so many farang problem drinkers in Thailand?


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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

So you come to a place without f«»k all to do for your holidays - and then comment about it?......

You land here by accident?

Hahaha....love it.

"Where u going?" "Oh, i'm just flying half way round the world to do fk all, get bored, moan about it, then come home!" 55555

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"Rough numbers of 70%+ of expats Ive met in Bangkok,Pattaya,Hua Hin, Phuket have a drinking problem"

And all the expats I know in CM spend their time running, hiking and cycling.

Maybe you need to change your circle of friends, and hang out somewhere else.

Same as you and me have different opinion about Thai girls.. it all depends who you are and with who you hang out. (if your the gym type your friend circle will obviously be gym guys too)

I can only imagine the OP is hanging out a lot in bars.

Like you I don't know any problem drinking farangs, but I don't visit bars that much.

There was only two problem drinkers in our group when I first come to stay in Thailand ten years ago an American and a Brit. they are now dead.
No one comes out of this alive mate, not even non-drinkers....might as well enjoy the ride.
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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

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What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

Well the thread is about problem drinking. What's the point of coming here to say I have one cup of mint tea a day? It adds nothing of value

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Oh I see

Only those with addiction issues can comment on the topic?

OK gotcha

No go back and read the title. It's about commenting on people who have addictions.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.
It must be only you mate....i love a good swear, my mrs uses some of them in public, and i have to say "shh, don't say that here", and she says, "oh, its ok, they are Thai, they don't understand anyway"....bless her.

A class act no doubt.


Don't talk about my wife in that tone, thats worse than swearing, have some respect, buy me a drink, and i'll forgive you....555

(She doesn't even know the meaning, so she's not bad really) just hope ahe doesn't teach her class that in school, 555

Edited by Ghostnigel
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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.
It must be only you mate....i love a good swear, my mrs uses some of them in public, and i have to say "shh, don't say that here", and she says, "oh, its ok, they are Thai, they don't understand anyway"....bless her.

A class act no doubt.


Don't talk about my wife in that tone, thats worse than swearing, have some respect, buy me a drink, and i'll forgive you....555

(She doesn't even know the meaning, so she's not bad really) just hope ahe doesn't teach her class that in school, 555

Are you from the UK? It seems to be a regional thing, it seems to me that the nearer to London you get the stronger the language becomes. I had a friend in France who came from the East End of London, sober he was a great guy, but after 2 glasses of wine you could watch him deteriate into a drunken sot. It was not nice to have guests round for dinner and know he would kick off, he admitted that he was a bad drunk. He lost a lot of friends in France through his behaviour. My mother instilled it into me not to swear, and even today I find it very offensive. Does it not bother these people that there may be ladies about, or are they just to drunk/selfish to bother.

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.
It must be only you mate....i love a good swear, my mrs uses some of them in public, and i have to say "shh, don't say that here", and she says, "oh, its ok, they are Thai, they don't understand anyway"....bless her.

A class act no doubt.


Don't talk about my wife in that tone, thats worse than swearing, have some respect, buy me a drink, and i'll forgive you....555

(She doesn't even know the meaning, so she's not bad really) just hope ahe doesn't teach her class that in school, 555

Are you from the UK? It seems to be a regional thing, it seems to me that the nearer to London you get the stronger the language becomes. I had a friend in France who came from the East End of London, sober he was a great guy, but after 2 glasses of wine you could watch him deteriate into a drunken sot. It was not nice to have guests round for dinner and know he would kick off, he admitted that he was a bad drunk. He lost a lot of friends in France through his behaviour. My mother instilled it into me not to swear, and even today I find it very offensive. Does it not bother these people that there may be ladies about, or are they just to drunk/selfish to bother.


A good woman can make you feel strong, sexy, and can take on the world!.....sorry, that's beer...beer does that, 55555

Talking of beer, i ran out of beer earlier, i had to talk to my family...they seem like nice people.

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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

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After being around alcoholics and drunkards I would choose to be around the pot heads ...given a choice.

Cannabus ( deliberately spelled that way ) is proving itself to be a better choice as compared to alcohol.

Of course the 2 intoxicants..so to speak, have a different effect on people while many people try Marawana ( again deliberately spelled that way ) and do not like it...but the majority tend to love the alcohol when they first try it and keep on coming back for more.

And of course there is the legal alcohol factor verses the illegal Marawana factor that steers people more so towards alcohol as their choice of self indulging intoxication while you can consume alcohol in far more places than you can as compared to illegally smoking Cannabus

Alcohol being a liquid and all is something that is considered by everyone as having a useful purpose besides just consuming enough to get a buzz ranging from feeling mellow to outright falling down drunk.

An alcoholic drink served with food is as common as asking for water with your meal.

If the various forms of Alcohol were the only kind of liquid available and you needed something to drink to survive...well then.... alcohol to the rescue.

Marawana, on the other hand, is not going to help you to survive in the same manner as alcoholic refreshments would if you were in need of the essentials to survive.

I guess You could eat the Marawana and it would help you survive if there was no food available but eating the Cananbus would make you feel thirsty and then.... you would drink all the alcohol ...lol

Meantime people that drink a lot commonly enjoy being drunk ( obviously ) rather than being sober as they commonly like themselves better when drunk more so than when they are sober while many of their friends also like them better when they are partly drunk or good and drunk.

End result is there are all kinds of seemingly good reasons to drink alcohol and get your alcoholic buzz on the go all the time, and why not everyday, while the friends you associate with and get drunk with commonly have a lot to do with how much you like to drink as everyone drinking, more or less, encourages one another to drink all the more ...and meet again for some drinks.... and start all over again because you have a whole lot of wild and crazy, zany fun while consuming all that alcohol.

It is a major social pastime world wide while the potential fun factor and all the fun to be had is the basis of the drinking...and the imagined possibilities...like meeting girls and hopefully get laid ( Get Lucky ) as drinking and womanizing go hand in hand ...like carrots and peas

However...after 30 to 40 years of drinking and getting drunk all too often most people suffer the ramifications of that much alcohol and while many could quit drinking they just can not bring themselves to live without any alcohol as part of their daily routine....so everywhere they go they are drinking alcohol as their form of liquid refreshment and commonly no other kind of liquid(s)...not even water.

Most will do just fine drinking all the time up until they die ...but ....a notable percent fall by the wayside and their lives are ruined from alcohol while most people that do not drink feel no sympathy for the drinker who drank themselves to death.


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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

Well the thread is about problem drinking. What's the point of coming here to say I have one cup of mint tea a day? It adds nothing of value

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Oh I see

Only those with addiction issues can comment on the topic?

OK gotcha

No go back and read the title. It's about commenting on people who have addictions.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I don't need to go back and read the title because I'm not being anal about what constitutes a worthwhile comment on this thread.

If you'd like to do that, might I suggest you apply for a position as a moderator?

"Only those with addiction issues can comment on this topic?"

That was you asking me a question. I responded but if you can't handle the truth then Why ask.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

Well the thread is about problem drinking. What's the point of coming here to say I have one cup of mint tea a day? It adds nothing of value

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Oh I see

Only those with addiction issues can comment on the topic?

OK gotcha

No go back and read the title. It's about commenting on people who have addictions.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I don't need to go back and read the title because I'm not being anal about what constitutes a worthwhile comment on this thread.

If you'd like to do that, might I suggest you apply for a position as a moderator?

"Only those with addiction issues can comment on this topic?"

That was you asking me a question. I responded but if you can't handle the truth then Why ask.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

You don't know what a rhetorical question is, do you?

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I drink more than I should do, for sure - and I'm pretty certain there are expats around that drink more than me.

Problem drinking is definitely a thing here. Seems odd to pretend otherwise.

So - why DO you tend to drink more here than you should?.....

(if it's the lost umbrella we'll chip in and get you another one)

Edited by pgrahmm
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I drink more than I should do, for sure - and I'm pretty certain there are expats around that drink more than me.

Problem drinking is definitely a thing here. Seems odd to pretend otherwise.

So - why DO you tend to drink more here than you should?.....

I like a drink. There's not much more to it than that really.

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand
There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

So you come to a place without f«»k all to do for your holidays - and then comment about it?......

You land here by accident?

Hahaha....love it.

"Where u going?" "Oh, i'm just flying half way round the world to do fk all, get bored, moan about it, then come home!" 55555


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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand
There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

So you come to a place without f«»k all to do for your holidays - and then comment about it?......

You land here by accident?

Hahaha....love it.

"Where u going?" "Oh, i'm just flying half way round the world to do fk all, get bored, moan about it, then come home!" 55555

Ok happy for you I not care what you are doing I am just saying about why I think they drink all day , your life not my life to drink your self to death as the stupid thai saying is up to you

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

I was talking about the drinkers. You know, the people the thread is about? The people you referred to in the post I was replying to?

No-one is starting on you. Calm down.


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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

So you come to a place without f«»k all to do for your holidays - and then comment about it?......

You land here by accident?

You are brain dead , did you read what I am saying I am not talking about me I am talking about the drinks.

I have lots to do here so before you go on about someone read , read .

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

Maybe all you do is bang hookers when you come here once a year as part of a Chinese tour group but many people here have interests that go beyond that

I think lots of you on here are Barin dead read what I am saying, it is not about me .

And I am not like you to bang hookers as you think I am .

If you are so smart you tell me what a full timers get up to all day in thailand apart from drinking not all but most .

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

It sure beats ranting on here all day, every day.

Very , very true but I not get on here every day like you , I just have a look to see the smart quotes to lean about things in thailand and and there is some good quotes on here .

You see I just made a quote about drinking not about me and I for one am a non drinking but if you are a drinker I not care not my life your life .

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You need to broaden your horizons.Every farang i know has no problem and handles his piss quite well.

Then you need to open your eyes and start reading about the trouble people from the west get in to in thailand and back in there home country .

The word f????g is racist and you for one if you come from the west you should know not a good saying.

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

Maybe all you do is bang hookers when you come here once a year as part of a Chinese tour group but many people here have interests that go beyond that

I think lots of you on here are Barin dead read what I am saying, it is not about me .

And I am not like you to bang hookers as you think I am .

If you are so smart you tell me what a full timers get up to all day in thailand apart from drinking not all but most .

We have the numerous localised forums on TV, Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Isaan and many more.

Why not start another one, especially for people who do not live here, but spend all day commenting about the country and its residents, both Thais and farang.

I think it would be very popular, especially numbers wise, and could be named the 'Wanna be forum'.

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You need to broaden your horizons.Every farang i know has no problem and handles his piss quite well.

Then you need to open your eyes and start reading about the trouble people from the west get in to in thailand and back in there home country .

The word f????g is racist and you for one if you come from the west you should know not a good saying.

Yes, the west is such a wonderful place !

A place where you can't even say a black person is black and where all your washing has to go in the same load because it would be discrimination to separate the whites from the coloureds.

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Because they is f??k all for them to do in thailand

There's plenty to do. But you won't discover it sat on a bar stool.
Who told you I seat on a bar stool , that how smart you thing you are , you try and make a comment on me you need to look at your self I am a non drinker so that is how much you know about me .

If you are so smart you tell me what else they can do .

And before you start on me I don't live here , or do I want to live here I have a home back home to go to , I just come here on holidays .

So you come to a place without f«»k all to do for your holidays - and then comment about it?......

You land here by accident?

You are brain dead , did you read what I am saying I am not talking about me I am talking about the drinks.

I have lots to do here so before you go on about someone read , read .

There's 5 "I's" in the latest quote....Throw the first one about the bar stool away.....

The other 4 are all first person descriptives of me me me me.....

And it's not about you?

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Serious question? It comes across as inane and quite disingenuous.

Interested in your facts and survey method.

Last summer in downtown Seattle at lunch time... bars/pubs and restaurants packed with people eating and consuming beers... ALL of them drunks and losers.
I mostly buy imported beer and keep it at home... love a beer and peanuts before making dinner and often drink a beer while cooking... I am a loser drunk.
After a good workout, hike, bike ride, swim or yoga I love a cold beer... my sports drink. I am a self-destructing problem drinker with no life and no hope in sight.

I am in complete denial.

I came here on a plane load of other drunks, they even served free booze, with the promise of rehab sponsorship by my home country. Instead I am living with 70% of others with drinking problems and we gather every morning at 11am in front of 7-11 waiting for the clerk to unlock the beer section so we can get hammered.... 5555

Edited by Nowisee
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Serious question? It comes across as inane and quite disingenuous.

Interested in your facts and survey method.

Last summer in downtown Seattle at lunch time... bars/pubs and restaurants packed with people eating and consuming beers... ALL of them drunks and losers.

I mostly buy imported beer and keep it at home... love a beer and peanuts before making dinner and often drink a beer while cooking... I am a loser drunk.

After a good workout, hike, bike ride, swim or yoga I love a cold beer... my sports drink. I am a self-destructing problem drinker with no life and no hope in sight.

I am in complete denial.

I came here on a plane load of other drunks, they even served free booze, with the promise of rehab sponsorship by my home country. Instead I am living with 70% of others with drinking problems and we gather every morning at 11am in front of 7-11 waiting for the clerk to unlock the beer section so we can get hammered.... 5555

Then what happens at 2.00pm?

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You need to broaden your horizons.Every farang i know has no problem and handles his piss quite well.

Then you need to open your eyes and start reading about the trouble people from the west get in to in thailand and back in there home country .

The word f????g is racist and you for one if you come from the west you should know not a good saying.

Yes, the west is such a wonderful place !

A place where you can't even say a black person is black and where all your washing has to go in the same load because it would be discrimination to separate the whites from the coloureds.

Of course you can say a black person is black.

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You need to broaden your horizons.Every farang i know has no problem and handles his piss quite well.

Then you need to open your eyes and start reading about the trouble people from the west get in to in thailand and back in there home country .

The word f????g is racist and you for one if you come from the west you should know not a good saying.

Yes, the west is such a wonderful place !

A place where you can't even say a black person is black and where all your washing has to go in the same load because it would be discrimination to separate the whites from the coloureds.

Of course you can say a black person is black.

Yes you can, that is if you aren't white.

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