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Merkel calls mob that screamed at migrants 'repulsive'


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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


So why are 75% of refugees young men of military age leaving their women and children in war savaged countries?

There is a difference between economic migrants and real refugees.

These so called facts have been debunked over and over again!

Where did you get them from?

Le Pen's Big Book of fake statistics?[/quote

]Rubbish, you only need to look at the TV pictures to see it.

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


I'm surprised that you have not suffocated with your head so far in the sand! You left wing drum bangers are a big part of the problem.

Multiculturalism is NOT working, or are you too blind to see that? Oh, and you don't have to be right wing or racist to know this (just before you start playing the race card like lefty do-gooders do when the debate gets too much)

I'd rather suffocate with my head in the sand, then in the place where you have yours!

Multiculturalism works, will work and will have to work...unless you want to build a high wall around your country...Mr. Trump!

Then please hurry, because if you think multiculturalism is working, you really do have your head in the sand! It's like educating bacon sometimes!

Was it Nero that fiddled while Rome burned . . . ?

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


So why are 75% of refugees young men of military age leaving their women and children in war savaged countries?

There is a difference between economic migrants and real refugees.

These so called facts have been debunked over and over again!

Where did you get them from?

Le Pen's Big Book of fake statistics?[/quote

]Rubbish, you only need to look at the TV pictures to see it.

Yep, I guess, I could do that!

OR I could listen to some of my friends back in the old country, who work as volunteers!

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That's totally B.S. You have to make a difference between immigrants and refugees. And also there were 2 cases of rapes. 2 out of 1000000 in total. Compare it with the people you live here. This week already 6 as far as I know.

nonsense statistics. Hundreds of women were abused in Cologne by non europeans, african and middle east origin. So go and dream up another "2 out 1000000000000 " junk statistic. Even better , take in a "refugee/migrant" in your own home if you so inclined to accept!

Read up on that incident again!

There where (born) Germans involved as well!

But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it now?!

nonsense. They were not Germans .As most of your diatribe is nonsense. But fits your narrative lie. Ask some of your so called friends who "volunteer" at something if they like to house a African Economic Migrant Edited by kingalfred
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That's totally B.S. You have to make a difference between immigrants and refugees. And also there were 2 cases of rapes. 2 out of 1000000 in total. Compare it with the people you live here. This week already 6 as far as I know.

nonsense statistics. Hundreds of women were abused in Cologne by non europeans, african and middle east origin. So go and dream up another "2 out 1000000000000 " junk statistic. Even better , take in a "refugee/migrant" in your own home if you so inclined to accept!

Read up on that incident again!

There where (born) Germans involved as well!

But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it now?!

DM07 Bullshit. Read the police reports.

Talk to the people of the police union (GdP).

The police in germany have also fed up with this stupid merkel migrants politcs.

They are called daily to operations and have to try to bring this package under control.

Shit job. The violent immigrants (most are North Africans!) do not accept our police.

Many policemen are involved in fistfights with this scum.

And that for 2200 Euro a month?

Read the annual police report.

The number of migration-related offenses rose in 2015 by 79 percent to 208,000.

Here, the BKA speaks only of the captured and enlightened offenses. The real figure could be even higher.

You twist here really the facts.

Edited by tomacht8
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Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

Try to keep up.

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Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

Try to keep up.

Merkel has no children.

She is childless.

Think she likes to adopt Millions at the expense of German taxpayers.

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Maybe Germany is stuck with the crazy bitch until there is a realignment in German politics . The opposition SPD is just as, if not more liberal on immigration than the so called CDU/CSU. Madness!!!

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Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

Try to keep up.

Merkel has no children.

She is childless.

Think she likes to adopt Millions at the expense of German taxpayers.

Merkel has no children? Are you telling me she is unimpregnable impenetrable inconceivable unbearable?

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Maybe Germany is stuck with the crazy bitch until there is a realignment in German politics . The opposition SPD is just as, if not more liberal on immigration than the so called CDU/CSU. Madness!!!

Wait until the 13.th of march. The AFD as a new party will win hopefully 15% up in next 3 state elections.

The SPD is dead. They spread their legs for power with the CDU. Currently no profile.

The FDP also found no clear statement. The Greens and the PDS you can forget, they are still dreaming from a socialist unity multiculty state,

even if they have some good ideas about energie politic and the approximate to Russia.

Only the CSU of Bavaria is clearly for a boundary.

In one and a half years, we will have hopefully the change.

And until then, 3 millions islamist more in germany.

The current government is lying to the people continually about the influx of radical islam Jihadist.

Edited by tomacht8
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Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

Try to keep up.

Merkel has no children.

She is childless.

Think she likes to adopt Millions at the expense of German taxpayers.

Merkel has no children? Are you telling me she is unimpregnable impenetrable inconceivable unbearable?

From a political perspective it is actually not that funny.

A woman without birth do not know what family, or own children mean.

The perspective to have the responsibility for your own children is life changing and determinate many decisions in life.

I would say generalized, that people with children (must) think a little bit ahead in the future, in contrast to people without children.

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Who exactly made Merkel the president of the EU and why is she allowed to act in this dictatorial way, seemingly with complete impunity?

You don't understand what Merkel understands. Giving away your future, your children's future, and your grandchildren's future, and the safety of your country makes you a better person because you are now "PC". Giving away economic opportunity for the citizens of your country by requiring them to support the entire world as it rocks up to your door makes you a better person because you are "inclusive". Allowing people with a violent and barbaric culture come in and change your culture to their culture makes you a better person because national borders are for sissies.

Try to keep up.

Thank you for explaining it to me.

Alle ist klar.

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