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Please check for me Tax Calculation

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I am selling a condo

Relevant Numbers

Owner is Person

Selling Price Baht1,000,000

Land dept Valuation ? Baht 1,000,000

Occupied date 1-1-2004

Transfer Date 1-4-2016

Condominium in Project

I don't know about this blue book stuff but my name is on all the documents

I have the document from the condo management showing all fees paid up to the end of this. year.

Due to my infirmity someone is to-ing and fro ing to TH Land Dept to ensure that all the documents are in order before I turn up to sign and pay.

They have returned with a back of the envelope figure (no calcs) of Baht65,000

So can some one kindly use


I hope it is a valid site., and see what figure they arrive at ?

Thanks so Much

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