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Border closures fail to deter the flow of people to Greek mainland


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Border closures fail to deter the flow of people to Greek mainland


ATHENS: -- At least 2,000 more arrived on Monday at the Greek mainland port of Piraeus from the islands of Lesbos, Leros and Chios.

Another 2,000 are already holed up in the passenger terminals of the port waiting for chartered buses to take them to the border, but the government has clamped down on the buses to stop them from heading north.

Greece asked its passenger ferry companies and travel agencies to cut back on bringing migrants and refugees from front-line islands to the mainland and said its own chartered ships would stay put for a few days.

Meanwhile, refugees and migrants stranded since Monday staged a protest demanding that authorities in neighbouring Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia lift border restrictions and let them continue their journey to northern Europe.

Asked whether he was aware of the border closures, Syrian migrant Ibrahim, 23, said: “I cannot do anything because I don’t have anywhere, any place, and still I want to go, because maybe something happen, maybe change the situation, maybe the border is open, and say to God please help us.”

Hasan Halef, from Iraq said: “I am worried and I am afraid also, because we need to go there. We just want to survive, we are looking for peace.”

Migrants and refugees have found shelter at the old international airport of Ellinikon, which now serves as a temporary camp.

GREECE – Children sleep in port of Piraeus after their arrival from islands of Lesbos & Chios. By lgouliam</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AFP?src=hash">#AFP</a> <a href="https://t.co/DpBv6d1YQT">pic.twitter.com/DpBv6d1YQT</a></p>— Frédérique Geffard (fgeffardAFP) February 25, 2016

It is estimated some 7,000 migrants are now waiting on the Greek-Macedonia border to cross, with the intent of reaching Germany. The Macedonian government is allowing only a few hundred to pass at a time, and only Syrians and Iraqis.

At least 22,000 refugees have been stranded in Greece over the past week since border restrictions were imposed by Balkan countries, according to the government. Authorities expect this number to rise to 70,000 over the coming weeks.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-01

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The word which politicians fear to mention.

Not only that, but overpopulation in regions which don't have the resources needed to support our species, other than a few shepherds.

Overpopulation will the the #1 issue for future politicians. Bigger than Climate Change. Sure, there are other problems in the mix, not least awful leaders, mean-spirited belief systems, and masses-who-can't-cope. I'd venture 98% of migrants don't even know which weeds are edible, or how to make rope from plants. In other words, people have lost basic survival skills to where they're like lapdogs in a NYC apartment. Even if they knew how to survive off the land, sand is all there is left in the Dune Countries they're fleeing from. No game animals, no wild fruits/nuts/foliage. All those migrants will need hand-outs from western countries. Even half the residents of western countries need hand-outs. Residents all around the Mediterranean are shooting and netting songbirds, for Krissake - to get a little morsel of bird flesh - to sustain another day.

Overpopulation isn't pretty, whether it's rats on an abandoned ship, or cockroaches in an old house, Rapanui (Easter Island), or people from Dune countries or SW Burma or Eastern Congo. Sorry to say, it's gonna get worse. The carrying capacity for this one planet for humans is about 700 million. Currently we're at about 10 times that amount. Wait 'til it doubles again, in about 40 years. ....then again in an added 25 years. Some ugly shit will be hitting the fan. You ain't seen nothin' yet, folks.

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This is why we must leave the EU and take control of our borders. It's funny how the scaremogerers warn of chaos if the UK leaves, but it doesn't exactly look like the EU have it all under control. in reference to the headline, Greece will only start trying to control the flow if there is a threat the migrants being stuck there, coz at the moment they are happy to shepherd them on to Germany then through to Calais. It's all we need, a huge influx of Muslims.

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For years i have been saying that the greatest problem the world faces is overpopulation ,you just have to see what happens in the animal world when this goes down , I am so glad i was born when i was , but it is going to be tough for those i leave behind and for their children ,a nightmare , we may joke now ,but in the end it will be live bullets that will be used to stop them coming , glad i wont be here to see the end game .

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For years i have been saying that the greatest problem the world faces is overpopulation ,you just have to see what happens in the animal world when this goes down , I am so glad i was born when i was , but it is going to be tough for those i leave behind and for their children ,a nightmare , we may joke now ,but in the end it will be live bullets that will be used to stop them coming , glad i wont be here to see the end game .

Not just live bullets, but also traps (a camouflaged hole in the ground with sharpened sticks), vicious dogs, all kinds of projectiles, poisoned drinks.

There's a true story from the Sahara, about 200 years ago: A group of Europeans traveled south from the Mediterranean, across the desert. The got as far as southern Mali. There were raiders all along the route. On their trek back north, the Europeans were out of food and had very little water. Days went by, and bodies dropped in the sand. Then they found a bowl of lovely dates. They devoured the dates. A little while later, they were all tripping their gonads out. The dates had been laced with powerful hallucinagenic which killed half the remaining party. The surviving Europeans were taken prisoner and spent their remaining miserable days in a dungeon near Tripoli.

Another time, a group of European traders shipwrecked off the west coast of the Sahara around where Spanish Morocco is. They climbed up a steep sand cliff. A short while later, a group of nomads found them, imprisoned them (permanently tied with ropes around their necks), and only fed them enough to keep them from dying - to sell later. Half died by the time the other half were sold to rich Arabs.

It gives a bit a perspective on how things might be different if the flow of migrants was going south instead of north.

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The word which politicians fear to mention.

Not only that, but overpopulation in regions which don't have the resources needed to support our species, other than a few shepherds.

Overpopulation will the the #1 issue for future politicians. Bigger than Climate Change. Sure, there are other problems in the mix, not least awful leaders, mean-spirited belief systems, and masses-who-can't-cope. I'd venture 98% of migrants don't even know which weeds are edible, or how to make rope from plants. In other words, people have lost basic survival skills to where they're like lapdogs in a NYC apartment. Even if they knew how to survive off the land, sand is all there is left in the Dune Countries they're fleeing from. No game animals, no wild fruits/nuts/foliage. All those migrants will need hand-outs from western countries. Even half the residents of western countries need hand-outs. Residents all around the Mediterranean are shooting and netting songbirds, for Krissake - to get a little morsel of bird flesh - to sustain another day.

Overpopulation isn't pretty, whether it's rats on an abandoned ship, or cockroaches in an old house, Rapanui (Easter Island), or people from Dune countries or SW Burma or Eastern Congo. Sorry to say, it's gonna get worse. The carrying capacity for this one planet for humans is about 700 million. Currently we're at about 10 times that amount. Wait 'til it doubles again, in about 40 years. ....then again in an added 25 years. Some ugly shit will be hitting the fan. You ain't seen nothin' yet, folks.

A Doctor told me that the Earth is well overdue for a series of epidemics that will wipe out 2/3 of the human population.

The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 killed more people than WWI, but a lot of people have never heard of it.

Ebola, Sars, Swinefever, Aids, & much much more.

Maybe give the wildlife a breathing space if most of us are gone.

Human beings- the most disgusting creatures on the planet.

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CliffH, on 01 Mar 2016 - 10:40, said:

At the current rate, net World population increases by over a million every five days, with most of that coming from developing countries.


Migrants are landing in Greece at 10 x the rate of last Jan / Feb.

If that trend continues, that would mean at least 10 Million landing in 2016.

Now, that's frightening.

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Of course, they have already arrived in Greece. What do you expect them to do, hang out

on Lesbos. There will be a rush to possibly get in under the wire. Only if the northern

boarders of Greece are closed tight will the word get back that there is no use coming

Merkel's welcome matt has been removed.(maybe, not really sure, she speaks with a

politicians forked tongue.) ie. as long as the boarders are closed everyone is welcome.

If the boarders open up, all those to the south need to control there boarders properly. blink.png

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