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GOP leaders: No place for bigotry in the Republican Party


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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

This is one of the Merriam Webster definitions of "bigot":

a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)[/size]

I'm pretty sure it is OK to be "bigoted" against murdering Islamic terrorists. It is probably a virtue.

Odd how Right Wingers when the question of bigotry is raised they always deflect on something to hate. As if ISIS validates their bigotry. Mexicans, women, Hispanics, the poor, African Americans, illegals. They simply trot out their usual diversion. It is always the same old patter.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The daily "I'm not a Trump fan" post defending Trump.

I have also been dismissive of him on a regular basis and been supportive of Marco Rubio. You are about as "honest" as the far-left media where you memorize your hateful, partisan rhetoric.

Question: Do you consider anything but Fox News, far left media?

I'll have you know I never memorize anything. At my age, I'm lucky to remember what I had for lunch 10 minutes ago. I think it was tuna fish, but I wouldn't bet my SS check on it. Ummm, did I cash that? Darling...?

Is the all old, white man Republican party bigoted? cheesy.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gifbiggrin.pngrolleyes.gif

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There is a "war on" and has been for some years. Perhaps it started with the very, very stupid but money making "war on drugs" that enabled private prisons, longer sentences, and oh my oh my, a lot of minorities in prison, including Vietnam Vets. The Republican right wing extremists declared war on every and anything that didn't fit their ideals. That includes the democracy of the US. Strumpf, I believe that is the correct spelling, is nothing but a modern day fascist and will damn the US and world to what Cheney/Bush et all wanted, an Armageddon. Keep GitMo open for those that always belonged there. Oh, BTW, I don't leave out the Clintons.

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Lets throw enough crap at Trump and see what sticks. Every day my reservations about Trump lessen, especially when I posit a Trump presidency against the alternatives. America will not survive in any agreeable form unless something drastic changes. The GOP defines its irrelevance every day. Indeed, the GOP is as equally despised as Obama/HRC. That they cannot see this reveals why it is so necessary for Trump to get it.

America is tired of being inculcated in hate and division by government lackeys. America Inc. is a divisive, Balkanized nation not because of inherent racial biases but because of nurtured, intentional fractures to craft electorates and constituency. In America, racial division is money for the left, and power. That is the real crime, that is the real injustice- under the cover of Equal Protections America has become only a nation of Special Protections and government sanctioned racism. The US government tracks and uses racial data for nearly all agencies under Obama, from the politicizing of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to the HUD mandates that white suburban America have "set asides" for people of color. All things race under Progressivism.

Enter Trump and the thorny path through the GOP and Democratic war zone was bound to present some crap that they would try to make stick through repetition. Trump may be many things but a racist is not one; how retarded to think a billionaire running for president, risking name and fortune, is a secret supporter of white hoods and pointy hats. Its to this stupid BS that Americans have had enough- and they are also tired of "the war on women..." "the war on blacks..." "the war on..." and the endless divisive rhetoric that the Left offers, and the Right succumb to in their dual embrace of their shared goal for America.

Congrats on the lessening reservations about Trump. Thinking about jumping on the HRC bandwagon?

Trump is saying the racist and bigoted things Republicans want to hear. He's saying the same things you're talking about. You hate any effort to help people, especially blacks as much as he does. The Republicans do have a "war on." It's not divisive rhetoric accusing Republicans of doing it...THEY DID IT. They have gone after women, blacks and Muslims! You can't seriously deny that. And when republicans are called for doing what they're doing, you guys scream, "Liberal Media".

Come on, man, that's what you do.

"How retarded to think a billionaire running for president, risking name and fortune, is a secret supporter of white hoods and pointy hats."

Trump is a classy guy.wink.png He wouldn't be caught dead hanging with that KKK ilk. No, Trump goes after other people with his bigoted speech. It's much cleaner that way. Then he denies he said what he just said. Never apologizes, it shows weakness. It was a bad ear piece. Ouch, that's weak.

Republican party is at a crossroads. I'm sitting on side of the hill, overlooking that crossroads, suntan lotion, comfortable lounger, Singha on ice, video camera, pom-poms, waiting for the epic trainwreck that is about to happen right in front of me.

It's going to be great. It's already great!

I'll send you a link on Youtube.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The so-called 'liberal media' (your words) are simply reporting what Trump said. It's on video. Look it up. The CNN reporter asked Trump four times, if he disavows being supported by Duke and the KKK. Four times, Trump evaded the question, saying things like, "what group are you talking about?" and "I don't know David Duke" ....both blatant lies. Whether or not Trump is a racist is, to me, secondary. What's more important is how easily he lies.

Trump as president will have him constantly spinning, denying, obfuscating things he said days/weeks/months before. Are you sure he's not from Oklahoma? ...the land of twisters.

Trump has already spoken out against the KKK and Duke..most recently the day before the CNN interview when he quickly disavowed Duke. Not much of a point for Trapper to even ask the question in the first place.

"Trump is a bigot!" isn't the story even if news networks from CNN to FOX are beating it like a dead horse. That tells you something when those two channels lead with the same story and won't shut up about it...Trump scares both the Democrat and Republican establishment. And admit it, that is a good thing. Maybe Trump himself isn't a good thing, but worrying the political establishment that has hurt the country all these years is a good thing.

The real story - if there is one - is WHY didn't Trump just say what he said the day before? Was he really afraid of losing votes in the South? I don't know who is advising him but that wouldn't hurt him much. This isn't 50-60 years ago.

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Lets throw enough crap at Trump and see what sticks. Every day my reservations about Trump lessen, especially when I posit a Trump presidency against the alternatives. America will not survive in any agreeable form unless something drastic changes. The GOP defines its irrelevance every day. Indeed, the GOP is as equally despised as Obama/HRC. That they cannot see this reveals why it is so necessary for Trump to get it.

America is tired of being inculcated in hate and division by government lackeys. America Inc. is a divisive, Balkanized nation not because of inherent racial biases but because of nurtured, intentional fractures to craft electorates and constituency. In America, racial division is money for the left, and power. That is the real crime, that is the real injustice- under the cover of Equal Protections America has become only a nation of Special Protections and government sanctioned racism. The US government tracks and uses racial data for nearly all agencies under Obama, from the politicizing of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to the HUD mandates that white suburban America have "set asides" for people of color. All things race under Progressivism.

Enter Trump and the thorny path through the GOP and Democratic war zone was bound to present some crap that they would try to make stick through repetition. Trump may be many things but a racist is not one; how retarded to think a billionaire running for president, risking name and fortune, is a secret supporter of white hoods and pointy hats. Its to this stupid BS that Americans have had enough- and they are also tired of "the war on women..." "the war on blacks..." "the war on..." and the endless divisive rhetoric that the Left offers, and the Right succumb to in their dual embrace of their shared goal for America.

Just substitute Obama for Trump in your opening sentence and I think you have an accurate assessment of what has gone on these past 7 years

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The so-called 'liberal media' (your words) are simply reporting what Trump said. It's on video. Look it up. The CNN reporter asked Trump four times, if he disavows being supported by Duke and the KKK. Four times, Trump evaded the question, saying things like, "what group are you talking about?" and "I don't know David Duke" ....both blatant lies. Whether or not Trump is a racist is, to me, secondary. What's more important is how easily he lies.

Trump as president will have him constantly spinning, denying, obfuscating things he said days/weeks/months before. Are you sure he's not from Oklahoma? ...the land of twisters.

Trump has already spoken out against the KKK and Duke..most recently the day before the CNN interview when he quickly disavowed Duke. Not much of a point for Trapper to even ask the question in the first place.

"Trump is a bigot!" isn't the story even if news networks from CNN to FOX are beating it like a dead horse. That tells you something when those two channels lead with the same story and won't shut up about it...Trump scares both the Democrat and Republican establishment. And admit it, that is a good thing. Maybe Trump himself isn't a good thing, but worrying the political establishment that has hurt the country all these years is a good thing.

The real story - if there is one - is WHY didn't Trump just say what he said the day before? Was he really afraid of losing votes in the South? I don't know who is advising him but that wouldn't hurt him much. This isn't 50-60 years ago.

Mopar asks, "why didn't Trump just say what he said the day before?" I don't know, but Trump is characterized by his supporters as being so smart and savvy. Perhaps he thought about the issue overnight, and decided the next day to be honest, and say he doesn't know anything about David Duke nor the KKK. But wait a kotonpikinminute. That's not honest, because it's plain Trump does know about Duke and the KKK. Now I'm confused. Is Trump really a racist or is he just a liar? You tell me.

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Lets throw enough crap at Trump and see what sticks. Every day my reservations about Trump lessen, especially when I posit a Trump presidency against the alternatives. America will not survive in any agreeable form unless something drastic changes. The GOP defines its irrelevance every day. Indeed, the GOP is as equally despised as Obama/HRC. That they cannot see this reveals why it is so necessary for Trump to get it.

America is tired of being inculcated in hate and division by government lackeys. America Inc. is a divisive, Balkanized nation not because of inherent racial biases but because of nurtured, intentional fractures to craft electorates and constituency. In America, racial division is money for the left, and power. That is the real crime, that is the real injustice- under the cover of Equal Protections America has become only a nation of Special Protections and government sanctioned racism. The US government tracks and uses racial data for nearly all agencies under Obama, from the politicizing of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to the HUD mandates that white suburban America have "set asides" for people of color. All things race under Progressivism.

Enter Trump and the thorny path through the GOP and Democratic war zone was bound to present some crap that they would try to make stick through repetition. Trump may be many things but a racist is not one; how retarded to think a billionaire running for president, risking name and fortune, is a secret supporter of white hoods and pointy hats. Its to this stupid BS that Americans have had enough- and they are also tired of "the war on women..." "the war on blacks..." "the war on..." and the endless divisive rhetoric that the Left offers, and the Right succumb to in their dual embrace of their shared goal for America.

Just substitute Obama for Trump in your opening sentence and I think you have an accurate assessment of what has gone on these past 7 years

Not exactly. I see your point but in order for it to be correct, it must also stop at the opening sentence. Obama is a politician and nearly all the crap thrown at him sticks. It does. It follows Obama around like a wake behind a ship and I have not once alleged any of its true, only that its present. I am not even stating it is valid, but to deny it is sticking is pointless- there is nothing but crap on Obama's proverbial wall. The headlines alone for the past 7 years reflect quite readily that true or not the crap sticks to Obama.

Obama has risked nothing in his life. He has never worked a day in his life. He has never hired, fired, or managed... anything at all. Hardly a correct analogy.

Racist, not racist, no matter- Obama's interaction with race and race issues and race problems and race and race and race is legendary. Reach what conclusions you wish, I offer none. But suggesting Obama's record is the same as Trump or my post can transpose Obama for Trump is not clever, its untrue!

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