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Teenagers arrested after robbing foreign tourist in Chiang Mai


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Teenagers arrested after robbing foreign tourist in Chiang Mai

Kwaang Siripoom


CHIANG MAI:-- Two teenagers have been arrested for snatching a bag from a Taiwanese tourist.

Pol. Col. Veerayuth Prasopchok from Chiang Mai police station confirmed the arrest of the boys aged 16 and 17 following the incident which occurred on February 24 in Muang district.

According to police, the boys approached Mr Zhang Wei Siang, 23, whilst he was taking a taking photographs in front of Wat Dab Phai.

The pair then pulled up alongside Mr Wei and snatched a bag which he had stored in the basket of his bicycle. The two teenage boys then made off on their motorcycle. The incident was caught on CCTV.

Police confirmed the two teenagers have admitted stealing the bag and are awaiting further legal proceedings.

Source: Khaosod.co.th

-- 2016-03-01
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Im always amazed about how quickly the Thai Police catch perpetrators of crime .

If a person commits a crime the RTP seem to just go out and arrest them immediately after .

That's because you don't read about all that get away, not news worthy. wink.png

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


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Im always amazed about how quickly the Thai Police catch perpetrators of crime .

If a person commits a crime the RTP seem to just go out and arrest them immediately after .

Except for the rich ,influential suspects,then its can you please find time to report

to the police station ,in the next couple of weeks !.

regards Worgeordie

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

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Im always amazed about how quickly the Thai Police catch perpetrators of crime .

If a person commits a crime the RTP seem to just go out and arrest them immediately after .

Except for the rich ,influential suspects,then its can you please find time to report

to the police station ,in the next couple of weeks !.

regards Worgeordie

Could you not just praise the RTP in this case, rather than focusing on any possible unrelated negatives ?

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

True enough. A mate of mine had a laptop stolen from right in front of him outside a coffee shop in London. The thief was round the corner and gone before he'd even had time to react.

There's an interesting BBC series called Thief trackers; amazing how much of this stuff is organised.

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Oh come on. So Thailand has theives like everywhere else. While I understand Thailand has certain problems, thefts happen the world wide. Even in California a pick pocket Gang was just arrested. A petty crime like this would not even be news worthy here in the states.

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Oh come on. So Thailand has theives like everywhere else. While I understand Thailand has certain problems, thefts happen the world wide. Even in California a pick pocket Gang was just arrested. A petty crime like this would not even be news worthy here in the states.

It's noteworthy in Chiang Mai as it doesn't happen very often (thank goodness).

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They were pretty slick. Nice clear picture though. Lets see if they get anything back and

what the penalty is. Crime tends to pay here. whistling.gif

Are you serious ?

There are stiff sentences in Thailand, even for minor crimes

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Oh come on. So Thailand has theives like everywhere else. While I understand Thailand has certain problems, thefts happen the world wide. Even in California a pick pocket Gang was just arrested. A petty crime like this would not even be news worthy here in the states.

It's noteworthy in Chiang Mai as it doesn't happen very often (thank goodness).

I guess it happens often enough, as there are large signs written in Thai posted in the parking areas of Sri Wattana Market warning people to beware of thieves. I'll try and get a photo of one of them for you tomorrow. There is petty crime everywhere.

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I guess it happens often enough, as there are large signs written in Thai posted in the parking areas of Sri Wattana Market warning people to beware of thieves. I'll try and get a photo of one of them for you tomorrow. There is petty crime everywhere.

Is it considered to be a petty crime to put signs up ?

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

True enough. A mate of mine had a laptop stolen from right in front of him outside a coffee shop in London. The thief was round the corner and gone before he'd even had time to react.

There's an interesting BBC series called Thief trackers; amazing how much of this stuff is organised.

I saw an episode showing two "professional" females who were "employed" to work everyday as pickpockets on the London Underground/Tube stations. The total amount taken was estimated at over 1000 pounds/week.

With the police/army demanding sighting of farang original passport in Chiang Mai, Pattaya and more to follow, I regard the protection of this most valued of my possession, but it may mean little to the thief who steals a bag or such for the money.

Edited by mankondang
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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

There you go ladies and gentlemen, just carry your valuables on yourself at all times and you are guaranteed not to ever get robbed.

But you still didn't answer my question, where would you keep the bag bearing in mind the references to victims of similar crimes who were carrying their bags ending up dead and injured?

The article has no mention of any valuables in the bag, maybe they were in their pockets? Could just have been an umbrella, plastic poncho, water bottle, maps etc in there but no, TV hero's have to read bs into it (presuming as you stated) and post <deleted> about a subject they know nothing about. Certainly no more than anyone else who read the article.

Hence, daft.

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Now you see it, now you don`t. I don`t think they care if they`re caught. In fact it`s their claim to fame and something they can brag about to their mates.

If the Thai police and laws continue to take a softly softly approach to young thugs and teenagers, hitting them with small fines or a slap on the wrist if they say sorry, then it`s going to go the same way here as it has in England, out of control where thugs start claiming the streets as their own and people will fear to go out.

23 years ago my girlfriend`s nephew was given 6 years jail time in Bangkok for stealing a motor scooter. Now the laws seem to have turned slack and the war on thuggery holds low priority.

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Now you see it, now you don`t. I don`t think they care if they`re caught. In fact it`s their claim to fame and something they can brag about to their mates.

If the Thai police and laws continue to take a softly softly approach to young thugs and teenagers, hitting them with small fines or a slap on the wrist if they say sorry, then it`s going to go the same way here as it has in England, out of control where thugs start claiming the streets as their own and people will fear to go out.

23 years ago my girlfriend`s nephew was given 6 years jail time in Bangkok for stealing a motor scooter. Now the laws seem to have turned slack and the war on thuggery holds low priority.

I fail to see how you can claim that these thiefs sentence was lenient, considering that they havent even been charged yet, let alone been to Court and been sentenced

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

There you go ladies and gentlemen, just carry your valuables on yourself at all times and you are guaranteed not to ever get robbed.

But you still didn't answer my question, where would you keep the bag bearing in mind the references to victims of similar crimes who were carrying their bags ending up dead and injured?

The article has no mention of any valuables in the bag, maybe they were in their pockets? Could just have been an umbrella, plastic poncho, water bottle, maps etc in there but no, TV hero's have to read bs into it (presuming as you stated) and post <deleted> about a subject they know nothing about. Certainly no more than anyone else who read the article.

Hence, daft.

There is no way to be 100% secure. None at all. To assume otherwise IS daft!

But you can certainly do better than leaving personal belongings available to whom so ever wishes to latch onto them!

Many bike shops sell covers for baskets just for this reason. To not use them IS daft!

If you leave your possessions where a thief can "EASILY" reach them, you are daft!

There are a lot of things that people can do to give some measure of protection to their belongings.

To cry because you can't give yourself 100% protection, and so do nothing at all to protect your good is daft!

I really like this word... daft... daft... daft

Edited by FolkGuitar
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Now you see it, now you don`t. I don`t think they care if they`re caught. In fact it`s their claim to fame and something they can brag about to their mates.

If the Thai police and laws continue to take a softly softly approach to young thugs and teenagers, hitting them with small fines or a slap on the wrist if they say sorry, then it`s going to go the same way here as it has in England, out of control where thugs start claiming the streets as their own and people will fear to go out.

23 years ago my girlfriend`s nephew was given 6 years jail time in Bangkok for stealing a motor scooter. Now the laws seem to have turned slack and the war on thuggery holds low priority.

I fail to see how you can claim that these thiefs sentence was lenient, considering that they havent even been charged yet, let alone been to Court and been sentenced

Because from the experiences of Thai people I have known, at one time Thai people used to fear the police and getting on the wrong side of them. Nowadays especially the young people seem to have lost all respect for the police We know of some local young drug dealers that were rounded up and arrested by the police, locked up in jail for a week and then let off with cautions. Only days later they were back out dealing again.

It`s exactly how Tywais says, most of the crimes committed by feral teens and thugs we don`t get to hear about.

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Now you see it, now you don`t. I don`t think they care if they`re caught. In fact it`s their claim to fame and something they can brag about to their mates.

If the Thai police and laws continue to take a softly softly approach to young thugs and teenagers, hitting them with small fines or a slap on the wrist if they say sorry, then it`s going to go the same way here as it has in England, out of control where thugs start claiming the streets as their own and people will fear to go out.

23 years ago my girlfriend`s nephew was given 6 years jail time in Bangkok for stealing a motor scooter. Now the laws seem to have turned slack and the war on thuggery holds low priority.

I fail to see how you can claim that these thiefs sentence was lenient, considering that they havent even been charged yet, let alone been to Court and been sentenced

Because from the experiences of Thai people I have known, at one time Thai people used to fear the police and getting on the wrong side of them. Nowadays especially the young people seem to have lost all respect for the police We know of some local young drug dealers that were rounded up and arrested by the police, locked up in jail for a week and then let off with cautions. Only days later they were back out dealing again.

It`s exactly how Tywais says, most of the crimes committed by feral teens and thugs we don`t get to hear about.

Tywais did a smiley after his post, I read that as posting a sarcastic post, although I may be wrong

When drug dealers get caught, they usually get given an option by Police : Either face charges or work with us to catch those higher up in the network

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

There you go ladies and gentlemen, just carry your valuables on yourself at all times and you are guaranteed not to ever get robbed.

But you still didn't answer my question, where would you keep the bag bearing in mind the references to victims of similar crimes who were carrying their bags ending up dead and injured?

The article has no mention of any valuables in the bag, maybe they were in their pockets? Could just have been an umbrella, plastic poncho, water bottle, maps etc in there but no, TV hero's have to read bs into it (presuming as you stated) and post <deleted> about a subject they know nothing about. Certainly no more than anyone else who read the article.

Hence, daft.

Please look up the definition of the word 'presumably'.

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Not the best place to leave a bag, presumably containing valuables, in this day and age.

huh.png Thats the daftest comment I've ever heard.

But if you know a better place, please inform us so this hideous crime can never happen again. Please take into consideration the aussie lady holidaying on Phuket who was carrying a bag, had it cut off her and died.


and others


Not daft at all, and I do not condone the robbery.

If I carry valuables, I carry them on my person. That way, you have some chance of defence should someone try to steal them.

Leaving them loose in a bicycle basket is not on your person, and any opportunist theif would see it as an easy target. Had they gone, say, into a shop, would they have left them in the basket ? No, they would have carried the valuables with them, on their person.

This goes not just for over here, but pretty much any country in this day and age.

There you go ladies and gentlemen, just carry your valuables on yourself at all times and you are guaranteed not to ever get robbed.

But you still didn't answer my question, where would you keep the bag bearing in mind the references to victims of similar crimes who were carrying their bags ending up dead and injured?

The article has no mention of any valuables in the bag, maybe they were in their pockets? Could just have been an umbrella, plastic poncho, water bottle, maps etc in there but no, TV hero's have to read bs into it (presuming as you stated) and post <deleted> about a subject they know nothing about. Certainly no more than anyone else who read the article.

Hence, daft.

If you ever choose to come and live here, maybe you will learn from their mistake ?

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