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hope you find another pet that you will share your love with, whenever you are ready for that quicksilva.

I can imagine how hard it must have been to lose your pet after having had her since you were a child yourself and growing up together.

I also got my dog since I was a little girl myself, then over the years she grew to be a friend (but more like a younger sister, then a niece as my brother got slightly older and said she was his daughter so i became the aunt :D) until the point where although we were the ones that had to take care of her, she felt more like an older relative you look after (cos in her dog years she overtook us all in age category :o

Julie 20.5 years old on 23rd June 2006 :D

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Exactly 4 months ago I lost my beloved Julie. Shes a fox terrier, been with us a little over 20 years. I know that she was starting to suffer in the last couple of months of her life, but even then it doesnt quite make dealing with her loss any easier :o

Im hoping the 'somewhat' anonymity of a web forum will at least make me able to share this without getting too personal and therefore overly emotional. I guess a way to let things out.......

thanks for reading :D

MiG16 sorry to read re the loss of a much loved companion. I don't think it matters what type of animal, it's breed, whether it is pure, cross bred or a motley assortment, our animal companions are very special to us. Animals don't care if we are young or old, they don't notice gender or sexual preference. They don't care about race or religion. I have over the years had many special companions and sometimes they were the only one I could relate to when things went bad.

I think you will know when or even if it is time to get a new friend but do do it to replace your lost Julie. No animal can be a direct replacement for another but they can and do add to the quality of our life.

Be strong and always remember her. Cherish the moments you had together.



Good post Crow Boy. I just want to add one thing,

pets, they love us whether we deserve it or not. You have to appreciate that kind of love and loyalty.


thanks crowboy and SBK. all this is making me cry all over again :o

thanks crowboy and SBK. all this is making me cry all over again :o

Thanks - as long as you don't tell anyone - it made me all misty when I was writing it, I kept thinking about the animal companions I have been lucky to have in my life. Ahh bugger I think I have something stuck in my eye making it water.

sbk you wrote "pets, they love us whether we deserve it or not. You have to appreciate that kind of love and loyalty."

absolutely and sometimes they love their human companion more than they deserve.

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