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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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Trump is cleaning up in Nevada. Record crowds. He's winning as many Hispanic votes as Rubio and Cruz combined. LEGAL Hispanics don't like illegals taking their jobs, either.

Right now it's Trump 42%, Rubio 25% and Cruz 22%.

Edited by NeverSure
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Then state why the majority of Democrats in the six or eight big Blue states would reverse themselves to vote for Trump for potus. (Or for any Republican.)

Voter turnout.

In every state so far Republicans have be voting in record numbers and Democrats have been way down, down -33% in one case.

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LEGAL Hispanics don't like illegals taking their jobs, either.

No, no, no. You don't understand. In the Democrat's game of identity politics, all Hispanics care only about Hispanic issues. Just as blacks care only about black issues.Gays care only about gay issues. Women care only about women's issues. Anything else would be stupid because they would be voting against their own interests Apparently, only white people care about things like jobs, the economy, inflation, the deficit, national debt, foreign policy, military, healthcare (minorities only care if it is free for them, and women only care in terms of free abortion), etc.

Yes, I am being facetious.

People in all these groups care about all issues, or at least they should. The less sophisticated are swayed by crap like "the Republicans want to put you back in chains" or "they are waging a war on women! or "Black lives matter!"

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You're being ridiculous. Everyone knows HRC is a flawed candidate.

Yes, many flaws, not the least of which is she's going to be campaigning from jail.

Everyone needs to stop with this "jail stuff", it's complete right wing nonsense. Bush and Cheney long ago would have been in jail for crimes against humanity if this were indeed a legit process.

The email matter is nothing, the same people investigated and found the same (with no repercussions) on Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Non-issue to stop the momentum building leading to HRC as President.

The rest of them are not experienced enough and/or not fit to be President (i.e. horses rump Trump).

Just to help you catch up...

Condoleezza Rice never used email.

Colin Powell sent 12 messages on his personal account, with two of them later being classified as 'confidential'. He turned all of them over to the State Department when informed of his mistake.

Hillary Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails she sent on her personal account and deleted another 30,000 emails she and her attorney considered personal.

Of those 55,000 pages, over 1,700 of them have been deemed classified with around 30 of them classified as 'top secret'.

I must presume you have never held a federally issued security clearance or you would realize what Clinton has done is an egregious violation of law and federal policies.

Nothing less.

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Hillary Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails she sent on her personal account and deleted another 30,000 emails she and her attorney considered personal.

Of those 55,000 pages, over 1,700 of them have been deemed classified with around 30 of them classified as 'top secret'.

This is the scary part. Even after deleting 30,000 emails, they still missed nearly 2,000 that were classified.They had time to delete those emails but missed them. Incompetence at a remarkable level. I can't wait until she is leading the country!! not.

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What worries me is that even one American voter takes Trump seriously. He's a TROLL candidate. Nobody in their right mind believes he's going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it but that's a core of his campaign big lies. It's madness. We've seen this before in history. It's not too late to nip this in the bud. Yes people are suffering and politicians haven't delivered ... but going with a demagogue like Trump would make things MUCH WORSE.

Much worse. Would it be worse if he actually stopped illegal immigration? Would it be worse if he took China by the throat and told it how the cow ate the cabbage? Would it be worse if he made it more expensive to manufacture in Mexico or China than in the US by imposing penalties as China and Mexico do in the other direction?

Would it be worse if the items on the store shelves were made in the USA?

How exactly would he make things worse? Has he threatened your rights in any way? No? Then don't you want to see the American economy take off with manufacturing again?

What exactly makes him a troll? He built the project in the picture below. Why do you think he can't build a wall? He's a doer, not just a talker like the politicians. A doer.


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What worries me is that even one American voter takes Trump seriously. He's a TROLL candidate. Nobody in their right mind believes he's going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it but that's a core of his campaign big lies. It's madness.

I think he started as a troll candidate, even a plant by the Clintons. But now that he sees a legit chance to win...uh-oh.

I thought getting Mexico to pay for the wall was silly too until I heard one of the ways it could be done. Adding a fee to money transfers to Mexico could probably cover it without much difficulty. Last I heard, US dollars sent back to Mexico from people in the USA accounted for something like 12% of Mexico's GDP. BTW - now you know why Mexico has zero interest in stopping their people from crossing into the USA for work.


Wow, more money is sent from the USA to Mexico than all the money sent from the UK to the rest of the world...


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So it's a done deal.

Hillary vs. The Donald

May God have mercy on our souls!

I still want to see

Bernie against the Don

The Jewish socialist against the Christian Capitalist. Hollywood could not have come up with a more unlikely political comedy.

The above scenerio is becoming more of a possibility every day. HRC has not answered a single reporters question since December, she wont be able to keep her head down much longer. Each day more and more of the American public are seeing her as a liar and criminal. She really only has the special interest groups following her; like a blind dog following a Vietnamese butcher.

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So it's a done deal.

Hillary vs. The Donald

May God have mercy on our souls!

I still want to see

Bernie against the Don

The Jewish socialist against the Christian Capitalist. Hollywood could not have come up with a more unlikely political comedy.

The above scenerio is becoming more of a possibility every day. HRC has not answered a single reporters question since December, she wont be able to keep her head down much longer. Each day more and more of the American public are seeing her as a liar and criminal. She really only has the special interest groups following her; like a blind dog following a Vietnamese butcher.

To old New Yorkers in an epic battle. Their debates would demolish TV rating records for any show, not just presidential debates.

It would be historic also for the fact that neither is truly a member of the political party he would be representing. Bernie is an Independent running as a Democrat and I think Trump is really an Independent too, this is just a good year to be a Republican.

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You're being ridiculous. Everyone knows HRC is a flawed candidate.

Yes, many flaws, not the least of which is she's going to be campaigning from jail.

Everyone needs to stop with this "jail stuff", it's complete right wing nonsense. Bush and Cheney long ago would have been in jail for crimes against humanity if this were indeed a legit process.

The email matter is nothing, the same people investigated and found the same (with no repercussions) on Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Non-issue to stop the momentum building leading to HRC as President.

The rest of them are not experienced enough and/or not fit to be President (i.e. horses rump Trump).

Just to help you catch up...

Condoleezza Rice never used email.

Colin Powell sent 12 messages on his personal account, with two of them later being classified as 'confidential'. He turned all of them over to the State Department when informed of his mistake.

Hillary Clinton turned over 55,000 pages of emails she sent on her personal account and deleted another 30,000 emails she and her attorney considered personal.

Of those 55,000 pages, over 1,700 of them have been deemed classified with around 30 of them classified as 'top secret'.

I must presume you have never held a federally issued security clearance or you would realize what Clinton has done is an egregious violation of law and federal policies.

Nothing less.

Exactly and chuckd brings up a good point. There are thousands of people who have at some time in their lives held security clearances and worked with classified material (military, government, defense contractors, etc). They know how it works and what Hillary did was egregious. In other words, they "get it." There will be outrage if she is not prosecuted. Her only hope is for Trump to pardon her so as to end "our long national nightmare."

Edited by mesquite
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...what Hillary did was egregious …..There will be outrage if she is not prosecuted. Her only hope is for Trump to pardon her so as to end "our long national nightmare."

Pardon her?

He's saving his ammo for when he becomes the official candidate…then he's gonna roast her over an open slow fire…..the narrative will be that she is a corrupt public servant who takes big money from special interest group and doesnt represent the people…she is gonna bleed once his tv ads start running.

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...what Hillary did was egregious …..There will be outrage if she is not prosecuted. Her only hope is for Trump to pardon her so as to end "our long national nightmare."

Pardon her?

He's saving his ammo for when he becomes the official candidate…then he's gonna roast her over an open slow fire…..the narrative will be that she is a corrupt public servant who takes big money from special interest group and doesnt represent the people…she is gonna bleed once his tv ads start running.

After he's president and she's been convicted.

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...what Hillary did was egregious …..There will be outrage if she is not prosecuted. Her only hope is for Trump to pardon her so as to end "our long national nightmare."

Pardon her?

He's saving his ammo for when he becomes the official candidate…then he's gonna roast her over an open slow fire…..the narrative will be that she is a corrupt public servant who takes big money from special interest group and doesnt represent the people…she is gonna bleed once his tv ads start running.

That is my opinion. Trump as the Republican candidate

must send chills down Clinton's spine. He will go for the

throat , and bring up her sordid history. I suspect the

general public may start to feel sorry for her after she

gets worked over.......

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Yep. He even won among Hispanics. Whooda thunk it after his entrance bashing illegals? Legit Hispanics don't like illegal immigrants taking or underbidding their jobs either.

President Trump.


The Nevada caucuses today are for members of the Republican party only.

The Democrats this past Saturday had their Democratic Party only caucuses.

It's a laugh riot to know that only 17% of all Hispanic voters in the United States are registered as Republicans.

Even funnier is that Mitt Romney lost in 2012 while getting a paltry 27% of the Hispanic vote. George W Bush in 2004 got 43% of the national Hispanic vote. However, there's been a lot of water under the Hispanic-Republican party broken bridge since then.

So whoever is the Republican nominee in this quadrennial election year, and it looks like it's The Donald, will again get between only 17% to 27% of the national Hispanic vote.

Split the difference..22% of the total Hispanic vote to the R party nominee for potus. The Hispanic vote in November is but one part of the Republican party getting blown out in the election. Across the board. Which means bye-bye to the Republican majority control of the Senate too.

This is shaping up as a super fantastic election year. Youse guyz are in for a very hard fall in November. The end of the Rightwhinge Road kind of fall.

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The people so fearful of Trump are, in fact, fearful of democracy.

Trump is to democracy what a turtle is to pole vaulting.

...what Hillary did was egregious …..There will be outrage if she is not prosecuted. Her only hope is for Trump to pardon her so as to end "our long national nightmare."

Pardon her?

He's saving his ammo for when he becomes the official candidate…then he's gonna roast her over an open slow fire…..the narrative will be that she is a corrupt public servant who takes big money from special interest group and doesnt represent the people…she is gonna bleed once his tv ads start running.

That is my opinion. Trump as the Republican candidate

must send chills down Clinton's spine. He will go for the

throat , and bring up her sordid history. I suspect the

general public may start to feel sorry for her after she

gets worked over.......

Clinton can more than hold her own in a debate. She was grilled for 13 hrs by congressmen and kept her cool. Trump stands on a stage for 5 minutes with other Republicans and loses his cool and commences non-stop red-faced shouting until the end of the debate. He even disparages people (Paul) for their physical appearances. The main thing Clinton has to try to overcome, if debating Trump, is being able to get a few words in without him interrupting and shouting, "She's the biggest liar!" ...as Trump did repeatedly with Cruz and Bush. As for policies, knowledge, wisdom, self-control, eloquence, and caring for people less fortunate, Clinton has a full house to Trump's jack high. Trump's strongest suit is his bullying ability.

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Clinton can more than hold her own in a debate. She was grilled for 13 hrs by congressmen and kept her cool. Trump stands on a stage for 5 minutes with other Republicans and loses his cool and commences non-stop red-faced shouting until the end of the debate. He even disparages people (Paul) for their physical appearances. The main thing Clinton has to try to overcome, if debating Trump, is being able to get a few words in without him interrupting and shouting, "She's the biggest liar!" ...as Trump did repeatedly with Cruz and Bush. As for policies, knowledge, wisdom, self-control, eloquence, and caring for people less fortunate, Clinton has a full house to Trump's jack high. Trump's strongest suit is his bullying ability.

The problem with Congressional Committees is that they are composed of politicians. They don't really "grill" anybody in the sense that a lawyer would cross exam a witness. They instead take their turn getting on a soapbox making their prepared, good cop/bad cop speeches primarily intended for media consumption. It's entirely predictable and Hillary's toughest challenge during the 13 hours was keeping her legs crossed until the next bathroom break.

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Trump will be the next POTUS because he couldn't give a rats if he doesn't get elected . Air Force 1 is a big draw card for most candidates an ancient 747. It would be a huge step backwards from the state of the art biz jets he flies.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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So it's a done deal.

Hillary vs. The Donald

May God have mercy on our souls!

I still want to see

Bernie against the Don

The Jewish socialist against the Christian Capitalist. Hollywood could not have come up with a more unlikely political comedy.

The above scenerio is becoming more of a possibility every day. HRC has not answered a single reporters question since December, she wont be able to keep her head down much longer. Each day more and more of the American public are seeing her as a liar and criminal. She really only has the special interest groups following her; like a blind dog following a Vietnamese butcher.

But she is the anointed one .. It's her turn.. Just ask her...

She need not talk to the pions ... They just need to kl get in line and vote for her... Don't they realize that? IT IS HER TURN!! Don't they know that?

She has all the party controlled super delegates and all the party big wigs in her pocket.... Or is she in their pocket?

It matters little...

I honestly Bernie win the Dem nomination, but even if he swept the rest of the states winning ever every state by a few points thin HRC would still come out ahead once the super delegates were counted ..

Although maybe I'm just being cynical

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Trump will be the next POTUS because he couldn't give a rats if he doesn't get elected . Air Force 1 is a big draw card for most candidates an ancient 747. It would be a huge step backwards from the state of the art biz jets he flies.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Maybe he'll self sabotage yet.
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Trump will be the next POTUS because he couldn't give a rats if he doesn't get elected . Air Force 1 is a big draw card for most candidates an ancient 747. It would be a huge step backwards from the state of the art biz jets he flies.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Maybe he'll self sabotage yet.

Nothing short of assassination will stop him, which the Clintons, already headed to prison, may well attempt. They have nothing to lose.

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Interestingly by taking the job it's going to cost him maybe many millions, maybe even a billion if he goes 8 years. You can't run a business empire hands on and be be president.

I think he has the most to lose of any of the candidates

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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Just my opinion, as I say, I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election after he is nominated, totally refreshing to have someone speak their mind, not affected by "lobbying" can surround himself with people he wants

He is not alone in thinking global warming is happening , just one i picked at random


Did you even watch it the interview?

I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election

Landslide loss.

If Trump gets the Republican nomination he'd need to win Blue states to be elected potus. To win in a landslide, Trump would need to win six to eight big Blue states, such as California, New York, Illinois and the like. Name just six Blue states Trump will carry to score your landslide win. Then state why the majority of Democrats in the six or eight big Blue states would reverse themselves to vote for Trump for potus. (Or for any Republican.)

Trump doesn't have to win those blue states. He just has to take enough delegates from them to add to the red states. California for instance proportions its delegates and Trump will get some.

I've been reading a lot of people who are trying to do the math. Some are on each side of the spectrum. Not one has concluded that if Trump keeps drawing record numbers of voters that he can't put the delegates he needs together. It's a matter of whether each math whiz thinks he will, not if he can.


Er, as a point of clarification, the poster I quoted and I were unmistakably discussing the general election and electoral college votes. Your post focuses on the number of delegates required to win the R party's nomination for potus. Apples and oranges of course.

So I see the right sector is still obsessing about Trump and the nomination, while the poster I replied to and I were looking past Trump's likely nomination to the general election. Trump v HR Clinton.

So keep your airpump on your front seat cause down the road in November there's going to be a blowout. It'll be so powerful we'll get to see The Donald in his natural baldness as he has to pick himself up off the floor after the electoral blast to call President-Elect Hillary Clinton to congratulate her on the win, the big win.

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