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Too much salt: Over 8 million Thais suffer from chronic kidney disease


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Salty food?

You can't be serious

If anything, thai food is seriously under-salted.

Rice is always coooked w/o salt

That's 50% of your average meal right there...

Only salted fish is very salty here...I don't see it being very popular...at least here in the deep south

Being expensive might be one reason

btw...try asking for salt in a thai restaurant...

Good luck with that

there is a magic elixir called fish sauce that to my knowledge is used occasionally in thai cooking.

last i heard that contained trace elements of sodium.

in fact 1 table spoon contains around 1200 mg salt.

thats around half the daily recommended in one serving

sounds less impressive if you say 1.2 grams

Edited by manarak
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Thai food is anything but healthy..

Its full of ''Sugar'' or ''Salt'' or ''Soy Sauce''.... ,

and also ''White Rice'' is not good for you either.....

saying all that, lots of ''Fresh Tropical Fruit and Vegetables'' but dont let a ''Thai'' near it to cook it,

Rubbish,Thai food is very healthy if you eat at home and control the input.

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I learnt long ago, how it's a waste of time pointing out to a Thai the problems with adding fish sauce to everything, or how heaping teaspoons of sugar on fresh ripe fruit like pineapple or even on noodles, is not a good idea. In reply you will be told it won't taste good without it, and that is all that matters. Any health consequences... there is always some medication to fix that...

Aloy trumps everything.Finally nagged the missus into withholding everything until i get my tucker out.She has finally come around,but still has those bloody mama's for lunch.

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I have know about this for many years. Just watch how the food is cooked, with nam plaa added as well as salt. Most people are trying to eat the spicy food, and do not realize that there is

so much salt in it because of the strong spices. I even ordered a lemon juice drink, and it arrived

heavily salted. I still think the Thai food is very delicious and will always enjoy it

when I visit. I just do not tell this to my doctor when I get back to Canada.

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Never noticed Thai food being salty and I hate salt so would notice!

This may sound counterintuitive, but not all salts are salty, and not all salty things are salty because of sodium. Sodium glutamate doesn't taste salty, like some salts that are used for baking and preserving (sodium carbonate, sodium nitrate).

Potassium chloride is marketed as a salt substitute for people on sodium-restricted diets - you get the salty taste without the sodium. Some of you may be familiar with salty licorice, which gets its salty bite from ammonium chloride.

Perhaps the headline should have said "Too Much Sodium".

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Salty food?

You can't be serious

If anything, thai food is seriously under-salted.

Rice is always coooked w/o salt

That's 50% of your average meal right there...

Only salted fish is very salty here...I don't see it being very popular...at least here in the deep south

Being expensive might be one reason

btw...try asking for salt in a thai restaurant...

Good luck with that

i think you can`t be serious . Every bit of chicken or fish i eat i have to clean the salt off . All this fish and soy sauces full of salt .

All the powdered flavourings for soups about 70% salt .

I have not eaten salt for about 15 years so can easily taste when there is a lot of salt . Western cereals i cannot eat because to much salt even porridge and weetabix .Baked beans make me sick because of the salt intake . Buscuits in thailand full of salt . Packets of read made curries full of salt .

.Salt is now one of the worlds biggest killers . Never need to ask for salt as the food is already saturated with the stuff.


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