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Junta-ruled Thailand flirts with Russia as U.S. ties cool


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Excellent. Thailand turns to Russia which is currently facing serious economic problems and expects what? In case the Thai military administration missed it, the price of oil has crashed. Countries which depended upon oil revenues are hurting. Russia has increased its military spending in a time when it has lost much of its oil revenues. It's not like the Russians have excess money lying around, especially USD which is what the Thais want.

I do find it a bit funny though. Thailand depends on exports to North America and the EU to drive its export economy. Much of Thailand's high value exports go to the west. Russia takes low value exports. If Thailand keeps thumbing its nose at the west with its fishing fleet, human trafficking, intellectual property theft and food safety issues, it may find itself shut out of its most lucrative export markets. facepalm.gif

But isn't that what the ruling party want, drive down and rule

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The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

Americas greed is coming home to roost.

Are you Mad...
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As far as I’m concerned this place has lost it ..it is light years away from the day I first set foot here (Many decades ago)

What the people of this place have allowed over the years is disgusting all down to greed, a lack of interest and indifference.

China, Russia & Thailand all in bed together it makes my head spin …. Its pretty clear who will be on their back while the other 2 rape her…they deserve everything coming to them.

I for one don’t give a damn anymore; for years its not the place I loved plus the people are so dumbed down here its ridiculous .coffee1.gif

Your position about Thailand is perfectly understandable.

Some of us don't give up on her even if that tiny, minuscule number of people controlling the country are morons.

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Thailand is starting to act like an old hooker who lost her looks, going after anyone who gives a nod or smile. The US wants one thing only to return the rule of the country back to the people. The Junta seems to be dragging there feet. what Thailand needs to remember is this when Thailand was hit with tragedy who called first to send aid and help? was it Russia? China? or was the US and it's people who opened there hearts and wallets to help. Remember actions speak louder than words. I not just saying US was only one but the UK, Australia and other democratic nations poured in supplies and help not asking for anything in return. Never turn your back on people who will help in times of troubles. Unlike China who's rail deal is mostly meant to benefit China not Thailand. What can Russia do for you teach to run boiler rooms? Or if you return to democracy and allow some flexibility in starting up companies maybe the US companies might look to Thailand to open branches here creating jobs. Free people minds are more open to creative thinking.

The problem I have with your post is this.

quote "The US wants one thing only to return the rule of the country back to the people."

It is not really anything to do with the US. Thailand is not a US state or a vassal of the US.

If I were to follow that along I would want to know why the US is trying to return democracy to the people of Syria, and before that to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq et al. They completely ignore what is going on in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei etc but pick on Thailand. Then the USA and many posters here wonder why the Thai government look to China or Russia and not to the USA.

The best thing that the USA could do is to publicly accept the status quo at this time and work quietly behind the scenes to try and improve the situation.

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Nothing surprising here. Thailand has always been on the wrong side of history. They sided with the Japs in WW2. thumbsup.gif

It was also a military government which sided with Japan in WW II. Not a civilian government.

The dinosaurs have been driving the country into the ground for a very very long time.

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The west has been good to Thailand now you are turning to communist countries as allies , be carefull what you wish for Prayut.

Honest question, what has the West done lately?

Recent proposed investments have come from China and Japan. EU and US are no longer Thailand's largest buyers of Thai products. Only time US seems to come up regarding Thailand is when the ambassador makes critical comments.

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The west has been good to Thailand now you are turning to communist countries as allies , be carefull what you wish for Prayut.

Honest question, what has the West done lately?

Recent proposed investments have come from China and Japan. EU and US are no longer Thailand's largest buyers of Thai products. Only time US seems to come up regarding Thailand is when the ambassador makes critical comments.

Thailand has long enjoyed being the one chosen for manufacturing plants for autos, hard disk drives and other things. You do realize that if the US balked and pulled out that Japan would go in lockstep?

Thailand's privilege of being the place for all of this manufacturing has helped it to progress beyond its neighbors, especially in things like infrastructure and of course the income that flows from all of it. That income flows to the private sector and to the government in taxes.

If Thailand would rather align with crocodiles like China and Russia there won't be space for the US because it doesn't do that dance. You're either friend or foe in American foreign policy.

Yes, Thailand should be careful what it wishes for.


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The west has been good to Thailand now you are turning to communist countries as allies , be carefull what you wish for Prayut.

Honest question, what has the West done lately?

Recent proposed investments have come from China and Japan. EU and US are no longer Thailand's largest buyers of Thai products. Only time US seems to come up regarding Thailand is when the ambassador makes critical comments.

Gosh. Depends on how recent you think is recent. It is only in last few years that China has become Thailand's top export market. China is largest importer of Thai goods, then Japan, then EU, then US. US is 2nd largest supplier after Japan. US and Japan are largest FDI contributors.


It would be ridiculous to ignore the US, and, I suspect the smart Thais in government know this fact better than (not you) but some of the half illiterate drunkards who call Thailand home and regularly post almost unintelligible text on TV

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Excellent. Thailand turns to Russia which is currently facing serious economic problems and expects what? In case the Thai military administration missed it, the price of oil has crashed. Countries which depended upon oil revenues are hurting. Russia has increased its military spending in a time when it has lost much of its oil revenues. It's not like the Russians have excess money lying around, especially USD which is what the Thais want.

I do find it a bit funny though. Thailand depends on exports to North America and the EU to drive its export economy. Much of Thailand's high value exports go to the west. Russia takes low value exports. If Thailand keeps thumbing its nose at the west with its fishing fleet, human trafficking, intellectual property theft and food safety issues, it may find itself shut out of its most lucrative export markets. facepalm.gif

Take a couple of years leave from your day job and try to find three of those currently in charge to understand your view. Or do something more propitious: try to hit the jackpot in the local lottery.

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Nothing surprising here. Thailand has always been on the wrong side of history. They sided with the Japs in WW2. thumbsup.gif

It was also a military government which sided with Japan in WW II. Not a civilian government.

The dinosaurs have been driving the country into the ground for a very very long time.

Between the frequent military coup govts and so called civilian govts full of retired generals I don't think Thailand has ever truly had a civilian govt.

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LOS has far more visitors and ties with Russia than the U.S. anyway !

And everybody is walking around in Thailand using Russian technology, eating Russian food, wearing Russian style clothers, watching Russian tv and movies, speaking Russian, and lining up outside the Russian embassy for visas to get into Russia. Right.

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The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

Americas greed is coming home to roost.

Democracy in America ? You must be kidding !

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The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

Americas greed is coming home to roost.

America needs Thailand ?? Are you on crack ?? America's

policies in Asia has long since shifted away from Thailand,

and onto countries such as Vietnam.

So let's see , what countries to warm up to with a favorable

opinion of current affairs in Thailand. China ? Check.

Russia ? Check. Next up, North Korea ?? :-)

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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The Asean-US summit set the stage for this to happen. America is grasping to get help and at the same time trying to keep an image of that they are the pillar of democracy. America has made the mistake of letting Asean countries see it desperation. Asean counries thrive on taking advantage of people and things when they are vulnerable, that is where they survive. Obama sold out America finally. There is no turning back. Now Thailand knows America needs them more than Thailand needs America.

Take Thailand out of the picture for America in south east asia and America loses not Thailand. Thailand knows this now for sure and will use it to the max.

Americas greed is coming home to roost.

Democracy in America ? You must be kidding !

Which would you consider more democratic, USA or Thailand?

IMHO an essential defining element of a democracy is 'freedom of speech'. In this respect Thailand is on a different planet compared to USA. If anyone disagrees, I suggest they accompany 10 Thai students on a corruption fact-finding trip to a certain new tourist attraction in Hua-Hin.

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As far as I’m concerned this place has lost it ..it is light years away from the day I first set foot here (Many decades ago)

What the people of this place have allowed over the years is disgusting all down to greed, a lack of interest and indifference.

China, Russia & Thailand all in bed together it makes my head spin …. Its pretty clear who will be on their back while the other 2 rape her…they deserve everything coming to them.

I for one don’t give a damn anymore; for years its not the place I loved plus the people are so dumbed down here its ridiculous .coffee1.gif

agreed! The changes have happened so incrementally and so slowly that probably many people haven't noticed or they are forced to accept them anyway because they have family ties here. But there's many times I feel it's no longer the place I bargained for by a long way

I mean just how much can a koala bear?

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Some of you are in serious need of New World Meds or you will be unable to survive the changes. Coming from a multipolar country, makes it so much easier. I would not want to negatively criticise the military while living in Thailand, it just seems somewhat tempting to the top brass to dispose all your sorry little butts. It is illegal to defame the Junta in Thailand. I would suggest that some of you refrain from playing with fire, but then where would all the fun in that be? Maybe we should just remove you all from China, Russia and Thailand at the same time and prevent access even after changing passports or names.Russia has been setting a fine example on that. Noting that Russia has been a friend of Thailand for 150 years and just invested $10 Billion into military deals and the Thai economy. You are all fools who support a falling Babylon with the inability to adapt to changes. Go ahead with the criticism and let's see how far it gets you in life.

Wikipedia...Hah! It has faced much scrutiny in the New World Order as it was built by Western institutes who have always modifed it's contents and truthness in accordance with political correctness, which is currently reffered to as immoral and inhumane practice. So go ahead and believe all that is wikipedia. Does it mention that the original creator of the Nobel Peace prize foundation was in fact Adolf Hitler's weapons designer and military adviser? You who all follow Western mainstream media know nothing or either support these monsters

So much drivel from such a new poster, or am I feeding a troll?

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Wikipedia...Hah! It has faced much scrutiny in the New World Order as it was built by Western institutes who have always modifed it's contents and truthness in accordance with political correctness, which is currently reffered to as immoral and inhumane practice. So go ahead and believe all that is wikipedia. Does it mention that the original creator of the Nobel Peace prize foundation was in fact Adolf Hitler's weapons designer and military adviser? You who all follow Western mainstream media know nothing or either support these monsters

He must have been going some to have been Adolf Hitler's weapons designer.

His name was Alfred Nobel. He was Norwegian and died December 10th 1896 which was a little earlier than when Hitler came to power.

On June 29, 2000, the Nobel Foundation celebrated its 100th anniversary. The Foundation and especially the Nobel Prizes - which were first awarded in 1901 - are closely linked to the history of modern science, the arts, and political development throughout the 20th century.


If you notice the link is not that of Wikipedia but of the Nobel organisation.

I suggest that before you post thing that you do a little research first as it may save you making a bigger fool of yourself as you managed to do with your post.

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Thailand wasted billions on investments due to Western policies. They lost all those investments. It is not up to Obama to 'favor' anything. All his policies failed. Enough said. In all the years of joint military exercises all America sold to Thailand was failed policies, one aircraft carrier and a few ancient F16's and a few small arms. If anything I would say that Thailand is quite pissed at the egoiistic America. At least Russia is providing weapons for Thailand to protect it's borders from 'invading' nations and assisting with logical immigration policies which actually makes sense. Thailand is also getting it's nuclear power from Russia. What good has the USA and other politically correct nations ever done for any other nations besides harm their economies and destabilize entire countries?

Russia and China has been making friends, while America made enemies with over 70 nations. End of discussion. This is the generation of awareness. The entire house of the rising sun, has been exposed. If the US continues their policies in the Mid-East and North Africa, they will see the entire Africa become very anti-western very soon.


I really think that you should lie down out of the sun for a while and then do a little more research.

Having read 2 of your posts on this thread I have come to the conclusion that you actually are as foolish as I think you are or you are a spammer.

Can you explain how the USA sold Thailand an aircraft carrier when the Thai government ordered the construction of HTMS Chakri Naruebet (Thai จักรีนฤเบศร, meaning "In honour of the Chakri Dynasty"[1]) is the flagship of the Royal Thai Navy (RTN), and Thailand's first and only aircraft carrier. Based on the Spanish Navy's Príncipe de Asturias design and constructed by Spanish shipbuilder Bazán, Chakri Naruebet was ordered in 1992, launched in 1996, and commissioned into the RTN in 1997.

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The west has been good to Thailand now you are turning to communist countries as allies , be carefull what you wish for Prayut.

I think you'll find that the US is playing a very dirty game in the SE Asia peninsula all in the interests of keeping SEA away from China. The power battle here, ultimately, is between US and China. Russia seems to have dealt some very interesting cards: it's intervention in Syria was a wise move and seems to be working as ISIS' grip is weakening because of the Russian bombing. Sadly the US and Nato are and have been quite duplicitous. For the General to resist the US' continual interference - which went as far as recently appointing a heavy handed military-trained Ambassador - shows some understanding of the current world political situation. There are some who say that the bombings at the Shrine and those in Jakarta are linked and the thread that holds them together seems to begin in the US. Perhaps the General knows or believes this is a possibility and is therefore keeping his distance. American power over the middle east and SEAsia is out of control so I can only suggest that Russia may be a better option - at this moment in time - for Thailand. Off course, every major power wants control and have smaller countries dependent on them but in this current power struggle, I understand the General's motives in playing a cautious game with the USA.

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Thailand wasted billions on investments due to Western policies. They lost all those investments. It is not up to Obama to 'favor' anything. All his policies failed. Enough said. In all the years of joint military exercises all America sold to Thailand was failed policies, one aircraft carrier and a few ancient F16's and a few small arms. If anything I would say that Thailand is quite pissed at the egoiistic America. At least Russia is providing weapons for Thailand to protect it's borders from 'invading' nations and assisting with logical immigration policies which actually makes sense. Thailand is also getting it's nuclear power from Russia. What good has the USA and other politically correct nations ever done for any other nations besides harm their economies and destabilize entire countries?

Russia and China has been making friends, while America made enemies with over 70 nations. End of discussion. This is the generation of awareness. The entire house of the rising sun, has been exposed. If the US continues their policies in the Mid-East and North Africa, they will see the entire Africa become very anti-western very soon.


Yet a very large number of young Africans are doing their very best to get out of Africa and into the west (Europe)!

True, the blood soaked despots who rule (plunder) a great many African countries dislike the west, but that hardly matters, given their ability to project power extends only to as far as their various "Presidential and Republican Guards" can brutally shove their own people ( the poor sods) around.

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Russia is a country effectively ruled by a strong man and his clique, effectively untrammeled by a veneer of democracy. It is rife with corruption, quite prepared to use "extrajudicial means" to suppress internal opposition, and willing to use a large and well equipped army to threaten it's neighbours. Its ruling class cultivate extreme nationalism and a romanticized view of "past glories" to justify the way they rule to a population largely unaware of the realities in the rest of the world. Much of the countries wealth is controlled by the cronies of those who rule. The law and the courts are regularly used to destroy political opponents. They flout many international conventions yet are always ready to cry "unfair" if they perceive that their point of view is not understood or accepted by others.

What's not to like?

Edited by JAG
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The west has been good to Thailand now you are turning to communist countries as allies , be carefull what you wish for Prayut.

Honest question, what has the West done lately?

Recent proposed investments have come from China and Japan. EU and US are no longer Thailand's largest buyers of Thai products. Only time US seems to come up regarding Thailand is when the ambassador makes critical comments.

Gosh. Depends on how recent you think is recent. It is only in last few years that China has become Thailand's top export market. China is largest importer of Thai goods, then Japan, then EU, then US. US is 2nd largest supplier after Japan. US and Japan are largest FDI contributors.


It would be ridiculous to ignore the US, and, I suspect the smart Thais in government know this fact better than (not you) but some of the half illiterate drunkards who call Thailand home and regularly post almost unintelligible text on TV

Do you mind, I'll have you know that I am semi-literate and make considerable efforts to ensure my posts are totally unintelligible.

As for "drunkard", certainly not... before midday (except at weekends and school holidays of course)!


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Thailand wasted billions on investments due to Western policies. They lost all those investments. It is not up to Obama to 'favor' anything. All his policies failed. Enough said. In all the years of joint military exercises all America sold to Thailand was failed policies, one aircraft carrier and a few ancient F16's and a few small arms. If anything I would say that Thailand is quite pissed at the egoiistic America. At least Russia is providing weapons for Thailand to protect it's borders from 'invading' nations and assisting with logical immigration policies which actually makes sense. Thailand is also getting it's nuclear power from Russia. What good has the USA and other politically correct nations ever done for any other nations besides harm their economies and destabilize entire countries?

Russia and China has been making friends, while America made enemies with over 70 nations. End of discussion. This is the generation of awareness. The entire house of the rising sun, has been exposed. If the US continues their policies in the Mid-East and North Africa, they will see the entire Africa become very anti-western very soon.


You said "Enough Said" and then "End of Discussion", but kept ranting on. Are you a member of the Communist Party of Russia or China...or maybe both?

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