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Yes she Go to works bar girl, and same time she have Australian sponsor, if a can prouve, I am sure my son come whith me.

in complaint she reqest I must to paid is lawyer..

Guest IT Manager
Sorry to appear flippant , but I couldn't understand the post in it's entirety.

You are syaing that your ex has taken your son, you have to pay 15,000 a month/year until he is 20 years old. When you say that you have to pay a million to re-examine him , I am not sure of that term , do you mean re-patriate him?

Is he 20 years old now?

What country are you from? Have you sought legal help at all?

In its entirety Chon ? God ... if you got a grip on it you are cleverer than I am ( but you knew that anyway :o )

Not only Chon knew it Doc :D

Got any good reds?

Guest IT Manager
Yes she Go to works bar girl, and same time she have Australian sponsor, if a can prouve, I am sure my son come whith me.

in complaint she reqest I must to paid is lawyer..

Sponsor I always thought was a charming thing to call a John or a punter.

BTW, how is your ladies French? :o

Yes she Go to work as a bar girl, and same time she has Australian sponsor, if I can prove, I am sure my son will come whith me.

In the complaint she request I must pay her lawyer..

Maybe hiring a private investigator would help you getting the proof you need.

Anyway, please inform us of the tribunal decision. Would be interested to know the outcome,...

My ex girlfriend is suing me to get alimony and this after having left me and my son alone for 2 years.

The kidnapping has been done by people on motorbikes. My son was 7 at that time and I will hear his cries up to the time I die. Only his bicycle was left on the middle of the road.

I tried to find him for one year and finally found him at my ex's parents place who, in the meantime had moved from Loei to Kon Kaen.

(Edited by Up2U)

Let's do the math's.

For five years the man and woman raised the child together.

For two years the wife disappeared, then appeared again and took child.

For one year father searched for child.

We are now two years later.

So - five years joint custody, two years father, two years mother.

If I was the mother, the scenario would run :

Abuse for five years, couldn't stand it, ran away. Remorse at leaving son with abusive father, makes plan to rescue boy. Succeeds, boy now happy.

Court will find for her and throw the book at father.

Now this may not be the way things happened, but how is the guy going to prove otherwise. He doesn't stand a chance. As other posters have already said - put it behind you, however much it hurts. The child will suffer in any tug-o-war that ensues from this case.


Get a lawyer and file for a countersuit- would be far cheaper than 1.7m baht and you'd stand a chance of getting your kid back through legal means.



I think this question was addressed before but i need it clarified....

If this boy is so bad off... how can this girl pay for a lawer... Bargirl or not... she either has to have a law degree to understand that she even has a chance to win or she has a lawer/friends in high places.

Why would someone in her position hire a lawer for that purpose unless they were dead sure they were gonna get a payout... Lawers can send bankrupt the best of people even after a win...

i would think a BG would be the last person to hire one...

there is only one other reason... pure stupidity.

opinions anyone???


Maybe Up2U is right and she is sure to win.

He was having his first hearing yesterday.

Maybe, we'll get some feedback from him.

I mean if he is not in jail or hadn't been deported,...

Merci Chat bleu, merci beaucoup pour la traduction que je comprend beaucoup mieux que celle que j'ai faite sur internet.


You son was kidnapped eh, respond in kind and the both of you get out of the country immediately!!! Or, you could always go to Petchburi and find yourself and enforcer for a ###### of a lot less than 1.7MB, I know this is ugly talk but I am just trying to find a way to sympathize with you.


BTW, Goat Roper, on Quidnovi quoting your are reffering to, he is just saying the following:

Thank you Bluecat, thank you for the translation that I far better understand than the one I submitted.


On the son part, he can't do that anymore since his son's name has been changed from his' to her's. So I'm not sure he would be able to leave the country.

Anyway, as much as I symphatize with him, I think the communication in the couple was quite a problem, not to mention the communication with the police,...

BTW, Goat Roper, on Quidnovi quoting your are reffering to, he is just saying the following:

Thank you Bluecat, thank you for the translation that I far better understand than the one I submitted.


On the son part, he can't do that anymore since his son's name has been changed from his' to her's. So I'm not sure he would be able to leave the country.

Anyway, as much as I symphatize with him, I think the communication in the couple was quite a problem, not to mention the communication with the police,...

10-4 Bluecat, I do understand but I also understand that as an alien in this country we find ourselves in he is an un-person(as most aliens here are) and I think as far as the courts are concerned he has already lost the battle before it even begins. My intention was not to be flipant of other folks problems but there is a basic issue here that I don't think can be settled in any amiable way and certainly not through the Thai legal system. The 1.7MB mentioned is not a huge price to pay if this is what is necessary to get ones children back but I am sure this "woman" is holding a gun to his head(figurtively) and will bleed him until their is nothing left and he still won't have his son back.

I sure don't have any answer for him, wish I did.


For Bleue Cat:

elle avait fait broder son nom sur les chemises de mon fils, pour que je ne puisse le retrouver, j'ai fais verifier a la directrice de l'ecole son dossier et il etait bien inscrit sous son nom de naissance donc le mien, et la directrice a tout de suite appeler la G-mere pour qu'elle vienne s'expliquer, a ma derniere visite que j'ai fais a mon fils,(a peine 1/4 d'heure) il y avait bien mon nom de famille a moi, et lui, sur sa chemise.

L'affaire est lancer au tribunal depuis lundi, j'attend que le tribunal fixe les dates.

Mon avocat m'a dis de ne pas me faire de soucis si je dois payer une somme d'argent celle-ci seras pour mon fils, et mis sur un compte jusqu'a sa majorite, et je devrais peut etre payer l'ecole sur justification de facture ou directement a l'ecole, quand a elle, elle ne peut pretendre a rien car nous etions pas marier legalement, maintenant je suis comme St Thomas je crois que ce que je vois.

Merci pour la traduction..

L'affaire est lancer au tribunal depuis lundi, j'attend que le tribunal fixe les dates.

Mon avocat m'a dis de ne pas me faire de soucis si je dois payer une somme d'argent celle-ci seras pour mon fils, et mis sur un compte jusqu'a sa majorite, et je devrais peut etre payer l'ecole sur justification de facture ou directement a l'ecole, quand a elle, elle ne peut pretendre a rien car nous etions pas marier legalement, maintenant je suis comme St Thomas je crois que ce que je vois.

Merci pour la traduction..

Ok, an update of the situation.

The tribunal has not fixed the dates yet.

My lawyer told me not to worry since even if I have to pay something, the money will be for my son and deposited on an account until he reaches his majority.

I maybe would have to pay for the school upon presentation of the invoices or directly to the school.

As far as she is concerned, she can not ask for anything since we were not legally married.

But now, I'll wait to see to believe,...


Or, you could always go to Petchburi and find yourself and enforcer for a ###### of a lot less than 1.7MB,

Okay, seriously this I need an answer on! Goat Roaper. I have a wealthyish girlfriend who is real pals with loads of police up there. They seemed pretty okay to me. Even drunk. I know the old president or whatever got blown away but what's the go with Petchburi. Gotta look after no one you know!


Or, you could always go to Petchburi and find yourself and enforcer for a ###### of a lot less than 1.7MB,

Okay, seriously this I need an answer on! Goat Roaper. I have a wealthyish girlfriend who is real pals with loads of police up there. They seemed pretty okay to me. Even drunk. I know the old president or whatever got blown away but what's the go with Petchburi. Gotta look after no one you know!


I've been in Thailand too long, just responding like I've heard a few Thais respond, don't mind me. Sorry I brought it up. :o

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