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Trump retweets quote attributed to fascist leader Mussolini


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"It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep." - nothing can be said better and to the point. This was and is a motto of every freedom fighter in the world. Bravo Trump! Cowards, politicians and money cheaters are in the latter category and they hate lions.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

There is in my view: I see several vivid resemblances between Trump and Mussolini. Shall I make a list? Ok, here goes. . . . .

>>> both are posturing populists

>>> both pout similarly when making statements

>>> both gesture wildly

>>> both think they're God's gift to Mankind, and can make no mistakes.

>>> both use populism to cause divisions among their minions

>>> both constantly say how screwed up the current situation is (and current leaders are) in order to gain favor

>>> both say how great things will be if the peons put full trust in them only.

...that's just a partial list. I'm tired of typing for now.

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The tweet, created by a parody account

The tweet was setup by Gawker’s Ashley Feinberg who created a Twitter bot that would post quotes from the writings and speeches of Mussolini, but with all of them attributed to businessman and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Gawker Media Executive Editor John Cook expressed some concern that the joke (parady) behind the account was "far too obvious, and wouldn’t trick anyone but a complete idiot." The idea was to trap Trump into retweeting the message because it sounded like a praise for himself.

The tweet was tweeted solely at Donald Trump, multiple times a day, since December 2015. In all his Greatness Trump's ego finally fell for the trap.

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Two pages on a Trump tweet and none of our intrepid investigative journalists have even bothered to look up the source of the quote.

Here it is folks.


Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep

Recorded as the view of Tipu Sahib c 1750–99, sultan of Mysore in India; see quot. 1800. □ ...



Edited by chuckd
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Two pages on a Trump tweet and none of our intrepid investigative journalists have even bothered to look up the source of the quote.

Here it is folks.


Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep

Recorded as the view of Tipu Sahib c 1750–99, sultan of Mysore in India; see quot. 1800. □ ...



Yeah and Trump loves the Chinese.
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Whomever buys into the caustic rhetoric and propaganda, be it against Trump, Clinton, or any other candidate, are sheep to be sheared. Enjoy your clip job ya'll. I'm amazed at the number of people I know who swallow this crap hook, line, and sinker. You're sheep and fools.

Edited by connda
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Whomever buys into the caustic rhetoric and propaganda, be it against Trump, Clinton, or any other candidate, are sheep to be sheared. Enjoy your clip job ya'll. I'm amazed at the number of people I know who swallow this crap hook, line, and sinker. You're sheep and fools.

Let me guess. You're posting from Illuminati HQ.
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I don't really care who the quote can be attributed to, it is the quote in itself that matters. And I see nothing wrong with the quote.

Yeah of course, why not going to the top then :

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer...it is not important who the quote is attributed, right?

And I am quite sure Trump would not deny this quote neither

Hitler, Goebbels, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Lincoln, Attila the Hun, Genghiz Khan, JFK, Marquis De Sade, Cardinal Richlieu, Napoleon Bonaparte, Duke of Wellington, Rommel, Charlie Chaplin, Muhammad Ali, Croucho Marx - to name but a few who made quotes.

Learn from others rather than closing your mind.

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Whomever buys into the caustic rhetoric and propaganda, be it against Trump, Clinton, or any other candidate, are sheep to be sheared. Enjoy your clip job ya'll. I'm amazed at the number of people I know who swallow this crap hook, line, and sinker. You're sheep and fools.

Let me guess. You're posting from Illuminati HQ.

Probably making the sandwiches and coffee at the Skull and Bones club meeting as we speak. But making sure his tinfoil hat is on which he only removes to bow to Grand Worshipful Most Esteemed Grand Master Prince Philip, the reptilian head of the devilish order of Masons.

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Trump is like the white guy in the Italian neighborhood who emulates the Italian tough-guys. He talks like a 2nd rate Mafia don; broken sentences, lots of repeats, simple word tenses, 2nd grade sentence structure. I heard when he was at military academy, he used his bully skills to bossing the other cadets around. He hasn't changed much since then. Still the arrested-development bully, mafia tough-guy wannabe.

Reminds me of the Mose Allison song: "Your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime."

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Whats wrong with the quote?

That it originates with a murderous fascist who endorsed, co-operated with, and sought to carry out, unjust aggressive wars of conquest and monstrous genocide?

Maybe he should have quoted Jimmy Cliff?:

"But I'd rather be a free man in my grave. Than living as a puppet or a slave."

Or Emiliano Zapata?:

"Men of the South! It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"

He could even have quoted Tipu Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, 1750-1799:

"Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep"

But he was a Muslim!cheesy.gif

Bad history on your part. Its origin did NOT come from Mussolini. The phrase can be found on the walls following the Battle of Piave in World War I, when Italy and the US were ALLIES! http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache1.asset-cache.net%2Fgc%2F556379919-battle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-gettyimages.jpg%253Fv%253D1%2526c%253DIWSAsset%2526k%253D2%2526d%253D9QMziWNtBI6whP66vhs4obVp%25252BuZT1ct3iu06d9jjkF%25252BlGFbARbowja50foJDfuDHPKYkljmrU6G8Z%25252F6ynF73WdWe7xC3tMPxmuWAQisDAq0%25253D&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gettyimages.in%2Fdetail%2Fnews-photo%2Fbattle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-famous-news-photo%2F556379919&h=383&w=594&tbnid=Ng0UL20AqWDnQM%3A&docid=3Z67HGjenfuSpM&itg=1&ei=MhHUVrC4DoLRmAX0-aWYDA&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=624&page=1&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=0ahUKEwiwmZOb1pzLAhWCKKYKHfR8CcMQrQMIOTAJ

Perhaps. But the point is that Trump retweeted it as if it were a quote from Mussolini, Il Duce, one of the founders of European fascism, an ally of Adolf Hitler, as if this were to be a person whose character was to admired.

Donald Trump seems to think Mussolini was an admirable and wise person. That is the point.

That's fine; but when people accuse Trump of being a fascist, he has to admit it is true. If you repeatedly agree with fascists and racists, then you are in all likelihood a fascist and a racist.

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Also, from an interview with CNN a day ago, Trump was asked four times whether he would condemn the endorsement by David Duke, head of the KKK. All four times, Trump declined, going so far as to ask rhetorically, "What group are we talking about?"

Interviewer: "David Duke and the KKK."

Trump: "I don't know anything about David Duke."

Boomer's comment: yet another blatant lie by Trump. This is so fun, in this day of near-instant access to videos and audio clips. In the old days before recording devices, blowhards like Trump could deny things, and it would get filed under 'hearsay'. Nowadays, Trump can deny things, and ten minutes later it blows up in his face, with a video clip showing what a blatant two-faced liar he is.

In regard to Trump and David Duke/KKK connection: In 2000, when he ended his presidential campaign, Trump cited Duke's participation in the Reform Party as one reason he no longer wanted the party's nomination. Trump wrote; "The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, This is not company I wish to keep,"


Now I'm even more in favor of Trump winning the Republican nomination. He'll be a walk-over by Hillary or Bernie.

I just heard the latest on NPR re this matter. Trump is now claiming that the reason he did not denounce duke is because he had on a "bad hairpiece" which was given to him by "somebody" . Well, I reckon a bad hair day can have all kind of disastrous consequences.

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Whats wrong with the quote?

That it originates with a murderous fascist who endorsed, co-operated with, and sought to carry out, unjust aggressive wars of conquest and monstrous genocide?

Maybe he should have quoted Jimmy Cliff?:

"But I'd rather be a free man in my grave. Than living as a puppet or a slave."

Or Emiliano Zapata?:

"Men of the South! It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!"

He could even have quoted Tipu Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, 1750-1799:

"Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep"

But he was a Muslim!cheesy.gif

Bad history on your part. Its origin did NOT come from Mussolini. The phrase can be found on the walls following the Battle of Piave in World War I, when Italy and the US were ALLIES! http://images.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache1.asset-cache.net%2Fgc%2F556379919-battle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-gettyimages.jpg%253Fv%253D1%2526c%253DIWSAsset%2526k%253D2%2526d%253D9QMziWNtBI6whP66vhs4obVp%25252BuZT1ct3iu06d9jjkF%25252BlGFbARbowja50foJDfuDHPKYkljmrU6G8Z%25252F6ynF73WdWe7xC3tMPxmuWAQisDAq0%25253D&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gettyimages.in%2Fdetail%2Fnews-photo%2Fbattle-of-the-piave-after-a-terrible-bombing-famous-news-photo%2F556379919&h=383&w=594&tbnid=Ng0UL20AqWDnQM%3A&docid=3Z67HGjenfuSpM&itg=1&ei=MhHUVrC4DoLRmAX0-aWYDA&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=624&page=1&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=0ahUKEwiwmZOb1pzLAhWCKKYKHfR8CcMQrQMIOTAJ

Apparently it is a Roman proverb.

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Thank god The Donald removed his Tin Foil Dunce Cap, so we can see what lies underneath..

Unlike El Douche - I doubt Donald will be hung from a meathook with his Mistress at the local Bon Marche

On that note - How many Mistresses does The Donald have these days anyways?

Probably just does fly-ins these dayscoffee1.gif

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Trump, the gift that just keeps giving:

Trump's father was arrested in 1927 after a brawl broke out between KKK members and sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement in Queens, New York on Memorial Day, 1927. The Washington Post reported that 1,000 Klan members dressed in white robes marched through the city neighborhood, and seven men were arrested after the public rally turned violent — Fred Trump, who lived in Jamaica, Queens at the time, was one of these men.


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I think Trump may challenge W Bush as the biggest idiot in the history of American politics.

Re Tweeting Mussolini. Trump may want to look up how Mussolini met his end. It wasn't pretty.

Not at all. Trump challenged Bush at the time of the Iraq war. Doesn't sound like a fascist to me nor an idiot but more or less what a lot of anti Trump folk on here would agree with. Trump likes to be anti PC and get himself publicity but this was published in 2013 long before the present electoral stuff tailored to appeal. I have an Iraqi friend who has told me exactly the same story. Trump can be serious and for his sake he should be more so but time will tell.

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Trump, the gift that just keeps giving:

Trump's father was arrested in 1927 after a brawl broke out between KKK members and sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement in Queens, New York on Memorial Day, 1927. The Washington Post reported that 1,000 Klan members dressed in white robes marched through the city neighborhood, and seven men were arrested after the public rally turned violent — Fred Trump, who lived in Jamaica, Queens at the time, was one of these men.


Dunno, who knows? But I know I'm not my father

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Trump, the gift that just keeps giving:

Trump's father was arrested in 1927 after a brawl broke out between KKK members and sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement in Queens, New York on Memorial Day, 1927. The Washington Post reported that 1,000 Klan members dressed in white robes marched through the city neighborhood, and seven men were arrested after the public rally turned violent — Fred Trump, who lived in Jamaica, Queens at the time, was one of these men.


Dunno, who knows? But I know I'm not my father

Yeah, but you gotta laugh at the Irony. I mean whose father gets arrested for involvement in activities with the KKK or Italian facists, and then the son claims he doesn't really know who the KKK is?

**before a Trump supporter comes along to parse, slice and dice, let's be adults and admit that Trump should have denounced the KKK and Duke out of hand immediately, but stalled to defer the affect on this base of his support.

Edited by keemapoot
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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

There is in my view: I see several vivid resemblances between Trump and Mussolini. Shall I make a list? Ok, here goes. . . . .

>>> both are posturing populists

>>> both pout similarly when making statements

>>> both gesture wildly

>>> both think they're God's gift to Mankind, and can make no mistakes.

>>> both use populism to cause divisions among their minions

>>> both constantly say how screwed up the current situation is (and current leaders are) in order to gain favor

>>> both say how great things will be if the peons put full trust in them only.

...that's just a partial list. I'm tired of typing for now.

The current situation IS screwed and corrupt, that's why he has appeal, and mostly by career politicians sucking banks for funds in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Thats why NY banks fear Sanders and Trump because they have not been bought over and owned.

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This morning, I've been listening to an online radio show, US's NPR, which has Republican heads discussing Trump. They're flummoxed. They don't like Trump calling himself a Republican, indeed they don't like Trump, period. When they're asked if they'll vote for Trump in the general election, they hem and haw, and elicit a lukewarm 'yea, probably' because they're duty-bound to vote Republican. Others say they wouldn't vote for Trump or Hillary. That means they're not going to vote at all, but they can't come right out and say it. Indeed, there are a lot of things that Republican heavies can't say right now. They can't frankly speak their thoughts, because if they disparage Trump, and Trump becomes prez, Trump will know who they are. Remember, Trump is the 'love you or hate you guy.' Like Tricky Dick Nixon and Mafia bosses, you don't want to get on Trump's black list

All in all, it's fun to watch the Republican establishment having conniption fits over Trump. They know he'll be the Rep candidate, and they know he'll lose to either Bernie or Hillary, probably by a large margin. They're not sleeping well at night.

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

There is in my view: I see several vivid resemblances between Trump and Mussolini. Shall I make a list? Ok, here goes. . . . .

>>> both are posturing populists

>>> both pout similarly when making statements

>>> both gesture wildly

>>> both think they're God's gift to Mankind, and can make no mistakes.

>>> both use populism to cause divisions among their minions

>>> both constantly say how screwed up the current situation is (and current leaders are) in order to gain favor

>>> both say how great things will be if the peons put full trust in them only.

...that's just a partial list. I'm tired of typing for now.

The current situation IS screwed and corrupt, that's why he has appeal, and mostly by career politicians sucking banks for funds in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Thats why NY banks fear Sanders and Trump because they have not been bought over and owned.

Sure, Money movers are spooked by Sanders, but spooked by Trump? No way. Trump classifies people by how much they're worth: the more you're worth, the more he likes and respects you. Many of Bernie Sanders supporters are poor, so Trump doesn't like them. To Trump, they're 'losers.' In stark contrast, many of Wall Street money movers, including banks, are very rich. Trump likes and respects them so much that he says he will drastically reduce their taxes - which, not coincidentally, decreases Trump's taxes also. He will also maintain the status quo of making it easy for very rich people to hide money in overseas accounts - which also enables them to avoid taxes.

Vote for Trump, the 'Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Poorer' candidate!

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There's no pertinent relevance to an association between Trump and Mussolini--even if Trump and his supporters agree with the quote's message.

There is in my view: I see several vivid resemblances between Trump and Mussolini. Shall I make a list? Ok, here goes. . . . .

>>> both are posturing populists

>>> both pout similarly when making statements

>>> both gesture wildly

>>> both think they're God's gift to Mankind, and can make no mistakes.

>>> both use populism to cause divisions among their minions

>>> both constantly say how screwed up the current situation is (and current leaders are) in order to gain favor

>>> both say how great things will be if the peons put full trust in them only.

...that's just a partial list. I'm tired of typing for now.

The current situation IS screwed and corrupt, that's why he has appeal, and mostly by career politicians sucking banks for funds in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Thats why NY banks fear Sanders and Trump because they have not been bought over and owned.

Sure, Money movers are spooked by Sanders, but spooked by Trump? No way. Trump classifies people by how much they're worth: the more you're worth, the more he likes and respects you. Many of Bernie Sanders supporters are poor, so Trump doesn't like them. To Trump, they're 'losers.' In stark contrast, many of Wall Street money movers, including banks, are very rich. Trump likes and respects them so much that he says he will drastically reduce their taxes - which, not coincidentally, decreases Trump's taxes also. He will also maintain the status quo of making it easy for very rich people to hide money in overseas accounts - which also enables them to avoid taxes.

Vote for Trump, the 'Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Poorer' candidate!

No one on Wall street wants a President who asks why the nation can't afford Medicare and Social Security but can afford to bail out the banks "too big to fail, too big to jail" I used to believe what you say too but have changed my mind lately.The standard of living declines as government expands and the more government grows the more economic activity declines. Governments do not create wealth, they consume it. That's why the poor get poorer. The rich get richer through investment. We can't live under the same old socialist propaganda forever. At the back of Socialists belief is material jealousy. They justify robbing other folk by confiscation because they do not have the wealth that others have.

So where does all that money go? Up to 70% of the national debt has been on interest. Not to the poor, but to bond holders. Yep socialism really works!

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Two pages on a Trump tweet and none of our intrepid investigative journalists have even bothered to look up the source of the quote.

Here it is folks.


Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep

Recorded as the view of Tipu Sahib c 1750–99, sultan of Mysore in India; see quot. 1800. □ ...



This is the post I made yesterday. The quote is cited by Oxford University as first being made by an Indian sultan in the 1700's.

Neither Mussolini nor Donald Trump originated it but both were free to quote it.

Both the headline and OP are wrong in their attribution.

Edited by chuckd
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Trump, the gift that just keeps giving:

Trump's father was arrested in 1927 after a brawl broke out between KKK members and sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement in Queens, New York on Memorial Day, 1927. The Washington Post reported that 1,000 Klan members dressed in white robes marched through the city neighborhood, and seven men were arrested after the public rally turned violent — Fred Trump, who lived in Jamaica, Queens at the time, was one of these men.


Let's examine this little play on words done by the media.

1. In the first place, Trump's father was arrested after a brawl broke out between the KKK and some Italian fascist movement in 1927. This would seem to be at least somewhat true.

2. Secondly you link then says...

" The Washington Post reported that 1,000 Klan members dressed in white robes marched through the city neighborhood, and seven men were arrested after the public rally turned violent — Fred Trump, who lived in Jamaica, Queens at the time, was one of these men."

My question is was Trump's father one of the 1,000 klansmen or one of the seven arrested? The correct answer would be that he could have been either but it is certainly not proof positive he was a klansman.

Since Trump's father was Italian living in Queens my guess would be he was one of the Italians that attacked the kkk protest when it became violent.

3. This is just another dig by the media that amounts to nothing. They have used a play on words to plant a seed of doubt, as they often do, without having to provide proof of anything. The cowards way out.

4. For pete's sake it happened 89 years ago...if it happened at all.

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