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Obama takes on Donald Trump


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I never understand why the election process is such a drawn out afair. In Canada if they call a election it usually over in a month. As one that lived north of the border of the US it gets tiresome having to listen to for a year. Maybe it's big money or tv.ratings I don't know bUT I think they need over haul their whole process.

Turn on the Canadian news and tune out the American news if you don't like it. As an American, I want them going through a meat grinder.

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I lived on the Canadian border with Michigan . 60 minutes and your in Detroit. Been going down there all my life with my dad going to the speed shops.

Car stuff. Going to the car show at Cobo and concerts. I worked in Louisiana and Texas. Joe Louis area to see the Wings even the old Olympia arena.

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Obama had 'done' exactly nothing when he became POTUS? Define nothing. In the interim here's a Cliff Notes recap: Prior to becoming President, Obama served four years in the U.S. Senate. Before that, he was a state senator for eight years. As a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School Obama taught Constitutional Law - Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process. Prior to that he graduated from Columbia University. Then after a stint as a finserv analyst he became a community organizer in Chicago before going to Harvard Law School. At Harvard he became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Out of all that all you see is 'community organizer'. How Sarah Palin of you - birds of a feather.

Thank you! Finally! I have repeated throughout these forums that Obama may be many things but he is not stupid/inexperienced. People like Trump and others repeatedly parody Obama as some buffoon, stumbling his way through bad decisions, with terrible results- one after another, year after year. As your chronology suggests, if accurate, there is great deliberation and determination in a trajectory like Obama's past. Certainly, such a sterling and ascendant rise could not possibly result in 7 years of mistakes of a dolt, an amateur, a novice.

It totally supports my position that one has to be intent on destroying a nation to have every single policy go bad, every effort blowback or empower jihad, every real index depreciate and bottom out, or produce adverse consequence to America,. No fool could stumble around in policy and get everything wrong; not like this. Sooner or later, statistically even, an idiot would get things right. No so Obama, every single thing results in a debasement of culture and disassembly of all things America. With such exacting outcomes and, by his own admission, nothing he regrets, Obama clearly is not the stumbling oaf without resume, he is tireless in pursuing every outcome we note. Clearly Obama has done a great deal before and after becoming president.

Obama is proof of the capacity of humans to assemble anything they set their sights on, even when the goal is disassembly.

At first I thought you just supported Obama, but on reflection you are pointing out what some have realised, that Obama had a real desire to "change" America, and not to something that any proud American would willingly accept.

While he appeared to be merely "bad" at his job, he was actually brilliant at carrying out his agenda. As he has not yet "mission accomplished" he desperately needs HRC ( Obama 2 ) to be elected to complete the task, and is therefore involving himself in the GOP primaries. He can only be doing so because he is being told by clever people that Trump is a likely victor. After all, if Trump had no chance, he wouldn't bother.

It's interesting though, that Trump is such a threat to the GOP establishment, that they too are trying to destroy Trump as a likely contender. Obama and the GOP working together 55555555555

These have to be two of the most bizarre reply posts I've read. Such word-salad meandering, but ultimately you wing-nuts are childishly implying the President is a traitor. Feckless dribble.

If I read two bizarre posts with word-salad meaning I think its fair I would have two read both twice= x4 to ensure I grasped the meaning. If I then concluded my first take was correct and the posts were the "feckless dribble" of "childish" "wing-nuts," I would certainly not respond to them and give them my credibility.

However feckless both posts appeared, you felt it necessary to re-post them and elevate their attention to all the other readers who may benefit from your keen sense of such posts. Thank you.

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Thank you! Finally! I have repeated throughout these forums that Obama may be many things but he is not stupid/inexperienced. People like Trump and others repeatedly parody Obama as some buffoon, stumbling his way through bad decisions, with terrible results- one after another, year after year. As your chronology suggests, if accurate, there is great deliberation and determination in a trajectory like Obama's past. Certainly, such a sterling and ascendant rise could not possibly result in 7 years of mistakes of a dolt, an amateur, a novice.

It totally supports my position that one has to be intent on destroying a nation to have every single policy go bad, every effort blowback or empower jihad, every real index depreciate and bottom out, or produce adverse consequence to America,. No fool could stumble around in policy and get everything wrong; not like this. Sooner or later, statistically even, an idiot would get things right. No so Obama, every single thing results in a debasement of culture and disassembly of all things America. With such exacting outcomes and, by his own admission, nothing he regrets, Obama clearly is not the stumbling oaf without resume, he is tireless in pursuing every outcome we note. Clearly Obama has done a great deal before and after becoming president.

Obama is proof of the capacity of humans to assemble anything they set their sights on, even when the goal is disassembly.

At first I thought you just supported Obama, but on reflection you are pointing out what some have realised, that Obama had a real desire to "change" America, and not to something that any proud American would willingly accept.

While he appeared to be merely "bad" at his job, he was actually brilliant at carrying out his agenda. As he has not yet "mission accomplished" he desperately needs HRC ( Obama 2 ) to be elected to complete the task, and is therefore involving himself in the GOP primaries. He can only be doing so because he is being told by clever people that Trump is a likely victor. After all, if Trump had no chance, he wouldn't bother.

It's interesting though, that Trump is such a threat to the GOP establishment, that they too are trying to destroy Trump as a likely contender. Obama and the GOP working together 55555555555

These have to be two of the most bizarre reply posts I've read. Such word-salad meandering, but ultimately you wing-nuts are childishly implying the President is a traitor. Feckless dribble.

If I read two bizarre posts with word-salad meaning I think its fair I would have two read both twice= x4 to ensure I grasped the meaning. If I then concluded my first take was correct and the posts were the "feckless dribble" of "childish" "wing-nuts," I would certainly not respond to them and give them my credibility.

However feckless both posts appeared, you felt it necessary to re-post them and elevate their attention to all the other readers who may benefit from your keen sense of such posts. Thank you.

You're very welcome, but misguided to feel I riposted your unfactual screed to add any credibility to it. Think of it as shining a light on a rat, driving it out into the light after it had just eaten through something good. Mission accomplished.

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I don't think Obama is a traitor. I think he is such a slave to his ideology that he thinks his ideas are good for the country. He thinks it is OK to lie about Obamacare to get it passed and to lie about a video causing Benghazi to help him win the last election. He thinks the ends justify the means.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Your posts are full of hog-wash, so I it seems you fancy yourself a hog-wash expert, but it is a proven fact that Obama lied about keeping your own health plan and doctor and a YouTube video causing Benghazi.


Don't care. At least the man is making the effort to improve the U.S. health care system,currently a dysfunctional disaster.

If it weren't for Republicants (can't do presidency (Bush), can't protect the country (9-11), can't do Congress (most feeble in history along with that last presidency), just can't do) there might be a functioning public health care system.

Everyone including yourself just wants to sit there and take their potshots at Obama because your beloved GOP totally sucks. real easy. Nice glass house pal.

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I don't think Obama is a traitor. I think he is such a slave to his ideology that he thinks his ideas are good for the country. He thinks it is OK to lie about Obamacare to get it passed and to lie about a video causing Benghazi to help him win the last election. He thinks the ends justify the means.

Thanks Rush ! Load of Rwing hogwash as usual.

Everything UG said is the truth, plain and simple.

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Your posts are full of hog-wash, so I it seems you fancy yourself a hog-wash expert, but it is a proven fact that Obama lied about keeping your own health plan and doctor and a YouTube video causing Benghazi.


Don't care. At least the man is making the effort to improve the U.S. health care system,currently a dysfunctional disaster.

If it weren't for Republicants (can't do presidency (Bush), can't protect the country (9-11), can't do Congress (most feeble in history along with that last presidency), just can't do) there might be a functioning public health care system.

Everyone including yourself just wants to sit there and take their potshots at Obama because your beloved GOP totally sucks. real easy. Nice glass house pal.

Grumpy - Your response is a typical dem. response in that is makes absolutely no sense.

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Your posts are full of hog-wash, so I it seems you fancy yourself a hog-wash expert, but it is a proven fact that Obama lied about keeping your own health plan and doctor and a YouTube video causing Benghazi.


Don't care.

That is obvious. You don't care that Obama has lied to the American people to get elected and to stay in power. I would guess you feel the same way about Hillary and about what you say in your own posts.

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I don't think Obama is a traitor. I think he is such a slave to his ideology that he thinks his ideas are good for the country. He thinks it is OK to lie about Obamacare to get it passed and to lie about a video causing Benghazi to help him win the last election. He thinks the ends justify the means.

Thank you for agreeing with us rational minds President Obama is not a traitor, as those two insidious, wack-job posts tried to push.

Regarding ObamaCare, yes the president did say you can keep your doctor. No section of the Affordable Care Act said you cannot keep your doctor. That said, it is the network provider and not the health care law whcih would determine who and what remained the same. The provider determined both the network of doctors and hospitals a person's plan would have access to. If the insurance company changed one's plan there was no guarantee that you can keep the same doctor - ACA is not the control. I agree, it was not the best explanation and left the administration with egg on their face.

But, more importantly, millions of Americans now have access to health care who did not, or were dropped, in the past due to a pre-exisiting condition. I am one of them, even though I paid into my health insurance premiums for me and my family year in, year out my entire working life.

Is ACA perfect? Nope, far from it. But consider the Republican alternative plan: there never was one. Just repeal.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Regarding ObamaCare, yes the president did say you can keep your doctor. No section of the Affordable Care Act said you cannot keep your doctor. That said, it is the network provider and not the health care law whcih would determine who and what remained the same.

That was another Obama administration lie and it is dealt with in the "Lie of the Year" article from Politifact.

Initially, Obama and his team didnt budge.

First, they tried to shift blame to insurers. "FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans," said Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to Obama, on Oct. 28.

PolitiFact rated her statement False. The restrictions on grandfathering were part of the law, and they were driving cancellations.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Regarding ObamaCare, yes the president did say you can keep your doctor. No section of the Affordable Care Act said you cannot keep your doctor. That said, it is the network provider and not the health care law whcih would determine who and what remained the same.

That was another Obama administration lie and it is dealt with in the "Lie of the Year" article from Politifact.

Initially, Obama and his team didnt budge.

First, they tried to shift blame to insurers. "FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans," said Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to Obama, on Oct. 28.

PolitiFact rated her statement False. The restrictions on grandfathering were part of the law, and they were driving cancellations.


Still blabbering on about Obamacare. 17 million have insurance who didn't have it before, an overwhelming success! Who cares about your point other than other Republicans? It's meaningless unless you base your whole existence on finding "gotcha" snippets. Most kept their doctors.

Why can't Republicans accept they're always wrong about everything? Stop listening to Fox News and the right wing media echo chamber for a few days. All propaganda all the time. The Republican party is in a YUGE hole. Everything is about to change, the Supreme court is going to have human beings deciding cases and you're going on about Obama said you could keep your doctor.

Another Obama administration lie? Wow. Good for you.

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Regarding ObamaCare, yes the president did say you can keep your doctor. No section of the Affordable Care Act said you cannot keep your doctor. That said, it is the network provider and not the health care law whcih would determine who and what remained the same.

That was another Obama administration lie and it is dealt with in the "Lie of the Year" article from Politifact.

Initially, Obama and his team didnt budge.

First, they tried to shift blame to insurers. "FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans," said Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to Obama, on Oct. 28.

PolitiFact rated her statement False. The restrictions on grandfathering were part of the law, and they were driving cancellations.


Since you seem so fond of Politifact, you might be interested to know who got its lie of the year award for 2015. It was HILARY CLINTON. No, just kidding. Actually, it was Donald Trump. Say this to yourself 10 times: Donald Trump is the liar of the year.

"PolitiFact has been documenting Trump’s statements on our Truth-O-Meter, where we’ve rated 76 percent of them Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire, out of 77 statements checked. No other politician has as many statements rated so far down on the dial.

In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy.

To the candidate who says he’s all about winning, PolitiFact designates the many campaign misstatements of Donald Trump as our 2015 Lie of the Year."

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I do not like Trump, but he may be nominated by the party...... That... will says ALL about the USA!

And..if Trump becomes President?.... Mohamed, Jehovah, Buddha and Christ together cannot save the USA!

Yeah, wouldn't get too concerned, that horse bolted a long time ago. Presidents are like changing the skin on an app, looks different but the same internals run things exactly the same.

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