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EU reform draft to avoid Brexit


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So at the moment they can claim benefits for children that are not even in the UK, not even UK citizens and probably have never set foot in the UK..... That is outrageous and no wonder the likes of Poland and Hungary don't want to give concessions. Their economies are bleeding the likes of Britain dry.... Disgusting!!!

Nothing wrong with them coming to work in Britain but it should be for Britain's benefit and not because they think it's benefits Britain.

And Cameron is so desperate, he will probably go for for this one,the continuation of Benefit Britain!

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Cameron asked the EU for next to nothing and he got even less. The mood here is for an out vote as the total negativity of the remain campaign has simply consisted of scaremongering about what will happen if we leave. They are today now saying that they might even throw out whatever is agreed after the vote so he is basically asking the mug public to TRUST both HIM and the EU which isn't going to go down well at all.

Saying all that there is a serious risk of there being nothing to vote to leave if the immigration and the financial trouble continues unabated !

I was gonna write pretty much what you have said, but you wrote it better, because you said it without swearing....makes me spit feathers, and i don't even live there anymore...

With what was on the table, Cameron came away with a paupers breakfast,of course it will be talked up into a lord mayor banquet,let us pray our kinsmen also don't fall for this Blatent B*** S****

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The UK needs to focus on getting more manufacturing and more exports regardless of Brexit. It now runs a huge trade deficit as a percentage with the #1 origin being German goods and #2 being China. Brits should get riled up about supporting Germany and China so much, but even that won't help if the UK doesn't ramp up it own manufacturing. Look how Thailand has benefited by manufacturing - even manufacturing for others. Look at how China has done the same but on a much bigger scale.

Manufacturing is the only significant way for a country to "create new wealth" unless it has massive amounts of farmland. Look at various countries in Asia that have small land masses but have long been focused on manufacturing.

There's only so much wealth in the world to pass around and the only way to get more of it is to create new wealth. A crop coming out of the ground is new wealth. Iron being made into steel is new wealth. Oil coming out of the ground is new wealth. Steel, glass and plastic (all new wealth in themselves when made) being molded into a new car is a lot of new wealth.

The UK needs to focus like a laser on obtaining manufacturing because it isn't going to find new farmland and perhaps not new oil. Germany is eating the UK's lunch with manufacturing and sadly, so is China. A bit off topic but look at how Americans are drooling at the promise of bringing jobs back from China and Mexico. The people can see how this has hurt the middle class. Once proud manufacturing cities like Detroit are in ruins.

In or out of the EU, "trading partners" aren't going to matter if the UK has little to trade. When the UK buys so much more than it sells, that's a harbinger of decline. It would take a change of thinking about taxing companies that want to provide jobs, but the UK needs to provide incentives for manufacturers to move in. The new wealth they create is paid mostly out as payroll.

I hope the UK gets out of the EU and starts focusing on the UK and its needs. The members of the EU will still be there wanting trade. Anything else is a bluff.


value can be added on intermediate steps other than the actual manufacture

Finance, innovation , distribution, logistics, etc


Innovation yes, the others require existing wealth to function. They take care of existing wealth. The UK needs to create more new wealth so that everyone isn't trying to live from the same basket.

this is a global economy,In a global economy, not every country needs or can be a manufacturing country,

Do that which you do best and pay others to do that which they do best

Back on the subject of Brexit, I was under the impression that the EU was a Union of Equals. Different but Equal.

If each country is allowed to negotiate it;s own special deal, then the ones with a stronger negotiating position will negotiate an unequal union.

At some point one will need to remove the "U" from the EU

IMO, in order that the EU remains viable, a few countries need to exit. And not the ones everybody thinks of.

UK is one, Germany is an other, this would devalue the Euro and make the remaining EU stronger.

Certainly Germany needs to Exit

Once The remaining EU countries economies recover, and are on equal standing with Germany's, Germany can re-join.

Anyway , not an expert on the subject, not even close, Just food for thought from things I read.

Edited by sirineou
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