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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I am not crazy about Trump but the US survived GWB, perhaps the stupidest man ever to hold office in any country. The Senate and Congress - controlled by Corporations and super wealthy family's - run the show. A Republicsn Senate will be uniquely unsupportive of Trump. It will be business as usual - let the corporations plunder and pillage the US.

The US has survived to GWB but we in Europe suffer daily the consequences of its action.
There was a delicate balance in Middle-East with the leaders certainly questionable methods but it worked.
Bush came with its heavy-handed and an historical lying to impose its views. The result we now live. Isis replaced the old clans to put fire and blood area , sending us these millions of refugees fleeing terror.
Thank Mister Bush.
So one time it happens we don't knew, but not twice ...

You can thank Sec. Of State Clinton for your Syrian and Libyan refugees. She's a neocon too.

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It's all the right-whingers have to cling to. After eight years of whinging about the Obama government, they have to save face by actually thinking this bombastic bigot is a viable presidential candidate. Sad really.

HRC will romp in the general election, there are not enough KKK white supremacist lowlife hillbillies to make this a go.

And what makes you think she would be any better as president and leader of the "free world"?

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The USA was once the most powerful and influential country in the world. With their enormous financial debt to China and it's continuing strengthening the shift is there for all to see. However the USA is still a powerhouse and who sits in the big chair will have an effect on the wider world. Their credibility was badly damaged by GW Bush and his disastrous presidency and never really recovered from that.

That's right, the current president only had 8 years.

He couldn't turn it around if he had 88 years, I for

one will be happy to see him go, the further the better

regardless of who gets in as long as it's not another

Middle East boot licking person. Haven't we had a

lot of fun in that region during his eight wonderful

years and America is more divided on Black/White

issues than ever

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Jingthing, on 03 Mar 2016 - 06:10, said:
ggt, on 03 Mar 2016 - 06:08, said:

Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Over-reacting becomes you dear...

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I hope Trump wins. I hope Trump evades the snares and traps that are pouncing from every corner. By virtue of his running, all the agents who are the underlying problems in America (and globally) are daily identifying themselves by their gnashing of teeth. Pay close attention: from the GOP to the Democratic (Socialist) Party to German papers, EU politicians, Chinese mouthpieces, etc., the disease that creates the Trump Phenomena parade themselves for us to see. We can readily define Trump's support by Trump's opposition. It is because of this train of Obamaphile, HRC/Bernie Socialist engineers that Trump has any traction. Like Trump; hate Trump; one ignores Trump at their own peril because what Trump reflects is the issue, not his personality.

Trump reflects rage... not discontent. Discontent was the past midstream elections. Discontent was the various and common refrain for decades "Why are we always given the choice of the lesser of two evils?" Discontent is understatement. Discontent was the "Republican in Name Only" appellations that sought to describe the sense that GOP/Democratic Party where variously the same. Discontent was before people actually believed America was in the final days of a Republic. Discontent was before Americans appreciated that wealth is now gone, and they are slowly being reduced to a third world economy in a first world police state.

People are enraged at the wholesale race to not only change America but quickly change the mechanics of the American electoral mechanisms whereby the people can no longer even exercise their voice to protest their demise- Open borders, exporting markets, importing voters, no jobs, mind numbing debt, entitlements as constituency, destruction of social fabric, landmarks, meaning, icons, revision of history, alienation, balkanization, isolation, white guilt, privilege, certain lives matter, war on police, war on women, war on blacks, blacks on whites, whites on Hispanics, the 1%, 99%, 47%, 51%, ad infinitum.

Americans are sick of not only being the tools for communist engineering (under the cover of 'democracy') but having the levers of their government so overtly hijacked to prevent them from collectively taking control again. Having laid ample foundations in incremental (READ Progressive) fashion for decades, the Democratic (READ Progressive (READ Socialist)) Party has fully shed their cloak of denial and now races openly to the finish line, to total power, to uncoupling the ability to reverse their "progressive" engineering. In this race, made more palpable

Are you visiting us from the planet of oppositeworld?

Your post has got to be one of the most spectacular examples of economic illiteracy I've ever seen. In fact, the case is just the opposite. The wealthiest .01% of US citizens have massively increased their share of capital in the US economy. Taxes on them have been slashed overall in the past 35 years. Over 50 percent of Republican voters believe that taxes on the wealthy should be raised, yet all the major Republican candidates propose huge...make that yuuuge.. tax cuts for the wealthy.

Here's a summary of a massive study done of laws that were passed in the USA: "After sifting through nearly 1,800 US policies enacted in that period and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans (50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile) and large special interests groups, researchers concluded that the United States is dominated by its economic elite." Here's the link for that:


In short, the capitalists are winning. You should be celebrating.

Edited by stillbornagain
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The USA was once the most powerful and influential country in the world. With their enormous financial debt to China and it's continuing strengthening the shift is there for all to see. However the USA is still a powerhouse and who sits in the big chair will have an effect on the wider world. Their credibility was badly damaged by GW Bush and his disastrous presidency and never really recovered from that.

That's right, the current president only had 8 years.

He couldn't turn it around if he had 88 years, I for

one will be happy to see him go, the further the better

regardless of who gets in as long as it's not another

Middle East boot licking person. Haven't we had a

lot of fun in that region during his eight wonderful

years and America is more divided on Black/White

issues than ever

You forget that he's had a crazy congress to deal with. It seriously threatened to default on the national debt. I do agree with you about the bootlicking in the middle east though. US aid to Israel has reached record levels. It's about time that was severely cut back.

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Until I read this article, I would not have considered voting for Trump.

But now the sounds of all those elitist Europeans and Arab camel-herders squealing in fearful horror at the prospect that their cosy, cushy wealth may be under threat from this American nationalist have converted me to Trumpism.

Long live the Trump.

Someone who calls Arabs "camel herders" would not have considered voting for Trump? Who do you think you are fooling? It's clear you are exactly the kind of voter he is targeting. And to make it perfectly clear, the kind of voter he is targeting is a bigot.

So, quite a large number of bigots out there, judging by the polling results.

If calling an Arab a "camel herder" is a sign of bigotry, I gladly embrace the intended insult.

Seems you embrace racism as well, another part of the people voting for Trump

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Yes, anyone but Trump.

He's THAT bad.

That's really the election in a nutshell this time.

How many people can be educated about how bad Trump is vs. those are seduced by his CON MAN act.

I remember 4 years ago you someone were was demonizing Romney, who by all accounts is a decent enough man and moderate politician. Back then he was a "kook" that belonged to a "cult" who "wears weird underwear". Today he's out singing the same song as you the "Hillary no matter what" folks about Trump. The Republicans didn't create Trump. He is just a reaction to the "Hillary no matter what" cult. Trump is a horrible candidate and may be a worse president, but worse than Hillary? I don't think so.

Anywho, I hope he makes it far enough to stir up some shit. That has value in and of itself.

It would depend on what your definition of "decent enough" is. I seem to recall his derogatory comments about the "47%". If you receive Social Security benefits, as I do, you qualify as part of the 47%, as would anyone getting veterans benefits, unemployment, or military personnel forced to rely on food stamps. Those are just a few of the "freebies" that the GOP, and Romney, bitch about. I'm no fan of Hillary, but she would be a damn sight better than anything that slithers off of the clown bus. And, no...Drumpf is most definitely NOT a "reaction to the 'Hillary no matter what' cult". He is a direct result of the thinly veiled racism of the Tea Party, FOX, Limpdick, Savage, Alex Jones, Vanity, Mann Coulter, and the rest of the vile sludge on the extreme right. The KKK and numerous white supremacist groups are using his candidacy to both increase their financial support, and as a recruiting tool (http://www.salon.com/2015/12/10/donald_trump_is_breaking_the_white_supremacist_internet_stormfront_forced_to_upgrade_servers_to_deal_with_trump_traffic_surge/). He is aiding Muslim extremists in their recruiting, meaning that he is a genuine threat to US security (http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/02/middleeast/al-shabaab-video-trump/).

So, no...his stirring up "some shit" has no value whatsoever. In fact, the effect is just the opposite.

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Simple question re Trump:

'Would you like this loud unbalanced fool man to hold the keys to the ballistic missiles?'

Well at least he might not want to use them, there is some hope. Hillary on the other hand wouldn't hesitate, in fact looking at her record she'd be rabid enough to try a first strike.

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Yes, anyone but Trump.

He's THAT bad.

That's really the election in a nutshell this time.

How many people can be educated about how bad Trump is vs. those are seduced by his CON MAN act.

I remember 4 years ago you someone were was demonizing Romney, who by all accounts is a decent enough man and moderate politician. Back then he was a "kook" that belonged to a "cult" who "wears weird underwear". Today he's out singing the same song as you the "Hillary no matter what" folks about Trump. The Republicans didn't create Trump. He is just a reaction to the "Hillary no matter what" cult. Trump is a horrible candidate and may be a worse president, but worse than Hillary? I don't think so.

Anywho, I hope he makes it far enough to stir up some shit. That has value in and of itself.

It would depend on what your definition of "decent enough" is. I seem to recall his derogatory comments about the "47%". If you receive Social Security benefits, as I do, you qualify as part of the 47%, as would anyone getting veterans benefits, unemployment, or military personnel forced to rely on food stamps. Those are just a few of the "freebies" that the GOP, and Romney, bitch about. I'm no fan of Hillary, but she would be a damn sight better than anything that slithers off of the clown bus. And, no...Drumpf is most definitely NOT a "reaction to the 'Hillary no matter what' cult". He is a direct result of the thinly veiled racism of the Tea Party, FOX, Limpdick, Savage, Alex Jones, Vanity, Mann Coulter, and the rest of the vile sludge on the extreme right. The KKK and numerous white supremacist groups are using his candidacy to both increase their financial support, and as a recruiting tool (http://www.salon.com/2015/12/10/donald_trump_is_breaking_the_white_supremacist_internet_stormfront_forced_to_upgrade_servers_to_deal_with_trump_traffic_surge/). He is aiding Muslim extremists in their recruiting, meaning that he is a genuine threat to US security (http://edition.cnn.com/2016/01/02/middleeast/al-shabaab-video-trump/).

So, no...his stirring up "some shit" has no value whatsoever. In fact, the effect is just the opposite.

Here's a comment I liked which came in response to a Ross Douthat blog about Romney "...but no one doubts his patriotism".


Which patriotism would that be? The one that led Willard to hide out in France to dodge the Viet Nam draft? The patriotism in the Romney family that has produced not one veteran in five generations? From the Spanish American War thru Iraq II neither great grandfather, grandfather, George Romney, nor Willard or his brother, nor any of Willard's five sons deigned to serve their country. If you think Mormons are pacifists google Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Would it be the patriotism of leading the charge of closing factories and sending the jobs to China?

Would it be the patriotism of sending his ill gotten gains (aka other people's pensions) to the balmy climes of no tax jurisdictions in order to avoid paying his fair share of taxes?

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Lol at the gop establishment farts....theyre now trotting out another loser to attack mr trump.

The Mitt is about to hit the fan.

Romney was a very bad idea. They must be incredibly stupid if they didn't realise that there are records of Romney grovelling to the Donald in 2012. Trump summed it up when he said that if he'd asked Romney to go down on his knees, he'd have done it.

He trashed Rubio as well, with his comeback on the size of his hands thing.

The Trump is the only one that can destroy his chances of winning- it's his unless he stuffs up big time.

Obama is showing just what a jerk he is by getting involved.

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Bank on it.


Why Donald Trump won’t be elected president

Democratic politicians and operatives have every reason to hype the Trump threat; fear of a Trump presidency would surely boost Democratic turnout in November, helping candidates up and down the ballot. But the rest of us don’t have to agree. Trump may have defied the conventional wisdom once. That doesn’t mean he’s likely to do it a second time.
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Until I read this article, I would not have considered voting for Trump.

But now the sounds of all those elitist Europeans and Arab camel-herders squealing in fearful horror at the prospect that their cosy, cushy wealth may be under threat from this American nationalist have converted me to Trumpism.

Long live the Trump.

Someone who calls Arabs "camel herders" would not have considered voting for Trump? Who do you think you are fooling? It's clear you are exactly the kind of voter he is targeting. And to make it perfectly clear, the kind of voter he is targeting is a bigot.

That's a little unfair. Visiting students from Saudi Arabia being barred from study in the USA the article said would upset the Saudi's.

Now can I ask how many Muslim refugees has Saudi Arabia taken in to date? Their answer to that is that refugees (albeit fellow Muslims) might interfere with their lifestyle. I hope you're not going to call me a bigot for saying yeah they're all heart

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.

Not sure if it's unworkable but I am more concerned with the drug cartels and the porous border infecting the youth of America than looking politically correct. I would not be against Mexican immigrants being processed properly through access points in the wall if there is one built. You can tell me if you think that is unreasonable.

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Bank on it.


Why Donald Trump won’t be elected president

Democratic politicians and operatives have every reason to hype the Trump threat; fear of a Trump presidency would surely boost Democratic turnout in November, helping candidates up and down the ballot. But the rest of us don’t have to agree. Trump may have defied the conventional wisdom once. That doesn’t mean he’s likely to do it a second time.

Trouble with that is that the popularity of Trump is coming from voters that are not really interested in some White Paper a politician might read.

It's the American working class Democrats are the ones excited by Trump because he entertains them and he speaks to their sense of discontent. That's not unintelligent as some posters on here presume. It's clever.

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So I think it's time to come up with Trump descriptors.

Say on the Daily Show:

the Inconvenient Douche

My suggestion:

Vulgarian in Chief

Please share yours!thumbsup.gif

I like Mr President biggrin.png .

Unfortunately, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that you won't get to enjoy it. Especially given the Mitch McConnell and his crew will go out of their way to help either Bernie or Hillary get elected. http://www.rawstory.com/2016/02/mitch-mcconnell-republicans-will-drop-trump-like-a-hot-rock-if-he-wins-the-nomination/

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.

Not sure if it's unworkable but I am more concerned with the drug cartels and the porous border infecting the youth of America than looking politically correct. I would not be against Mexican immigrants being processed properly through access points in the wall if there is one built. You can tell me if you think that is unreasonable.

Well, according to the National Review and Charles Krauthammer it's dead on arrival. That from one of FOX's leading "thinkers". Krauthammer is one of the very, very few conservatives still actively employing something vaguely akin to the actual thought process. No, the wall won't be built. Mostly because it is a mindlessly stupid idea, is virtually impossible to implement, would cost vastly more than Gerbil Head is "guesstimating", and no, the Mexicans won't pay for it. As long as shovels are still being sold in Mexico, the idea is about as stupid as can be conceived. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/422864/donald-trump-deportation-republicans

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Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.

Well, according to the National Review and Charles Krauthammer it's dead on arrival. That from one of FOX's leading "thinkers". Krauthammer is one of the very, very few conservatives still actively employing something vaguely akin to the actual thought process. No, the wall won't be built. Mostly because it is a mindlessly stupid idea, is virtually impossible to implement, would cost vastly more than Gerbil Head is "guesstimating", and no, the Mexicans won't pay for it. As long as shovels are still being sold in Mexico, the idea is about as stupid as can be conceived. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/422864/donald-trump-deportation-republicans

But Trump's reference to the Great Wall of China has some point (if we ignore the slave labor that went into its construction).

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

Are you referring to the over "10 million illegal immigrants" from Mexico and Central America that the current administration has allowed to stay in the US. If there is a race war it will be because Obama has fanned the flames with his stance on black lives matter.

Not sure if it's unworkable but I am more concerned with the drug cartels and the porous border infecting the youth of America than looking politically correct. I would not be against Mexican immigrants being processed properly through access points in the wall if there is one built. You can tell me if you think that is unreasonable.

It is not possible to block illegal border crossing, just make it more difficult. With money everything is possible, and that apply to drug dealers and terrorist groups. Corruption is also big problem in the US. Money talks.

Most of "trespassers" are farming workers without job and living in misery in South America, and those people are VERY necessary to the US Economy. California is the richest state in America, and the # 8 World Economy, and it population is 50% Hispanic. No other people is willing to work on the fields of America for minimum wages, when the US unemployment and welfare government benefits brings more than a minimum wage job.

The same is already happening in Europe and that was the main reason by Germany accepted Syrian refugees.... Looking for low income laborers. The only and big difference is that Mexicans are hard working people, without political and religious issues.

One of the reasons why factories are leaving the US to use cheap labor, is exactly because its cannot find enough cheap labor in the US. Trump wants those factories back, at the same time he wants to deport the cheap laborers. He may get some robotic equipped factories, but not the ones using human hands. Immigration strict control it is important, but to deport millions of necessary workers just because are not properly documented do not make any sense. By the way, most Trump's proposals doesn't make any sense, and he is not talking about the billionaires's control and monopoly of the economy because he is part of the clan. He is using pure Demagogy targeting the worst of the US sentiments that, unfortunately, is a common "virtue" in more than 50% of the American population. Trump may win the Presidency, with a nasty fight, not only with the Democrats, also with his own party. A shame.

Edited by umbanda
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He'll never win. He's got all the votes he's going to get, 35% of 50%, all the angry white men. How many Hispanics, women, middle class, etc will vote for him? F all. He'd lose 66%-33% at best. The only one I've any time for from either party is Kasich.

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He'll never win. He's got all the votes he's going to get, 35% of 50%, all the angry white men. How many Hispanics, women, middle class, etc will vote for him? F all. He'd lose 66%-33% at best. The only one I've any time for from either party is Kasich.

He doesn't even have a majority of REPUBLICANS. You know, the right wing party.

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No, I meant like an intervention. Not an invasion. Dictionaries are useful.

I would like to see Americans hear endless messages about why electing Trump would be a disaster, from both internally and friendly allies.

Not interested in U.S. enemies saying anything ... their anti-Trump messages would backfire, given the ULTRA NATIONALISTIC, authoritarian seeking nature of the Trump base. Actually U.S. enemies supporting Trump could help defeat him ... as obviously they would want the U.S. to make such a big MISTAKE.

Great idea...if you want Trump elected. People don't like "foreigners" telling them who the should or shouldn't have as a leader. I'm sure the Brits just love to know which of their politicians has the approval of their long-time allies the Americans and French.

Of course, you also have to wonder WHY a certain foreign country would like or dislike a potential leader. We know the Clinton Foundation sold influence through its "charity", I bet those countries support Hillary.

Do we really care who Mexicans and other neighbors south of the border prefer? Do you think they want someone who is best for the USA? Or do they prefer someone who is best for them? Same goes for any other country.

Non-Americans are, of course, entitled to their opinions...well-informed or not. But the moment they start actively trying to tell Americans who to vote for they should expect a rude response. Just like anywhere else.

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He'll never win. He's got all the votes he's going to get, 35% of 50%, all the angry white men. How many Hispanics, women, middle class, etc will vote for him? F all. He'd lose 66%-33% at best. The only one I've any time for from either party is Kasich.

Yeah! Only white rednecks like Trump! Yeah!

Check out this soon to be classic from left-wing MSNBC news...the reaction of the anchorwoman is hilarious...



Edited by mopar71
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