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Hillary Clinton: I don't know if the US is ready for a female president


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The US proved it would vote for anyone who could tell enough lies to get elected...take a black man with a Muslim name for instance...

Hillary can not even get women to vote for her...just because she is a woman is not enough apparently...

It is her life of lies, deceit, corruption, and being inept that has finally caught up with her...

Goodbye and good riddance...

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Vote for me or you're all a bunch of redneck misogynists. Forget about my corruption and being a pathological liar, these are merely feminine foibles, which you will come to love in time.

Change names, faces, times, dates, etc., and Hillary's life cycle of drama and lies looks just like Obama's life cycle and tissue of lies. HRC blames Americans for her being a woman just as Obama blames Americans for clinging to guns, god, and the bible. They will both lie and throw any truth under the bus; truth is the first casualty for both of them- always. Nothing is sacred.

Why would Obama and HRC's deceit look so similar? Because all we see are the lie smoke, the concealing of issues. They are crafted the same, offered the same, result in the same social, legal, and political tension, but both also equally reveal the misanthropes at the center of the lie smoke. We see the stagecraft rather than the actual content of each issue; they always look the same. We know lying. We know stagecraft/choreography.

Neither takes responsibility for any action- none! Zero! Both draw their script from the Rules for Radicals Marxist play-book. Its unmistakable. Of course HRC is a pathological liar. It may be argued that she is not a "habitual liar" (However, lying for decades is habitual). It is harder to assert she is not a "pathological liar;" her every utterance is countenanced with deceit and controversy. Also, pathology acts upon the organism and the colony. Hillary's pathology can be measured by her injury to the whole. Every aspect of her entire existence has swirls of lie-smoke curled up around the axis of every single thread of her life.

Every human is qualified to announce a pathological state- from a cholera epidemic to a teenager's bedroom- we know pathology when we see it. HRC is a pathological liar. We know her entire life is constantly in the tumult of where her lies meet others' contention about her truth, obfuscation, and diversion. Her entire existence has been defined by others confronting her as not trustworthy, hiding something- lying! Lies. Evidence of lies. Admission of lies, conceded as less than lies, ad nauseum. All these things make HRC sick, her work space sick, our social space sick, our polity sick. She even defines the "other" with her pseudologia fantastica, such as her fraudulent ' I don't know if the US is ready for a female president' attempt to re-narrate the point of view of Americans who are sick of her sickness and object to her pathology. People don't care about her gender, they object to her humanity. She lies further when she casts the opposing point of view into the guise of her presumed gender. (Sounds like [tug earlobe]...Mythomania: "vast right-wing conspiracy.")

HRC triggers in humans that same genetic repulsion we all have to death, feces, darkness, snakes, and utter silence. Instinctively we avoid such things because evolution has subconsciously trained us they are contrary to a healthy life. Likewise, Hillary provokes this same repugnance, and its not because she is a female. Its because she is an inferior human being. Pseudologica fantastica/mythomania= pathological liar.

New York Times on Hillary as First Lady

“Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our first lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation – is a congenital liar.”
Safire, 1996
“She is in the longtime habit of lying; and she has never been called to account for lying herself or in suborning lying in her aides and friends.”

BlacknewsWeekly.com Sinclere Lee
"Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar proper. In fact, she'll tell a lie when the truth sounds better. She'll tell a lie quicker than a Jew will see a Blood Diamond. She'll tell a lie even before a cat can lick its ass. She's such a big liar that she needs to get psychological help. Bill Clinton is a big liar too; whoever heard of smoking weed and not inhaling?"
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The U.S. is ready for a female President and overdue for one.

It is not ready for an untrustworthy female President who in in the pocket of wall street like Mrs, Clinton is.

Elizabeth Warren would make a great President..

But she is too smart to want the job.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Right ! Because America can only handle male presidents who are criminals and liars (GW Bush & Trump).

To borrow and paraphrase a well worn out Hillary chant...

What have George Bush and Trump been convicted of?

GW Bush has been convicted of war crimes.

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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is very qualified and trustworthy too.

She is just to wise to want the job.

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Anyone who wants to be president wants to be president.

It's not a normal thing to want.

Yes, she's more obvious than others, but so what?

I actually think she has an appealing political philosophy of public service but I don't think she's done a great job communicating it.

Yes, she has crafted a good public service platform, but I feel it's only self-serving, just as her forgiveness of Bill's transgressions were.

What she lacks is charisma. Of course, it's unfair to compare her to her husband, one of the great charismatic Presidents, but charisma is not only comprised of being a charmer, but convincing people you truly care about them above all else. Bill was great at it. Hilary is not.

Interesting comparison.

I wonder how many interns Hillary can charm into going down on her?


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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Well Hilary Clinton is neither a criminal or a pathological liar (BTW - suggest you look the term up), so by your reckoning she's fit for President.

In my opinion the fact that she's a 'Clinton' counts against her more than her gender.

If you don't know that HRC is a liar, you haven't being paying attention.

She now obviously expects to not be elected, so when it happens she can blame the voters for not voting for her.

Had she been a better campaigner 8 years ago, she would have won, and I'd have been cheering for her. What a difference a few years make.

There's a huge difference between telling a few fibs and being a pathological liar. That was my point.

You are delusional.

I fib is a lie..

You are just sugar coating it.

Dishonesty is dishonesty.

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I think either of the Dem candidates would make a good president, though I prefer Bernie. Of the Rep candidates, the comparative best are Kasich and Bush who are polling in the basement, but that could change. Even if one of those two Reps became prez, things would be marginally better than W, but that's like saying burnt toast is better than peed-on toast. Most people in the top 1 to top .01% of income bracket want a republican and it's obvious why. A Republican will continue to coddle them and allow them to avoid taxes and hide most of their money in offshore accounts. That's why those same folks are spooked shitless about Sanders. Feel the Bern!

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I see the POTUS election is heating up among our US TV members. Good luck with your choice because heads you lose tails you lose. The only problem I have is that you have run out of true leaders (not owned by someone) that can avoid the coming world war/new cold war and as puppets of Wall street will lead the world down a dead end (pun intended) for the sake of financial gains.

And ain't that the truth !

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I think either of the Dem candidates would make a good president, though I prefer Bernie. Of the Rep candidates, the comparative best are Kasich and Bush who are polling in the basement, but that could change. Even if one of those two Reps became prez, things would be marginally better than W, but that's like saying burnt toast is better than peed-on toast. Most people in the top 1 to top .01% of income bracket want a republican and it's obvious why. A Republican will continue to coddle them and allow them to avoid taxes and hide most of their money in offshore accounts. That's why those same folks are spooked shitless about Sanders. Feel the Bern!

Sanders is a bum. He's good at whining about rich people and that's about it.

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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Elizabeth Warren is very qualified and trustworthy too.

She is just to wise to want the job.

I said qualified. I didn't say has the best politics. Objectively based on her resume, there is no U.S. woman more qualified to be president the HRC.

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Hillary's back to wearing those prism glasses she wore after the concussion a couple of years ago. Looks like her double vision has returned.

In addition, she and std-riddled Bill both have bad hearts. They may croak before the election.

The only hope for the Dems is to bring in Joe Biden.


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Anyone who wants to be president wants to be president.

It's not a normal thing to want.

Yes, she's more obvious than others, but so what?

I actually think she has an appealing political philosophy of public service but I don't think she's done a great job communicating it.

Yes, she has crafted a good public service platform, but I feel it's only self-serving, just as her forgiveness of Bill's transgressions were.

What she lacks is charisma. Of course, it's unfair to compare her to her husband, one of the great charismatic Presidents, but charisma is not only comprised of being a charmer, but convincing people you truly care about them above all else. Bill was great at it. Hilary is not.

Interesting comparison.

I wonder how many interns Hillary can charm into going down on her?


What a nasty proposition.... God help America... :)

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Hillary's back to wearing those prism glasses she wore after the concussion a couple of years ago. Looks like her double vision has returned.

In addition, she and std-riddled Bill both have bad hearts. They may croak before the election.

The only hope for the Dems is to bring in Joe Biden.

Have you seen the reports of the terrible coughing fits she's been having on the campaign trail? Some lasting for a few minutes and interrupting her speeches. Her campaign has been silent on this, but it's interesting to read medical doctors' remote diagnosis and speculation as to the cause. Of course, it could just be hoarse throat, but it shows the microscope we are putting these people under now.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Right ! Because America can only handle male presidents who are criminals and liars (GW Bush & Trump).

To borrow and paraphrase a well worn out Hillary chant...

What have George Bush and Trump been convicted of?

GW Bush has been convicted of war crimes.

You are absolutely right and I stand corrected.

I never realized Malaysia had a war crimes tribunal and Bush, Cheney and several others had been convicted in absentia by this self styled tribunal in Kuala Lumpur.

Does this tribunal now plan to hold trials for Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton,Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Secretary of State John Kerry and 24 more Democrat Senators since they helped give congressional approval for the war by voting for the Iraq War Resolution?

The Iraq war would not have happened without the approval of Congress and the Republicans did not have enough votes to approve it without substantial Democrat support.

I don't know how I could have missed this. I'm sure it was in some newspaper sometime.

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If Hillary drops out, that means the Democrats have nobody running for the Presidency.

Sanders is an independent and is not a member of the Democrat party.

Don't be a silly billy.

He's running to be the nominee of the democratic party.

His senate party status is irrelevant.

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Hillary Clinton is a Democrat.

Joe Biden is a Democrat.

Pocahontas Warren is a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.

Just because he caucuses with the Democrats doesn't make him one.

I guess that's the best the DNC could come up with. One Democrat and one Independent.

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If he is nominated at the democratic party convention, he will be on all 50 state ballots as a DEMOCRAT. If elected, he will be President Bernie Sanders, Democrat.


Deal with something real.

Like Ted Cruz being ineligible to be president.

Next ...

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It will be quite a heartwarming story in Hillary is elected president.

She would become not only the first female US Presdident but... if I understand my history correctly... the first female ever democratically elected as head of state anywhere in the world.

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Was that a veiled attempt at getting excuses in early ?

Playing the sexism card.

After some corporations being forced to recruit new female members for their board to satisfy gender quota laws, I wonder how long until some people demand gender alternance in the presidency.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

A criminal? What exactly has she been convicted of? Must be tough for you teabaggers to face eight years with a female president after eight years with a black guy in the WH..clap2.gif
I tend to fall more in the Republican side in most elections ...

I'd rather see Bearnie Sanders president than Hilary

It's not an issue of Hilary being a women .. It is an issue of not trusting her... At all... Not even a little bit

Even though Bernie is way more far left than I have ever supported a candidate ...

Out of Hilary or Trump or Bernie... I'd vote Bernie

If Trump and Hillary ... Id go with Trump

He's a bit crazy but think congress would keep him from doing too much... As neither Republics nor Democrats can likely work with him... So would guess despite all the noise and fear mongering... Guessing he would have a loud and obnoxious time of it, but very little actually would happen

But Hillary... Just don't trust her at all.. She scares me... I truly believe she would sell out anyone one and anything for personal gain

Edited by CWMcMurray
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The U.S. is ready for a female President and overdue for one.

It is not ready for an untrustworthy female President who in in the pocket of wall street like Mrs, Clinton is.

Elizabeth Warren would make a great President..

But she is too smart to want the job.

Ah yes, the Native American. She certainly is qualified as she knows how to lie with the best of them.

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It will be quite a heartwarming story in Hillary is elected president.

She would become not only the first female US Presdident but... if I understand my history correctly... the first female ever democratically elected as head of state anywhere in the world.



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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

I doubt she is the most qualified woman in the USA to be President. She is the most well known one that happens to be running but lets not denigrate the millions of accomplished, brilliant, women of substance who have actually contributed something tangible..

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Hillary Clinton is a Democrat.

Joe Biden is a Democrat.

Pocahontas Warren is a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.

Just because he caucuses with the Democrats doesn't make him one.

I guess that's the best the DNC could come up with. One Democrat and one Independent.

Pocahontas Warren. Good one.
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