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Australia to boost defence spending


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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

Edited by AlexRRR
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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

He has a lovely way with words because they have been repeated and refined so often by the clever people who promote armed conflict all over the world.

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

I've worked with a couple of hundred Aussies at the least since arriving in Thailand in 1998, from a couple of years under the gun in South Korea. Never having been to Oz and never ever to go there, I've learned a lot about youse guyz in the interaction. The experience could have been better. Then again probably not.

Youse guyz don't wear helmets and padding in your footsie biggrin.png because it is in comparison to American football a game of pinkie-using tea drinkers. Have you ever seen an American football game, much less played the game. A footballer as you call 'em wouldn't last 10 minutes.

An odd combo, tea drinkers who are first and foremost cynics whot live by their unique Aussie humor (okay, humour).

As I always say to youse guyz, Do carry on as you are wont to do.

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

He has a lovely way with words because they have been repeated and refined so often by the clever people who promote armed conflict all over the world.

I have a way of thinking that some who push an agenda so hard as this guy are not who they appear to be....propaganda is what is going on here....choice of words...so smooth, you couldn't talk this guy down in a conversation, he would smother you with so called facts the average guy wouldn't know how to respond to.

Not seen him reply in more mundane posts.......hes just a silver tongued smoothie pushing a particular line against a certain nation...you know when you see him involved exactly where its going.

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

He has a lovely way with words because they have been repeated and refined so often by the clever people who promote armed conflict all over the world.

We have regressed more than enuff so let's keep the topic as the topic rather than try to discuss particular posters.

It's a challenge we welcome to be a republic and a democracy in a world rooted in the ancient mindset of dictators and tyrants. We've broken from the British Empire, defeated global fascism, whupped the Soviet Russian CCCP and have in our sights the CCP Dictators of Beijing, the Czarist-Chekist Putin and his Russia with the ayatollahs holding their ticket too.


As I like to say, lead, follow or get out of the way. So far youse guyz are 0 for 3 in the count. wink.png

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

He has a lovely way with words because they have been repeated and refined so often by the clever people who promote armed conflict all over the world.

I have a way of thinking that some who push an agenda so hard as this guy are not who they appear to be....propaganda is what is going on here....choice of words...so smooth, you couldn't talk this guy down in a conversation, he would smother you with so called facts the average guy wouldn't know how to respond to.

Not seen him reply in more mundane posts.......hes just a silver tongued smoothie pushing a particular line against a certain nation...you know when you see him involved exactly where its going.

I have a way of thinking

For sure and it is indeed a unique brand of it. rolleyes.gif

hes just a silver tongued smoothie

Dem's fightin words giggle.gif

Carry on.

The O for 3 express nonstop and forever.

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

I've worked with a couple of hundred Aussies at the least since arriving in Thailand in 1998, from a couple of years under the gun in South Korea. Never having been to Oz and never ever to go there, I've learned a lot about youse guyz in the interaction. The experience could have been better. Then again probably not.

Youse guyz don't wear helmets and padding in your footsie biggrin.png because it is in comparison to American football a game of pinkie-using tea drinkers. Have you ever seen an American football game, much less played the game. A footballer as you call 'em wouldn't last 10 minutes.

An odd combo, tea drinkers who are first and foremost cynics whot live by their unique Aussie humor (okay, humour).

As I always say to youse guyz, Do carry on as you are wont to do.

You don't know Aussies at all, you talk crapola buddy, calling us pinkie is a reference to commies..we were not all born yesterday "under the gun in korea" haha what are you insinuating there? CIA operative? the war finished more than 55 years ago there young man, stop talking down to who don't want to agree with you, your lack of knowledge about Australia its people and how we go about things here is alarming when you claim to know whats going on.

As for football you again wouldn't know, i love gridiron but its no comparison to AFL, if you really know or seen a few games you wouldn't have made such a stupid statement.

To put down, make derogatory statements like pinkie, tea drinking , the experience could have been better....etc shows all of us exactly what you are...with friends like you we don't need no enemies....

Said it before in here....The Americans have destabilised the middle east and north africa now there doing there best in Asia as well, do you ever wonder why your loosing friends fast? Do you think your allies haven't noticed?

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You have a lovely way with words mr p, your now preaching to the laid back folks from down under, we hardly give a rats arse whats going on around the world for the next 7 months.....the footy has started...ummm football to you, we even have our own code, no helmets and padding....the real gladiators, you should take some time out and relax, all the ccp stuff must be doing your head in..wont do you any good, best to pick a topic where Aussies arnt involved as you won't get any satisfaction from us.

I've worked with a couple of hundred Aussies at the least since arriving in Thailand in 1998, from a couple of years under the gun in South Korea. Never having been to Oz and never ever to go there, I've learned a lot about youse guyz in the interaction. The experience could have been better. Then again probably not.

Youse guyz don't wear helmets and padding in your footsie biggrin.png because it is in comparison to American football a game of pinkie-using tea drinkers. Have you ever seen an American football game, much less played the game. A footballer as you call 'em wouldn't last 10 minutes.

An odd combo, tea drinkers who are first and foremost cynics whot live by their unique Aussie humor (okay, humour).

As I always say to youse guyz, Do carry on as you are wont to do.

They think pads and helmets are protection? They are weapons! Really, on the professional level it is too violent a sport. No comparison at all to rugby and Aussie Rules games as to forces applied to the body.

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guys the bottom line is that if China oversteps in the SEA or has a conflict with AUS - the US UK and generally all of the EU Nato etc will be right behind them, so stop the stupid bickering

China had no place to make a comment of how AUS developes spends on its military, they should mind their own business - a country that is trying to bully their way to owning teritory some 2000km from their own coastline and right on the doorstep of other SEA nations were they have never had an established history ot community living there

Edited by smedly
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0 for 3 and 0 for 3

young man, stop talking down to who don't want to agree with you

Wow, thank you. For someone such as myself who's well past retirement age being called a young man is a flattery that will get you everywhere. laugh.png

Now that you know me so well I'd like you to tell me how handsome and good looking I still am clap2.gif

Do carry on pal. thumbsup.gif

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guys the bottom line is that if China oversteps in the SEA or has a conflict with AUS - the US UK and generally all of the EU Nato etc will be right behind them, so stop the stupid bickering

China had no place to make a comment of how AUS developes spends on its military, they should mind their own business - a country that is trying to bully their way to owning teritory some 2000km from their own coastline and right on the doorstep of other SEA nations were they have never had an established history ot community living there

I agree that its none of there business, but they will push and shove and go as far as they can after all there had a good teacher in the USA, as for us Aussies, China is our biggest trading partner, words are words and we need them more than they need us but being good friends we can be naughty at times and get away with it....its football season now so were taking 6 months off....thats a whole 3 more of playing than you guys mr p.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those who try to assert themselves by being willfully contrarian with few if any other purposes are just going to have to live with it as events pass them by...

Asian nations turn to Australia to combat China threat in South China Sea

March 19, 2016

Bangkok: South-east Asian nations are turning to Australia to seek closer defence ties amid rising concerns over China's military build-up in the flashpoint waters of the South China Sea.

Malaysia's Defence Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, is scheduled to meet Australian Defence Minister Marise Payne next week to discuss China's placement of military equipment on disputed islands, in a sign that Malaysia is considering a tougher stand against Beijing, its largest trading partner.

"If the reports we've received from various sources regarding the build-up and placement of military assets in the Spratlys are true – this forces us in a pushback against China," Mr Hishammuddin said, adding he would also hold talks with the Philippines and Vietnam.


Aust, Singapore discuss South China Sea

Australia and Singapore say they are committed to the right of states to conduct freedom of navigation and overflight of the South China Sea amid growing tensions over Beijing's military expansion in the region.

Speaking in Sydney on Friday, the foreign ministers of both countries said they reserved the right to continue to sail and fly through the shipping lanes, via which more than $6.7 trillion in global trade passes each year.

Singapore's Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said that though Singapore was a tiny city state, its trade was three times its GDP, and hence security of passage through the South China Sea was also "essential".

"So we totally subscribe to the concept of freedom of navigation and overflight and we would highlight the South China Sea as important for both Australia and Singapore, because so much of our trade flows through that," he said.


In an editorial board essay yesterday, the Manila Inquirer stated, in part....

The Philippines’ decision to take its case to the UN Arbitral Tribunal based in The Hague has infuriated China, which insists that the matter lies outside the court’s jurisdiction. Among the rival claimants, the Philippines has relatively the weakest military to pursue its claim, but last month, the government served notice that it was not relying solely on diplomacy to enforce its claim and was beefing up its military muscle to stand up to Chinese bullying.

Read more: http://opinion.inquirer.net/93872/china-seeks-new-maritime-tribunal-to-replace-un#ixzz43LmCiYs6

Philippines to give US military access to 5 bases near S. China Sea

The United States and the Philippines agreed Friday on use by the US military of five locations in the Southeast Asian country, including an air base on an island facing the South China Sea where Manila is involved in territorial disputes with China.

The US and Philippine governments will hold detailed discussions on the US military’s use of the five bases on upcoming occasions such as a planned visit by US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter to the Philippines next month.

Washington and Manila also agreed they will urge Beijing to follow the ruling of a UN arbitral tribunal in The Hague when it hands down a decision over the legality of China’s territorial claims in the sea, according to the statement.


US military commanders of Pacific forces Naval, Air and Marine are speaking out more often and with a greater concern of what very much appears to be the increased risk of a military incident, to include the possibility of a series of tit-for-tat military low intensity live fire incidents.

Admiral Harry Harris, commander-in-chief US Forces Pacific-Asia was quoted the other day from Pearl Harbor concerning what CCP Dictators have already done....

Beijing was moving to militarize what was supposed to be international waters, constricting international navigation and overflights. "I am of the opinion that they are militarizing the South China Sea [sCS]. And when they add their advanced fighters to Woody Island...and when they put their advanced missile systems on the Paracels, and when they build three 10,000-foot runways in the Spratlys, on the basis that they've reclaimed, when they do all of that, they're changing the operational landscape in the SCS," he said.


The standoff has led a US [four-star] general to say that there is β€œa possibility of a miscalculation” leading to conflict in the increasingly militarized region. Gen. Lori Robinson, commander of the Pacific Air Forces, said that the United States would continue to fly daily missions over the South China Sea despite China’s new missile batteries. (emphasis added)

Read more: http://opinion.inquirer.net/93872/china-seeks-new-maritime-tribunal-to-replace-un#ixzz43Lnpiyup

The United States is...stockpiling military supplies along the disputed area.

The army is putting military hardware in Vietnam, Cambodia, and other Pacific countries yet unnamed that will allow US Army Pacific Command to deploy more rapidly. Army Material Command Gen. Dennis Via said, β€œWe are looking, for example, at in Cambodia placing a combat support hospital.” However, even with such statements, analysts think that placing supplies across the region will send a strong signal on Washington’s interest including its concern over South China Sea.


The up to the moment narrative is that Australia has stated it will join the US Navy in SCS freedom of navigation operations at the CCP claimed islands artificial and natural after the UN Tribunal issues it ruling brought by the Phils against the CCP in 2013. The UN ruling which has plainly been going against CCP diktats is expected within the next several weeks.

PM Shinzo Abe has already announced Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces are joining U.S. Navy in patrols of the South China Sea. Australian P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft are already flying freedom of navigation missions in the region despite CCP statements to Canberra "it would be unfortunate if one of them suddenly dropped from the sky."

Last week US and Australia began final negotiations on the basing of more U.S. strategic bombers, including the supersonic B-1, and aerial tankers at Australian bases. These most powerful US bombers would be based at Tindal and Darwin in northern Australia. They would complement U.S. B-52 strategic bombers already based at Darwin. As the mutual CCP-US brinkmanship continues, with no signs of either CCP Dictators or the US backing down, the inexorable probabilities of a military incident(s) in the SCS whether calculated or accidental, continue to increase proportionately.

It is in fact past time for the CCP to get a good square kick directly to its Middle Kingdom. It is the one and only thing covetous and aggressive dictators recognise or understand. Always.

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US Carrier Strike Group Arrives in South China Sea to Deter China

The carrier strike group is conducting β€˜routine operations’ in the South China Sea, according to U.S. Navy officials.

USS Stennis Carrier Strike Force 3 bearing USN Air Wing 7 of 70 fighter aircraft arrive in the South China Sea March 3rd. The strike group includes the USS Stennis, Arleigh-Burke class guided missile destroyers USS Chung-Hoon, USS Stockdale, and USS William P. Lawrence, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay the 7th Fleet Command Ship, the cruiser USS Antietam, Marine force landing ship USS Ashland, and an always officially unstated number of USN attack submarines (3).


The USS John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group 3 sailed to the region from its home port in Bremerton, Washington on January 15th and passed through the Luzon strait separating Taiwan and the Philippines on March 1st.

US Navy video of the Stennis Carrier Strike Force 3 SCS deployment.....




Guided Missile Destroyer USS Lasson DDG 82 separates from its supporting 7th Fleet Destroyer Group Windward in the South China Sea to begin its solo mission to sail within 12 nautical miles of the China claimed Mischief Reef, which it did do on October 27, 2015.

Trilateral talks were held onboard the US Seventh Fleet Flagship the heavy cruiser Blue Ridge on March 5th between the U.S. Navy, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces and the Philippine Navy. The key subject of discussion was how the three nations can work together to confront China in the South China Sea, promote security and stability in the region, and develop future multilateral training and exercises.




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