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Thaivisa members, a reflection of expatriates here ?

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I suggest that if the OP wants to really understand if foreigners in Thailand hold grossly generalized negative views of Thailand and Thai people, he starts by disguarding his own grossly generalized and negative views of foreigners in Thailand.

An individual foreigner (and we are all individuals) complains bitterly about the state of Tai schooling because i. He's a Thailand/Thai basher or ii. Because his own children are pupils at a Thai school and he actually is genuinely concerned about the matter, perhaps very concerned about a real incident or problem he faces.

Who is to know without knowing the individual?

Perhaps more important, who has the right to deny him his opinion and his voice? - if not here on TVF where can he express, share and discuss his concerns?

The OP has a choice, if you don't like what you read, don't read it.

Many expats in Thailand do not have a choice, they have family here, moving may not be an answer, their concerns real and TVF one of a very few places they can discuss their concerns.

Against that the OP's sensitivity to other people's negative opinions is a minor issue, and one for which the remidy is completely within his own control.

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There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

Do the other 5000 + posts reflect similar unsavory comment directed at Thais?

Perhaps the OP has succeeded in finding the one responsible for the majority bizarre, bitter, hate filled comment here.

youve read all 5000+..............well done, you could try the " Bangkok unsafe city thread"


I suggest that if the OP wants to really understand if foreigners in Thailand hold grossly generalized negative views of Thailand and Thai people, he starts by disguarding his own grossly generalized and negative views of foreigners in Thailand.

An individual foreigner (and we are all individuals) complains bitterly about the state of Tai schooling because i. He's a Thailand/Thai basher or ii. Because his own children are pupils at a Thai school and he actually is genuinely concerned about the matter, perhaps very concerned about a real incident or problem he faces.

Who is to know without knowing the individual?

Perhaps more important, who has the right to deny him his opinion and his voice? - if not here on TVF where can he express, share and discuss his concerns?

The OP has a choice, if you don't like what you read, don't read it.

Many expats in Thailand do not have a choice, they have family here, moving may not be an answer, their concerns real and TVF one of a very few places they can discuss their concerns.

Against that the OP's sensitivity to other people's negative opinions is a minor issue, and one for which the remidy is completely within his own control.

"Because his own children are pupils at a Thai school and he actually is genuinely concerned about the matter,"

If he is "concerned" he could home school his children or pay for them to attend one of the high achieving International Schools.

Not being able or unable to afford to do either is no excuse for Thai bashing.


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

I am one of those people who make Pro Thai comments.

I do it because my experience of life here is clearly very different to the guys who keep bashing the place.

The guys who bash Thailand and the Thais, are IMHO the "sad intellectually challenged keyboard cowboys"

And I hope they don't represent the majority of expats living here, although reading these forums it's easy to see how someone might thinks they do.

and mine completely different to yours. what a dull world it would be if we all agreed, whats that "Emperor" yes lovely new clothes.


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

I am one of those people who make Pro Thai comments.

I do it because my experience of life here is clearly very different to the guys who keep bashing the place.

The guys who bash Thailand and the Thais, are IMHO the "sad intellectually challenged keyboard cowboys"

And I hope they don't represent the majority of expats living here, although reading these forums it's easy to see how someone might thinks they do.

and mine completely different to yours. what a dull world it would be if we all agreed, whats that "Emperor" yes lovely new clothes.

What riles me, are the blokes who insist that all Thais are just out to cheat you, or all Thai men are lazy, or that all Thais earn a pittance....


Are any online forums a reflection, or representation of the population?

Read the comments section of any online newspaper and you would conclude that the world is populated by homicidal, racist, neo nazi nutjobs.

You need to figure that anything, maybe everything that you read is written with the knowledge, that it exposes the best and the worst of human nature; base and extreme.

So, read TVF, but filter it just as you would reading any tabloid

your observations are 100% correct, but will add I am very capable of "filtering"....but the premise of the thread was to explore that conclusion, i.e. is it fact or is it a perception

What I appear to be detecting however from certain responders on this topic is a sense of latent aggression/hostility....take from that what you will


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

I am one of those people who make Pro Thai comments.

I do it because my experience of life here is clearly very different to the guys who keep bashing the place.

The guys who bash Thailand and the Thais, are IMHO the "sad intellectually challenged keyboard cowboys"

And I hope they don't represent the majority of expats living here, although reading these forums it's easy to see how someone might thinks they do.

and mine completely different to yours. what a dull world it would be if we all agreed, whats that "Emperor" yes lovely new clothes.

What riles me, are the blokes who insist that all Thais are just out to cheat you, or all Thai men are lazy, or that all Thais earn a pittance....

These are the sorts of comments I am referring to, not ones about how good a school it is or if there are issues or genuine concerns, there is no issue with complaining about a Thai school for example if one is not happy with the standards or service received...one is not a Thai basher (as someone put it) if one raises issues with service, especially if one is paying good money for the service

as you have stated, I am referring to those "all Thai's" type comments...


What I appear to be detecting however from certain responders on this topic is a sense of latent aggression/hostility....take from that what you will

Well of course you do, it's called confirmation bias.

You focus on views that support your point of view and ignore those that offer a more complex or ballanced point of view.

There is a certain irony in that.


I have always seen Thailand in a positive light, I always praise the Thai people for their helpfulness and honesty, but nothing will change my opinion that

most of the Thai people do have a low mentality.

You only have to see the road fatalities, motorbike riders using pavements, the underage riders given keys by their stupid parents, their antics at Songcran, to see that.

I am not bitter about Thailand in any way, but I do stand by the facts I have just mentioned.


What I appear to be detecting however from certain responders on this topic is a sense of latent aggression/hostility....take from that what you will

Well of course you do, it's called confirmation bias.

You focus on views that support your point of view and ignore those that offer a more complex or ballanced point of view.

There is a certain irony in that.

I am aware of the concept of confirmation bias, and would love to debate you on that very topic, but alas I have to run as being picked up for dinner shortly

been interesting reading some of the remarks and I will add further comment at a later stage...


limited to a few very bitter individuals


or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people


I do agree with you Naam, but at the same time I have came across expatriates who are really decent people.


As I read posts/responses I can almost envision a nationality / cultural divide....

I picture the bitter-est ones pretty much coming from the same backgrounds more or less....

A lot changes here....

But - if you come from a more stable community/family/social/economic background you're going to find it pretty easy here - and the posts will reflect that.....

If someone comes from a year's of hanging at the pub background there's plenty of pubs here - same same but different.....Different pools of constantly changing people - many times without many "common" things to share....Can't gather around the and watch Manchester versus _________ (sorry don't know a 2nd one) because of the hours of game times....etc. and a disillusioned cranky sceptical mind set creeps in.....

Everyone posting here opens cracks/windows into themselves.....Usually how they treat and perceive the world around them says more about themselves and what and where they've taken themselves....

The misery is easier to spot here in a captured audience then it would be if sitting around the table down at the pub....

Like everything else in life you weed out what is good or useful (positive, negative, objective, informative) for you....

Some you appreciate - some make you think - others make you wonder....

But everyone is sharing a piece of their life......


I may have missed it, but although OP has visited "many countries", it doesn't appear that he ever visited Thailand. If correct, he should visit Thailand for an uninterrupted period of at least 6 months and form his own opinion.

Far better, than trying to conduct a "Psycho-Analysis" of the expat community in Thailand by way of a public forum !

After this 6 month stay, he may well understand, that a certain percentage of expats find themselves in a mild stage of "disillusionment".



I may have missed it, but although OP has visited "many countries", it doesn't appear that he ever visited Thailand. If correct, he should visit Thailand for an uninterrupted period of at least 6 months and form his own opinion.

Far better, than trying to conduct a "Psycho-Analysis" of the expat community in Thailand by way of a public forum !

After this 6 month stay, he may well understand, that a certain percentage of expats find themselves in a mild stage of "disillusionment".


Those who are "disillusioned " should exercise their right to leave !

What prevents them?


I joined Thaivisa a few months back in the hope of obtaining relevant information about life in Thailand and after reading the just about every thread and post on Thaivisa, I cant help concluding there are some very bitter and very unhappy expats living in Thailand who appear for all intents and purposes to hate Thailand as a country and treat the Thai people with contempt and hatred, but yet this is a country they have chosen to live in...its bizzare and disturbing at the same time...

So the question is ?.....

Is the Thai visa membership who post their venom about Thailand on these forums, a true reflection of the type of expatriates who resides in the Kingdom of Thailand or am I reading too much into the the topics and comments posted on Thaivisa and its limited to a few very bitter individuals or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people who hate everything associated with Thailand including its people ?

What you have to bear in mind is that a lot of people on these forums are not even living in Thailand.

Many of them who do live here are living in very different circumstances and their view of Thais and Thailand is warped because of that.

People of different ages view things differently.

People of different financial levels view things very differently.

People from different social levels view things very differently.

Once someone is stuck in their way of life, with their view of the world it is very hard for them to see any other view.

Some people refuse to believe things that other people do here, because their situation (financial, physical, age, etc) maybe precludes them from experiencing the same things.

There are certain types of people and it depends where you go as to which type you see.

In Bangkok I know where I will see older blokes sitting around surrounded by bar girls, I also know the places where I won't see a single old retired blokes and no low class Thais.

If you live in Thailand and only mix in the low end then of course your opinion will be based on those situations.

totally agree with our reporter in Lan Kwai Fong a shrewd assessment

if all comments were about how lovely thais and thailand are…how peace loving, non violent, non scheming, non corrupt, non racist etc then that would be a fictional forum called Thai Dreamland.


I think that you are being a little disingenuous, you cannot have possibly read all the forums and if you actually did manage that mega job you would realise that this Forum site is a treasure chest of information, some useful some not unless you are in the minority who actually contributes to those lesser known sub forums.

I also think that you may well be actually referring to in you rant about just two of the many forums and sub forums on this site aimed at those like me who like the occasional moan, squabble or debate , namely the Pattaya forum and the General forum, maybe the pub forum comes in as third choice, I refer to that forum as the Tap room and seldom visit but even then on that forum they do have a sense of humour which can be missing on the Pattaya and general forums

Posters on these two forum are not generally typical of the total forum threads or posts and if you had seriously read any of these other forums you would see or read that there is certainly more courtesy on these other forums and not so much bitterness and spite

Apart from the grumpy old farts like me there are those who have lost the will to see the positive sides of life and the two forums I mention seem to attract these posters just occasionally ( A Lot)

The Pattaya and the general forum are the place where posters vent and let off steam a little, They are the perfect forums to use as an emotional safety valve

There are and always have been some of the best cleverest and most intellectual and clever people posting on here over the time that I have been posting and certainly for me this site with all its moaners, groaners, complainers, Thai bashers and even those with an obvious mental problem is the place where I can relax after a hard day playing golf or cycling and know that I am in good company.


if all comments were about how lovely thais and thailand are…how peace loving, non violent, non scheming, non corrupt, non racist etc then that would be a fictional forum called Thai Dreamland.

Otherwise known as "TAT"


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

Yep!!!....no thats out of the way....lets Party mate....thumbsup.gif ....


Semms the poster is a very sensitive individual. Nothing wrong with a little moaning and groaning. I could complain about the US all day long, but I still believe it's the greatest country. And besides, if it wasn't for all the grumpy posters and of course the self-rightious ones, TV wouldn't be successful. It makes for good reading.


Not all sexpats are miserable I h

Have a few friends who are quite normal but get frustrated sometimes at the stupidity of some Thai people occasionally


I also realised there are many negative post lately sharing about their unhappiness living in the Kingdom. Some even planning to leave the Kingdom.

Personally I think there are no perfect place for everyone no matter where we live. You may like one country now but you may hate it one day in the future ...or you may not... Experience it yourself and also learn from the people here to avoid falling into any scams..


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

The people I find most difficult to gel with are the ones who have come from (as you put it) Farangland.

I was born overseas and have lived my whole life in Asia, so I feel Asian and I think like an Asian (in many ways).

I am (and I'll freely admit it) a life-long privileged expat, so I think *very* differently and have a very different viewpoint to a Brit who was born in the UK and lived there until he retired to Asia.

I guess I am like you. English, but born in Asia. I love the Thais among whom I have some wonderful friends. I never have any problems here because they are always ready to assist me with anything that crops up. I can't relate to most British born expats who make no effort to integrate or make Thai friends. Most are not well educated and I can find nothing in common with them. I can afford to live anywhere and Thailand is my choice. Where I live is completely different to Pattaya, Phuket or Samui which are little more than "Farang " ghettos

with little in common with the rest of the country.


not sure as i dont socialize too deeply with other expats, especially dudes.

i do know that the dudes i have delved into deeper then surface convo here tend to have a lot of problems, especially with women and finances. any mention of negatives on these two topics in casual convo you can be sure the problem is pretty serious down under.

dont expect much healthy genuine friendships like you would expect in your home country. more arms length type of stuff for me here.


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

The people I find most difficult to gel with are the ones who have come from (as you put it) Farangland.

I was born overseas and have lived my whole life in Asia, so I feel Asian and I think like an Asian (in many ways).

I am (and I'll freely admit it) a life-long privileged expat, so I think *very* differently and have a very different viewpoint to a Brit who was born in the UK and lived there until he retired to Asia.

If you are of European descent then who are you trying to kid, yourself or us?

There is no such thing as a privileged expat. You may think very differently and have different viewpoints to a Brit who was born in the UK, but you are still considered the same as all the rest of us by the Thais. The only thing that places us in different categories is the amount of money we carry in our wallets and have in the bank, unless you somehow managed to grab a Thai citizenship and even then you`re still always be a foreigner here.


What I appear to be detecting however from certain responders on this topic is a sense of latent aggression/hostility....take from that what you will

Well of course you do, it's called confirmation bias.

You focus on views that support your point of view and ignore those that offer a more complex or ballanced point of view.

There is a certain irony in that.

I am aware of the concept of confirmation bias, and would love to debate you on that very topic, but alas I have to run as being picked up for dinner shortly

been interesting reading some of the remarks and I will add further comment at a later stage...

You: "joined Thaivisa a few months back in the hope of obtaining relevant information about life in Thailand"

I guess you managed to get all the information you needed without having to ask any questions, because this is the only topic you have started, the only question you have asked.

Looking at your previous contributions you don't sound at all like someone who lacked "relevant information". You seem to be quite confident in your knowledge of "life in Thailand".

You're starting to look a bit:



limited to a few very bitter individuals


or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people


I do agree with you Naam, but at the same time I have came across expatriates who are really decent people.

no doubt about that!

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