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Thousands pay respects to late US Justice Antonin Scalia


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While I respect Scalia and understand and respect his views on the constitution, I would love to see Ovama get an appointment because I do prefer a liberal court. There are many issues including women's rights and tort law issues wherein I prefer a liberal view.

Kind of sux as I am awaiting the Court's decision in Tysin Foods as that appeal drastically impacts 7 class actions I am currently defending. We need a decision so we can properly evaluate the case, advise our client and instruct our experts how to analyze the class data.

But, his death and his family's loss is much more important than timely release of some silly decision.

At the end of the day, many close to him loved and respected him even if they did not share the same beliefs or views as to how the constitution should be interpreted. I also think the constitution should be interpreted as written and consistent with the beliefs of the drafters at the time written. Otherwise, we open the door to have people two centuries later trying to change it to conform to their own set of values and beliefs. This creates inconsistency and uncertainty as to the law. If you want to change interpretation of the constitution, do it by amendment.

Edited by F430murci
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Who then is fit to pass judgement? The millions of people whose rights were not respected by this bigot? Every one of those people would wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed by ALLSEEINGEYE. Deal with it.

His fellow Supreme Court judges, Senate and House representatives, and other judges are fit to pass judgement.

Who are these "millions of people whose rights were not respected"?

There are 9 judges on the Supreme Court.

Who are the other judges that do not give judgements that suit your way of thinking?

Are they bigots as well?

Not surprising that you do not see those who have been affected by the lack of respect for human rights by the right wing faction of SCOTUS. All those denied legal recognition of marriage, all those denied access to loved ones dying of AIDS because they had no 'family' status and their relationships not recognised, all those who are denied access to planned parenthood and abortions because of obstacles being put upon service providers, all those whose political voices were diminished when it was decided that money is political speech so the poor are oppressed even more.

The numbers will be in the millions. These millions will be invisible to you. They were invisible to Scalia and his side-kicks. They are invisible to the radical right; the ones who say screw anyone who can't keep up with those who began with privileges in the first place or those who don't fit the received wisdom pf what is 'normal' ad decided by old white men.

Scalia was a public figure. Any citizen has the right to pass judgement. So do non-citizens when the influence of that public figure extends beyond their nation's border. Your selective little group of who is entitled to judge Scalia? What means this? More Republican elitism BS I guess. Have to have been to the right school. Have to have the right friends. Have to belong to the right clubs. Only then can you presume to make comments about the sacred elite. At least Liberal Elitism is meritocratic.

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Adiós bye, goodbye to bad rubbish, so long glad to see you go. The federalist, corporatist, koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers "gang of 5" is now the gang of 4. Not to worry right wingers, Obama has never nominated a true liberal for anything. Bet on a center rightest, taking into account the swing to the right of the Democrat party over the years, that is a right winger, for nomination. Bet on a Scalia "lite".

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Scalia did little if anything to separate himself from the most extreme rhetoric or from the most intemperate wingnuts of American society, as noted by a law professor who include the following in her analysis of Scalia's foul legacy....

"Scalia's promise of certainty has a dangerous corollary: When there is disagreement about an outcome, the justices he disagrees with are reaching unprincipled or objectively wrong results. His dissents could be intemperate and frankly insulting of his colleagues, and in recent years, he sometimes even suggested that he believed they were acting in bad faith.

"In Obergefell v. Hodges, for example, last year's decision legalizing same-sex marriage throughout the land, he accused the majority of being "a threat to American democracy," and he accused the court of engaging in a "judicial Putsch." He called the majority opinion "a naked claim to legislative -- indeed super-legislative -- power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government."


Scalia's textualism and so-called originalism equate to a petrified legal point of view and world view.

As to the passing of Antonin Scalia, it is civilised to respect the deceased. There is however little to respect in one such as Antonin Scalia who in his reactionary mind and dark soul impugned the motives intents and purposes of his colleagues on the High Court. Scalia himself was so certain in his denunciations of his peers on the Court that he practiced a brazen hubris.

I don't think I've ever called even the most crackpot rightwhingenut there is a "threat to American democracy" as Antonin Scalia spewed against his colleagues on the Court. Scalia it turns out suffered a powerfully cloaked socio-cultural deficit and deficiency.

Edited by Publicus
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Apart from GWB in 2005 other justices have passed without the presence of either the VP or the president. However if Obama had attended he would still be criticised for some imaginary offence.

Absolutely, and he knows it. The Fox News Alert would be something like the president's shoelaces hadn't been properly pressed, an obvious and blatant display of disrespect.

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Personally I'm amazed people support a Presidential Candidate who makes comments such as the one below which surely is scraping the bottom of the barrel of vilification.

Donald Trump Uses Scalia Funeral to Accuse President Obama of Being a Muslim

“Real leaders don’t throw gasoline on conspiracy theories, and grown-ups try not to throw a fit in public over something and then turn around and do it to someone else in public, just two days later. Donald Trump is a puffy reality TV show walking drama fest who belongs on TMZ, he is not a world leader”


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^^^ Just watch. The US hasn't had a real leader for more than 50 years. Trump is the only candidate in decades who doesn't operate out of political correctness and has real experience actually making things happen.

He's a lot more qualified than the community organizer with the revoked law license.


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^^^ Just watch. The US hasn't had a real leader for more than 50 years. Trump is the only candidate in decades who doesn't operate out of political correctness and has real experience actually making things happen.

He's a lot more qualified than the community organizer with the revoked law license.


I agree with you Trump is qualified to lead a large organization like a government in most aspects except foreign policy. I also think his outrageous behavior is somewhat strategic, and suspect that when elected, he would act more reasonably. He really needs to reign in the off-the-wall insults though.

For the Dems, Clinton is clearly qualified, though in my view insincere, and probably dishonest in many respects. Again, like Trump, I think she would reign in her nasty ambitiousness once elected to get things done.

Today, in the Reps camp, with Bush out, it looks like it will be Trump vs. the Cuban apprentice, Rubio. Trump wipes the floor with this (not so young anymore but still) upstart in terms of personal strength and presence, but Rubio is a party golden boy.

Very interesting developments today with Clinton and Trump looking strongest.

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^^^ Just watch. The US hasn't had a real leader for more than 50 years. Trump is the only candidate in decades who doesn't operate out of political correctness and has real experience actually making things happen.

He's a lot more qualified than the community organizer with the revoked law license.


I agree with you Trump is qualified to lead a large organization like a government in most aspects except foreign policy. -snip-

The US has been a disaster with foreign policy. BTW since WWI 5 Democrat presidents and 2 Republican presidents have led the US into war. I have the feeling that many, without looking it up, would guess the Republicans were the war mongers.

World War I: Woodrow Wilson, Democrat
World War II: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat
Korean war (1950-54): Harry S. Truman, Democrat
Vietnam War: Lyndon B. Johnson, Democrat
Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq: Bill Clinton, Democrat
Persian Gulf War, George HW Bush, Republican.
Afghanistan and Iraq, George W. Bush, Republican
Trump is a negotiator. Look at the smooth way he handled the Pope's insults. Trump was conciliatory and "forgave" the Pope, saying he didn't understand about the crime and drugs, and had been in Mexico listening to the other side. He's very, very good and he smoothed that right out and it went away.
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