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Obama takes on Donald Trump


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"Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


I think you missed the point. Trump got EVERYTHING through money and international home politics and trying to keep everyone safe and secure, despite what cynics say, is a whole lot more than Trump's abilities.

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Every politician is a politician because it gives him ................money. Trump doesn't need money. He knows how to govern the business and country is a business with millions of people working there for their own benefit and for the benefit of the country they work for. What Americans achieved in the last 20 years of mismanagement? Lost lives in the wars they were forced to start with phony pretexts based of pure lies, plenty of injured solders, trillions of dollars of cost in the hole every American has to pay for who know how long and the hate from the Muslims, and plenty of other countries. It could be nice to see America strong inside and out with people believing again the great Americans dream, which could be again achievable. Political bullshit we hear for so many years has to stop, so the lies published for years on main media brainwashing American public and the world.

Oh, I forgot one thing, all those Christians fundamentalist believe the solar system is 6, 000 years old instead of 4, 56,000,000 years old. How imbeciles, who can't think can make an educated decision ?


American would be great again if they stop meddling with Middle East affairs and making themselves a target of the muslim world. Trump may be business savy, but that doesn't equate to being able to run a country. The things he say is unbelievable, he really knows nothing about foreign policies.

Again the only reason why America messes with the MIddle East is for their own politcal and economic agenda, but I think they loose more than they gain in regards to stability in their own country.

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All I really see here are a ton of posters who either do not know what they are talking about when they post, or are just trolling for Trump.

Considering the state of matters when Obama took office if they don't see and understand the the improvements/turnaround under his admin, they’re either blatantly altering history to suit their talking points – or they have absolutely no damn idea (I'll repeat myself) what it is that they’re talking about.

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Delusional wingnuts rage on. You can't reason or explain ANYTHING to these people—they’re beyond hope. Stuck in this bizarre koolaid slurping world of misogyny, xenophobia and just pure hate. Everybody is out to get them and only Republicans can save the universe. coffee1.gif

I just can't resist making fun of them.

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Trump replied expertly....

If a man who had only limited experience as a "Community Leader" got to be elected twice...despite his failures, then why can't an extremely successful business man, who takes crap from nobody, do the same? What makes Obama so praiseworthy? What right does he have to put down Trump?

Not saying that either one is qualified...but if Abe Lincoln got elected....then why not Donald?

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The fact that Obama said what he did about Trump shows how scared the Dems are. They know with HC and Bernie they will loose. The folks from socialist countries posting on here are used to the gov. cradle to grave benefits lifestyle. The USA is not ready for that. The Dems want nothing more than to make the population government dependent.

It's embarrassing to have HC and Bernie represent the Dems.

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I can't remember any sitting President ever interfering in an opposition party primary as Obama has done.

General election certainly, but not the primaries.

Obama needs to worry about fixing his legacy, Obamacare, during the last few months of his reign. Maybe he can stop the death spiral.

Let the DNC worry about the Republican primary.

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Two pieces of garbage that can both walk hand-in-hand into a prison and locked the doors behind them for the rest of their lives.....

oh right,,,,,,and meanwhile GW Bush he of 4000+ American deaths over a war created under deceit, Guantanamo, torture, authorizing the CIA's extraordinary rendition, he walks around free as a bird happily painting away huh?

Give it a rest, you're being dramatic.

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Two pieces of garbage that can both walk hand-in-hand into a prison and locked the doors behind them for the rest of their lives.....

oh right,,,,,,and meanwhile GW Bush he of 4000+ American deaths over a war created under deceit, Guantanamo, torture, authorizing the CIA's extraordinary rendition, he walks around free as a bird happily painting away huh?

Give it a rest, you're being dramatic.

Talk about over the top dramatics...

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NBC News/WSJ post-Saturday debate survey released this morning (our time) shows a collapse in support for Trump.

Ted Cruz is at 28% nationally and Trump is at 26% nationally.

Admittedly this survey which is the first reputable one since the Saturday debate is an outlier. It is however consistent with what political pros have been saying, which is that as the field is reduced of candidates, voters will distribute among survivors other than Trump. This would be true because Trump has a limited appeal, i.e., rightwhingenuts and whack job losers.

The salient question is whether this survey captures something temporary or the beginning of the end of Donald Trump for potus. It sounds like Trump has maxed out.

Trump is still on course for a big (if reduced) win in South Carolina but he did offend many Republicans there too by attacking their boy GW Bush over the Iraq war and 9/11.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Falls Behind Cruz in New NBC/WSJ POLL


I still believe that the Donald never wanted to be POTUS, but just wanted to stir things up. It was only when he became popular that he was persuaded to try.

If he isn't selected, he might try as an independent, but IMO more likely to just go back to his life, and regale his friends with funny stories about all the losers that he met on the trail. He REALLY doesn't need the agro of being POTUS with a house that despises him.

The bad thing about it all, is that none of the other candidates, of both parties are worth getting excited about. It's all just professional pollies wanting to get their snouts in a bigger trough. I don't consider Carson to be running now- he's just a dead man walking. His backers are probably waiting to tell him to stop after the next primary, unless he really surprises us with a big win.

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Well the Chump should stop worrying about Obama, he's not in the race...


OMG The Donald is a whole TWO points behind Cruz- it's the end of the world as we know it, LOL.

Bush should bow out quietly while he still has some dignity. Well beaten by Carson, someone never been in politics before. 5555555555555.

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Trump as president would be the same as letting Taksin rule america, A greedy self obsessed businessman that has zero interest in a countries best interests but will fill their boots at every opertunity. Then leave the country in tatters and divide..

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I'm not a fan, but they all confessed and were convicted by two different courts. Who can blame Trump for calling for the death penalty?

Confessions under duress are invalid, the ads poisoned the jury pool.

No DNA evidence, the Don jumped the gun, but it's o.k. as his mobster cohorts will always have his back.

Not presidential material, period.

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“I continue to believe that Mr. Trump will not be President. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people...." The same people that elected O. TWICE cheesy.gif

Right ! Because the alternative was to turn back to the people who tanked the country. Keep up mate. At least he was elected, and if you don't understand that, you're really behind.

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Wow, Cruz is really taunting our Donald. He's let out a campaign ad where the Chump, in an old interview, states categorically that he is pro-choice.

Trump's lawyers sent him a cease and desist letter, claiming it's defamatory <?!>.

He then dared Donald to sue him.

This is getting fun!

Ted Cruz mocked Donald Trump tonight as he addressed the billionaire's lawsuit threat against him.

'I'll confess I laughed out loud,' he said of a cease and desist letter Trump's lawyers sent him,

Cruz relied on his 20 years practicing law as he proclaimed it 'really pressed the bounds of the most frivolous and ridiculous letters I've ever seen.'

Trump wants him to pull an attack and the businessman's lawyers are labeling defamatory because it presents old clips of the Republican advocating positions he says he no longer holds.

'It is quite literally the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard, that telling the voters what Donald Trump's actual record is, is deceitful and lying,' Cruz said tonight at a televised CNN town hall.


Edited by Chicog
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“I continue to believe that Mr. Trump will not be President. And the reason is because I have a lot of faith in the American people...." The same people that elected O. TWICE cheesy.gif

Right ! Because the alternative was to turn back to the people who tanked the country. Keep up mate. At least he was elected, and if you don't understand that, you're really behind.

Sooooooo, if the Donald is ELECTED, you'll accept it then?????????

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I never understand why the election process is such a drawn out afair. In Canada if they call a election it usually over in a month. As one that lived north of the border of the US it gets tiresome having to listen to for a year. Maybe it's big money or tv.ratings I don't know bUT I think they need over haul their whole process.

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Wow, Cruz is really taunting our Donald. He's let out a campaign ad where the Chump, in an old interview, states categorically that he is pro-choice.

Trump's lawyers sent him a cease and desist letter, claiming it's defamatory <?!>.

He then dared Donald to sue him.

This is getting fun!

Ted Cruz mocked Donald Trump tonight as he addressed the billionaire's lawsuit threat against him.

'I'll confess I laughed out loud,' he said of a cease and desist letter Trump's lawyers sent him,

Cruz relied on his 20 years practicing law as he proclaimed it 'really pressed the bounds of the most frivolous and ridiculous letters I've ever seen.'

Trump wants him to pull an attack and the businessman's lawyers are labeling defamatory because it presents old clips of the Republican advocating positions he says he no longer holds.

'It is quite literally the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard, that telling the voters what Donald Trump's actual record is, is deceitful and lying,' Cruz said tonight at a televised CNN town hall.


No doubt working on the principle that any publicity is good publicity.

Let's not forget that Obama was against same sex marriage till he was for it etc etc etc.

All polies lie and change their minds depending on the polls, so nothing unusual about what the Donald is doing.

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Delusional wingnuts rage on. You can't reason or explain ANYTHING to these people—they’re beyond hope. Stuck in this bizarre koolaid slurping world of misogyny, xenophobia and just pure hate. Everybody is out to get them and only Republicans can save the universe. coffee1.gif

I just can't resist making fun of them.

You sure picked the wrong U tube to try and make fun of the Donald. If that was the real Donald, he did OK and Colbert didn't get the hoped for fiasco. No doubt they had to have a man with a placard saying "boo" at the end to try and make the Donald look bad.

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Wow, Cruz is really taunting our Donald. He's let out a campaign ad where the Chump, in an old interview, states categorically that he is pro-choice.

Trump's lawyers sent him a cease and desist letter, claiming it's defamatory <?!>.

He then dared Donald to sue him.

This is getting fun!

Ted Cruz mocked Donald Trump tonight as he addressed the billionaire's lawsuit threat against him.

'I'll confess I laughed out loud,' he said of a cease and desist letter Trump's lawyers sent him,

Cruz relied on his 20 years practicing law as he proclaimed it 'really pressed the bounds of the most frivolous and ridiculous letters I've ever seen.'

Trump wants him to pull an attack and the businessman's lawyers are labeling defamatory because it presents old clips of the Republican advocating positions he says he no longer holds.

'It is quite literally the most ridiculous theory I've ever heard, that telling the voters what Donald Trump's actual record is, is deceitful and lying,' Cruz said tonight at a televised CNN town hall.


No doubt working on the principle that any publicity is good publicity.

Let's not forget that Obama was against same sex marriage till he was for it etc etc etc.

All polies lie and change their minds depending on the polls, so nothing unusual about what the Donald is doing.

Really? Threatening to sue a competitor for "Defamation" simply for pointing out the flip flop?

I don't think so.

I realise that threatening litigation has been one of Chump's favourite business tactics over the years, but I really don't think it's going to work now.

What can he do? If he sues, he'll look ridiculous. If he doesn't he'll look weak.

A win win for Cruz I would say.


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I never understand why the election process is such a drawn out afair. In Canada if they call a election it usually over in a month. As one that lived north of the border of the US it gets tiresome having to listen to for a year. Maybe it's big money or tv.ratings I don't know bUT I think they need over haul their whole process.

Awww. Poor thing. "Tiresome" for you up there is it? "Have to listen to it" do you? 'Can't really imagine how or why that is, but my heart bleeds. Turn the channel or deal with it; we could care less.

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I can't remember any sitting President ever interfering in an opposition party primary as Obama has done.

General election certainly, but not the primaries.

Obama needs to worry about fixing his legacy, Obamacare, during the last few months of his reign. Maybe he can stop the death spiral.

Let the DNC worry about the Republican primary.

Interfering? Fixing his legacy? Worry? Jesus wept, it's Donald Trump, the xenophobic buffoon leading the Republican race. How do you not talk about him? Besides it probably helped him having Obama mention him. I hope it did. He's a terrible candidate with very narrow appeal even among the wingnuts.

You do remember who was President before Obama? That was someone whose legacy is unfixable, yet there he is on the stump for his brother. I can't remember that happening before, if you want some outrage.

Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents. Considering what he has had to put up with from an opposition that constantly lied and was dedicated to stopping him from accomplishing anything, he is the best President. The first black President, he's an inspiration.

On the other hand there is Donald Trump, an embarrassment for all of America. All these worthless Republican candidates are as well. They're pathetic.

The only thing in a death spiral is the Republican party with Donald Trump leading the lemmings off a cliff.

Democrats should start the party. It will never be close. There is an excellent chance of taking the Senate along with the Presidency.

Edited by Pinot
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Trump can kick as many people he likes off a reality TV show. Be he seriously can't become President and kick out every Congressman and Senator he doesn't agree with.The law has checks and balances that would not allow him to do as he likes. Even though he thinks he can. There is a big difference between reality TV and the reality of the real world that Trump doesn't care to live.

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