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Jingthing post # 30

Who said there was a vote?

The OP is clearly asking the management.

It's strictly their decision.

A comment was made in passing. A figure of speech.

It would be appreciated if you did not read something into a post that isn't there. In a court of law in the U.K. the jury would be told to ignore and disregard such a comment as you made,

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning.

Edited by shunter
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Jingthing post # 30

Who said there was a vote?

The OP is clearly asking the management.

It's strictly their decision.

A comment was made in passing. A figure of speech.

It would be appreciated if you did not read something into a post that isn't there. In a court of law in the U.K. the jury would be told to ignore and disregard such a comment as you made,

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning.

This isn't a court of law either. In the U.K. or otherwise. thumbsup.gif

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Jingthing post # 30

Who said there was a vote?

The OP is clearly asking the management.

It's strictly their decision.

A comment was made in passing. A figure of speech.

It would be appreciated if you did not read something into a post that isn't there. In a court of law in the U.K. the jury would be told to ignore and disregard such a comment as you made,

A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning.

This isn't a court of law either. In the U.K. or otherwise. thumbsup.gif


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Religious beliefs of all shades and brands have always been and will carry on being the greatest barrier to world peace since time began.

Brand A god washes you whiter than any other brand of god.

My god, its and my religion loves you all, however if you don't follow the teachings of my god and its beliefs I will kill you!!

If you have belief in imaginary friends and talk to them best keep it private then no one will become a martyr or be offended in any other way.

Best course of action to take like politics is treat the whole issue as you would a rabid dog.

Ever tried to get rid of a J,W ? Harder that removing babies latest accident from his or hers crib blanket

Me? I'm voting NO.

Yes! But for the evil Christians the world would be at pease!!!!


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Ever tried to get rid of a J,W ? Harder that removing babies latest accident from his or hers crib blanket.

Simple; tell them you're gay and/or a blood donor.

If you've got a beer in one hand and a ciggie in the other that'll help, too.

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How many religions are there in the world?

According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system", but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect.

Source: https://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjIqKCghJ7LAhXGkI4KHcaKC70QFggjMAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FList_of_religions_and_spiritual_traditions&usg=AFQjCNFKj9bcPtknYErqCGPDhJZ9__hT4w&bvm=bv.115339255,d.c2E

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Religions are about a lot of different things, but they have one thing in common: money and tax exemption.

I'm thinking about registering the Church of Naturism, and while I am at it also the Church of Sexology and the Church or Kama Sutra. I wonder if I can get tax exempt status for them in Italy.

Come to think of it, can a subject of academic study like sexology be used as the name of a religion? Perhaps it will be better to use Church of Sextology.

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