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Happy & content in Thailand


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Have to agree.....

Not the way I pictured things years ago.....But - it's turned out better than what I'd pictured....

Thank God for a life that's a motivated adventure in happiness - versus sedentary slowly suffocating stagnation....

Yup, I totally agree. Things didn't work out the way I had envisaged either - if anything they have probably worked out better. I ended up settling down here and now really can't see too many reasons why I would want to go back apart from short visits, but haven't burnt any bridges (Oh, I must remember that for another thread wink.png ). I removed myself from a negative pack of heavy drinkers, the sex tourists and trolls - and found a far more positive circle of friends, with a range of interests.

I wonder how life would have panned out back 'home'? Sedentary suffocating stagnation? Quite possibly!

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

Me personally . I always go by bus, so I come off best in any crashes.

Are there any nice Police forces in the World ?

There are many Countries with worse Police than Thailand .

Immigration ? Not many complain when that 800 000 Baht suddenly appeared in your bank account from no-where and immigration dont question it .

90 day reporting ? You are a foreigner and thats what you have to do

I never go to National Parks .

No soi dogs live near me .

Loud music doesnt bother me .

So , no complaints from me

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I think I've done the 90 day report once in three years. One of my favourite things about living in Bangkok is that there are some many cool places to visit a short flight away, so I'm never in Thailand for 90 days without going somewhere and restarting the clock.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

With a post like that, you are fortunate indeed that you have an "IQ85 teacher" to whom you can look up.

Safe highways? Don't be so stupid, but defensive driving here, as in any place can help to make you a bit safer. and the traffic here is only among the worst in the world, probably not the worst.

Who does 90 day reports - pay 1000 baht a year and get the job done for you.

National parks? Surely you have a driver's licence (IF you live here that is)

Soi dogs? Have all the dogs in your home country had vocal chords cut?

Music? Live in any city anywhere.

Get a grip!

Edited by Rob8891
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This paying extra to go to national parks is a myth. Farangs dont get ripped off. They just don't receive the special discount given to the locals!

Also, usually a license does the trick (but not always)

This is a true story that happened to me last weekend. I paid half of what my Thai girlfriend did. It was at the King 5's house near the dusit zoo. Really impressive place. Anyway as we were buying the tickets, the lovely ticket seller asked if we used AIS phone network. I do, so got a 50% discount after a quick sms, so 75baht, girlfriend isn't, so she had to pay 150. They didn't ask me for a license either.

And there is a two tiered pricing policy in most countries. Take your kid to Australia for an education and you will really see a massive price difference for non residents is just one example.

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I'll never understand why the totally negative people who live here and constantly complain choose to stay here. Why are they so stupid to live somewhere they hate? It's a simple thing. If it is so bad why don't you just leave. Those people obviously would not be happy regardless where they go.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

It's a very real part of living in Thailand. Doesn't mean he's not happy. We all have different perspectives of Thailand based on how and where we live.

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enjoy my time here,

enjoy the place where I live very much, in a house by a a sizeable klong just a tiny wee bit north of BKK

fresh air and very quiet with OK neighbours and frequently winds that cool down the air a bit

not a farang in sight around here

enjoy my hobby, keeps me occupied every day, maybe too occupied, great fun though

(of course, the odd bit here pisses me off, mainly because I meet challenges (related to my hobby) I don't know how to hack)

by and large, happy? yes!

Edited by melvinmelvin
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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

It's a very real part of living in Thailand. Doesn't mean he's not happy. We all have different perspectives of Thailand based on how and where we live.

And you have the rest of the forum to discuss them in. Let us have this one happy place.

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I love living in Thailand because I have so many wonderful Thai friends. I never have had a problem because they are always there to help me sort things out. I love the way people smile at you. The great food, wonderful service and the easy-going life. I can afford to live anywhere I want and I have lived in many different countries and I found Ireland the best place to live.

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The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

And yet...You still live here? Shut up and go away.

It's a very real part of living in Thailand. Doesn't mean he's not happy. We all have different perspectives of Thailand based on how and where we live.

And you have the rest of the forum to discuss them in. Let us have this one happy place.

Where's the fun in that. Can't we all just get along.

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I love living in Thailand because I have so many wonderful Thai friends. I never have had a problem because they are always there to help me sort things out. I love the way people smile at you. The great food, wonderful service and the easy-going life. I can afford to live anywhere I want and I have lived in many different countries and I found Ireland the best place to live.

Do you mean Ireland or Thailand? If the former, I assume that is where you now live.

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Same for me, love it here, got plenty of adventures with my 4x4....made good friends Farang's and Thai,...

Like others stated before, I used the visa runs as a opportunity to visit other country's. First backpacking, later with my car...Did multiple off road trips in Laos, Malaysia, Cambodia and Burma (Myanmar). Never had a boring visa run.

And this is priceless, I met the woman of my life here...15/16 tears ago. It changed my life for the better...

We Travel around Thailand and Asia every year for 6 months. And around Europe the other 6.

All in all we have a better quality of life than in my home country. On the other hand, Medical facilities and care are far better in my home country and free...We have a good travel insurance In case...

Best regards, Off Road Pat.

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I don't think the negativity will ever leave the forums here. Too many people with less than positive experiences of Thailand will always hang around to tell everybody about it.

The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

I wish the 90 day thing was available to Thai nationals in the UK. biggrin.png

Mukdahan National Park was less than £5 for six of us. I remember taking the GF and her son to the Royal Palace in Bangkok last year. £10 for me, they went in free. Seemed like a bargain to me because I didn’t get a bill for the two of them.

I met my other half in Thailand over a year ago and she is the best thing to have ever happened to me. She is hoping to move to the UK with me for a few years but ultimately we will settle in Thailand. If I did sell my home just outside London we will have a very good life financially. The rest will slot into place.

To the poster who wrote the negative post above. Buying earplugs will remove 50% of your woes. Staying off the roads will solve that problem. Not coming to the attention of the police or immigration will solve the rest. Oops sorry. You LIKE complaining.

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I love living in Thailand because I have so many wonderful Thai friends. I never have had a problem because they are always there to help me sort things out. I love the way people smile at you. The great food, wonderful service and the easy-going life. I can afford to live anywhere I want and I have lived in many different countries and I found Ireland the best place to live.

I might tend to agree with you if had ever been to IRELAND...but I will take your word for it...

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I am quite happy & content in Thailand too, as are you. However, as one of those older gents you seem to shun, I will discuss both the good and the bad aspects of the country.

It really is better to understand and accept reality than to hide your head in the sand while repeating the manta, "Everything is wonderful, Everything is wonderful, Everything is wonderful, Everything is wonderful....", until is isn't, than acting shocked.

With that said, I'd rather be here than my home country (which I will also discuss both the good and bad aspects of). The future ls in Asia.

the future for you is in asia do you mean

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"I have a lovely gf who gave me a wonderful Son ;"

So the biological father had no say in this? (Sorry, saw an opening there for a joke of sorts..... couldn't help myself)

...not remotely funny...just stupid...

well i thought it was good i get one as well from MBK or 7/11

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I think I've done the 90 day report once in three years. One of my favourite things about living in Bangkok is that there are some many cool places to visit a short flight away, so I'm never in Thailand for 90 days without going somewhere and restarting the clock.

In 7 years I've never done one. I doubt very much I ever will.

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I don't think the negativity will ever leave the forums here. Too many people with less than positive experiences of Thailand will always hang around to tell everybody about it.

The highways are safe, the police and immigration are honest, the 90 day thing is not inconvenient, paying more to enter national parks is a hoot, having IQ 85 teacher for kids,being awoken by soi dogs at 3:00 AM,listening to 200 decibal boom boxes at 7 in the morn., etc.... Yes, it is all so wonderful.

I wish the 90 day thing was available to Thai nationals in the UK. biggrin.png

Mukdahan National Park was less than £5 for six of us. I remember taking the GF and her son to the Royal Palace in Bangkok last year. £10 for me, they went in free. Seemed like a bargain to me because I didnt get a bill for the two of them.

I met my other half in Thailand over a year ago and she is the best thing to have ever happened to me. She is hoping to move to the UK with me for a few years but ultimately we will settle in Thailand. If I did sell my home just outside London we will have a very good life financially. The rest will slot into place.

To the poster who wrote the negative post above. Buying earplugs will remove 50% of your woes. Staying off the roads will solve that problem. Not coming to the attention of the police or immigration will solve the rest. Oops sorry. You LIKE complaining.

Or even better yet he could just leave. Nobody asked him to live here.

Spot on your comments regarding the visa, it always stuns me that the thaibashers don't realize that we have it so easy with many options while the Thais have to jump through hoops to get a visa to our countries and are often denied.

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Been here 30 years as of last month. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Not all the old guys in the bars are negative and most are like me. They go to speak Engllsh (if they can) and chat up the birds. I lost my Thai wife of 23 years last year but I am finally able to move on. Have a lovely 39-year old moving in with me this afternoon so life is good. That sure as hell wouldn't be possible back in the USA considering I am 77 now. My wife's sisters have been terrific in looking after me but they will be thrilled that I now have a companion. I'm off to buy a case of champagne to celebrate - of course must wait until 11:00. My companion may prefer Jack and Coke but fortunately I have a 3-liter bottle I.ve been saving. Bottoms up!

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