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Pope vs. Trump: 'Not Christian' to only build border walls


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A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

Obama goes after him one day. The Pope the next. Any other big hitters left to take on The Donald?

I think all these attacks are just going to make him stronger. Like lopping the head off a hydra.

I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

I stopped discounting Trump back in November or December. By that time he had said so many things that would have ended the career of any traditional politician (maybe even a Democrat shielded by a sympathetic press) - yet he not only survived, he grew stronger.

Trump will wither with the limelight taken from him. Shine it on him for any reason, and he just feeds off it. New Yorkers are good at that kind of thing.

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^^^ At the time the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written, the founders were concerned that the country never have an official religion as England had at the time. Many of them were from England of course.

The First Amendment, part of The Bill of Rights, never anticipated that the leaders wouldn't themselves have a religion so of course many do. That Amendment simply prohibits the government from establishing an official religion and it also guarantees each person the right to the free exercise of religion.

If a candidate is religious, with any certain religion, it is not a violation of the "Establishment Clause" as the First Amendment is often called. Running for office doesn't strip away 1st Amendment rights.


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If a democrat becomes president, gay parade will become a national holiday, there will be a gay quota for hiring etc. The next president will appoint 3 judges to the supreme court which will result in 6-3 liberal majority if a democrat takes office.

I just hope the next president is republican, or else the world is going ot be a disgusting place.

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I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

And Hillary's campaign is a train wreck. Look at upcoming Nevada. She's barely tied with that wimp Sanders now.

I still can't believe that out of 330 million people, that bale of hay Hillary is the Dem party's choice to run for POTUS. What a loser.

If Hillary manages to hang on and get the nomination, Trump is going to run over her like a bulldozer in November.


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And Hillary's campaign is a train wreck. Look at upcoming Nevada. She's barely tied with that wimp Sanders now.

I still can't believe that out of 330 million people, that bale of hay Hillary is the Dem party's choice to run for POTUS. What a loser.

If Hillary manages to hang on and get the nomination, Trump is going to run over her like a bulldozer in November.


Democrats are disgusted by having only one choice forced upon them.

They saw the unknown Obama speak at the 2004 convention then become President four years later.

They took pride in bringing up fresh, young, (non-white) faces into their "big tent".

They were ready to take American politics to the next level, beyond the rule of old, white people. Remember all that talk about the end of whites being in control? How whites were soon to be the minority? Now the Democrats themselves can offer nothing but old, white people.

Remember those young, Hispanics speaking at the Democratic conventions? The only Hispanics you see today on the national scene are running for the Republican nomination. ALL Democrats have been told to step aside for Hillary. Only the memo didn't make it to that Independent Senator who is a proud Socialist. Good luck with that.

So after the Democratic establishment put all of their eggs into the Hillary basket, they are seeing her implode. Had they stepped outside of their own echo chamber where the praise for Hillary was non-stop, they would have seen the writing on the wall and allowed others to run. As it is now, they have no one waiting in the wings for 2020.

Combine loser Hillary with the over-powering, disgusting level of PC-garbage in America (and the West in general) and a vacuum had been created just ripe for someone like Trump to fill.

Now, with the Trump train primed to roll over the Democrats (and the Republican establishment)...Obama comes out against Trump, throwing more gas on the fire.

Then the Pope decides the fire still needs some more gasoline.

The only way to put out that fire is by denying it oxygen. Good luck with that, oxygen is just too good for ratings.

Fortunately for the country and the world, whatever President Trump might promise on the campaign trail, he still needs to get Congress to go along, and he can't count on the Republicans to fall in behind him in great enough numbers. He would need to tone it down in order to govern.

Unfortunately for the country and the world, President Obama has set the bar low with his bypassing the Constitution whenever he can (not only by Executive Orders, but re-writing Obamacare after it had been passed into law).

Naive Democrats (is there any other kind?) thought it was great that Obama bypassed Congress when he could. Little did they realize that the next President will just pick up where he left off...just as all presidents before him have.

November 2024 can't come soon enough. :)

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I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

And Hillary's campaign is a train wreck. Look at upcoming Nevada. She's barely tied with that wimp Sanders now.

I still can't believe that out of 330 million people, that bale of hay Hillary is the Dem party's choice to run for POTUS. What a loser.

If Hillary manages to hang on and get the nomination, Trump is going to run over her like a bulldozer in November.


Put your money where your mouth is, or you will look like a BS-er.

Currently betting sites offer 1 to 5 odds for a trump victory. Sell your house sell your car sell all your positions and bet on trump, you will be 5x richer if he takes office.

If you believe he will be the republican nominee, repeat the steps above, you will be 2x richer!

Gambling lesson required here. If the odds of a Trump win are 1 to 5 as you say, this is an "odds-on" bet. You need to bet $5 to win $1.

So your wealth will only increase by 20% and not 500% as you assert!

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Are we talking about the first Trump of God or the last trump

As an atheist, I find myself quite bamboozled

Wasn't it the Trump of God that brought down the walls of Jericho

Do tell.....

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Have you actually placed a bet in your life? For ever 1 dollar pledged, you will make it 5. It will not be a 5x increase, but a 4x net increase in your wealth..... You are free to bet if you really support trump. Let me even get the link for you.


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A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

Someone tell that #%&@$% Pope that we're not a wimpy member of anything like the EU and that Rome doesn't run the United States of America.

Get lost, hypocrite Pope.

The Pope was not making a political statement, he was making a humanitarian statement. Under the category: "Concern for disadvantaged people who are trying to better their lives." Trump turned it into a political statement. No prominent American has ever clashed with a Pope. Along comes the fake blond who shoots himself in both feet. Anyone who hasn't been convinced Trump is a bigoted horses-ass has got to be as xenophobic paranoid as him.

Here is another Trumpism, for anyone who doesn't already know what racist flip-flopping buffoon Trump is:

"I don't have lobbyists, .....I hire lobbyists..." Yes, Trump said that in one sentence.

Here are some Trumpisms re; journalists, "The press are all liars, they're terrible people." "....they're scavengers, .....they're very dishonest."

Oh, but let's not forget Trump's promise: "You're all going to be very happy with me." That's an order.

Yet, even after all that, I'm more spooked by Rubio than Trump, because Rubio is a fly-off-the-handle speed-talking hate-monger. It's like deciding who's better between Idi Amin or Bokassa.

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Have you actually placed a bet in your life? For ever 1 dollar pledged, you will make it 5. It will not be a 5x increase, but a 4x net increase in your wealth..... You are free to bet if you really support trump. Let me even get the link for you.


Wrong again. See my post above. Odds of 1 to 5 are "odds-on" bets. You need to bet $5 to win $1 (plus your stake back). So your wealth will only increase by 20% (less applicable taxes) not 4x or 400% as you say. Have you ever placed a bet???

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

Has he had a go at Canada yet?

Don't mind him having a go at Brit parliament, most of them are self serving buffoons anyway. Reckon DT is what the US needs; someone with a pair of taters speaking of what needs to be done. Heard he later praised him, clearly to appease the voters.

As for pope, bit of a waste of space in this day and age, poncing about in a cloak like he's superman. How about using some of his organisation's wealth to help the world's ills and tearing down his adopted state's OWN WALLS!

In the great scheme of things that religion is about as useful to the world as the other we should not mention; you know, the one that idolises an insane paedo. Ban them all and bung the babbling argy in an old people's home methinks.

Oops, off topic, sorry.

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

You forgot the Chinese.

Trump is #1 flip-flopper. In the same sentence, he can say he:. . . . . .

>>> loves the Chinese and then, a moment later he hates the Chinese.

>>> Chinese are the smartest people / smarter than us (Americans) because of their biz deals, and then he'll say they're the dumbest people.

>>> Mexicans are smarter than us (Americans) because of their biz deals, and the next sentence he'll say they're rapists and murderers.

>>> he loves women, but then denigrates some of them with language that would make a sailor blush.

>>> he's bosom buddies with Putin (tho he lied when he said he met Putin), ....then paints Russia as America's worst enemy. Then, a minute later, he'll paint China as America's worst enemy. Then, a moment later, ISIS is the US's worst enemy.

Is there a pattern there?

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Actually, The Vatican and The Donald have several things in common: Both....

>>> are very rich, particularly in their holdings.

>>> are led by men who act as thought they're superior to others, particularly people who don't believe their particular dogma.

>>> cannot be criticized by their followers - it's against the rules.

>>> want to dominate the world, or at least how the world's people think.

>>> love their followers and disapprove of everyone else.

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

I sort of agree with Trump.

As President of the USA, do you run the USA for the benefit of Americans,

Or is your job to appease every foreigner with an agenda?

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State

The Constitution doesn't say that. It guarantees individuals, even candidates, the freedom to have and express their own personal religion. It prohibits the government from establishing an official state religion. This isn't the State speaking, it's the Pope and an individual person as candidate.


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In a poll conducted of Trump supporters in the Palmetto State showed 38% of those who responded wished the Confederacy had won the Civil War, and that 70% wished the Confederate battle flag still flew over the South Carolina capitol.

Please provide some evidence of this from a CREDIBLE source. Your posts are usually hate-filled, partisan fantasies. I'm guessing this is another one of them.


PPP got a B- rating for its polling from fivethirtyeight.com in september of 2014. Fox, which is probably your gold standard, got a C+.

Any, there's lots of other intersting stats there. Here's one passage

"70% think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the State Capital, to only 20% who agree with it being taken down. In fact 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and 38% who aren't sure. Overall just 36% of Republican primary voters in the state are glad the North emerged victorious to 30% for the South, but Trump's the only one whose supporters actually wish the South had won."

I can't resist. Here's another:

Only 44% of Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United States, to 33% who think it should be illegal. To put all the views toward Muslims in context though, 32% of Trump voters continue to believe the policy of Japanese internment during World War II was a good one, compared to only 33% who oppose it and 35% who have no opinion one way or another.

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Well done Pope! That imbecile has got to go, he is one fake Christian.

You could argue that all non-Catholics are fake Christians.

Protestants were only invented so Henry 8th could change his wife as often as he liked without asking permission from the Pope.

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In a poll conducted of Trump supporters in the Palmetto State showed 38% of those who responded wished the Confederacy had won the Civil War, and that 70% wished the Confederate battle flag still flew over the South Carolina capitol.

Please provide some evidence of this from a CREDIBLE source. Your posts are usually hate-filled, partisan fantasies. I'm guessing this is another one of them.


PPP got a B- rating for its polling from fivethirtyeight.com in september of 2014. Fox, which is probably your gold standard, got a C+.

Any, there's lots of other intersting stats there. Here's one passage

"70% think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the State Capital, to only 20% who agree with it being taken down. In fact 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and 38% who aren't sure. Overall just 36% of Republican primary voters in the state are glad the North emerged victorious to 30% for the South, but Trump's the only one whose supporters actually wish the South had won."

I can't resist. Here's another:

Only 44% of Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United States, to 33% who think it should be illegal. To put all the views toward Muslims in context though, 32% of Trump voters continue to believe the policy of Japanese internment during World War II was a good one, compared to only 33% who oppose it and 35% who have no opinion one way or another.

You bring up an interesting point regarding the similarities between Trumps stance and his voters regarding Islam and this "wall".

When people allow themselves to think that someone is a lesser human because they are from South America, because they are Muslim, that they should not be able to enjoy the freedoms of America, should not be allowed in because of belief or color, it degrades all of us to put this humiliation on a set few.

It also sure helps a leader to whip the masses into a frenzy "these other people are animals", insta scapegoat.

Changing course, I've been to the Rio Grande that borders Texas and it is economic stupidity to thing you are going to make a wall there. The Canadian border? Trump's a fool.

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