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Empty Taxis Heading Back To Town


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once again i stood in the queue at the booth outside the domestic terminal and watched as taxi after taxi headed back to town empty. Thats after dropping a fare at departures.

There was around 40 people waiting for a taxi and we watched in amazement as a large number all went back minus a fare.

Once in a while a taxi heap would crawl up and take a passenger and it was a long wait.

This is baffling . A black cab at Heathrow wouldnt even consider going back to town empty as its not economically sensible. so what is it that makes these guys so immune to making a few 100 bahts ?

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As an ex cabbie, a black cab not licenced in heathrow area would not pick up.You could lose you licence if you did.Plus other things you could lose :D:D Local cabbies would be very very upset. Not to saying it it dosn`t not go on, but you have to be very carefull. Now maybe something similar in Bangkok I don`t know.But at the very least I think to work a good rank like an airport would cost some bakkshee to someone. In the Uk you have to pay around £200 A YEAR just to pick up at one designated railway stations now!! You defend your turf thats your income!!

Just my thoughts. :o

But after saying all that,in Patong many times a tuk tuk going back into town would refuse a fare if the customer would not pay what was asked.Just drive off back into town. :D

Thats crazy any money is better than no money!!!


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Thats after dropping a fare at departures

Departures is upstairs. Arrivals is downstairs. Taxi queue is downstairs. Taxis are not allowed to pick up pax at departure level as that causes traffic jams and negates security procedures in place for safety.

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I've often tried to jump on motorbike taxis as they drop people off. 99% of the time they point me in the direction of the nearest taxi rank,I've even been dropped of at the taxi rank by them.

Who says there's no honour among thieves. :o

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My experience at Bkk airport could use some explanation.

At the Arrival Level, exiting the baggage claim area, I see a Taxi kiosk with many waiting potential farang passengers lined up awaiting the assignment of a taxi.

There are empty taxis around, but none go up to the kiosk and pick up a passenger.

Upon seeing this the first time, and not wanting to wait in a line that wasn't moving, I merely walked about 100 meters to the rear of the line, nodded at an empty taxi, the driver acknowleged my nod and away we went.

Do that now as routine. I wonder why the line of the uninitated.

I am not bright enough to figure it out nor am I bright enough to figure out the solution to getting a taxi right away by getting the taxi 100 meters away, I merely observed others doing this while waiting in the unmoving line, and followed suit.

Explanations anyone?????

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I always have to go to PathumThani area from airport. So never took the taxi from taxi-stand itself. Instead, I always go to 2nd floor, cross the bridge, and take taxi from other side of road (in front of train station). I always save almost 100 baht in doing so.

For the people going towards bangkok, I think MRMNP is giving a good advice.

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My experience at Bkk airport could use some explanation.

At the Arrival Level, exiting the baggage claim area, I see a Taxi kiosk with many waiting potential farang passengers lined up awaiting the assignment of a taxi.

There are empty taxis around, but none go up to the kiosk and pick up a passenger.

Upon seeing this the first time, and not wanting to wait in a line that wasn't moving, I merely walked about 100 meters to the rear of the line, nodded at an empty taxi, the driver acknowleged my nod and away we went.

Do that now as routine.  I wonder why the line of the uninitated.

I am not bright enough to figure it out nor am I bright enough to figure out the solution to getting a taxi right away by getting the taxi 100 meters away, I merely observed others doing this while waiting in the unmoving line, and followed suit.

Explanations anyone?????

Are you by chance one of the billion or so Chinese who never learned the common courtesy of waiting your turn?


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Upon seeing this the first time, and not wanting to wait in a line that wasn't moving, I merely walked about 100 meters to the rear of the line, nodded at an empty taxi, the driver acknowleged my nod and away we went.

Explanations anyone?????

The taxis that pick up passengers from the airport arrival area are supposed to wait in the queue- they pay (I think it's) 50 Baht to the airport folks, and in turn customers are supposed to pay 50 Baht to the taxi driver to compensate him.

The benefit to the taxi is a sure-thing as far as a customer- they just have to wait long enough. The benefit to the passenger is added security in case there are any problems with the taxi.

The drivers who work the airport rent the old crappy taxis as the rates are cheaper- so they lose less while waiting. Also the passengers don't get a choice as to which taxi they will ride in, so it doesn't matter what condition the taxi is in.

If you took a taxi from the back of the line then he jumped the queue- if he's a regular he'll probably have to pay an additional 50 baht next time, but if he rarely goes to the airport then it probably doesn't matter.

It's definitely still possible to get a taxi at the departures level as I did so just the other day. One change is that they're now recording the names of drivers who pick up passengers on the third floor, though I don't know if this is just for security or if they'll try to charge him 50 baht later.


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A airport cabbie once explained to me.

Strictly speaking, those Taxis who are allowed to pick up passengers from the airport are all licensed to do so. Thus there is a limited number of them.

They also tend to congregate when there is a major influx of flights into the country, otherwise they have to wait around for 3 to 4 hours to get a fare. Which explains why we sometimes can't get a cab into town as the licensed taxis are out and about picking up regular fares.

Additionally (although it may not seem it sometimes), all these cabbies have to take tests in basic english, as well as "the knowlege" test for BKK hotels, landmarks and roads. Then, and only then, are they licensed to pick up passangers from the airport.

I asked the cabbie if there is any tea money involved in the whole licensing process. He said there isn't anymore for the licensed cabbies at least. The tests are open to everyone, but not many people take them due to the relative low level of education of most drivers. Many of the blokes who do "illegal" pickups sometimes have to pay tea money if they get caught. But suprisingly most of them get an offical fine these days, which perhaps explains why they would rather go back into town empty, rather than risk their license being taken away.

The additional benefit of having an official taxi rank is that (especially for tourists) by getting one of those receipts with all the taxi's rego. info on it, is you have official recourse if you lose anything on the way from the airport or if you are unhappy with the serivce you have gotten.

Additionally, he said it is usually only worthwhile getting an airport license if you are an owner/driver of the cab, otherwse, your time is better spent elsewhere. This also explains why the taxis you get at the ranks are always older and a bit smelly. The driver usually owns the taxi and is doing his best to get the most out of his investment before he is forced to buy a new one.

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A airport cabbie once explained to me.

Strictly speaking, those Taxis who are allowed to pick up passengers from the airport are all licensed to do so.  Thus there is a limited number of them.

They also tend to congregate when there is a major influx of flights into the country, otherwise they have to wait around for 3 to 4 hours to get a fare. Which explains why we sometimes can't get a cab into town as the licensed taxis are out and about picking up regular fares.

Additionally (although it may not seem it sometimes), all these cabbies have to take tests in basic english, as well as "the knowlege" test for BKK hotels, landmarks and roads. Then, and only then, are they licensed to pick up passangers from the airport.

I asked the cabbie if there is any tea money involved in the whole licensing process. He said there isn't anymore for the licensed cabbies at least. The tests are open to everyone, but not many people take them due to the relative low level of education of most drivers. Many of the blokes who do "illegal" pickups sometimes have to pay tea money if they get caught. But suprisingly most of them get an offical fine these days, which perhaps explains why they would rather go back into town empty, rather than risk their license being taken away.

The additional benefit of having an official taxi rank is that (especially for tourists) by getting one of those receipts with all the taxi's rego. info on it, is you have official recourse if you lose anything on the way from the airport or if you are unhappy with the serivce you have gotten.

Additionally, he said it is usually only worthwhile getting an airport license if you are an owner/driver of the cab, otherwse, your time is better spent elsewhere. This also explains why the taxis you get at the ranks are always older and a bit smelly. The driver usually owns the taxi and is doing his best to get the most out of his investment before he is forced to buy a new one.

Yes! That sounds so true :D

Mrnmp. I might just point out usually if you get a taxi at arrivals from the back of the queue they usually want a flat fee!!! :o

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As an ex cabbie, a black cab not licenced in heathrow area would not pick up.You could lose you licence if you did.Plus other things you could lose :D:o Local cabbies would be very very upset.

Well of course its expensive in London to get on the ranks! Everyone knows the cabbies earn a fortune.... its only £45 to travel from heathrow to central London....what a bargain :D

however the cabbies in bangkok seem to come out of a different mould very reasonable...

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As a footnote, there were no taxis the last time I went to Bkk and it was during the day, so I took the bus. It was geat.

Comfortable, airconditioned, lots of leg and luggage room and took me where I wanted to go and very cheap.

Will take the bus from now on. They come every half hour, so unless you are incredably unlucky, it isn't much of a wait.

I never liked the taxi hassle and since I always go to the popular downtom entertainment spots anyway, as opposed to one who is going home, the bus works well.

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Well of course its expensive in London to get on the ranks! Everyone knows the cabbies earn a fortune.... its only £45 to travel from heathrow to central London....what a bargain :D

however the cabbies in bangkok seem to come out of a different mould very reasonable...

Unfortunatly :o I did not work in the home counties :D:D

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I always have to go to PathumThani area from airport. So never took the taxi from taxi-stand itself. Instead, I always go to 2nd floor, cross the bridge, and take taxi from other side of road (in front of train station). I always save almost 100 baht in doing so.

For the people going towards bangkok, I think MRMNP is giving a good advice.

That's the best advice! Arrive - elevator to the 2nd flor - bridge - an everything's OK! First time I've been in BKK a taxi from the kiosk on arrivals area costed me 370 Baht to Ramhamheng. Second time - 170... took it infront the station :o

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TH. says

Are you by chance one of the billion or so Chinese who never learned the common courtesy of waiting your turn?


And I suppose that the Thai always wait their turn in an orderly fashion,I am not saying that the Chinese wait,but am saying that the Thai are as bad as Chinese and some of my experiences,they are worse and as far as being impolite,the Thai has the edge,seems a lot more inconsiderate. I don't take it any more.

I found the Chinese to be as polite as tHe Thai and most a lot more polite to a farang, But on the average I guess about par,coarse it has been a few years since I was in china tho. :o

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Thats after dropping a fare at departures

Departures is upstairs. Arrivals is downstairs. Taxi queue is downstairs. Taxis are not allowed to pick up pax at departure level as that causes traffic jams and negates security procedures in place for safety.

we are talking about DOMESTIC not International.

they are on the same level !!!!!!! durrghhh

the taxi booth was brought in to record names of drivers , in the past certain drivers have murdered and robbed new arrivals who are loaded with cash on arrival.

One driver murdered 7 new arrivals and robbed them of cash and valuables before being caught.

So if you wish to take a passing cab you take the risk ...

Its tempting for a dubious taxi driver to take a loaded new arrival to some

place and slit your throat ,it has happened before..

hence the booth...

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we are talking about DOMESTIC not International.

they are on the same level !!!!!!! durrghhh

No they are not. All four terminals, VIP, 1, 2, and Domestic use an elevated access road for departures. Arrivals is on ground level and departures is on 1fl level. Access road for departure is a flyover above the access road for arrivals.

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the one time I did the kiosk taxi the driver wanted 800 baht to Suk,

he would not put on the meter, so do not think just because you go thru the kiosk you are getting a metered taxi

after a bunch of arguing it ended up 400baht and we did not take the tollway.

then he had the balls to ask for a tip

I go upstairs now

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the one time I did the kiosk taxi the driver wanted 800 baht to Suk, ....

Usually, I do adv. visitors who do not know their way around, to take the airport limousine. OK, now it is Baht 650 plus 70 for toll, but still better than being cheated for 800 plus tip in a cab where most prob. the aircon does not work

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he would not put on the meter, so do not think just because you go thru the kiosk you are getting a metered taxi

You are getting a metered taxi. You may have to ask him to turn in on however. :o

Do not believe this is as much of a problem since they started taking full data down for all taxis/drivers and providing detailed complaint instructions.

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we are talking about DOMESTIC not International.

they are on the same level !!!!!!! durrghhh

No they are not. All four terminals, VIP, 1, 2, and Domestic use an elevated access road for departures. Arrivals is on ground level and departures is on 1fl level. Access road for departure is a flyover above the access road for arrivals.

you must be on drugs or never used Domestic terminal.

there are 2 seperate access roads one for domestic which is the first one you come to on the main highway and International access road which comes after .

Domestic terminal has no upper level (in the front hall), so all dropoffs occur on ground level ,arrivals and departures .

When being dropped off at departures the highway outside is on the same level .

If you keep walking north in domestic terminal you can access the upper level at Internation terminal via alift .

You obviously have never used Domestic terminal.

go and take a look before you post such rubbish .

you idiot

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we are talking about DOMESTIC not International.

they are on the same level !!!!!!! durrghhh

No they are not. All four terminals, VIP, 1, 2, and Domestic use an elevated access road for departures. Arrivals is on ground level and departures is on 1fl level. Access road for departure is a flyover above the access road for arrivals.

go to


and take a look as you have never been there.

departures and arrivals by taxi are on the ground floor level (thais call 1st floor)

checkin counter and baggage claim are on the same level.

the upper sketch which is eroniously titled departures has no taxi dropoff .

the lower sketch has the taxi access for departure and arrival , which i told you all along ,after dropping passengers at checkin they pass by arrivals and public taxi booth

beforew leaving the airport onto the highway back to town

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I have just read all the posts here and wondered "Am I abnormal" (reminds me of Marty Feldum in Young Frankenstein)

Every time I arrive at BKK, I catch the elevator to Arrivals and jump in the first cab that pulls up to drop someone off. Never had a problem

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