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Virus or Infection? (Sinus)


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Started about 2 weeks ago or more. In the evening I had 2 beers and morning woke up with congestion like never before. Over the next 2 days, I felt weird, losts of congestion and runny nose. Sinus paid and headaches, after this subsided a bit in 2 days, I started feeling body pains like I have fever over 39, but my actual temperature was 37.5-37.8.

The doctor without any tests as usual put me on Azithromycin 500 mg once day before breakfast. This did nothings really, several days later I went back, was put on Clindamycin, symptoms remained the same, 2 days later another ENT put me on Azirthromycin again saying it is still looks like bacteria, though I disagreed. This is where I started develop diarrhea from antibiotics, 3 days of just water coming out. I stopped all medicine and broke down in fever one night of around 39. Surprisingly after that things started to improve. No more fever, congestion was gone, nose running was minimal, no need for anything. Cough though set it, productive, but also annoying.

Feeling confident yesterday morning I woke up with all symptoms 2 times worse! What happened. Nose is full of mucous, green, yellow, brown you name it. The cough is brutal feel like I want to throw up when I cough because of gag reflex, Pain in sinus again, blocked years that pop all the time?

What is this thing? I know I go back to doctor back on antibiotics though I'am not sure if it is even infection, 1st time was virus for sure, but this secondary god knows.

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Hi there,

Each virus is different. It could be a cold virus, in which case the symptoms are sniffles, or a flu virus, where fever is one of many symptoms, or herpes virus, where the symptom is genital warts, or HIV, where the effect is immune deficiency and the symptoms could be fatal.

A virus is an interesting little microbe--it's a membrane with just a bit of DNA inside. Not quite a cell (no organelles), but it infects true cells and use their machinery to carry out all its reproductive needs

Gustavo Woltmann

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Anitbitiocs might not help because bacteria may be resistant, Over last 2-3 years I have gone throgh so many. Because doctors can't be asked to do the tests before they prescribe, also up north is small towns they do not have the equipment necessary to cultivate and check for bacteria.

Has anyone ever heard about disease called


Sound scary. Seems to be specific to northern part.

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What you describe sounds like sinusitis. Could be allergic or infectious in origin and if infectious, could be virus or bacteria. (Does not sound in the least like meliodosis!)

You need to see a better ENT. Where are you located?

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I am sure it is Sinusitis, likely due to pollution and changes in weather etc....

What you describe sounds like sinusitis. Could be allergic or infectious in origin and if infectious, could be virus or bacteria. (Does not sound in the least like meliodosis!)

You need to see a better ENT. Where are you located?

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The ENT here is stupid, I'am sorry but I came back 3 times in 1 month and she keeps cycling me through the same antibiotics, without even doing any tests. Problem with small cities and also work prevents me from going to Chiang Rai or Chiang Mai.

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