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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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Hoping that video is destined for history as the comedy video that helped stop the USA from dodging the Trump bullet.

So, you don't want the USA to "dodge the Trump bullet". You're finally catching on. I'm sure you'll vote for him.


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Wow! Hillary held a speaking event in a college auditorium yesterday? That's a big step up from the churches she usually uses. I wonder when she'll start getting so many people out that they have to move her event to a football stadium as Trump did yesterday in Alabama?

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Any Americans that like Donald Trump/Drumpf should watch this.


I'm not American, but please don't sue me ( LOL ).

It would be possible to do a similar piece on any of the candidates of either party, but the rest aren't worth the effort.

It makes no difference to me, as I prefer him to the rest of the losers standing for election, and if I could I'd still vote for him.

I don't know if the anti Trumpists get it, but it's probably not that people think Trump would make a great president, rather that he's better than all the other professional establishment losers. At least when it came to being bought, it was Trump doing the buying, and he bought some of ( ? all of ) them before, including HRC.

Re the lying- what politician doesn't??????

HRC is a great liar, and has no entertainment value at all. Given the choice between an entertaining liar and a non entertaining one, I know which I'd prefer.

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Would sooner see Trump in office than Cruz. Cruz was responsible for shutting down the government, would get rid of same sex marriage, get rid of Obamacare and set back foreign relations 40 years.

It doesn't matter which one leads the polls. Everyone is waiting to see the Hillary but a good ole fashion ass whooping on who ever is the RePuBlIcAn nominee. I never thought i would see the day that republicans would lose their minds. But here we are.

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I think Trump is finished. There's no way he can survive not knowing anything about some KKK guy.

He lied about not knowing about him.

That's been well documented already.

He lies about almost everything.

He's a psychopathic demagogue -- what do you expect?

Oh No!!! The low information Trump supporters will drop Trump like a hot rock when they find out he's a member of the KKK.

We must protect and preserve the social media out there so that Democrat plants like Trump can continue to decimate the awesome GOP field of candidates.


Edited by NeverSure
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You know it's damaging. Good luck.

Only among the drooling Hillarybots. They love this stuff but still can't get any traction.

Every time that the pundits have said Trump shot himself in the foot, he's gone up in the polls. This is another example of a non-event. We won't have long to find out if it hurt as it's Super Tuesday in America. Record numbers of R's are going to the polls. Watch.


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I am going out on a limb here...a long limb. Now don't laugh but think Carson will be front runner. Hé has the brains and demeanor. I know he is polling low but it is not over till the fat lady sings.

Anything can happen. I my have to eat my words but we will see.

I like the guy but he has a voice that should be used for recorded children's bedtime stories! Rather like Morgan Freeman. To be POTUS or any other major player in world politics, you need to show more passion.

Kudos for sticking your neck out though

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‘Trump Phenomenon’ Draws Massachusetts Democrats Away from Party

March 1, 2016

Donald Trump is making serious inroads in the traditionally liberal and Democrat-heavy Massachusetts, which has given the country such modern-day liberal politicians as Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Thousands of Massachusetts Democrats have denounced their party affiliations since January 1 to cross the aisle and join the ranks of either Independents or Republicans.

Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats, or 1.3 percent of the party’s Massachusetts population, left the party to vote in the Republican primary Tuesday.

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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored

Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.

by Brendan Kirby

Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.

A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

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You know it's damaging. Good luck.

There is always a time for mature political discussion that accuses the opposition of being racist, a Hitler, a fascist, and a member if the KKK.

That time would be when my candidate is losing.

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Wow! Hillary held a speaking event in a college auditorium yesterday? That's a big step up from the churches she usually uses. I wonder when she'll start getting so many people out that they have to move her event to a football stadium as Trump did yesterday in Alabama?

Churches don't pay enough. She prefers speaking at colleges.


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Wow! Hillary held a speaking event in a college auditorium yesterday? That's a big step up from the churches she usually uses. I wonder when she'll start getting so many people out that they have to move her event to a football stadium as Trump did yesterday in Alabama?

Churches don't pay enough. She prefers speaking at colleges.


Enough of the White Christian Hate Speech, LOL.

Wow, I just read it. $225,000 for one speech that you couldn't pay me to listen to. But she's just "@OneOfUs"

She doesn't care about anyone but herself.

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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored
Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.
by Brendan Kirby
Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.
A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm among SANE Americans to block the psychopathic demagogue "Trump" from ever being president.

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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored
Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.
by Brendan Kirby
Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.
A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm among SANE Americans to block the psychopathic demagogue "Trump" from ever being president.

Yeah, I can see how excited people are over that retread bale of hay Hillary. She should move her rallies to football stadiums, she's so popular.

Alternatively, she could just hold them in a women's restroom in a Starbucks.


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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored
Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.
by Brendan Kirby
Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.
A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm - snip-

We've been critical of her for going after the boat people demographic...


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I am going out on a limb here...a long limb. Now don't laugh but think Carson will be front runner. Hé has the brains and demeanor. I know he is polling low but it is not over till the fat lady sings.

Anything can happen. I my have to eat my words but we will see.

I like the guy but he has a voice that should be used for recorded children's bedtime stories! Rather like Morgan Freeman. To be POTUS or any other major player in world politics, you need to show more passion.

Kudos for sticking your neck out though

Check out Carson's delegate numbers. Pity- I like him, but it's bye bye and back to the hospital for him.

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‘Trump Phenomenon’ Draws Massachusetts Democrats Away from Party
March 1, 2016
Donald Trump is making serious inroads in the traditionally liberal and Democrat-heavy Massachusetts, which has given the country such modern-day liberal politicians as Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Thousands of Massachusetts Democrats have denounced their party affiliations since January 1 to cross the aisle and join the ranks of either Independents or Republicans.
Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats, or 1.3 percent of the party’s Massachusetts population, left the party to vote in the Republican primary Tuesday.

Forget it.

Massachusetts Vote Potus 2012

Obama 1.9 million votes = 61%

Romney 1.1 million votes = 38%

Trump needs a complete turnaround of one million votes in Massachusetts in November to win the solid Blue state. That would mean one-third of the total Massachusetts electorate switching over to the enemy. Lemme say it again, Forget It.

Same for the other solid Blue states and Blue leaning states.

Pennsylvania for instance (strongly) leans Blue. Here's the 2012 PA Potus election result:

Obama 2.9 million votes = 52%

Romney 2.6 million votes = 47%.

In PA Trump in November (or any R for Potus) needs to swing 300,000 votes to the R and add another one percent of the PA total electorate for a minimal good margin or measure. That means changing up to 400,000 voters to the other side in PA. That's five percent of the PA total electorate. The mountain here is high.

PA has not voted R for Potus since 1988. When Bill Clinton in 1992 started PA on its current Blue state status, he got 50.6% of the state's vote. Barack Obama in 2012 got 52.0%. This not only is a trend, it is a significant and sustained trend.

The numbers cited in MA don't support a voter reversal in MA. Nor do they suggest a voter revrsal PA. Even if the reversal data of today might be a trend in this election, it is a small and electorally insignificant development. The Trump fanboyz need to recognise Trump or any wildman candidate like him repells the vast moderate and centrist mass of voters who are the middle and who when they are in an unusually broad agreement will blow your guy out.

Many Republicans recognise this. It's the far right that does not recognise it; further, the far out right fails to recognise it and the fringe wingnuts miss it completely. Think Sen Barry Goldwater in 1964 cause reality is, well, real. Always has been.

Edited by Publicus
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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored
Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.
by Brendan Kirby
Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.
A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm among SANE Americans to block the psychopathic demagogue "Trump" from ever being president.

So, where were they when they elected GW, TWICE?

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Trump is on another level.

It's going to be Clinton vs. Trump.

What will happen?

Clinton will win in a landslide. Take the senate. Maybe the house.


Clinton will win definitively.


Clinton will win in a close race.


Trump will win in a close race.

As you see Clinton is the heavy favorite. Deal with it.

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Republicans Stoked, Democrats Bored
Super Tuesday: Polls, primaries show GOP voters raring to go. Democrats, not so much.
by Brendan Kirby
Public opinion polls and election returns from early primary states indicate a vast emerging “enthusiasm gap” that could spell trouble for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in the fall.
A lack of enthusiasm on the part of Republican voters was key part of what cost Mitt Romney the presidency in 2012 and John McCain in 2008. Each time many conservatives sat on their hands as Barack Obama’s vast voter-corralling machine herded his already-eager supporters to the polls. This year, the hand sitters are going to be found overwhelmingly on the Left, if current trends hold.

Don't worry, dude.

There will be boatloads of enthusiasm among SANE Americans to block the psychopathic demagogue "Trump" from ever being president.

Yeah, I can see how excited people are over that retread bale of hay Hillary. She should move her rallies to football stadiums, she's so popular.

Alternatively, she could just hold them in a women's restroom in a Starbucks.


Rightwhingers and other Republicans are invited to discuss the virtues of any one of their candidates, or of all their candidates in their combined glories.

Extending Trump's rebellion based on insult demeans the discourse, ne c'est pas....

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After much pressure from Donald Trump, finally justice comes to D.C. football.

The Washington Redskins finally drop offensive name.

Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL Redskins, has announced that the team is dropping "Washington" from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as "The Redskins."

It was reported that he finds the word 'Washington' imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football.

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