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Unless you have renal failure, HIV or you are a stunted child - HGH is a very dangerous substance to mess about with - I am not a Doctor but I am also not stupid about what I might put into my body. But a lot of people think it is perfectly OK so that they can look like an overblown version of what a real human with low fat and muscular development should look like. There is also no real medical proof that it actually works ?

Maybe there is a placebo effect - believe it works and it will trick the brain into believing it works ?

Let WiKi will clear it up for you


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Unless you have renal failure, HIV or you are a stunted child - HGH is a very dangerous substance to mess about with - I am not a Doctor but I am also not stupid about what I might put into my body. But a lot of people think it is perfectly OK so that they can look like an overblown version of what a real human with low fat and muscular development should look like. There is also no real medical proof that it actually works ?

Maybe there is a placebo effect - believe it works and it will trick the brain into believing it works ?

Let WiKi will clear it up for you


Why is it so dangerous? I am not talking about someone using 15-20 IUs per day. But 1-2 IUs a day which is standard for health and anti aging. HGH is showing a ton of promise for quality of life.

No medical proof it actually works? Hmmm.... Where did I hear this before? Oh yeah! It's the exact same thing the medical community said for decades in regards to anabolic steroids. Pretty safe to say those things work.

People are scared of HGH. It is still not very well understood. However, more and more Dr's seem to be signing on board. I don't believe for a second the effects are placebo based.

If I can start taking HGH in my 50s or 60s and it will help me look like Sylvester Stallone at age 70.......sign me up!


I am a Dr. I am in my Fifties and I took Hgh for about 3 years. Under the view of a good friend and great Dr........I never noticed any changes in anything. I still got sick every once in awhile......I still trained with resistance as I have for decades. I got no great strength increases....In short I could not report any changes......I have not been on hgh for over five years now......at my age I do look about ten plus years younger.

The whole time I was on Hgh I checked all my blood chem values and nothing ever changed....in short.......nada.....I only took 4iu a day...I cant say it was worth it or not....Hope this helps

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I am a Dr. I am in my Fifties and I took Hgh for about 3 years. Under the view of a good friend and great Dr........I never noticed any changes in anything. I still got sick every once in awhile......I still trained with resistance as I have for decades. I got no great strength increases....In short I could not report any changes......I have not been on hgh for over five years now......at my age I do look about ten plus years younger.

The whole time I was on Hgh I checked all my blood chem values and nothing ever changed....in short.......nada.....I only took 4iu a day...I cant say it was worth it or not....Hope this helps

hGH is the MOST counterfeited med out there. Often, even pharmacies are fooled in the USA. Helps to buy from a source with spectography testing and will provide a COA as proof. But, yeah, YMMV.


I am a Dr. I am in my Fifties and I took Hgh for about 3 years. Under the view of a good friend and great Dr........I never noticed any changes in anything. I still got sick every once in awhile......I still trained with resistance as I have for decades. I got no great strength increases....In short I could not report any changes......I have not been on hgh for over five years now......at my age I do look about ten plus years younger.

The whole time I was on Hgh I checked all my blood chem values and nothing ever changed....in short.......nada.....I only took 4iu a day...I cant say it was worth it or not....Hope this helps

But do you think you look younger from good genetics or did the HGH play a role?

Were you on TRT at the same time?


My source was never in question. ........period.

That's why I added YMMV. Even with perfect source, it may or may not cause visble results for each person, no?


And furthermore, I'm not certain it does much for "small children". My sixth grade boyfriend was the smallest guy in the class but also the smartest. He was 4 ft 9 inches tall. His parents got him off to an endless round doctors who specialized in this field and he soon he was wasting his after school time in junior high sitting around doctors' offices while the rest of us geeks were in Latin club, Computer club (in that era we actually built our own computers) ,Debate Club and marching band which was our only form of physical exercise. Last time I saw him at a high school reunion he was 5 ft 1 inch tall. Still sexy smart.


Thats a hard call.....My Gf had a few friends over the other day and they were amazed I was as old as I am........I joke about being old alot.....I lift weights. I always have and I am very flexible. I eat very well. I drink sometimes. Plus....I shave my head so no grey hair ......

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Thats a hard call.....My Gf had a few friends over the other day and they were amazed I was as old as I am........I joke about being old alot.....I lift weights. I always have and I am very flexible. I eat very well. I drink sometimes. Plus....I shave my head so no grey hair ......

That's why I asked. Because Stallone looks incredible for 70 years old and he is one of the only high profile guys who admits to HGH use (but I guess he had no choice after getting arrested at Australian customs with it..... Lol). He also uses Testosterone though and I am wondering if they somehow work together to produce a better effect.

Why is it so dangerous? I am not talking about someone using 15-20 IUs per day. But 1-2 IUs a day which is standard for health and anti aging. HGH is showing a ton of promise for quality of life.

Use of HGH for other than treatment of a few specific medical conditions is not standard medical practice, and its safety has not been established.

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Why is it so dangerous? I am not talking about someone using 15-20 IUs per day. But 1-2 IUs a day which is standard for health and anti aging. HGH is showing a ton of promise for quality of life.

Use of HGH for other than treatment of a few specific medical conditions is not standard medical practice, and its safety has not been established.

I understand it is not standard medical practice. My statement was attempting to convey that when Dr's do agree to prescribe HGH for anti aging, it is generally 1-2IUs per day.

As for its safety not being established, that may be, but I think there is growing evidence suggesting otherwise. I don't feel I need it as of now because I am quite young still, but I have not seen any legitimate information on the dangers of HGH that would prevent me from trying it if I was older.


Peyton Manning may have dabbed a little HGH on a boo-boo or two


If I had major neck surgery and HGH use had the potential to cut recovery time in half.... I would have dabbled in it as well.


I think Sheryl is just being the voice of reason, not standing out against. TiT, after all, and we have to.keep this site operating. Doctors prescribe for off label use most anything.


I think Sheryl is just being the voice of reason, not standing out against. TiT, after all, and we have to.keep this site operating. Doctors prescribe for off label use most anything.

In the USA, Dr's can prescribe pretty much anything off label. However, I would be quite surprised if many Thai Dr's were prescribing HGH off label. I have read about a few clinics that might..... But I think it is pretty rare here in Thailand.


I think Sheryl is just being the voice of reason, not standing out against. TiT, after all, and we have to.keep this site operating. Doctors prescribe for off label use most anything.

In the USA, Dr's can prescribe pretty much anything off label. However, I would be quite surprised if many Thai Dr's were prescribing HGH off label. I have read about a few clinics that might..... But I think it is pretty rare here in Thailand.

Usually they are Western practices catering to Westerners, yes.


Posts discussing illegal activity have been removed. Please note that HGH is a controlled drug in Thailand and sale or purchase without prescription) much less receiving it in the mail) is illegal.

It can be legally obtained for off label use at some anti-aging clinics. You do so at your own risk. Safety is not established nor being established. Efficacy for other than increased muscle mass (not accompanied by an increase in strength) is also open to doubt. In particular, no eveidence that it slows down the aging process.


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Posts discussing illegal activity have been removed. Please note that HGH is a controlled drug in Thailand and sale or purchase without prescription) much less receiving it in the mail) is illegal.

Thank you for clearing that up. So, to be clear, Sheryl, you are saying that we break the legalities AND law in Thailand if we walk in to the pharmacy near Nana and buy it without a prescription? I am confused by that... everything can be bought over the counter and I

know many places, especially Payttaya, where hGH is available. I realize this is a much bigger topic than hGH, but maybe you can point us to a sticky about what laws we break by using a pharmacy here? The mail order is pretty clear. I get that and why it had to be removed. But why can't I ask if the pharmacy here price I was quoted is a good price or not?

Respectfully and thankful to you!


It is illegal to buy in a pharmacy without a prescription. The "law" is the drug classification (category "S") assigned by the Thai FDA. Which you can find listed in Mims (book that moist pharmacies have, or online at www.mims.com/thailand but you need to register to use the site).

It is also of course illegal for the seller. though in the case of prescription only drugs popular with foreigners, it is usually only the customer who gets in trouble. In some cases I have heard of the rationale for not arresting the shop keeper is that the drugs were counterfeit...which odds are good any OTC HGH you see, is.

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It is illegal to buy in a pharmacy without a prescription. The "law" is the drug classification (category "S") assigned by the Thai FDA. Which you can find listed in Mims (book that moist pharmacies have, or online at www.mims.com/thailand but you need to register to use the site).

It is also of course illegal for the seller. though in the case of prescription only drugs popular with foreigners, it is usually only the customer who gets in trouble. In some cases I have heard of the rationale for not arresting the shop keeper is that the drugs were counterfeit...which odds are good any OTC HGH you see, is.

Ok. Wow... so buying my Parkinson's meds, my friends buying brand name heart meds, others buying Quomem for stop smoking to use as Wellbutrin... we are all breaking the law? DANG! Can you generalize your statement above and make it a sticky? I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone realizes this. I have lived in some rural areas where 99% of customers were Thai and they bought their heart and bp meds OTC. Seriously... I love living here and don't want to get kicked out because I do what any Thai person does to get my medicine. PLEASE make a sticky for this (or did I miss it and it is there?)


Ok. Wow... so buying my Parkinson's meds, my friends buying brand name heart meds, others buying Quomem for stop smoking to use as Wellbutrin... we are all breaking the law? ....

Of course not. Heart meds, BP meds, Parkinsons meds etc do not require a prescription. Neither do Quomem or Wellbutrin.

Every drug in Thailand has a classification assigned by the Thai FDA. Most drugs are category "D", no prescription required.

HGH however is category "S" which does requires a prescription, as well as records of sale.


Ok. Wow... so buying my Parkinson's meds, my friends buying brand name heart meds, others buying Quomem for stop smoking to use as Wellbutrin... we are all breaking the law? ....

Of course not. Heart meds, BP meds, Parkinsons meds etc do not require a prescription.

Every drug in Thailand has a classification assigned by the Thai FDA. Most drugs are category "D", no prescription required. HGH however is category "S" which does requires a prescription, as well as records of sale.

Whew! Thanks :)


Ok. Wow... so buying my Parkinson's meds, my friends buying brand name heart meds, others buying Quomem for stop smoking to use as Wellbutrin... we are all breaking the law? ....

Of course not. Heart meds, BP meds, Parkinsons meds etc do not require a prescription. Neither do Quomem or Wellbutrin.

Wellbutrin is the brand name for bupropion, a prescription drug that's used to treat depression.


yes it is. But last I checked itbis not availableninbextended release axcept as Quomem - same drug used for antdepressant on dopamine and norepineohrine channels also reaches nictinamide receptors so is marketed as Quomem as a stop smoking med ;-)


Ok. Wow... so buying my Parkinson's meds, my friends buying brand name heart meds, others buying Quomem for stop smoking to use as Wellbutrin... we are all breaking the law? ....

Of course not. Heart meds, BP meds, Parkinsons meds etc do not require a prescription. Neither do Quomem or Wellbutrin.

Wellbutrin is the brand name for bupropion, a prescription drug that's used to treat depression.

Also for people trying to quit smoking....

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