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Thai govt satisfied with its continual performance in reorganizing beggars


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Govt satisfied with its continual performance in reorganizing beggars

BANGKOK, 22 February 2016 (NTT) - Prime Minister’s Office spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd disclosed that the government is satisfied with its continuous performance in preventing and combating human trafficking, an important national agenda.

The government's efforts were particularly satisfactory in the field of reorganizing beggars. Since September 2014 - January 2016, approximately one year and four months, 3,896 beggars both children and adults had received support.

The Prime Minister’s Office spokesman added that the government has adopted the 3P Principles, namely Policy, Protection and Prevention, in determining the plan for reorganizing beggars in 2016. The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has also been instructed to strictly and continuously implement the plan to reorganize beggars.

-- NNT 2016-02-22 footer_n.gif

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Some people are just happy to be dysfunctional, We have the same at home some smart people just opt out of what is the norm of living,

Once they have been" reorganised" Most of these types will be back begging and happy to do so, they are not harming anyone so for me let them live their choice.

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Give them some dignity will ya? Instead of beggars, call them victims of a low-socio-economic Thai society, where the disparity between rich and poor is wider than the Grand Canyon, and the gulf is widening,

Many of these unfortunates get kicked to curb, to the lowest echelon and rung on the proverbial ladder, often by dint of being uneducated and being born into the "wrong" family. Entitlement is not in their vocabulary, nor is hi-so, hope, or opportunity..

It's about the next meal, so lend a hand as you can or may, if that is your wont..

Very few so-called "Beggars" "deserve" this way of life, judgmental as the smug and comfortable may be..

And then we have the despicable sex-tourists.....ew....

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If this society had any social system whatsoever, souch as education for all and the well being of ALL THAIS, Not only the elite, there would not be any beggars in the first place. But Lambos and Mercedes are way more important for the governmenet officials. The human race is just like that, it can not be bothered with altruism..... Sorry to say......

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Give them some dignity will ya? Instead of beggars, call them victims of a low-socio-economic Thai society, where the disparity between rich and poor is wider than the Grand Canyon, and the gulf is widening,

Many of these unfortunates get kicked to curb, to the lowest echelon and rung on the proverbial ladder, often by dint of being uneducated and being born into the "wrong" family. Entitlement is not in their vocabulary, nor is hi-so, hope, or opportunity..

It's about the next meal, so lend a hand as you can or may, if that is your wont..

Very few so-called "Beggars" "deserve" this way of life, judgmental as the smug and comfortable may be..

And then we have the despicable sex-tourists.....ew....


The so-called "Beggars" are mostly part of an organized beggars groups of mafia style people who

allocates " beggars" to a prime positions where's a lot of foot traffic preferably of tourists,

most of those are not Thai, they're Cambodian, Burmese and sub continent people,

most of them are able bodies to work, but they prefer or coheres into begging,

those mafia guys, probably also engage in other vices, such as prostitution and drug

peddling... so next time, before you fell generous and benevolent wanting to help a beggar,

make sure who's' the recipient of that generosity....

Edited by ezzra
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Give them some dignity will ya? Instead of beggars, call them victims of a low-socio-economic Thai society, where the disparity between rich and poor is wider than the Grand Canyon, and the gulf is widening,

Many of these unfortunates get kicked to curb, to the lowest echelon and rung on the proverbial ladder, often by dint of being uneducated and being born into the "wrong" family. Entitlement is not in their vocabulary, nor is hi-so, hope, or opportunity..

It's about the next meal, so lend a hand as you can or may, if that is your wont..

Very few so-called "Beggars" "deserve" this way of life, judgmental as the smug and comfortable may be..

And then we have the despicable sex-tourists.....ew....


The so-called "Beggars" are mostly part of an organized beggars groups of mafia style people who

allocates " beggars" to a prime positions where's a lot of foot traffic preferably of tourists,

most of those are not Thai, they're Cambodian, Burmese and sub continent people,

most of them are able bodies to work, but they prefer or coheres into begging,

those mafia guys, probably also engage in other vices, such as prostitution and drug

peddling... so next time, before you fell generous and benevolent wanting to help a beggar,

make sure who's' the recipient of that generosity....

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Give them some dignity will ya? Instead of beggars, call them victims of a low-socio-economic Thai society, where the disparity between rich and poor is wider than the Grand Canyon, and the gulf is widening,

Many of these unfortunates get kicked to curb, to the lowest echelon and rung on the proverbial ladder, often by dint of being uneducated and being born into the "wrong" family. Entitlement is not in their vocabulary, nor is hi-so, hope, or opportunity..

It's about the next meal, so lend a hand as you can or may, if that is your wont..

Very few so-called "Beggars" "deserve" this way of life, judgmental as the smug and comfortable may be..

And then we have the despicable sex-tourists.....ew....


The so-called "Beggars" are mostly part of an organized beggars groups of mafia style people who

allocates " beggars" to a prime positions where's a lot of foot traffic preferably of tourists,

most of those are not Thai, they're Cambodian, Burmese and sub continent people,

most of them are able bodies to work, but they prefer or coheres into begging,

those mafia guys, probably also engage in other vices, such as prostitution and drug

peddling... so next time, before you fell generous and benevolent wanting to help a beggar,

make sure who's' the recipient of that generosity....

Absolutely correct what you say about organized professional Beggars, However there are still an overwhelming number of unfortunates with no other way to survive, would you deny them their piece of bread or cup of rice because some other unscrupulous souls may be exploiting you?

The only way to know who would be the recipient of that generosity, would be to spend time amongst them and that would require compassion or to be oneself an unfortunate.

Role on the arrival of The New World Order, then we can all be beggars

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Who writes this rubbish?

There are more beggars with babies on the streets of Pattaya than I can ever remember. Obviously the police and Child Protection services are too busy looking the other way to notice or care.

Yes, that's what the govt meant by "reorganizing beggars." That is, Pattaya has been assigned a larger allotment of beggars at the expense of other locations.

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Who writes this rubbish?

There are more beggars with babies on the streets of Pattaya than I can ever remember. Obviously the police and Child Protection services are too busy looking the other way to notice or care.

Yes, that's what the govt meant by "reorganizing beggars." That is, Pattaya has been assigned a larger allotment of beggars at the expense of other locations.

Ironically the Thais are more likely to donate something, where Westerners will turn a blind eye, They do not do it out of compassion but rather by doing so will bring them good karma (good luck for a Thai) They know tomorrow it could be them, where westerners believe it could never happen to them, much the same as the rich in 1929 when the stock market crashed and it became time to jump out of a window

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I won't tell you about the beggar in Pattaya that hobbles around the corner from his usual spot and climbs into his Fortuner. coffee1.gif

Oh, please do. A few of us may be unaware that your average beggar is in fact a stinking rich con artist who drives a grunt machine, lives in a swanky mansion and has a trophy wife half his age.

Perhaps you should volunteer to help with the junta's "reorganisation" of these eyesores.

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I won't tell you about the beggar in Pattaya that hobbles around the corner from his usual spot and climbs into his Fortuner. coffee1.gif

Oh, please do. A few of us may be unaware that your average beggar is in fact a stinking rich con artist who drives a grunt machine, lives in a swanky mansion and has a trophy wife half his age.

Perhaps you should volunteer to help with the junta's "reorganisation" of these eyesores.

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NNT is the same as the old Soviet Pravda.

The only thing more entertaining than NNT is when the sad-looking, puppy dog-eyed general opens his mouth....And zombie Russians in Pattaya, and bridge club raids in Pattaya......

The general should be thankful he has Pattaya. I love Pattaya.

He should too, as it's the only place that is more ludicrous than him... Draws the focus away somewhat.

"Reorganizing beggars" - Indeed..... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Give them some dignity will ya? Instead of beggars, call them victims of a low-socio-economic Thai society, where the disparity between rich and poor is wider than the Grand Canyon, and the gulf is widening,

Many of these unfortunates get kicked to curb, to the lowest echelon and rung on the proverbial ladder, often by dint of being uneducated and being born into the "wrong" family. Entitlement is not in their vocabulary, nor is hi-so, hope, or opportunity..

It's about the next meal, so lend a hand as you can or may, if that is your wont..

Very few so-called "Beggars" "deserve" this way of life, judgmental as the smug and comfortable may be..

And then we have the despicable sex-tourists.....ew....


The so-called "Beggars" are mostly part of an organized beggars groups of mafia style people who

allocates " beggars" to a prime positions where's a lot of foot traffic preferably of tourists,

most of those are not Thai, they're Cambodian, Burmese and sub continent people,

most of them are able bodies to work, but they prefer or coheres into begging,

those mafia guys, probably also engage in other vices, such as prostitution and drug

peddling... so next time, before you fell generous and benevolent wanting to help a beggar,

make sure who's' the recipient of that generosity....

All part of a trickle up economy. This one is right up there with the reformation of the sale of lottery tickets. Another feather in the present governments cap. Can we still use the word Junta?

Edited by elgordo38
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The Beggars, the Beggars....what to do about the beggars??

I sat there one Saturday watching a beggar who deliberately took up a position on the sidewalk that was a calculated squeeze point such that everyone walking in either direction would nearly step on the guy and forced to go around.

While sitting there and waiting for the foot traffic to come upon him he was as more or less normal looking but worse for wear and tear and dressed all shoddy and wearing tattered clothes.....just like a beggar.

When someone would come his way, from either side, then he would start to scrunch up his face and deliberately deform his face and make like his hands and legs were all gimpy and contorted and start making grunting sounds like that of a brainless imbecilic and start his begging routine.

I sat there watching this for about 1 hour and in that one hour period he collect 300 plus baht.

Mostly foreigners gave money ( 90 % ) while a twenty baht note was the most common contribution while 2 foreigners, when nearly stumbling upon the beggar, looked shocked and quickly dug out of their pocket a hundred baht note and gave it to the man and hastily moved on.

After another 20 minutes or so he got up and walked away like any normal person.

I realized I had seen that guy around before and after that day I saw him several times after that.

As to whether he is a lone beggar or part of the Beggar Mafia, one will never know, but that is pretty good money to be made for casting away your dignity in favor of begging for money while I guess they believe that begging is a valid business venture of sorts while self employment as a full time beggar has its own kind of self serving dignity attached to the profession...regardless of the public scorn and criticisms drawn upon oneself.


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What has this " Prime Minister’s Office spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd disclosed that the government is satisfied with its continuous performance in preventing and combating human trafficking, an important national agenda." got to do with "reorganizing" beggars.

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