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6 killed in a road accident in Pathum Thani


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My wife says she wants a car in Khon Kaen. I point out she does not have a license. Both she and her friend laugh and say, "no problem!".

Hehe. No license, no car. I am such a killjoy.

I have tried to convince my wife she needs to learn how to drive. I paid for a driving course, and she was issued a license. I finally convinced her to try d4iving on an empty country road. I thought I was going to die. The only driving done in the class was to learn how to park. No road driving. No speeds above 10 kph. They still considered her qualified to drive on the open road. No wonder the accident rate in Thailand is so high. I am trying to teach her myself, but she is happy with me as her chauffer.

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Its the dark energy in Thailand that is making drivers mad...How come Thailand has higher accident rate per capita than even India which has worse roads and bad drivers?

By Logic ...Thai's should be involved in accidents all over the world, but surprisingly when Thais go abroad, they have no accident rate like back home, even if they drive in India. Even farangs drive badly in Thailand...how do you explain that?

The elites know this and that's why Thailand has become the largest car manufacturing hub in South East Asia.

DO NOT DRIVE IN THAILAND....Science and Logic will not help you....At the end of the day, the problem is spiritual

What a MuMu!! cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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and they would ACT ummmmmbeatdeadhorse.gif

Sack the transport minister, and the police general traffic control.!

I agree with you. Something has to be done. There are so many <deleted> on the road that it is unacceptable. It is not a rare occasion to see bad drivers, but it is a daily occurrence. I drive about 40-60 minutes a day on average and I see about 5 inadequate drivers everyday that put in danger the lives of others driving like <deleted>. Police does nothing about it to stop these idiots behind the wheel. I wish they could do something.

I think of installing a dash cam and then report the bad drivers to the police. I'm so sick and tired of them.

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Sack the transport minister, and the police general traffic control.!

........ I think of installing a dash cam and then report the bad drivers to the police. I'm so sick and tired of them.

Dont think any longer - go do it! Not just to report others to the police, but for your own sake. They are easy to fit, take power from your cigar lighter and the wiring can easily be fed around your windscreen.

I doubt that the police would take any further action on your videos - unless you were involved in an accident - when they can show what actually happened.

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Sack the transport minister, and the police general traffic control.!

........ I think of installing a dash cam and then report the bad drivers to the police. I'm so sick and tired of them.

Dont think any longer - go do it! Not just to report others to the police, but for your own sake. They are easy to fit, take power from your cigar lighter and the wiring can easily be fed around your windscreen.

I doubt that the police would take any further action on your videos - unless you were involved in an accident - when they can show what actually happened.

I would imagine (hope) that dash cam videos might someday be required equipment. Like airplane black boxes. I have had one for several years now, its also fun to download the video and learn a bit of editing software.

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What so many Thais (and some foreigners) fail to realise is that without a driving licence for the class of vehicle you are driving, any insurance you may have (again may not have anyway) is invalid and will not pay either yours or any other party's damage bills, hospital costs, or vehicle replacement.

They usually find out when it's too late. Luckily the unlicensed girl who put me in hospital managed to get her (licensed and insured) boyfriend to turn up before the police.

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My wife says she wants a car in Khon Kaen. I point out she does not have a license. Both she and her friend laugh and say, "no problem!".

Hehe. No license, no car. I am such a killjoy.

I have tried to convince my wife she needs to learn how to drive. I paid for a driving course, and she was issued a license. I finally convinced her to try d4iving on an empty country road. I thought I was going to die. The only driving done in the class was to learn how to park. No road driving. No speeds above 10 kph. They still considered her qualified to drive on the open road. No wonder the accident rate in Thailand is so high. I am trying to teach her myself, but she is happy with me as her chauffer.

This could of been me writing this. I have to get the car out of the gate before my wife goes out , she needs to get more experience but if she drives I wear sunglasses with tissue on the inside so I can't see what is going on., last time out she slowed on a green light they went to red and she floored it , there was a squeal of tyres as she stopped , why " Traffic now come flom the light " ( right ). Licence yes but competent to drive , a big NO.

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The governments here have been avoiding traffic safety, and public safety for generations now. Much needs to be done, to bring Thailand down from it's perch, at the number two most dangerous nation on earth, when it comes to traffic fatalities. Police have to start showing some concern, and figure out a way to overcome pathological indifference. The same can be said for the top government officials. More work needs to be put into the process of obtaining a drivers license. More driver training. More respect and concern for fellow drivers, needs to somehow be taught. So much work needs to be done. And perhaps the single largest area of improvement could be the highway patrol. The only time I EVER see one of them, is AFTER a major accident. Where do they hide all day and night? There is simply no deterrent here. People can drive as carelessly as they want, and nothing will happen. The chances of getting a moving violation for speeding or reckless driving are lower than the chances of winning the lottery.

The moves I see some drivers make on the major roads, at high speeds are occasionally mind boggling. Why would someone put themselves, their families and other drivers at that kind of risk? For what reason? To save a few minutes? To show me how big a man you are?

So much work needs to be done here. When will the authorities stop talking, and start acting is anyone's guess.

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My wife says she wants a car in Khon Kaen. I point out she does not have a license. Both she and her friend laugh and say, "no problem!".

Hehe. No license, no car. I am such a killjoy.

I have tried to convince my wife she needs to learn how to drive. I paid for a driving course, and she was issued a license. I finally convinced her to try d4iving on an empty country road. I thought I was going to die. The only driving done in the class was to learn how to park. No road driving. No speeds above 10 kph. They still considered her qualified to drive on the open road. No wonder the accident rate in Thailand is so high. I am trying to teach her myself, but she is happy with me as her chauffer.

This could of been me writing this. I have to get the car out of the gate before my wife goes out , she needs to get more experience but if she drives I wear sunglasses with tissue on the inside so I can't see what is going on., last time out she slowed on a green light they went to red and she floored it , there was a squeal of tyres as she stopped , why " Traffic now come flom the light " ( right ). Licence yes but competent to drive , a big NO.

I had my wife take a 20 hour course, by a very competent instructor, who really showed her alot. She then began driving on very quiet roads, and did pretty well. I also gave her alot of tips, and she listens. Ten years later, she is a very good driver. She just returned from a 1500 km. road trip with some friends, yesterday, and did great. I am very proud of her. She is smart and learns fast, so maybe she has an unfair advantage.

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Driving anywhere on anything in ''Thailand'' is a nightmare...

Well, up here in the rural areas of Phichit & P'Lok provinces, I must disagree. Driving here is a pleasure, no traffic jams, no road racers and generally courteous drivers. So no nightmares for me. I am sure some others in less populated areas will agree.

Sorry you can't paint all of Thailand with one large brush. Judging by the sheer scale of the destruction of those vehicles, I believe there was certainly excessive speeds involved.

It is certainly different in the more civilized parts like Bangkok & environs,, Pattaya, Hua Hin etc.

Living in Phichit province, I agree with you where the traffic jams and road racers are concerned, though I must take you to task on one thing, "generally courteous drivers".

But again, I mostly ride one of my motorbikes, and I come across, real idiots all the time, underage riders etc. Drive up or down the 117 Highway and see how many cars, trucks etc,

travel on the wrong side of the road, because they are too lazy to drive to one of the many U turns on that highway.

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Driving anywhere on anything in ''Thailand'' is a nightmare...

Well, up here in the rural areas of Phichit & P'Lok provinces, I must disagree. Driving here is a pleasure, no traffic jams, no road racers and generally courteous drivers. So no nightmares for me. I am sure some others in less populated areas will agree.

Sorry you can't paint all of Thailand with one large brush. Judging by the sheer scale of the destruction of those vehicles, I believe there was certainly excessive speeds involved.

It is certainly different in the more civilized parts like Bangkok & environs,, Pattaya, Hua Hin etc.

No road racers and courteous drivers? I find that very difficult to believe

I have never seen any road racers in the ten years I have lived in Phichit province.

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Sack the transport minister, and the police general traffic control.!

I agree with you. Something has to be done. There are so many <deleted> on the road that it is unacceptable. It is not a rare occasion to see bad drivers, but it is a daily occurrence. I drive about 40-60 minutes a day on average and I see about 5 inadequate drivers everyday that put in danger the lives of others driving like <deleted>. Police does nothing about it to stop these idiots behind the wheel. I wish they could do something.

I think of installing a dash cam and then report the bad drivers to the police. I'm so sick and tired of them.

I think of installing a dash cam and then report the bad drivers to the police.
You would be wasting your time.
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Bloody hell, not again......it seems like a daily occurrence that a tragedy like this strikes. Something clearly needs to be done at the grassroots level because way too many lives are carelessly being lost.............

Actually, it might help us out; improving the driving pool....

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