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My ex friendly door felt sorry for against me to obtain a pension, after having left the home marital, and by giving up our child has myself during two years, it came to kidnap it has my knowledge, and at the end of 20 days has to contact me by such as if I wanted to re-examine my child I had my child I wanted to re-examine were to pay the sum of 1.000.000 of baths, I have to refuse, and veiled that it carries felt sorry for against me and asks me 1.700.000 it is has to say approximately 15.000 by me until A that my son is 20 years. If one of you had the same situation can it explain me as the tribunal deside.

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My ex friendly door felt sorry for against me to obtain a pension, after having left the home marital, and by giving up our child has myself during two years, it came to kidnap it has my knowledge, and at the end of 20 days has to contact me by such as if I wanted to re-examine my child I had my child I wanted to re-examine were to pay the sum of 1.000.000 of baths, I have to refuse, and veiled that it carries felt sorry for against me and asks me 1.700.000 it is has to say approximately 15.000 by me until A that my son is 20 years. If one of you had the same situation can it explain me as the tribunal deside.

Apart from that was it a good film?


Chonabot, for me is not good film I search ma son one year aroud the Thailand et find him in very dirty home, before he have all confort, and speak three languages now he lose to, and go to school at 35 km this home.

sorry for my bad english.

If I vant explain what is happen to me in 4 years in one day I can't..


Sorry to appear flippant , but I couldn't understand the post in it's entirety.

You are syaing that your ex has taken your son, you have to pay 15,000 a month/year until he is 20 years old. When you say that you have to pay a million to re-examine him , I am not sure of that term , do you mean re-patriate him?

Is he 20 years old now?

What country are you from? Have you sought legal help at all?


well chon,if you understood any of the post then you are doing a lot better than I am,,I did understand the money figures but have no idea what they pertain to. :o


From the first post, it appeared the poor chap had used a translation software tool (my Japanese pearl technicians often send me emails using an automatic translation tool, often with outrageous results which keep my in fits of laughter, and them as well when I return the emails)

Sorry to the poster who obviously has had some dramas - hope you sort them out mate, chin up, etc

Chon - You've just had us in hysterics here in Yangon....

Apart from that was it a good film?

where's that "quote of the day" icon again??




Well if this is for real it sounds like he has had his child stolen by his wonderful girlfriend whom he probably met in a bar in pattaya. Cut your losses sunshine and look the other way. <deleted> the 15,000 baht a month.


Good advice NedKelly except that it is impossible to walk away from a son that you love and leave him in poverty for the rest of his life.

Guest chingy

talk to the wife/girl or what ever she is to him, tell her that you can give him a better life, education, etc..., and if the kid stuck here he will have no life what so ever. her choice.

if that doesn't work offer her money to buy the kid from her. money sometime work best with these girl, but hopefully it doesn't have to go this far

From the first post, it appeared the poor chap had used a translation software tool (my Japanese pearl technicians often send me emails using an automatic translation tool, often with outrageous results which keep my in fits of laughter, and them as well when I return the emails)

Sorry to the poster who obviously has had some dramas - hope you sort them out mate, chin up, etc

Chon - You've just had us in hysterics here in Yangon....

Apart from that was it a good film?

where's that "quote of the day" icon again??



Nice to see you SVB , any chance of sending me some sample pearls for Mrs Chon? :o

Nice to see you SVB , any chance of sending me some sample pearls for Mrs Chon? :o

Hi to you as well Chon,

Had a drink for you on your 1000th recently (it gets lonely on the island you know, any excuse for a glass of plonk)

The oysters are playing hard to get right now, they don't harvest well in the summer - hope to get some good results after mid-year, can you let Mrs Chon know with my apologies


By the way - good to see you found a decent avatar - stay tuned for news about your old avatar, she's been seen recently by a colleague of mine.


My ex friendly door felt sorry for against me to obtain a pension, after having left the home marital, and by giving up our child has myself during two years, it came to kidnap it has my knowledge, and at the end of 20 days has to contact me by such as if I wanted to re-examine my child I had my child I wanted to re-examine were to pay the sum of 1.000.000 of baths, I have to refuse, and veiled that it carries felt sorry for against me and asks me 1.700.000 it is has to say approximately 15.000 by me until A that my son is 20 years. If one of you had the same situation can it explain me as the tribunal deside.

I guess you're Italian. You'd better write in your native language, so that we can understand better :o

Anyway, your story seems to be a bit far fetched.

You are married to a Thai woman. You had a child with her who is now, I think, about 10 years old.

She asked you to pay 1,000,000 Baht upfront and you can still see your son or the alternative is, she goes to court and she tells you, you will lose and will have to pay 15,000 Baht/month for the next 10 years,...

If I well understood, she thinks you are, let's put it gently, very naive,...

Anyway, as Chonabot said, contact some lawyer AND a translator,...

Guest IT Manager

Just offer 500K for the child and be done with the whore you married in my opinion. So long asw your name is on his birth certificate. If not, go make another. Whatever you decide, put the whore behind you.

Good advice NedKelly except that it is impossible to walk away from a son that you love and leave him in poverty for the rest of his life.

One of the best statements ever made on thaivisa!!!



Despite the language diffuclties. This thread rasies a few questions in my find. Mainly, if a Thai/falang couple with children do go thier seperate ways ,who gets custody? Just curious if the Thai courts act the same way as in the west where the wife gains custody in the vast majority of cases . I am happily married with a daughter , but imagine if things did go bad ..it would be like most legal matters here..falangs have no rights

Just offer 500K for the child and be done with the whore you married in my opinion. So long as your name is on his birth certificate. If not, go make another. Whatever you decide, put the whore behind you.

Do not offer ANYTHING,...

For the rest, I agree with IT,... :o

Just offer 500K for the child and be done with the whore you married in my opinion. So long asw your name is on his birth certificate. If not, go make another. Whatever you decide, put the whore behind you.

Harsh but fair , the word whore has it's uses , this is one of them! :o

Sorry to appear flippant , but I couldn't understand the post in it's entirety.

You are syaing that your ex has taken your son, you have to pay 15,000 a month/year until he is 20 years old. When you say that you have to pay a million to re-examine him , I am not sure of that term , do you mean re-patriate him?

Is he 20 years old now?

What country are you from? Have you sought legal help at all?

In its entirety Chon ? God ... if you got a grip on it you are cleverer than I am ( but you knew that anyway :o )

I guess you're Italian. You'd better write in your native language, so that we can understand better :o

I don't know what led you to think so, his handler doesn't sound much Italian..

Anyway if he really is, I volunteer to act as a translator.

That's what I'm going to say here:

OUIDNOVI, qualcuno qui ha suggerito che potresti essere italiano, se è così posso farti da traduttore. Scrivi in italiano qui sul forum o mandami un messaggio di posta elettronica: [email protected]. Ciao.


Thank all for reply, yes is translation internet, I want write you in French if one can make good translation.

Ma ex amie porte plainte contre moi pour obtenir une pension , après avoir quittée le domicile conjugale, et en abandonnant notre enfant a moi-même pendant deux années , elle est venu le kidnapper a mon insu, et au bout de 20 jours m’a contacter par tel. que si je voulais revoir mon enfant je devais payer la somme de 1.000.000 de baths, j’ai refuser, quand elle a fait kidnapper mon fils qui avait 7 ans a l'epoque par des motards casques, j'ai entendu mon fils crier, et cela resteras dans mes oreilles juqu'a ma mort, j'ai couru et seul son velo etait au milieu de la route, j'ai fait sa recherche pendant une annee, et l'ai enfin retrouve chez les parents de mon ex qui avait demenager entre temps de Loei vers Kon kaen, mon fils n'etait plus le petit garcon que j'avais perdu une annee avant, il ne parlait plus le francais, il y avait sur sa chemise le nom de famille de sa mere, alors qu'il porte mon nom, (depuis ils ont changer) et voila qu’elle porte plainte contre moi et me demande 1.700.000 c’est a dire environ 15.000 par moi jusqu’a que mon fils est 20 ans.

Si un de vous a eu la même situation peut il m’expliquer ce que le tribunal a décide.

Je suis tout a fait d'accord pour participer a son education, et besoin, mais je pense que si le tribunal me condamne a une forte somme,cela vas donner des idees aux autres femmes qui sont avec les ( farangs).

P.S. mon ex n'etait pas une fille de bar, mais ma femme de menage..

Merci si un de vous peut traduire pour que tout le monde comprenne, encore merci..

Thank all for reply, yes is translation internet, I want write you in French if one can make good translation.

Ma ex amie porte plainte contre moi pour obtenir une pension , après avoir quittée le domicile conjugale, et en abandonnant notre enfant a moi-même pendant deux années , elle est venu le kidnapper a mon insu, et au bout de 20 jours m’a contacter par tel. que si je voulais revoir mon enfant je devais payer la somme de 1.000.000 de baths, j’ai refuser, quand elle a fait kidnapper mon fils qui avait 7 ans a l'epoque par des motards casques, j'ai entendu mon fils crier, et cela  resteras dans mes oreilles juqu'a ma mort, j'ai couru et seul son velo etait au milieu de la route, j'ai fait sa recherche pendant une annee, et l'ai enfin retrouve chez les parents de mon ex qui avait demenager entre temps de Loei vers Kon kaen, mon fils n'etait plus le petit garcon que j'avais perdu une annee avant, il ne parlait plus le francais, il y avait sur sa chemise le nom de famille de sa mere, alors qu'il porte mon nom, (depuis ils ont changer)    et voila qu’elle porte plainte contre moi et me demande 1.700.000 c’est a dire environ 15.000 par moi jusqu’a  que mon fils est 20 ans.

Si un de vous a eu la même situation peut il m’expliquer ce que le tribunal a décide.

Je suis tout a fait d'accord pour participer a son education, et besoin mais je pense que si le tribunal me condamne a une forte somme,cela vas donner des idees aux autres femmes qui sont avec les ( farangs).

P.S. mon ex n'etait pas une fille de bar, mais ma femme de menage..

Merci si une de vous peut traduire pour que tout le monde comprenne, encore merci..

Ok, I'll translate it for you.

My ex girlfriend is suing me to get alimony and this after having left me and my son alone for 2 years.

She came to kidnap him and after 20 days contacted me by phone, if I wanted to see my son again, I had to pay 1,000,000 Baht. I refused.

The kidnapping has been done by people on motorbikes. My son was 7 at that time and I will hear his cries up to the time I die. Only his bicycle was left on the middle of the road.

I tried to find him for one year and finally found him at my ex's parents place who, in the meantime had moved from Loei to Kon Kaen.

My son was not the small boy I had lost one year before, he did not speak french anymore and the name on his shirt was his mother's name (they had it changed from my name to her's).

Now, they're suing me and asked for 1,700,000 Baht, i.e. about 15,000 Baht/month up to the time he is 20.

Can somebody tell me what the tribunal will decide?

I would agree to participate to his education but if the tribunal finds me guilty and asks me to pay a big amount of money, I think it will give ideas to other girls staying with farangs.

P.S.: My ex was not a BG but a maid.

Thank you for the translation


I go to Banglamung police, mais je n'ai pas ete recu a bras ouvert bien au contraire, par contre la police de Loie et celle de Phon m'ont tres bien recu et compris.

I go to Banglamung police, mais je n'ai pas ete recu a bras ouvert bien au contraire, par contre la police de Loie et celle de Phon m'ont tres bien recu et compris.

I went to Banglamug police but was not welcome, on the contrary,. On the other hand in Loi and Phon, I was welcome and understood.

Not much I can comment.

I do not really think she is or will ever sue you but if she does, you should contact a lawyer. There are french speaking lawyers in BKK.

You should anyway contact a lawyer if you want to find any kind of arrangement with that crazy bitch (and I'm nice,...).


La plainte et deja lancer, et j'ai contacter un avocat qui parle francais, nous avons rendez vous au tribunal de Chonburi lundi pour fixer les dates.


La plainte et deja lancer, et j'ai contacter un avocat qui parle francais, nous avons rendez vous au tribunal de Chonburi lundi pour fixer les dates.


She already registered a complaint and I contacted a lawyer who speaks french. We have an appointment on Monday in Chonburi tribunal to fix the trial dates.

I have to say that it is the first time I come across a "story" like yours.

Quite interesting.

Some more food for the thought for some farang who "rush" into a relationship with Thai girls, although your case is probably not (yet) the rule,...

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.

La plainte et deja lancer, et j'ai contacter un avocat qui parle francais, nous avons rendez vous au tribunal de Chonburi lundi pour fixer les dates.


She already registered a complaint and I contacted a lawyer who speaks french. We have an appointment on Monday in Chonburi tribunal to fix the trial dates.
I have to say that it is the first time I come across a "story" like yours.

Quite interesting.

Some more food for the thought for some farang who "rush" into a relationship with Thai girls, although your case is probably not (yet) the rule,...

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.

You are not just a pretty face are you Blue ? Keng mark na :o How is this impoverished chick paying court fees and lawyers fees ?

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