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BBC under fire over handling of Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal


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BBC under fire over handling of Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal


LONDON: -- The BBC has come in for strong criticism over its handling of allegations against one of its late stars, Jimmy Savile, accused after his death of being a prolific sex offender.

A report by a former judge said there was a culture of staff being too afraid to voice their concerns about Savile’s behaviour.

However, the report concluded there was no evidence of a cover-up by Britain’s public broadcaster.

Some victims have rejected the report by former Appeal Court judge Janet Smith as a whitewash, however.

Savile was accused by police of abusing scores of victims, mostly young girls.

The entertainer died in 2011 at the age of 84.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-26

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I fail to see the point of prosecuting a dead man. I'm not from England and really don't know who this man is. And don't care. Dead is dead.

Its ok not to react to a post you do not comprehend.

Edited by stevenl
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This moral crusade is ridiculous.

Two points this "Dame Janet" needs to grasp:

1. The past can't be judged according to today's moral standards. The social and legal context was different then - people were less sophisticated and much borderline behaviour was connived at. That's how it was.

2. These people were much-loved celebrities who attracted adoring fans. That clouds the issue considerably. They are no doubt baffled that they are accused of inflicted harm on anyone. Their egos were so inflated they probably thought they were spreading joy.

Society should put it down to experience and move on. The whole shabby matter is history and should be dropped.

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Any Paedo apologists hangs your head in shame, the damage this POS caused is off the chart.

The UK security services are clearly involved in this cover up and silencing of the victims, do you really think anyone can get near royal family (One of Charlies best mates) without their backgrounds thoroughly checked out, that said a former MI5 chief was involved in this twisted abuse.

You can bet many establishment figures know all about the abuse and blackmail keeps them all in check.

The Official secrets act shouldn't be used to cover up this type of abuse, we have had a few household names thrown to the wolves but no one of any current standing of power they all keep conviently die or pretending to die and delivered back to the POS regime that protects them.

If thats your society post #4 I don't want any part of it, and you won't be talking such rubbish if your kids end up molested by a untouchable VIP.

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The BBC's protection of Savile is nothing compared to its protection of Muslim paedophiles in Rotherham, UK, who have been responsible for as many as 1,400 rapes of teenage girls, and some of whom have finally been convicted after decades of predation.

The BBC has been doing everything in its power to avoid using the words "Pakistani Muslim" (which is what the offenders were), just as it has been trying to avoid saying that Muslim refugees carried out a great many sexual assaults on women in Cologne last New Year's.

It's not the Savile matter that "should be dropped", it is the entire BBC.

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I listened to the sanctimonious BS spouted from this pathetic woman yesterday. Talk about a complete whitewash. I also see they have thrown Tony Blackburn under the bus hoping that will end it. I very much doubt it will though.

What I find all wrong is that not so long back a national Sunday newspaper The News of the World was forced to close because of a few Z list celebrities phones were hacked and yet here we have an organisation that has allowed a culture of heinous child abuse to flourish and yet not a single director will be sacked, jailed or even punished. People had a choice of simply not buying the paper if they found what the paper did was wrong. They have no such choice with the BBC. Everyone is forced by threats of going to jail to pay for this broadcaster and I find that all wrong.

As has been said. This is the broadcaster that refuses to mention Islam when it came to the child abuse in Rotherham and still refuses to call ISIS terrorists

It is time that the British people grew some balls and told the BBC exactly where they can shove their politically correct, Socialist drivel they pump out and just refuse to pay the TV tax

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Is anybody into these petition things where if you get 100k signatures they have to have a debate in parliament? Its about time one was started to have a referendum on the BBC, or that the BBC licence fee should not be mandatory, opt in opt out etc. Reason being people should not be forced to pay for a system that has taken zero responsibility for the actions of Jimmy Savile, indeed it could be said that the BBC were culpable, even encouraged it.

Get rid of them. Someone else will pick up the great documentary makers and give them a job. The rest can go.

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The BBC's protection of Savile is nothing compared to its protection of Muslim paedophiles in Rotherham, UK, who have been responsible for as many as 1,400 rapes of teenage girls, and some of whom have finally been convicted after decades of predation.

The BBC has been doing everything in its power to avoid using the words "Pakistani Muslim" (which is what the offenders were), just as it has been trying to avoid saying that Muslim refugees carried out a great many sexual assaults on women in Cologne last New Year's.

It's not the Savile matter that "should be dropped", it is the entire BBC.

When they report on white criminals, do they describe them as British Christians?

I think if we hear of a defendant called Ahmed, describing him as Muslim is a bit redundant, unless of course you are concerned about EDL stalwarts not being able to join the dots.

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Exactly the same problem with the ABC [ Australian ] formally known as the gay BC , a large over paid , politically correct , persudo intellectual , elitist group , who follows the uk model to a tee . It also should be disbanded , Rip out and save some of the small good parts and burn the rest over low heat for a long time

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Is anybody into these petition things where if you get 100k signatures they have to have a debate in parliament? Its about time one was started to have a referendum on the BBC, or that the BBC licence fee should not be mandatory, opt in opt out etc. Reason being people should not be forced to pay for a system that has taken zero responsibility for the actions of Jimmy Savile, indeed it could be said that the BBC were culpable, even encouraged it.

Get rid of them. Someone else will pick up the great documentary makers and give them a job. The rest can go.


You could always start a petition on 38 degrees, or another organisation like that?

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Bosses at the bbc knew for many years what Saville and Hall were up to.

Nothing was ever done in case it affected tv ratings.

The 2 perverts were known as the untouchables.

BBC bosses should hang their heads in shame.

Everyone who turned up at Top of the Pops knew what Savile and many others were up to, as did the performers. But they weren't allowed to say anything, as Johnny Rotten found out.

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The BBC do not refer to the Muslim Pakistani men abusing young girls as either Muslim nor Pakistani.

They refer to them as "Asian" men. Everybody from the police, to social services, to local politicians to media

have all ignored the problem in case they might get called "racist", which to the left-wing PC crowd in these

organisations is the most damning insult of all.

If you called them incompetent, which they are, they would laugh it off and keep their jobs, but call them racist

and they would be hounded out of their jobs. So the sacrifice of 1,400 13-15 year old girls is nothing to them.

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  • 7 months later...
On 26/02/2016 at 0:32 PM, uksomchai said:

I listened to the sanctimonious BS spouted from this pathetic woman yesterday. Talk about a complete whitewash. I also see they have thrown Tony Blackburn under the bus hoping that will end it. I very much doubt it will though.

What I find all wrong is that not so long back a national Sunday newspaper The News of the World was forced to close because of a few Z list celebrities phones were hacked and yet here we have an organisation that has allowed a culture of heinous child abuse to flourish and yet not a single director will be sacked, jailed or even punished. People had a choice of simply not buying the paper if they found what the paper did was wrong. They have no such choice with the BBC. Everyone is forced by threats of going to jail to pay for this broadcaster and I find that all wrong.

As has been said. This is the broadcaster that refuses to mention Islam when it came to the child abuse in Rotherham and still refuses to call ISIS terrorists

It is time that the British people grew some balls and told the BBC exactly where they can shove their politically correct, Socialist drivel they pump out and just refuse to pay the TV tax


The sacrificial lamb survived. 


Tony's back...


Tony Blackburn to return to the BBC

Tony Blackburn is to return to the BBC in January, 11 months after parting company with the corporation.

He will present an hour-long programme on BBC Radio 2 on Friday evenings, a spokesperson confirmed.

Blackburn said: "I have had a difficult year personally, but I'm pleased to be returning to the BBC and can't wait to get behind the mic again."


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