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General Prawit hopes Thaksin will not speak anything bad against Thailand


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Where is Donald Trump when you need him?

I am still wondering why the present US Government has not sent a mole to spy & destroy this little man and everything he represents since his idea of unity and a modern path to enlightenment for all Thai's is a repressive regime trying to make friends with the likes of Russia. (Nice Trip)

To him and his ilk forming some type of oligarchy for him and his Coup Makers makes sense (They can learn a lot from Russia)

How about a "Tribunal" at the Hague for these guys and stop worrying about Thaksin being Arrested?

They have and are doing a hundred times more damage to the future of Thailand vs. his Property / Civil Case could have ever done.

They are leading and will continue to lead Thailand down a very Dangerous Path.

It has always been my guess that the CIA volunteered to take on this task, many years ago, and perhaps since. Even though he was allied with Bush and his cronies, they knew what a problem he was going to become, when he was exiled. I am sure they offered their services, and I am just as sure that the Thai authorities said something like, "Don't concern yourselves. We are on top of this. We will not let it get to the point where he becomes a problem to the nation. We have things under control, and have considered the many ramifications his exile could create. We are being proactive. If he misbehaves, we will have him repatriated, and he will face trial here".

And the Americans went back to the office rolling their eyes. How many times have we heard this before? A Thai government being proactive? Can you even imagine such a thing? Planning? Consideration of future events? Heading off problems BEFORE they occur? Absolutely, positively unthinkable, in the LOS.

Back to the bar with your ex-CIA mates and keep guessing and keeping us upto date with the goings on at The Company.

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All the Thais I know who came to USA found their voice to say what they didnt like about Thailand especially Thai women on equality and sexuall abuse. Thaksin mouth is not clamped like the media who, along with the general public, have lost their right to freedom of speech and assembly. Expect Thaksin's lips to be loose and sinking ships.

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Where is Donald Trump when you need him?

I am still wondering why the present US Government has not sent a mole to spy & destroy this little man and everything he represents since his idea of unity and a modern path to enlightenment for all Thai's is a repressive regime trying to make friends with the likes of Russia. (Nice Trip)

To him and his ilk forming some type of oligarchy for him and his Coup Makers makes sense (They can learn a lot from Russia)

How about a "Tribunal" at the Hague for these guys and stop worrying about Thaksin being Arrested?

They have and are doing a hundred times more damage to the future of Thailand vs. his Property / Civil Case could have ever done.

They are leading and will continue to lead Thailand down a very Dangerous Path.

It has always been my guess that the CIA volunteered to take on this task, many years ago, and perhaps since. Even though he was allied with Bush and his cronies, they knew what a problem he was going to become, when he was exiled. I am sure they offered their services, and I am just as sure that the Thai authorities said something like, "Don't concern yourselves. We are on top of this. We will not let it get to the point where he becomes a problem to the nation. We have things under control, and have considered the many ramifications his exile could create. We are being proactive. If he misbehaves, we will have him repatriated, and he will face trial here".

And the Americans went back to the office rolling their eyes. How many times have we heard this before? A Thai government being proactive? Can you even imagine such a thing? Planning? Consideration of future events? Heading off problems BEFORE they occur? Absolutely, positively unthinkable, in the LOS.

Back to the bar with your ex-CIA mates and keep guessing and keeping us upto date with the goings on at The Company.


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I think they are worried about Thaksin speaking some TRUTH... and not just coming out with the usual Government B/S

that is being thrown about at this time.

Dead right.


Prawit Wongsuwan said he hopes fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will not speak anything in public which will hurts his own home country

Translation: "We are scared what Thaksin might say.

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I really hope Thaksin tells it like it is & crucifies this illegal regime, i.e;

They explicitly backed an illegal armed uprising in order to create enough instability to overthrow the democratically elected government.

<snip for brevity>

That would be simply hilarious, for anyone who remembers Thaksin's actions, back in 2009/2010. wink.png

But it wouldn't be the first time he's reversed direction, for example he used to regard democracy with somewhat less respect, than he now claims to. rolleyes.gif

No. It is not at all reasonable to say that Mark's coalition of the unwilling, cobbled together in the army barracks was 'the democratically elected government'!

It was perfectly legal to do so especially as the previous PPP government under Thaksins brother in law had the opportunity to do so first but couldn't get enough partners.

Supposing that he could have formed a coalition would you be complaining about that?

That is the rules of parliament that if the ruling party cannot control a majority of the seats in parliament they can form a coalition to do so. If however, they cannot manage to do so, the next largest political party is given the chance to try and so on. If no party can command a majority then the party last in power must dissolve parliament and call a general election.

So to answer your statement, YES it was perfectly reasonable and if the coalition parties were unwilling they could have opted out.

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I really hope Thaksin tells it like it is & crucifies this illegal regime, i.e;

They explicitly backed an illegal armed uprising in order to create enough instability to overthrow the democratically elected government.

They have totally ignored & infringed on human rights since Day 1 of the coup.

They are deepening the political divide by blatantly siding with one group while executing a political purge of another.

The reasons given for committing the coup are absolute lies, and the regime hasn't made any attempt to stop corruption in the military or any other institution they are in control of.

The regime has continually lied about the timeline for a return to democracy & are in fact using the constitutional drafting process as a tool to extend their time in power.

Stick it to them Dr. T!

I really hope someone asks him some pertinent questions about his past exploits.

Wonder if he'll still protest he's as innocent as the driven snow (yellow snow of course!)

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I am still wondering why not issue an international warrant to arrest thaksin? Or international countries don't believe in Thailand justice? Even ASEAN countries like Singapore?

The idea of an international arrest warrant and Interpol is floated here regularly. Why don't they do it? Well, let us try and imagine the paperwork explaining why they want him arrested and sent to Thailand.....

" Dear foreign government, could you please detain one Thaksin Shinawatra, and send him back to us. He used to be the (twice elected) Prime Minister of Thailand. When it looked very much like he would win election a third time we staged a coup and took over. He was convicted of abuse of power (his wife bought a piece of land in a sealed bid auction, and she actually paid over the official valuation to win the auction). Guilty of this heinous crime he left the country. At the subsequent elections his party won, but over a year or so we managed to engineer the dismissal of that government and install one we preferred. At the next election Thaksin's party again won convincingly, and his younger sister became Prime Minister. We obviously couldn't have that, apart from anything else she was a mere woman(!) so we managed to force her dismissal. It took some doing but eventually we managed it. As it looked very much as if she (and Thaksin's party) would win the election which our then constitution required be held, some understanding acquaintances blocked it. Obviously as the countries military we were powerless to step in to ensure that the constitutional democratic process was followed, so we staged another coup. To avoid the embarrassment of breaking the constitution (which we had introduced a few years previously) we tore it up, and now rule by decree.

Please ignore reports of people in detention mysteriously contracting sudden fatal blood disorders, or people being prosecuted for "liking" posts on facebook. We certainly would not do a "Benigno Aquino Job" on Thaksin if you send him back to us (not in public anyway).

Yours ever

The Thai Junta"

Joking apart, any arrest warrant would be sure to be contested in the courts of the country in which it was effected. Courts whose process is not under the control of or influenced by the current Thai regime. This process would require at the very least a comprehensive summary of the evidence against him being presented to these courts. The current conviction is widely regarded as being more than a little bit "iffy". Whilst we are often told here that there are 15 serious charges against him, there is a degree of reluctance to specify the charges, or the evidence. It may be that the Junta have been advised that there is insufficient evidence to bring him back?

Secondly, if they got him back, and put him in prison, he would be more of a thorn in their side than he is at present. He would immediately provide a focus for opposition to their regime, something which they have been careful to avoid creating. Then what, there are those (in the country and here on TVF) who would undoubtedly suggest that they dispose of him - "a Benigno Aquino job" - can you imagine the ramifications, internationally or domestic if that where to happen? Thaksin is also well aware of that likely happening, it is almost certainly why he fled abroad in the first place. His lawyers would point that out at any extradition hearing.

I would suggest that these are the most probable reasons why he is left at liberty. The silly bit is that the Junta simply cannot resist poking him with a stick from time to time. If they just ignored him he would probably have much less influence

I'm sure if they bothered, they could find enough cases, like the Krungthai case, among all those outstanding, plus his conviction, plus his jumping bail etc to easily complete the necessary paperwork for a request to Interpol. And then they would have to apply to the country of his arrest, UAE, Singapore, China, or where ever and go through that countries formalities.

Now we all know Thais don't like being bothered with such things, and would need good reason to do so. They could do the same with Red Bull boy, but haven't bothered there either.

Seems if your rich, elite hiso connected, you don't get treated as the plebs might. As well as being extremely wealthy Thaksin may be aware of all sorts of things, connecting all sorts of people, some friends, some former friends and some who never were or will be. But they'd all prefer he kept quiet.

They are all as bad as one another and have skeletons so best not to open any boxes. So they try to shut him up in other ways, which clearly doesn't work.

Thaksin needs to convince the international community he and his family are as innocent and pure as he claims. The Abhisit government and the current government appear not to want to pursue him aggressively through the courts as they might. I'm sure that's not due to a forgive and forget culture so it must be something else stopping them.

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Is this guy kidding? Is there a single person in this country who takes this man seriously? Is it possible they could have found a less competent man, for his position? I mean, if they searched the nation, looking for someone less competent, could they have found a person to fit that bill?

Personally, he said hopes Thaksin will loves his home country because he is a Thai. Would someone with an IQ of over 65 actually say something like that? Or was it his 4 year old son who was actually quoted? What a goombah.

Thaksin should have been repatriated to Thailand years ago, arrested, tried, and sent to prison. He has been nothing but a trouble maker, and there is nobody to blame except for multiple Thai administrations, for this. Sloth, and unwillingness to take him to task has resulted in a man who will never stop making problems for his nation, until the day he dies. He is the very opposite of a patriot. He cares nothing for his nation, and it's people. It is all about him. Only him. You know who he reminds me of? Trump. He has that petty and arrogant quality that defines Trump. Maybe they are related?

Loves his country, hates this junta.

There are only two or three undemocratic countries that would return him to Thailand and he's not stupid enough to visit them. If he sets foot back in this country he's a dead man.

Love his country - my arse! Loves himself and his family and thinks their entitled to plunder the country at will.

There are many countries whose legal system would likely return him to Thailand but Thailand needs to initiate the requests, with all evidence.

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I think they are worried about Thaksin speaking some TRUTH... and not just coming out with the usual Government B/S

that is being thrown about at this time.

Thaksin speaking some truth ? "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I would like to give you a detailed account of how I managed to fool the uneducated rural population, cause a terrible and violent division within the country, and at the same time pillage the state coffers to the point whereby some other party was morally forced to step in and bring a halt to it". Would it go something like that, I wonder ?

At least he was an ELECTED crook even if it was the "uneducated" voters who elected him.

Anyone who thinks a junta is "moral" is obviously some sort of Einstein then..........NOT!

Cheez, some posters.

At least you admit he's a crook. Which makes your later post saying he wouldn't be extradited rather stupid.

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Where is Donald Trump when you need him?

I am still wondering why the present US Government has not sent a mole to spy & destroy this little man and everything he represents since his idea of unity and a modern path to enlightenment for all Thai's is a repressive regime trying to make friends with the likes of Russia. (Nice Trip)

To him and his ilk forming some type of oligarchy for him and his Coup Makers makes sense (They can learn a lot from Russia)

How about a "Tribunal" at the Hague for these guys and stop worrying about Thaksin being Arrested?

They have and are doing a hundred times more damage to the future of Thailand vs. his Property / Civil Case could have ever done.

They are leading and will continue to lead Thailand down a very Dangerous Path.

It has always been my guess that the CIA volunteered to take on this task, many years ago, and perhaps since. Even though he was allied with Bush and his cronies, they knew what a problem he was going to become, when he was exiled. I am sure they offered their services, and I am just as sure that the Thai authorities said something like, "Don't concern yourselves. We are on top of this. We will not let it get to the point where he becomes a problem to the nation. We have things under control, and have considered the many ramifications his exile could create. We are being proactive. If he misbehaves, we will have him repatriated, and he will face trial here".

And the Americans went back to the office rolling their eyes. How many times have we heard this before? A Thai government being proactive? Can you even imagine such a thing? Planning? Consideration of future events? Heading off problems BEFORE they occur? Absolutely, positively unthinkable, in the LOS.

The world of political has become much more blurred and murky as globalization increases the complexities. So, really anything is possible these days.

As the current Thai government move closer to China and Russia in response to a cooling from the US and its allies, Thaksin becomes a more attractive prospect for the US. His extensive Carlisle Group and Wall St. connections, his past willingness to try and push favorable treaties through; his demonstrated willingness to ignore or change laws when it suits and his very ruthless end justifies the means attitude. All would be appreciated by the "establishment" in the West.

He would be a very good fit with a Clinton administration - same very very wealthy family background, allegations of dubious activities, propensity for lying regularly, and ability to claim to be a democrat and supporter of the poor and keep a straight face whilst screwing everyone.

The US backs ex terrorists like Hun Set, and has a history of supporting corrupt dictators when it suits. Thaksin should fit right in.

blah, blah blah, ....

you never tire of your anti-US, conspiracy theories... ?


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Thaksin cares only about Thaksin , wake up and arrest this crook, No you want peace and order which is the juntas only mandate for governance.

thaksin and the junta have so much in common.

They care only about themselves, and they both crave control, ... power.

Neither cares about democracy or about the sovereignty of the Thai people.

Neither one will do anything to "help Thailand move forward".

Although I prefer, if a moron is the only choice, a democratically elected moron.

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Thaksin cares only about Thaksin , wake up and arrest this crook, No you want peace and order which is the juntas only mandate for governance.

thaksin and the junta have so much in common.

They care only about themselves, and they both crave control, ... power.

Neither cares about democracy or about the sovereignty of the Thai people.

Neither one will do anything to "help Thailand move forward".

Although I prefer, if a moron is the only choice, a democratically elected moron.

I agree with you about both Thaksin and the Army.

Unfortunately none of us on TVF can affect the outcome in any meaningful way, which is a good thing considering how partisan some posters on both sides are, let alone the hang 'em high brigade.

Sadly the vote and the choice is down to the Thai people themselves and the way that they will be influenced.

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Thaksin cares only about Thaksin , wake up and arrest this crook, No you want peace and order which is the juntas only mandate for governance.

thaksin and the junta have so much in common.

They care only about themselves, and they both crave control, ... power.

Neither cares about democracy or about the sovereignty of the Thai people.

Neither one will do anything to "help Thailand move forward".

Although I prefer, if a moron is the only choice, a democratically elected moron.

I agree with you about both Thaksin and the Army.

Unfortunately none of us on TVF can affect the outcome in any meaningful way, which is a good thing considering how partisan some posters on both sides are, let alone the hang 'em high brigade.

Sadly the vote and the choice is down to the Thai people themselves and the way that they will be influenced.

Except that the Junta has denied the Thai people that choice...

And in that respect I am unrepentantly partisan!

Edited by JAG
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Where is Donald Trump when you need him?

I am still wondering why the present US Government has not sent a mole to spy & destroy this little man and everything he represents since his idea of unity and a modern path to enlightenment for all Thai's is a repressive regime trying to make friends with the likes of Russia. (Nice Trip)

To him and his ilk forming some type of oligarchy for him and his Coup Makers makes sense (They can learn a lot from Russia)

How about a "Tribunal" at the Hague for these guys and stop worrying about Thaksin being Arrested?

They have and are doing a hundred times more damage to the future of Thailand vs. his Property / Civil Case could have ever done.

They are leading and will continue to lead Thailand down a very Dangerous Path.

It has always been my guess that the CIA volunteered to take on this task, many years ago, and perhaps since. Even though he was allied with Bush and his cronies, they knew what a problem he was going to become, when he was exiled. I am sure they offered their services, and I am just as sure that the Thai authorities said something like, "Don't concern yourselves. We are on top of this. We will not let it get to the point where he becomes a problem to the nation. We have things under control, and have considered the many ramifications his exile could create. We are being proactive. If he misbehaves, we will have him repatriated, and he will face trial here".

And the Americans went back to the office rolling their eyes. How many times have we heard this before? A Thai government being proactive? Can you even imagine such a thing? Planning? Consideration of future events? Heading off problems BEFORE they occur? Absolutely, positively unthinkable, in the LOS.

The world of political has become much more blurred and murky as globalization increases the complexities. So, really anything is possible these days.

As the current Thai government move closer to China and Russia in response to a cooling from the US and its allies, Thaksin becomes a more attractive prospect for the US. His extensive Carlisle Group and Wall St. connections, his past willingness to try and push favorable treaties through; his demonstrated willingness to ignore or change laws when it suits and his very ruthless end justifies the means attitude. All would be appreciated by the "establishment" in the West.

He would be a very good fit with a Clinton administration - same very very wealthy family background, allegations of dubious activities, propensity for lying regularly, and ability to claim to be a democrat and supporter of the poor and keep a straight face whilst screwing everyone.

The US backs ex terrorists like Hun Set, and has a history of supporting corrupt dictators when it suits. Thaksin should fit right in.

blah, blah blah, ....

you never tire of your anti-US, conspiracy theories... ?


Hard to really question much of what Baerboxer said. Do you take exception to his premise that the US was partial to toxic thaksin partly due to the fact that he had the connection alleged here? Not too far fetched, or hard to believe. This is not exactly what I would describe as earth shaking conspiracy theory. He did ignore alot of law, and he was ruthless. Clinton is bought and paid for on so many levels, much the same as toxic was. And the US does back whoever is convenient, including an awful lot of murderous despots like Hun Sen. I am an American, so I can relate to some of what he is saying. The US foreign policy of the past 50 years or so, is quite a rich story, and chock full of all kinds of scandal and conspiracy, and misguided decisions. Is it not?

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I am still wondering why not issue an international warrant to arrest thaksin? Or international countries don't believe in Thailand justice? Even ASEAN countries like Singapore?

The very fact that the WPI will allow this cold-blooded criminal who came to power by a fake “democratic” system to use WPI as a stage to promote himself proves that they don't. It will be a disgrace to the ethical global efforts and the reputation of WPI to have a fugitive and a corrupt politician speaking on WPI’s stage, and is absolutely not one of the WPI’s principles.

Sheeze, what did he do to you? Cold blooded criminal? You'll get on.

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Thaksin cares only about Thaksin , wake up and arrest this crook, No you want peace and order which is the juntas only mandate for governance.

thaksin and the junta have so much in common.

They care only about themselves, and they both crave control, ... power.

Neither cares about democracy or about the sovereignty of the Thai people.

Neither one will do anything to "help Thailand move forward".

Although I prefer, if a moron is the only choice, a democratically elected moron.

I agree with you about both Thaksin and the Army.

Unfortunately none of us on TVF can affect the outcome in any meaningful way, which is a good thing considering how partisan some posters on both sides are, let alone the hang 'em high brigade.

Sadly the vote and the choice is down to the Thai people themselves and the way that they will be influenced.

but the vote is not down to the Thai people.

this constitution, should it be accepted, makes voting irrelevant.

the voting that could have counted was denied by the junta.

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I really hope Thaksin tells it like it is & crucifies this illegal regime, i.e;

They explicitly backed an illegal armed uprising in order to create enough instability to overthrow the democratically elected government.

<snip for brevity>

That would be simply hilarious, for anyone who remembers Thaksin's actions, back in 2009/2010. wink.png

But it wouldn't be the first time he's reversed direction, for example he used to regard democracy with somewhat less respect, than he now claims to. rolleyes.gif

Do you mean back in the day when "the UN is not my father" & something about democracy not being the real goal (sorry cannot remember the wording).

Democracy is not my goal.


Also not to forget Thaksin´s WOD. +2718 people killed many of them innocent.

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I am still wondering why not issue an international warrant to arrest thaksin? Or international countries don't believe in Thailand justice? Even ASEAN countries like Singapore?

The very fact that the WPI will allow this cold-blooded criminal who came to power by a fake “democratic” system to use WPI as a stage to promote himself proves that they don't. It will be a disgrace to the ethical global efforts and the reputation of WPI to have a fugitive and a corrupt politician speaking on WPI’s stage, and is absolutely not one of the WPI’s principles.

Sheeze, what did he do to you? Cold blooded criminal? You'll get on.

Ever heard about Thaksin´s WOD?

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I think they are worried about Thaksin speaking some TRUTH... and not just coming out with the usual Government B/S

that is being thrown about at this time.

Thaksin speaking some truth ? "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I would like to give you a detailed account of how I managed to fool the uneducated rural population, cause a terrible and violent division within the country, and at the same time pillage the state coffers to the point whereby some other party was morally forced to step in and bring a halt to it". Would it go something like that, I wonder ?

At least he was an ELECTED crook even if it was the "uneducated" voters who elected him.

Anyone who thinks a junta is "moral" is obviously some sort of Einstein then..........NOT!

Cheez, some posters.

At least you admit he's a crook. Which makes your later post saying he wouldn't be extradited rather stupid.

Not really.The first issue is whether the charges meet the criteria for extradition.They don't.The second issue is whether there are reasonable grounds to believe the extradition request is politically motivated.There are.

Probably wise not to start accusing others of stupidity when you are seemingly so ignorant of the background.

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Not really.The first issue is whether the charges meet the criteria for extradition.They don't.The second issue is whether there are reasonable grounds to believe the extradition request is politically motivated.There are.

Probably wise not to start accusing others of stupidity when you are seemingly so ignorant of the background.

I take issue with both your issues. Defendant number one in the KTB case, defrauding of 1 billion baht, where all other defendants have been found guilty and sentenced to lengthy incarceration, is a Plain Jane criminal case with ample evidence to warrant extradition.

Certainly, it involves abuse of office, hardly surprising in a criminal who made a habit of it. But giving criminals a pass simply because they were elected is hardly the intent of the "politically motivated" exemption.

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Not really.The first issue is whether the charges meet the criteria for extradition.They don't.The second issue is whether there are reasonable grounds to believe the extradition request is politically motivated.There are.

Probably wise not to start accusing others of stupidity when you are seemingly so ignorant of the background.

I take issue with both your issues. Defendant number one in the KTB case, defrauding of 1 billion baht, where all other defendants have been found guilty and sentenced to lengthy incarceration, is a Plain Jane criminal case with ample evidence to warrant extradition.

Certainly, it involves abuse of office, hardly surprising in a criminal who made a habit of it. But giving criminals a pass simply because they were elected is hardly the intent of the "politically motivated" exemption.

Even hypothetically granting the KTB case as eligible ( it isn't but a point needs to be made) , it would fail on the second criterion.The suggestion you make that "political motivation" relates simply to the fact Thaksin was elected simply reveals the abyss in your misunderstanding of the issue.

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