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Fat Future: 20 percent of Bangkok kids are overweight


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Fat Future: 20 percent of Bangkok kids are overweight
By Coconuts Bangkok

Overweight Thai middle school students. Photo: Angthong Hospital

BANGKOK: -- In the city where sweet, fried food can be grabbed at every street corner, the future of Bangkok doesn’t look too healthy right now.

Danai Theewanda, Health Department deputy director, said today Bangkok children are generally fatter than those in other provinces, with almost a fifth (19.9 percent) being overweight.

Danai blamed overeating and snacking on processed foods as the leading causes.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/03/01/fat-future-20-percent-bangkok-kids-are-overweight

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2016-03-01

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This certainly matches my observation, although kid obesity seems to be gaining quite fast upcountry too.

Something that strikes me is that overweight kids really are, I mean, very very obese. Much more than in Europe at least (can't speak for the US). Hardly any "a bit roundish" kids in my place upcountry. Only thin ones and huge ones.

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Overweight and obesity are not the same thing, clinically speaking. It is measured by BMI. So I assume they mean about 20 percent are either overweight or obese. Or not. Because they don't say.

The HEADLINE here is sadly spot on.

Statistically, we know that when children become obese, there is a very high probability that they will grow up to be obese adults, and usually be obese for life.

Overweight in children should be seen as an early warning sign. Better chance to reverse it and prevent the fate of progressing to be being obese children and then obese adults.

Overweight and obesity are issues for individuals and for societies.

Some nations are taking action targeted at prevention in children.

Thailand could look at some of these and tailor them to the culture here.

No panacea but better than doing nothing.

Prevention in children is the very best bang for the baht.

Once children become obese, you're dealing with known, grim outcomes.

Edited by Jingthing
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Overweight and obesity are not the same thing, clinically speaking. It is measured by BMI. So I assume they mean about 20 percent are either overweight or obese. Or not. Because they don't say.

Would you say the kids in the photo are overweight, obese or can't tell?

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Overweight and obesity are not the same thing, clinically speaking. It is measured by BMI. So I assume they mean about 20 percent are either overweight or obese. Or not. Because they don't say.

Would you say the kids in the photo are overweight, obese or can't tell?

They appear mostly obese but that's irrelevant to the article. Just published for sensationalism.

The article mentions 20 percent and doesn't break down those two categories, and that breakdown is really important to understanding how severe the problem really is.

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"Bangkok children are generally fatter than those in other provinces, with almost a fifth (19.9 percent) being overweight."

With the increased availability of cheap, high calorie, sugar and fat laden food, the other provinces will catch up very soon. Unfortunately the peasant mentality which equates overweight children with prosperity, continues to thrive. The fatter the child, the increased perception that the family is rich. In addition, people still make a fuss over morbidly obese children. Reinforcing their unhealthy lifestyles of overeating and lack of exercise. My observation has been that most obese children are usually on motorbikes.

In the past, only the wealthy could afford to develop gout and type 2 diabetes. Today, everyone can be like the wealthy of yesteryear.

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Of course they're fat. They are being hard sold on rubbish food by the merchants of death, aka KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Dunkin Donut, Starbucks, Krispy Creme, Aunty Anne, Mrs Field ,Piizza huta nd the rest of the rotten-to-the-core, tax-avoiding creeps.

Just like their counterparts in the previous generation, some still current, American Tobacco, Phillip Morris, BAT, and the like.

Vile companies, profit at any cost and leave others to pay the price: individuals and families in respect of health and governments for the treatment of preventable disease. Add to that Big Pharma and their overpriced drugs and usurious arrangements with the developing world.

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Of course they're fat. They are being hard sold on rubbish food by the merchants of death, aka KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Dunkin Donut, Starbucks, Krispy Creme, Aunty Anne, Mrs Field ,Piizza huta nd the rest of the rotten-to-the-core, tax-avoiding creeps.

Just like their counterparts in the previous generation, some still current, American Tobacco, Phillip Morris, BAT, and the like.

Vile companies, profit at any cost and leave others to pay the price: individuals and families in respect of health and governments for the treatment of preventable disease. Add to that Big Pharma and their overpriced drugs and usurious arrangements with the developing world.

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My wife's family uses a quart of oil a week and a kilo of sugar in their cooking. That doesn't count what's I'm their sauces bought at the store. Add that to all the starch eaten and what can you expect.

Lucky for us it means that we foreigners will just look more sexy (like me)to a Thai girl in the future.. He he

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America's gift to the world.

I don't think that's really fair.

Look at the modern Thai food people eat as well. That's most likely the much bigger factor.

Have you been to America? I went in 1991 and I was shocked at how much they ate and what they ate. Lazy Britain today is catching up fast though. When I first came to Thailand fifteen years ago, you could spit for luck when you saw a chubby kid. Now they're everywhere. Thai junk food or western junk food? Maybe Thai junk food inspired by western junk food. Where did global franchise junk food originate? It's addictive. It's a fix. It gets you high. Why do you think obese people don't have a problem when they look in the mirror. Add that to the little emperor syndrome that's so prevalent and what do you get?

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America's gift to the world.

I don't think that's really fair.

Look at the modern Thai food people eat as well. That's most likely the much bigger factor.

America was the tip of the spear in regards to highly processed, nutrient devoid food. They also heavily subsidize sugar and corn, which is probably the main reason that sugar/high fructose corn syrup is added to almost every processed food and beverage. The other reason is that sugar turns off your brains "I'm full" receptors and causes you to overeat. This in turn adds to consumption and profits.

It's becoming more apparent that THE reason for obesity and all metabolic diseases worldwide is the availability of cheap sugar. One day there may be a tobacco style settlement, but for the time being, they still like to deflect public opinion with red herrings like dietary fat and GMOs.

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Lack of education in diet, Lack of a dietary educated direction from parents or guardians, lack of physical fitness...Thailand the Hub of child obesity

Well, the politically correct brigade has effectively ended compulsory physical education , kids don't walk, ride bikes, play in the same way they used to: now glued to devices from the minute they wake unti they fall asleep still clutching one.

The situation in Mexico is unbelievable : life expectancy declining ( after allowing for violent death) for the first time in a hundred years.

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Will Thailand take action before it gets that severe?

Seeing how Thailand has yearly droughts/floods around the same time every year for decades and they are still surprised by it year after year... no thumbsup.gif

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Will Thailand take action before it gets that severe?

Seeing how Thailand has yearly droughts/floods around the same time every year for decades and they are still surprised by it year after year... no thumbsup.gif

Sadly, I agree. But this isn't an easy problem for any nation. Mexico has taken some governmental action such as sugar taxes and there is some evidence that there have been some good results from that. But not much. It's a difficult issue because it combines individual choices with the food environment and culture that people find themselves in. Children are especially vulnerable.

Consider a young child in Thailand or anywhere who finds herself obese before she even knows what hit her ... in a family that doesn't prioritize nutrition, before ever having the chance to receive education about better food choices (if that's even really offered). Then that child, statistically speaking, probably will be dealing with that condition for life.

That's why people who are seriously looking at this issue are so focused on PREVENTION in children. It's the best hope at societal levels.

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Thailand has the best food and the worst of the world.

American cooking with anal space andl sometimes with the shit (Donats) and Honey, Pumpkin Tua, Mamuang, Malako, Baby Banana, Avocado etc. with a long list not complete is the opposite.

In Bangkok they have the worst (Farang copies), in rural areas they start.

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4 year old road the corner is over 30 kilos, gets through about a litre of coke a day as well as lots of sweets and various kanom crap, parents don't see the connection facepalm.gif

I suppose if you talked to them about it, it wouldn't be welcome either. Poor kid.

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All that imported American crap .. KFC's, Mc Donalds, Dunkin Donuts ... most of which should be banned as a heath warning. Such foods are detrimental to your waste line. Why there is a need to eat junk food, when Thai food is so much more healthy and nutritious.

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4 year old road the corner is over 30 kilos, gets through about a litre of coke a day as well as lots of sweets and various kanom crap, parents don't see the connection facepalm.gif

I suppose if you talked to them about it, it wouldn't be welcome either. Poor kid.

He's been hospitalized several times, Dr's never even mentioned it

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

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A study from Princeton University examined the behavior of rats given sugar in their diet.
No more got the candy, they were anxious, chattering his teeth and showed otherwise all signs of withdrawal, as we know it from drug addicts.
Were the animal subjects again "spoiled" with the candy, they beat too powerful, and devoured significantly more than if you force a sugar withdrawal.
In the brain, the experts were able to show changes as they occur
with a cocaine dependence.

To punish the food and beverage industry would be the best.
Clear labels on the products, understandable health indicators, etc.
Maybe they should copy the rules for cigarette packaging, for the waste from the food industry.
Without a four-year study of nutrition, no consumer is able to understand the content indicated on the together adulterated food.
But I would not wait for it.
Education and nutrition training are important here.
Many people do not know what they shovel into themselves.
Fast food is garbage and too little exercise are the recipe for an unhealthy (unhappy) life.

The majority of schools (in most countries) failed here to educate regarding nutrition.
The best thing what I can do, is to teach my children what are good and bad foods.

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

Yeah, it's too convenient to just blame this on western influence.

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