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Two Palestinians shot dead after attacking Israeli in West Bank


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Two Palestinians shot dead after attacking Israeli in West Bank


NABLUS: -- Israeli soldiers have shot dead two Palestinian teens after they allegedly attacked an Israeli settler at his home in the occupied West Bank.

Speaking to Israeli Army Radio, the Israeli man, Roee Harel, said the pair began beating him before he managed to push them out his house in the Eli settlement near the Palestinian city of Nablus.

“A miracle happened, it could have ended differently, they met a man who was about to leave for a month of (military) reserve duty and he fought back with determination,” said Avi Roeh, head of the Binyamin Regional Council.

It’s the latest incident in a wave of violence that has raised concern of further escalation a decade after the last Palestinian uprising subsided.

Since October Palestinian stabbings, shootings and car rammings have killed 28 Israelis and a US citizen.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-03

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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.

He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.

I blame the Israeli government.

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If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.

What Hogwash. The Palestinians have refused to make peace for the last 100 years. The responsibility for their plight is on them.

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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.
He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.
If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.
I blame the Israeli government.

He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

The Palestinian leadership has rejected statehood three times. They had rather lob their rockets into Israel than accept statehood and live in peace.


Edited by Pimay1
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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.
He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.
If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.
I blame the Israeli government.

He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

The Palestinian leadership has rejected statehood three times. They had rather lob their rockets into Israel than accept statehood and live in peace.


The Palestinians have never been offered an acceptable deal by the invading European colonists. Israel has never been serious about a just peace and a Palestinian state. But they will be soon when a one state solution becomes inevitable.

Not going to fall for your deflections rehashing ancient pseudo history. Look to the future. Another thread another time maybe.

Edited by dexterm
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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.
He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.
If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.
I blame the Israeli government.

He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

The Palestinian leadership has rejected statehood three times. They had rather lob their rockets into Israel than accept statehood and live in peace.


The Palestinians have never been offered an acceptable deal by the invading European colonists. Israel has never been serious about a just peace and a Palestinian state. But they will be soon when a one state solution becomes inevitable.

Not going to fall for your deflections rehashing ancient pseudo history. Look to the future. Another thread another time maybe.

If you care to click on the link and read the article I posted I think you will find you are incorrect.

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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.
He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.
If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.
I blame the Israeli government.

He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

The Palestinian leadership has rejected statehood three times. They had rather lob their rockets into Israel than accept statehood and live in peace.


The Palestinians have never been offered an acceptable deal by the invading European colonists. Israel has never been serious about a just peace and a Palestinian state. But they will be soon when a one state solution becomes inevitable.

Not going to fall for your deflections rehashing ancient pseudo history. Look to the future. Another thread another time maybe.

If you care to click on the link and read the article I posted I think you will find you are incorrect.

I did. You are still wrong.

47 Partition was the unjustest of the lot. What right have foreigners to give away Palestinian land to a minority of European colonists? Palestinians were the residents, not the interlopers.
Clinton, another foreigner, telling the Palestinians that they should concede more than 78% of historic Palestine they had already been ethnically cleansed from. Not realisitc.
Olmert was a lame duck Prime Minister in his last month of office who could not deliver his plan. He wouldn't even give Abbas a copy of the borders he proposed. Foreign minister Tzipi Livni and then defense minister Ehud Barak were throwing a spanner in the works too. The death knell was Israel's 2009 invasion of Gaza.
That's my take. This is old ground. look to the future.
Morch dealt with the issue in a more sensible way than your biased source.
"To be fair, both sides had their share of missing chances, causing negotiations to fail, upholding impossible demands, going back on promises and agreements on the flimsiest of excuses and acting in bad faith. I seriously doubt this can be blamed on one side only, takes two to tango."
Think we are drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.
Edited by dexterm
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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.
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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.
Zionist males and females who buy cheap houses because they are built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank or because the bible tells them so, while the Palestinian owners are ethnically cleansed into refugee camps make me puke too. That is what motivates the resistance in the OP.
And she was a member of an organisation that actively recruits others to do the same.
No sympathy, apart from natural sympathy for an untimely death for all those killed...Palestinians and Israelis.
I blame the Israeli government for encouraging colonists to illegally occupy, rather than seek peace.
Edited by dexterm
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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.

Zionist males and females who buy cheap houses because they are built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank or because the bible tells them so, while the Palestinian owners are ethnically cleansed into refugee camps make me puke too. That is what motivates the resistance in the OP.

And she was a member of an organisation that actively recruits others to do the same.

No sympathy, apart from natural sympathy for an untimely death for all those killed...Palestinians and Israelis.

I blame the Israeli government for encouraging colonists to illegally occupy, rather than seek peace.

It doesn't matter who you blame, you just enjoy Jews being killed. You really, really should study the history of the area. You put your own timeline on history, for you history only beg and when Emperor Hadrian renamed Israel to Felastinia to insult the Jews (yes, that's how 'Palestine' began - as an insulting term towards the Jews), the 4000 years before that do not count in your weird little World do they. The fact that there wasn't any 'Palestinians' in the area until Arafat decided to call the Arabs, Palestinians, doesn't register with your view point either, does it? Nor the fact there has never, ever, been a Palestinian government before doesn't concern you either. The real victims are the Israelis, at every point.
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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.

Likewise and more so.....fill in the dots.

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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.

Zionist males and females who buy cheap houses because they are built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank or because the bible tells them so, while the Palestinian owners are ethnically cleansed into refugee camps make me puke too. That is what motivates the resistance in the OP.

And she was a member of an organisation that actively recruits others to do the same.

No sympathy, apart from natural sympathy for an untimely death for all those killed...Palestinians and Israelis.

I blame the Israeli government for encouraging colonists to illegally occupy, rather than seek peace.

It doesn't matter who you blame, you just enjoy Jews being killed. You really, really should study the history of the area. You put your own timeline on history, for you history only beg and when Emperor Hadrian renamed Israel to Felastinia to insult the Jews (yes, that's how 'Palestine' began - as an insulting term towards the Jews), the 4000 years before that do not count in your weird little World do they. The fact that there wasn't any 'Palestinians' in the area until Arafat decided to call the Arabs, Palestinians, doesn't register with your view point either, does it? Nor the fact there has never, ever, been a Palestinian government before doesn't concern you either. The real victims are the Israelis, at every point.

Way over the top inflammatory baiting. There is a not a racist bone in my body. I hate all bullies.

No time for the off topic pseudo history trope today either.

Edited by dexterm
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Mr. Alwyn, we all know who you and your buddies are and what you stand for.

Despite all your known responses I will continue to defend the Palestinians and will continue to call for the IDF murderers to stand trial in The Haque.

That you puke is your problem, you have to clean up your own mass.

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There is a price to pay for Islamic terrorism.

It is a positive thing when terrorists are stopped before they are successful.

Absolutely right !! Now there remains the question of who is the terrorist.

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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

"Knives to defend themselves"? So the person who killed the mother of 4 in her own house in front of her kids was defending himself? People like you make me puke.

Zionist males and females who buy cheap houses because they are built on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank or because the bible tells them so, while the Palestinian owners are ethnically cleansed into refugee camps make me puke too. That is what motivates the resistance in the OP.

And she was a member of an organisation that actively recruits others to do the same.

No sympathy, apart from natural sympathy for an untimely death for all those killed...Palestinians and Israelis.

I blame the Israeli government for encouraging colonists to illegally occupy, rather than seek peace.

It doesn't matter who you blame, you just enjoy Jews being killed. You really, really should study the history of the area. You put your own timeline on history, for you history only beg and when Emperor Hadrian renamed Israel to Felastinia to insult the Jews (yes, that's how 'Palestine' began - as an insulting term towards the Jews), the 4000 years before that do not count in your weird little World do they. The fact that there wasn't any 'Palestinians' in the area until Arafat decided to call the Arabs, Palestinians, doesn't register with your view point either, does it? Nor the fact there has never, ever, been a Palestinian government before doesn't concern you either. The real victims are the Israelis, at every point.

You hear yourself ? "you just enjoy Jews being killed".

Please re-educate and un-indoctrinate yourself starting with highschool.

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There is a price to pay for Islamic terrorism.

shallow and brainwashed minds of course see this as islamic terrorism.

but all righteous and objective people see this as an act of reaction and defense from people whose land is stolen and pushed to poverty and insecurity by cheap charlie Israeli settlers who want cheap and free land to stay!

they still bulldoze the houses of Palestinians although how many times they are warned. so are you surprised for this reaction?

of course loss of human life jew, muslim whatever is sad but when there is no choice, these type of actions unfortunately becomes reality and thesis again the fault of people stealing the lands, bulldozing the houses others.

Jews sure doing the same by terrorizing Palestinians in the name of 'protecting their land and people' and and any person from any religion and righteous person acts the same if their lands are stolen!

do you really believe what you are saying i wonder? or these are just cliche answers taught to you by Zionist propaganda?

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Israel does not deserve to be among "civilized" nations when its army (IDF) acts as judge and executioner (murderers), neither its right to occupy, bulldoze or destroy Palestinian homes, nor bombing unarmed and defenseless Palestinians.

It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.

Time for the executioners incl. your leader to appear before the court in The Hague. More than enough evidence.....

And before you well known folks respond, I am NOT a jew hater.

" It is gd sad that these folks only have knives to defend themselves with.​"

I am so glad "that these folks only have knives to' kill innocents with.

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So you quote POICA as an objective source? While complaining about other posters' choice of source.

More double standard source policing.

ARIJ & POICA are many things, objective definitely ain't on the list.

Why quote October 2015? And why not equate figures with Palestinian violence for the same period of time?

All of these alleged (to emulate the OP) attacks, yet two casualties?

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He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.

The Palestinian leadership has rejected statehood three times. They had rather lob their rockets into Israel than accept statehood and live in peace.


The Palestinians have never been offered an acceptable deal by the invading European colonists. Israel has never been serious about a just peace and a Palestinian state. But they will be soon when a one state solution becomes inevitable.

Not going to fall for your deflections rehashing ancient pseudo history. Look to the future. Another thread another time maybe.

If you care to click on the link and read the article I posted I think you will find you are incorrect.

I did. You are still wrong.

47 Partition was the unjustest of the lot. What right have foreigners to give away Palestinian land to a minority of European colonists? Palestinians were the residents, not the interlopers.
Clinton, another foreigner, telling the Palestinians that they should concede more than 78% of historic Palestine they had already been ethnically cleansed from. Not realisitc.
Olmert was a lame duck Prime Minister in his last month of office who could not deliver his plan. He wouldn't even give Abbas a copy of the borders he proposed. Foreign minister Tzipi Livni and then defense minister Ehud Barak were throwing a spanner in the works too. The death knell was Israel's 2009 invasion of Gaza.
That's my take. This is old ground. look to the future.
Morch dealt with the issue in a more sensible way than your biased source.
"To be fair, both sides had their share of missing chances, causing negotiations to fail, upholding impossible demands, going back on promises and agreements on the flimsiest of excuses and acting in bad faith. I seriously doubt this can be blamed on one side only, takes two to tango."
Think we are drifting off topic. Another thread another time maybe.

You would surely note that my quoted post does support your position. Nor does it have much to do with your concept of "justice" (which one way or the other, involves the end of Israel).

Before attempting absolute "justice", might be better to consider what can be achieved realistically. Upholding the illusion that the clock will be completely turned back proved, and will continue to prove, frustrating and harmful for both sides.

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So the alleged victim squatter Harel, living on land stolen from Palestinians in the West Bank, was about to go and join his fellow fascist illegal occupiers in the IDF no doubt to ethnically cleanse, beat up and murder more Palestinians.
He was attacked by the only 2 real victims resisting Israeli illegal occupation.
If Israel had ended its occupation, and made a just peace with its neighbors, Harel would have had been living within the 67 borders and the OP would not have happened.
I blame the Israeli government.

So you are basically playing the victim card? Kinda hard to tell with all them twists. Got to wonder if those two Palestinians saw themselves as "victims" or if they would have appreciated being tagged as such. Also, what happened to the usual actions-got-consequences angle, or does that come up only in the reverse context?

The two dead Palestinians attacked an illegal Israeli settler. It can be argued that he was a legitimate target, albeit I doubt it would have mattered (or that it matter to certain posters). They were not defending anything, unless posters got a warped concept of what defense means.

Solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with one-liners is easy, making sense of a complex situation somewhat harder. Posters often choose the former.

I blame the Israeli government.


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