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I think retiring in Thailand is a really bad idea

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do you know the meaning of third world country, because you are using the term in the wrong context. it is a long outdated term from the cold war era.

how can people enjoy Thailand while they are young, ( a 2 week vacation isn;t enjoying) they are busy trying to make ends meet, saving for the future and cocking up marriages, once that is behind them they can then enjoy Thailand for what it has to offer, nice beaches, great weather, good food, not pc, the lack of rules, freedom, easy immigration system, cheap the list can go on.

noone is forced to live here, you enjoy Thailand when you want, i will enjoy Thailand when i want

Good post, though I would question the "easy immigration system", ie, the marriage visa could be much easier.

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90% of the retired expats are here because of the cost of living. They cant afford to live in their home country with their pensions or live better here.

If thailand would stop being a cheap place to live most would leave, including me.

Number one reason I am here is because of cost. Yes it is third world but it is the best bang of the buck third world you get

If I had more money to live the same lifestyle I woukd not live here, I would be back living in California.

Unless you can provide proof of that 90% figure I'm going to suggest you just made it up, of the expats that I know who live here, their reasons are:


Tax avoidance,


Cost of living.

I don't know a single expat who lives here solely for the low cost of living or for whom that was the main motivator, I do know many who list that as a secondary reason, a bi-product of other reasons for living here. I for example can afford to live in the UK and indeed I still have a home there, I chose not to because I of the reasons stated above and because I enjoy Asian culture far more than I do Western culture.

Frankly, this thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse to bash Thailand, yet again.

Remarkable post.

If climate were the issue all Brits would be in the Med - a far better climate than Thailand.

Tax avoidance - you are joking.

Lifestyle - fair comment.

Cost of living - always number one, always.

Hey, there are millions of beautiful women in Singapore but hardly any retirees, why's that?

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I am 67 and been living here in Bangkok for a few years. There are many aspects of living here that I hate, like the unwalkable sidewalks, and rude drivers that cut you off while walking in intersections. But on the whole, it is most certainly worth it. I keep ties with my home country (USA), and pay my Medicare premiums every month, and travel back to said home country every April for a month. If I were to have a medical issue, I would certainly fly back home for treatment. No problem. I take it a month at a time. Having the time of my life, and I have had a wonderful life. I have never been healthier, stronger, and clearer in thought. As to the Thai lady issue. I don't take any of them seriously. I know the game and accept it. I have fun with them, and that's it. I feel sorry for the older western guy with a young Thai GF with newborn baby in tow. Sad. You guys who come here for a short while, for whatever reason, and marry these ladies must have a death wish. If you want drama in your life, fine. But for me, if I want drama in my life I go to the cinema.

Just supposin' you couldn't fly due to, lets say, a broken hip, having a stroke, that kinda thing - what's your Plan B?

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Or you could do things the way I did and come here in your early 20s and stay for the rest of your life. I am in my 60s now.smile.png If you have lived here as long as I have there really isn't anywhere to go back to. This is home.

Edited by villagefarang
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I am 67 and been living here in Bangkok for a few years. There are many aspects of living here that I hate, like the unwalkable sidewalks, and rude drivers that cut you off while walking in intersections. But on the whole, it is most certainly worth it. I keep ties with my home country (USA), and pay my Medicare premiums every month, and travel back to said home country every April for a month. If I were to have a medical issue, I would certainly fly back home for treatment. No problem. I take it a month at a time. Having the time of my life, and I have had a wonderful life. I have never been healthier, stronger, and clearer in thought. As to the Thai lady issue. I don't take any of them seriously. I know the game and accept it. I have fun with them, and that's it. I feel sorry for the older western guy with a young Thai GF with newborn baby in tow. Sad. You guys who come here for a short while, for whatever reason, and marry these ladies must have a death wish. If you want drama in your life, fine. But for me, if I want drama in my life I go to the cinema.

Just supposin' you couldn't fly due to, lets say, a broken hip, having a stroke, that kinda thing - what's your Plan B?

Air ambulance!?

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you worry about sidewalks, public transport and healthcare in public hospitals...

in Thailand, these are things for the lower class or the poor.

in Farangland, people up to the lower upper class use public transport and government healthcare because of the prohibitive cost of getting something better.

I wonder why you want to use low-class services in Thailand?

Public sidewalks are low class services?

Public transport is a low class service?

Please expand on these 2 as frankly I have never read anything more ridiculous in my life.

And I wasn't comparing quality of care in hospitals. I was stating that even the "world class" private hospitals in Thailand have a 3rd world mentality towards their patients (or rather clients). For example.... bill disputes and negotiations, refusing to take responsibility for procedures gone wrong, insurance denials, etc, etc....

yup, the upper class here rarely use sidewalks, and when they use them it's not to get from A to B, but it's for shopping or to walk a short distance from the car to where they want to go, when that place is not in a shopping center or doesn't have its own parking lot.

same for public transport - rich Thais simply don't do buses. They make an exception for airplanes, some take the Skytrain when it conveniently links two shopping centers - but the time spent without aircon on walkways and platforms strains their organisms...

you expect to live in Thailand as you would at home, using the same type of infrastructure, but that type of infrastructure in Thailand is not meant to serve the same demographics as in your home country.

In Thailand, a lot of what I would call middle-class families have live-in staff, nannies, housemaids, etc. and most if not nearly all Thai businessmen I know have a driver and use their car as an office when stuck in BKK traffic.

Standards are different, that's what I wanted to say.

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I think you're right. Thailand is the place to be when you're young. I couldn't imagine getting old here. Glad I did it in my 20s and 30s but will be home by forties. But then everyone sees it differently. For most, Thailand is still a much better option than sitting in a lonely pub, in a cold country, talking about football and complaining about politics with other depressed men.

On a related side note, as I've said before, I've seen a big shift here in the last 5 years. The new wave of expats are arriving in their early to mid twenties and involved in the tech / startup industries, rather than being retirees. Most aren't into the hooker bar scene and prefer the type of bars and clubs they'd enjoy back home. They date university educated women without the burden of kids and money-hungry families and tend to be more integrated with the English-speaking Thais of a similar age. Perhaps in terms of westerners living here, Thailand will be a completely different place in 10 years.

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It depends on everyone's circumstances and preferences. You make some good points. But maybe you should consider working in places in other places in Asia like Hong Kong or Singapore. Still making money like you do in London or New York, but enjoying lower tax rates and still all the joys of Asia....

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.

He's a moron. They're locking people up for free speech in Cananda for over a decade. If you're a woman and you kill, steal or lie in court, you get let off. It's one of the most jew infested places it's possible to imagine. They'll give Australia a run for it's money in the race to legalize paedophilia if their moron public doesn't cob on. The thing with morons is they think that Western countries are great as the Jew has his hand in your pocket. Health care in Canada's no better than Thailand and it's cheaper here. The whole health care scam is to make it cost as much as possible, when there's absolutely no need. In terms of volume, all of this is aimed at destroying the capabilities of old people so that they need to go into homes and taken twenty incredibly harmful pills a day, rendering them totally useless and dependant. This gargantuan scam is not in full operation in Thailand so it's virtually always a better option for the elderly if they can access their pensions.

Here's another one blaming western women and supposed lack of free speech in Canada. Can't reply with anything, but a Picard facepalm really.

Must be one of those who bashes Canada, but still picks up his welfare check.

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


As the self proclaimed "Guyfromanotherforum" I for one wished you would stay on that one and stop your troll posts here. First you say how great Canada health system is and taking such great care of your uncle and elderly then you bash them saying he almost died from contracting mold infection from hospital. You say you have the best Thai health insurance thru your wife (maybe Gov worker?) but say you really don't trust it or the care in a Thai hospital. You say you would not want to start a serious procedure in a Thai hospital.

Well I have Gov workers insurance from USA they cover me anywhere in the world and did not have a choice to start a serious procedure / I suffered a blockage of a heart valve so wife rushed me to nearest hospital Vihabvadi in Bangkok where they performed an angioplasty to unblock the valve. I am fine now and the procedure in USA would have cost $47,000 here $8,000. You also say Canada/USA have the best medical care and here is 3rd world? A friend came over here a few years ago and had hip replacement surgery done. Cost him $12,500 ,that type of replacement was not available in the USA unless he was lucky enough to get in on expiramental trial and would have cost him $25,000.

Seems like with your wife working and your business in Canada sending you funds you are (as you admitted) bored so have nothing better to do than bash Canada or Thailand for not having the best standards as the west. Maybe you should join Internations Bangkok a club for western business persons and if that fails go back---not to Canada which only took you in,gave you a passport but return to your homeland maybe you will find it better there.

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Many of the points you raise are valid. Though I feel sorry for young people that become enraptured with Thailand as many end up blowing off the most productive years of their lives doing visa runs and getting paid a pittancefor their best work. Thailand is not a place to be old ... as in enfeebled. There are very few assisted care homes/facilities. Hospital care is decent but certainly not cutting edge either. That said, my father will hit the 100 mark on Monday and has been in a retirement home in Canada the last 5 years as he needs constant care. Living in one of these homes (very expensive and not paid by givernment) is a particular kind of hell I would not wish on my worst enemy. Cost of living, Thailand hands down. So I think it really depends on what you are looking for out of life. Thailand has the nicest people money can buy. The weather is more tolerable than Canada. As for love, why for the love of god would anyone over 50 be interested in getting into a relationship? I cringe to think about the withered old hag I would be with in my home country. It's much more fun and ultimately cheaper to change 'em up every few weeks in Thailand while you are still on the right side of the grass. As you say they are after your money so why not be smarter than them and not fall into that trap. How about this ... 6 months a year in Vancouver and 6 months in Thailand ... best of both worlds.

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Thai women are "fake" too…..they just cloak it in that sexy, soft, caring "Asian Way".

It is ridiculous and nasty to state that"Thai women are fake". Of course, some are fake, but there are quite a few "fake" ones in the west and on the other hand there are quite a few very decent and honest That women. I have been happily married to one for over quarter of a century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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90% of the retired expats are here because of the cost of living. They cant afford to live in their home country with their pensions or live better here.

If thailand would stop being a cheap place to live most would leave, including me.

Number one reason I am here is because of cost. Yes it is third world but it is the best bang of the buck third world you get

If I had more money to live the same lifestyle I woukd not live here, I would be back living in California.

Unless you can provide proof of that 90% figure I'm going to suggest you just made it up, of the expats that I know who live here, their reasons are:


Tax avoidance,


Cost of living.

I don't know a single expat who lives here solely for the low cost of living or for whom that was the main motivator, I do know many who list that as a secondary reason, a bi-product of other reasons for living here. I for example can afford to live in the UK and indeed I still have a home there, I chose not to because I of the reasons stated above and because I enjoy Asian culture far more than I do Western culture.

Frankly, this thread is nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse to bash Thailand, yet again.

Remarkable post.

If climate were the issue all Brits would be in the Med - a far better climate than Thailand.

Tax avoidance - you are joking.

Lifestyle - fair comment.

Cost of living - always number one, always.

Hey, there are millions of beautiful women in Singapore but hardly any retirees, why's that?

Tax avoidance, actually no I wasn't.

And if Brits lived in the Med countries they wouldn't manage any form of tax avoidance, unless they lived on the North African side!

I didn't mention women, you did so that's not part of my argument, and if it's part of yours, why live in the most expensive country in the entire region, just because you can!

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.

He's a moron. They're locking people up for free speech in Cananda for over a decade. If you're a woman and you kill, steal or lie in court, you get let off. It's one of the most jew infested places it's possible to imagine. They'll give Australia a run for it's money in the race to legalize paedophilia if their moron public doesn't cob on. The thing with morons is they think that Western countries are great as the Jew has his hand in your pocket. Health care in Canada's no better than Thailand and it's cheaper here. The whole health care scam is to make it cost as much as possible, when there's absolutely no need. In terms of volume, all of this is aimed at destroying the capabilities of old people so that they need to go into homes and taken twenty incredibly harmful pills a day, rendering them totally useless and dependant. This gargantuan scam is not in full operation in Thailand so it's virtually always a better option for the elderly if they can access their pensions.

Seems you have issues. Have you considered seeking help?

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You seem to distill Thailand into three things:

1. Women

2. Healthcare

3. Sidewalks

Many retirees are married or in a relationship; this isn't the case in Thailand but it's a self-selecting group. I don't think women is usually an issue at retirement age. If you're in your 60s and not in a relationship you should accept that you will be a target for your money and nothing else. With that in mind, your choice back in your native country is to be alone or be with someone your age. This is clearly not what most men in their 60s want.

As for healthcare--what you say applies to Canada, the UK, and civilized countries. For us Americans, though, the insurance issue is unavoidable.

As for the infrastructure--that's a good point. But a healthy man in his 60s/70s should still be able to get around Bangkok's awkward sidewalks. I've seen plenty get by.

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And this isnt trying to provoke the older / retired people here is it, not trying to "stir it" at all eh whistling.gif

If he really knows thai culture maturity and stability trumps youth and a hard dick. Dont worry its a never ending debate which 10 years from now he will flip-flop. I feel sorry for his thai girl friend. What foreigners dont understand is marriage is important in this culture. Boinking is something thai girls can do without. DICK SIZE IS WORSHIPED BY CHINESE WOMEN. HERE NOODLES ARE THE STAPLE...

I wanted to comment on this. I've had sex with Korean, Thai, and Chinese women. Chinese women talk about penis size by far more than any other. I assume it's a cultural thing--they're a bit less polite and reserved than other women from other countries. I should probably sleep with some Japanese/Vietnamese/Malaysian women to gather more data, though.

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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.

Most of the Canadians I know have been to the USA for urgent medical problems rather than wasting away on a Canadian medical waiting list--which is often months or years old depending on the medical field involving your ailment.
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And this isnt trying to provoke the older / retired people here is it, not trying to "stir it" at all eh whistling.gif

If he really knows thai culture maturity and stability trumps youth and a hard dick. Dont worry its a never ending debate which 10 years from now he will flip-flop. I feel sorry for his thai girl friend. What foreigners dont understand is marriage is important in this culture. Boinking is something thai girls can do without. DICK SIZE IS WORSHIPED BY CHINESE WOMEN. HERE NOODLES ARE THE STAPLE...

I wanted to comment on this. I've had sex with Korean, Thai, and Chinese women. Chinese women talk about penis size by far more than any other. I assume it's a cultural thing--they're a bit less polite and reserved than other women from other countries. I should probably sleep with some Japanese/Vietnamese/Malaysian women to gather more data, though.

I hear you can actually pay a little higher rate for them to keep their mouth shut.
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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

Canadian $ vs the Thai Baht a favorable exchange rate? Hardly. I agree that in Thailand when things break down they go running to the government for help. "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" does not apply here. Thailand has lucked out with sunshine and cheap labor. Take that out of the equation and what else is left? Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world but sadly has been run into the ground by Harper and Company for a decade. To much attention was given to oil and now the price must be paid. Ontario has so many good universities especially the University of Waterloo which pumps out many new fledgling businesses. Canada need more IT and less oil production. The "cheap" Looney should be attracting investment left and right but is not because of poor promoting. Americans and the world still think Canada is full of Eskimo's. The Canuck buck sucks because the Central bank has joined in the currency race to the bottom.

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


I think you are right not to trust healthcare here. Not when clinics simply pay off police to get off from having valid certificates or doctors.

Not when cheating on exams is routine, accepted, even.

Not when you go into a pharmacy and see antibiotics stored under florescent lighting and 90 degree heat and the "pharmacist" giggles when you mention it . ( Or doesn't know Fe is iron on the periodic table- or what a periodic table is... )

Not when the entire system of checks and balances in complaints and redress is completely corrupted.

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The OP is certainly entitled to his opinion but my experience has been mostly positive. I first came to Thailand 50 years ago when I was young and loved it. I can still do the same things now that I did the first time I came. If I want to drink and carouse it is available and I have never had any problems taking advantage of it. The big difference is that I really don't need to prove it to myself or anyone else.I have exactly the same energy now that I had when I first came.One of the big difference is that things are more expensive and I am wiser and my Thai language ability now alerts me to those things to avoid.

As far as medical care- my Thai wife who subsequently died from cancer had treatment in the United States, Japan and Thailand. Treatment in Thailand was the best and sustained her life for an additional 10 years. The treatment was in both Thai private and Public Hospitals. Thailand has one big advantage that most US Canadian and Japanese hospital don't have and that is their ability to get the best known treatments and medicines in the World and administer them. Other countries medical systems do not allow for this due to their so called bureaucracy which is simply patent protection disguised as regulation.

I don't regret retiring in Thailand. My quality of life is much better here than in the United States. Thailand can be a great place if you leave your Western mindset at the airport when you arrive. There is your way and the Thai way and trust me the Thai way always wins.

I sure wish I would have had the same experience with healthcare in Thailand as you. My first Thai wife also died from cancer, but it was after receiving substandard care at a cancer clinic in Bangkok. That experience left me feeling like we were the victims of a medical scam. The care she received in the US likely extended her life for a few years versus the care she was getting in Thailand. In the US I could have sued the original doctors for malpractice with a good chance of winning at least a settlement, but in Thailand that was a “futile exercise”, as one attorney put it. I personally have been misdiagnosed more than once at a hospital in Thailand. I am appalled at the level of healthcare I’ve experienced and the lack of accountability in Thailand. I’m back in Thailand and loving life with my new Thai wife (of 6+ years), but I don’t trust the medical care here. If any serious health issue were to come up, and we’re able, we’d be on the first plane back to the States for treatment.

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Monthly Income guarantee. check

Beautiful Thai woman 30-40's taking awesome care of me. check

Nice rental home to live in. check

Very inexpensive medication cost. check

Bars and girls. Check

Don't need to own a car or motorbike and insurance. 10 baht ride from Jomtien to Pattaya. check

good food. check

Other retired expats. check

my 90 day visit to immigration takes about 5 minutes. check

I love retirement in Thailand. Could not live like this in the States. Good for me and good for my girlfriend. she now has many things in life she never had and when I die, she gets my stocks. Retirement in Thailand if your practical, is a win win for everyone.

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24 Years & going strong.

I have a Thai Doctor who always reminds me that it is the quality not just the quantity.

I strongly suggest that you Hi Tail it back to Canada & when you are no longer afraid of death pop back & say hello.

Hopefully I will still be here being treated very well at local hospitals

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So OP, as you are a young-ish guy, why come to LOS.......?

Seems you have a thing about what older guys should do, yet you have never experienced being an older guy...

Think an explanation is due....

I'll let this one sit a bit more until a few more start accusing me of being ageist.

Some people (as usual) have completely missed the intent of my post and started abusing early on.

That is the life of internet foruming.

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24 Years & going strong.

I have a Thai Doctor who always reminds me that it is the quality not just the quantity.

I strongly suggest that you Hi Tail it back to Canada & when you are no longer afraid of death pop back & say hello.

Hopefully I will still be here being treated very well at local hospitals


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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.


First of all, I am not Canadian and I never will be. This is something that just happened to me. I got a Canadian passport. Woo hoo.

I am one of those who actually bashes Canada at every occasion and complain about the healthcare, This same uncle almost died from mold poisoning in one of the hospitals in Quebec a decade ago. I dislike the mafioso province of Quebec with passion and I dislike a lot of things about Canada.

However, facts are facts my friend. Canada takes much better care of elderly in every single way.

I don't see how is this having a jab at older folks. I wish I came to Thailand younger, not at this age.

You're correct. Young people like having sex with young people. When I see a 60+ year old man with a 25 year old Thai girl I just have to shake my head. If the man is 65 years old he has only another 10 years before he's dead.

Life is what you make it. There are plenty of men who have retired in Thailand and love living there. There are also men who have retired in Thailand and it has been nothing more than a disaster. It depends and there isn't one way or answer.

Finally, age is really a mindset. Look at guys Jack LaLanne. The guy pulled 70 boats for a mile at the age of 70. He was exercising 2 hours a day when he passed away at 94 years old. The reason many people (men and women) grow old quickly is because they stop moving. They stop caring about their bodies. You can't expect to sit around, drink beer. eat crap food all day and feel and look great. Doesn't work like that.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

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