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The Christians held in Thailand after fleeing Pakistan


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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Edited by Bluespunk
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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Perhaps you may wish to research the funding by the Thai government for UNHCR.

Thailand does not have any legal process for the protection of asylum seekers, so there is not any Thai visa that provides support to stay. UNHCR is dependent on detonations from governments, NGOs, private individuals and so on and of course resettlement programs by host countries, During 2014 only just over over 73,000 individuals (7,170 from Thailand) departed to resettlement countries with UNHCR's assistance, out of the millions being supported by UNHCR in countries around the world. In this specific case long stay Pakistani refugees in Thailand is not the fault of UNHCR.

To compound the accusations against the Thai government is of course the estimated 440k plus Hill Tribe people within Thailand who are still stateless.

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Taking the action ,such as Thailand has.

Will surely discourage a mass influx of fellow, hopeful alleged asylum seekers invading the country.

The compassion of European countries,to allow the genuine cases to be relocated,now find themselves innundated with all and sundry claiming asylum, from far and wide.

Maybe Thailand are on the right track.

Just my humble opinion.

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Taking the action ,such as Thailand has.

Will surely discourage a mass influx of fellow, hopeful alleged asylum seekers invading the country.

The compassion of European countries,to allow the genuine cases to be relocated,now find themselves innundated with all and sundry claiming asylum, from far and wide.

Maybe Thailand are on the right track.

Just my humble opinion.

These are genuine refugees.

Europe does indeed have a refugee crisis at present, the vast majority of these are genuine refugees fleeing violence. As Europe recognises the human rights apply to all they are helping them. As they should.

The action taken by the Thai govt will do nothing to help those fleeing torture, persecution, death and religiously inspired violence.

Edited by Bluespunk
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It wouldn't surprise me if this Government started deporting these poor unfortunates back to Pakistan. They (the Govt.) appear to have no compassion whatsoever. Surely this goes against Buddhist principles. I've met some of these people, they are genuine refugees, not economic migrants. They genuinely feared for their lives in the Islamic hell-hole that they had this misfortune to be born in.

They are illegal immigrants here, no more and no less. And will be treated as such. Thailand is not a signer of the UN Convention and makes it clear it does not want refugees.

Why and how did these people come to Thailand? What made them chose a Buddhist country with a militant Muslim Southern insurgency, where Christians are a tiny minority?

Southern India has sizable Christian communities, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox and is much closer geographically, culturally and socially.

Or were they stuck here whilst trying to get to Aussie or the West?

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Taking the action ,such as Thailand has.

Will surely discourage a mass influx of fellow, hopeful alleged asylum seekers invading the country.

The compassion of European countries,to allow the genuine cases to be relocated,now find themselves innundated with all and sundry claiming asylum, from far and wide.

Maybe Thailand are on the right track.

Just my humble opinion.

These are genuine refugees.

Europe does indeed have a refugee crisis at present, the vast majority of these are genuine refugees fleeing violence. As Europe recognises the human rights apply to all they are helping them. As they should.

The action taken by the Thai govt will do nothing to help those fleeing torture, persecution, death and religiously inspired violence.

Europe doesn't have a refugee problem. Genuine refugees are helped. Europe has a problem with illegal economic migrants who perceive they will have a much better life in countries that provide education, health care and social welfare for free. The problem in Europe is the latter have swamped the former. Mainly thanks to Merkel the mouth opening the flood gates.

Thailand has strict policies for immigration, work permits, and restricted occupations. It would be difficult to relax them as that usually leads to an influx, and as we have seem, usually contains more economic migrants than genuine refugees.

Human rights - whose definition should apply, the impotent UN's? Maybe Europe should put pressure on Pakistan to do something about HR in its own country? Maybe stop all that foreign aid they spend on building up their military and nuclear capability until they do?

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

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Taking the action ,such as Thailand has.

Will surely discourage a mass influx of fellow, hopeful alleged asylum seekers invading the country.

The compassion of European countries,to allow the genuine cases to be relocated,now find themselves innundated with all and sundry claiming asylum, from far and wide.

Maybe Thailand are on the right track.

Just my humble opinion.

These are genuine refugees.

Europe does indeed have a refugee crisis at present, the vast majority of these are genuine refugees fleeing violence. As Europe recognises the human rights apply to all they are helping them. As they should.

The action taken by the Thai govt will do nothing to help those fleeing torture, persecution, death and religiously inspired violence.

Europe doesn't have a refugee problem. Genuine refugees are helped. Europe has a problem with illegal economic migrants who perceive they will have a much better life in countries that provide education, health care and social welfare for free. The problem in Europe is the latter have swamped the former. Mainly thanks to Merkel the mouth opening the flood gates.

Thailand has strict policies for immigration, work permits, and restricted occupations. It would be difficult to relax them as that usually leads to an influx, and as we have seem, usually contains more economic migrants than genuine refugees.

Human rights - whose definition should apply, the impotent UN's? Maybe Europe should put pressure on Pakistan to do something about HR in its own country? Maybe stop all that foreign aid they spend on building up their military and nuclear capability until they do?

There are those who are economic refugees and I have no problem with them being sent back home.

However I feel the majority fleeing terror towards Europe are genuine refugees, who had no choice but to flee and must be helped.

As should these Christians fleeing religious intolerance.

As to your points on what Pakistan should do. I agree that they should do more on protecting human rights.

Edited by Bluespunk
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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Quite simply it was the safest and easiest option available. Important considerations for those fleeing persecution.

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Why Thailand? Probably for the same reason that Thailand is a popular destination for refugees from North Korea.

Believe it or not, Thailand is a better choice for non-muslim refugees than any other in this region. There are no militant Hindus here, as there are in India; there is no official discrimination against non-muslims, as there is in Malaysia; it is a wealthier country than Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam; and the police are not as well-organized or as efficient as the Singaporean police, so there is a good chance that refugees can simply disappear into the underground economy and get on with their lives.

North Koreans who arrive here are usually arrested with great fanfare by the police and then quietly turned over the the S. Korean embassy and sent on to their new lives in S. Korea. Unfortunately for these Pakistani Christians, majority Christian countries do not give any preference to refugees based on religion, so they are not preferentially welcomed to European countries and have to settle for trying to avoid the police and getting by by selling peanuts or sewing clothes in Bangkok.

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I have to say that Thailand - meaning the Thai government - handles refugees in a completely backward fashion. And while no government has done well, under the military government, they are particularly brutal.

Now; Thai governments may have incentives to do nothing about refugees, since this allows unscrupulous Admirals, Generals, and Pol Generals, to profit in unseemly ways. None-the-less....

Thailand could easily house these people and provide them support during their time as refugees until processed by the UN. They could be even accepted as refugees in Thailand. There is absolutely no reason to keep them in the squalor and inhuman conditions that they maintain now, much less to take them to the disgusting conditions of the immigrant detention center.

Now, the government can do worse, and they do, .... While they claim this:

The Thai government insists that it strives "to provide the best possible care… based on international humanitarian principles."

They are of course full of themselves and we all know what they are full of...

Instead they do this...

Yet it inflicts an even worse fate upon some Pakistani Christians and their children. Those who are unable to pay the 4,000 Baht fine after they are arrested are thrown into one of Thailand's notorious jails. This happened last year to a group of 20 Pakistani men, women and children.

Notice that some of the basic issues for these people are so simple:

many of these families say they've been waiting years to be assessed by the UN and they have no access to work, education or healthcare.

So Thailand, take care of that. You don't need to keep them blocked up in cell-like housing outside of BKK... Take groups of families into smaller cities, provide them the support, care and schooling that they need, maybe even teach them Thai (whoa!) and let them work if they are able. You don't need to lose track of them, but refugees - all refugees - will have a certain amount of time in this country and first of all the country has a humanitarian and moral obligation. Secondly, a touch of compassion and 30 seconds of thought will lead to solutions that are better for the refugees and better for Thailand.

What Thailand does today is not a solution. It is just mean and inhuman treatment.

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Quite simply it was the safest and easiest option available. Important considerations for those fleeing persecution.

Er, easiest?

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Why Thailand? Probably for the same reason that Thailand is a popular destination for refugees from North Korea.

Believe it or not, Thailand is a better choice for non-muslim refugees than any other in this region. There are no militant Hindus here, as there are in India; there is no official discrimination against non-muslims, as there is in Malaysia; it is a wealthier country than Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam; and the police are not as well-organized or as efficient as the Singaporean police, so there is a good chance that refugees can simply disappear into the underground economy and get on with their lives.

North Koreans who arrive here are usually arrested with great fanfare by the police and then quietly turned over the the S. Korean embassy and sent on to their new lives in S. Korea. Unfortunately for these Pakistani Christians, majority Christian countries do not give any preference to refugees based on religion, so they are not preferentially welcomed to European countries and have to settle for trying to avoid the police and getting by by selling peanuts or sewing clothes in Bangkok.

They could try the US, Canada, Aussie.

Perhaps they think Thailand is more tolerant? Or are you suggesting previously the authorities simply turned a blind eye?

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Quite simply it was the safest and easiest option available. Important considerations for those fleeing persecution.

Presumably the Rohyingha thought the same too?

There aren't any countries taking lapse attitudes on immigration any more. Even the EU soft touches.

Because it's been so abused. Pity those genuine cases but once again the cheats have spoiled it for the ones in genuine need.

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Quite simply it was the safest and easiest option available. Important considerations for those fleeing persecution.

Er, easiest?

The BBC report makes this clear.

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You said

Presumably the Rohyingha thought the same too?

There aren't any countries taking lapse attitudes on immigration any more. Even the EU soft touches.

Because it's been so abused. Pity those genuine cases but once again the cheats have spoiled it for the ones in genuine need.


That may be the case but it's not a reason to turn away genuine refugees such as the Rohyingha and these people.

Edited by Bluespunk
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They could try the US, Canada, Aussie.

Perhaps they think Thailand is more tolerant? Or are you suggesting previously the authorities simply turned a blind eye?

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Asylum seekers are normally unable to obtain UNHCR protection & resettlement services within their home countries so must travel to a country from which to lodge an application for resettlement via UNHCR. In the case of the OP it is obvious Thailand is not the ideal country, nor are other countries in the region to seek UNHCR protection.

As said above UNHCR is reliant on third party countries for resettlement programs for which very few places are available worldwide. Of the 14.4 million refugees of concern to UNHCR around the world, in 2014 only 73,000 individuals departed to resettlement countries with UNHCR's assistance.


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Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

Quite simply it was the safest and easiest option available. Important considerations for those fleeing persecution.

Presumably the Rohyingha thought the same too?

There aren't any countries taking lapse attitudes on immigration any more. Even the EU soft touches.

Because it's been so abused. Pity those genuine cases but once again the cheats have spoiled it for the ones in genuine need.

who would those "cheats" have been?

I missed 'em.

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After reading the article I'm really not sure why people are bashing Thailand! Thailand are allowing the UN to effectively have illegal aliens in Thailand. Living freely without visas etc. But according to the article " The Thai immigration police have lost patience with the UN's failure to process asylum cases in good time" which to be fair isn't Thailand's fault. It's the UN's fault. Not getting upto date visas for them is the UN fault. Not giving legal counsel.. UN fault.. In fact it actually seems that Thailand is pretty relaxed about these Christian Pakistanis.

Did you read the full BBC article? Yes the UN is not faultless, but the Thai authorities actions are far from relaxed.

Uncaring and even callous would be more accurate words. These refugees have fled appalling religious intolerance and persecution, to gaol them for doing so is wrong.

Why did they pick Thailand, a very prominent Buddhist country, not the most geographically close, not culturally close, and not a signer of the UN convention to come to?

The answer to that is to be found in the BBC article. India has a strong Hindu Fundamentalist influence at present, and is not perceived as being particularly welcoming to Christans .

All the adjacent countries to the west are Islamic, and would not take Christian refugees. These people do not have the resources (money) to get to the west. That leaves Thailand as the one country they can afford to get to, as the start of the progress of finding somewhere to live where they will not be persecuted. That is why they have come here.

I agree that the UN is far from proving itself to be competent and effective. If you have ever had any dealings with the UNs' "chain of command" that will come as no surprise! (There was one well known occasion when an urgent request from UN troops on the ground in Bosnia to be allowed to take a particular action which would potentially save a number of lives was put up the chain of command, as required, to the UN HQ in New York.The phone was answered by an office cleaner, "Sorry, they've all gone home, ring again in the morning"!).

So the UN is far from playing the role it is supposed to. Quelle surpris! That however, to my mind at least, does not excuse the callous and frankly brutal treatment reported as being meted out to these unfortunate and it would seem inoffensive people by the Thai authorities.

I a

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I spent two years in Pakistan, it is 99% Muslim, but there are churches, and are protected in the big cities, in the Waziristan, Baluchistan and Peshawar areas, fagetaboutit - if you are Christian?? Move. These people are no more refugees than I am, what it amounts to is this - "If I live in Spanish Harlem, New York Citie and am a Gringo, don't speak Spanish, and don't drink Rum or eat Goat, I am going to be bullied" I would move - these people have to move that is all there is too it, the southerners are more acceptable to Christians and Hindi's. Refugees my ass - Mi Dos Centavos or Rupiah's whatever.coffee1.gif

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I spent two years in Pakistan, it is 99% Muslim, but there are churches, and are protected in the big cities, in the Waziristan, Baluchistan and Peshawar areas, fagetaboutit - if you are Christian?? Move. These people are no more refugees than I am, what it amounts to is this - "If I live in Spanish Harlem, New York Citie and am a Gringo, don't speak Spanish, and don't drink Rum or eat Goat, I am going to be bullied" I would move - these people have to move that is all there is too it, the southerners are more acceptable to Christians and Hindi's. Refugees my ass - Mi Dos Centavos or Rupiah's whatever.coffee1.gif

They have been forced out of their ancestral homeland due to religious intolerance and persecution.

They are as much a native of the country as those who persecute them and are forced to flee because their choice of faith is not that of the intolerant.

Makes them refugees in my book.

And the UN's as well.

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I spent two years in Pakistan, it is 99% Muslim, but there are churches, and are protected in the big cities, in the Waziristan, Baluchistan and Peshawar areas, fagetaboutit - if you are Christian?? Move. These people are no more refugees than I am, what it amounts to is this - "If I live in Spanish Harlem, New York Citie and am a Gringo, don't speak Spanish, and don't drink Rum or eat Goat, I am going to be bullied" I would move - these people have to move that is all there is too it, the southerners are more acceptable to Christians and Hindi's. Refugees my ass - Mi Dos Centavos or Rupiah's whatever.coffee1.gif

wow, that is really amazing. whistling.gif

2 years in Pakistan and you know so much more about the country than people who have lived there for generations.

maybe you should go back at tell the other people who are about to be burned alive for being christian just exactly where they will be safe and where not....

I match your coffee1.gif and raise you a bah.gif

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If I were a christian i wouldn't pin my hopes on the un doing to much to help. The un is overrun with moslem countries. Look who is now head of HRC.......

The UN is overrun with Muslim countries?

It's the UN! It's the whole world...you do know what the UN is, don't you?

Why should the head of the HRC be of a particular faith? Only the ones you like should apply, eh...

You've outdone yourself this time, congratulations.

Edited by Bluespunk
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If I were a christian i wouldn't pin my hopes on the un doing to much to help. The un is overrun with moslem countries. Look who is now head of HRC.......

Kindly back up your speculation with facts. In 2014 UNHCR assisted 7000+ Pakistani refugees in Thailand to be resettled in third party counties, although it's only a guess I submit many, if not the majority, would be Christian.

Another example...

UNHCR officials reject the notion that any structural flaws in their systems discriminate against Christian refugees, intentionally or not. Roughly 16 percent of Iraqi refugees who have registered with the UNHCR are Christians, officials noted — far higher than the roughly 1 percent of Iraq that is Christian.

With regards to Syria, as the Christians are aligned to, fight with and mainly live in Assad regime protected areas I would assume there currently is only a relatively small number of Christians fleeing.

In any case your assertion is incorrect, the current Head of UNHCR is a an Italian Christian, Filippo Grandi. Prior to Grandi's election it was another non-Muslim, António Guterres.

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Agreed with others here. Thailand is right to protect its borders, and is probably looking at the disaster area the EU has become through unchecked migration.

Funny how most asylums seekers in the EU seem to be fit young men. Why can't they take up arms against ISIS, one wonders?

Keep them out of Thailand.

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