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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I love the democracy standards of USA !!! They would even entertain such an idiot for president although if they didn't allow it to run ...they would probably be sued

If he gets elected ....it's a shame and shambles to stupidity and how dumb the electoral can get but this is politics at its finest reality hour

CCP are so much better then, behind the Kremlin-like high walls of the CCP offices and residences of Zhong Nan Hai in central Beijing, off Tienenman Square where in 1989 PLA slaughtered democracy demonstrators.

The lunatics and madmen of 21st century China are kept on the QT there for no one to hear or see.

If Trump is nominated he will not be elected Potus. Take that to an American bank. Cause no one knows how many Chinese Trumps there are...uncountable.

This is a deadbeat subject ...,and again some posters use it as a definition of China and refused to move on and then later claim Chinese is closed up

The Tiananmen is a tragedy and should never be repeated ...the recent HK riots accounted by the dumb west media tried to stir up shit and make the students the same scenario and media was encamped there hoping for another similar moment

The Chinese government didn't bite and don't send in the troopers ...and YES GASP no tanks either !!! They learnt fast and this I know irked some posters as they just wanted to engage the Chinese in any negative light possible whenever possible

They learnt their lesson and applied the best lesson of Confucius....be patient and wait it out and indeed as time grew ....the people got frustrated , the streets emptied out and yes there is no tragedies repeated...this is how you get 5000 years of history there are dumb moments of insanity but by and large the Chinese have survived so many time lapses because they can wait it out

Now coming back to trump the idiot ....if he becomes POTUS this will surely be a subject of much mockery for years to come ...we almost need the idiot elected

this is how you get 5000 years of history

Get back to me in five years.

Do it with or without Trump wherever he may be after he gets blown out, either at the Republican convention by being headed off then and there, or in November after the ge.

It will anyway take another 5000 years for China to shed its delusions and to get out of the ancient and also the pre-industrial mindset.

Good thing the world didn't wait for the Chinese to invent electricity or we'd all still be reading by candlelight. Et cetera as far as improving civilisation goes.

It took 'em 4970 years to get out of the Age of Agriculture (9970 years actually). For what, the CCP new and nervous dynasty of emperors in business suits. Dictators all.

CCP had anyway better hope The Donald does not get the nomination or possibly elected because for better and for worse he'd kick arse over there in a minute. Your Boyz not only would have seen it coming, they'd feel it good when it hits.

Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaha arrogance just like Trump ....this is quite a match made in heaven

Love to see the welcome given to the dumb ass when he visits Beijing ....we will probably get a Super giant Haider fan and blow his dumb hairpiece out for CNN to broadcast

It will be comedy club for four years we really want to see him elected now the idiot leader of the free world bet even Kim can't knock him off the polls of being the dumbest democratic leader of all times

Vote him in ! I say ....it Beats the dumb rhetorics of bush that can't speak for an international leader and likes to bomb for fun

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Donald Trump is not going to be elected Potus. Anyone who doesn't know this does not know anything.

All the same, the CCP Dictators fears Trump 2nd most of all Americans. But the world fears Trump almost equally as do the CCP Dictators.

The person CCP fears and hates most is Hillary Clinton. HRC is attacked online every day by CCP from its highest ranks to its lowest levels. Fiercely, as the Number One Enemy of the CCP.

As the American general in S Korea told congress last month, Kim will initiate war (for about one minute) only when he sees the game is over.

With CCP economy going down, Kim is going to have to think very seriously about having to bail on them too before too much longer. Pres. Park in Seoul has begun speaking openly about Pyongyang collapsing, the first time a S Korean president has spoken openly about it. Something is afoot here.

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Come on now.

Trump is favored for the nomination. Still. Good chance of a contested convention but he would still be favored to take that.

So from there it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Clinton has strong weaknesses too.

So Trump COULD be president. Probably not, but could.

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Come on now.

Trump is favored for the nomination. Still. Good chance of a contested convention but he would still be favored to take that.

So from there it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Clinton has strong weaknesses too.

So Trump COULD be president. Probably not, but could.

Yes Trump if nominated could thereby be elected Potus.

Romney could have been. McCain could have been. Michael Dukakis could have been but none were. Etc.

Possible yes. Not probable, however, and highly unlikely.

Las Vegas today says the odds of Trump being elected Potus are 3-1 or 25%. Odds aren't everything but they do tells us something.

HRC btw has 1-2 odds or 66.6% probability to be elected Potus. (Barack Obama's best and true odds were 1-5 or 83% probability, in October 2012.)

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Which is why I'm conflicted about who to "root" for in the republican race.

Kasich would be the least bad, but a good chance of being elected.

Cruz would be actually be the worst based on his clearly defined and horrible ideology, but he doesn't seem insane, just NASTY.
Rubio I see as basically out already because he will lose Florida, but he'd make an attractive VP pick.

Trump seems insane and his supporters seem insane, even darkly nihilistic. But I think the poorest chance of beating Hillary, but who knows?

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Is Trump Hitlerian?

In some ways yes, in some ways no.

But his support base is quite similar to Hitler's initial support election base:

Alfred Münzer, a Holocaust survivor, is nervous: Donald Trump’s increasingly vile campaign for president is becoming increasingly viable.

“I am very worried about what he says. I am much more worried by how it’s received,” Münzer told me in a phone interview from his Washington, D.C., home, as voters in nearby Virginia went to the polls and handed Trump another Super Tuesday victory. “The fact that he’s been able to attract these huge numbers of people, so full of hate — I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anything quite like this.”


It's not a coincidence that the question of relating Trumpism to historical fascist movements is being discussed all over the world. There IS something to it.


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I don't want Trump to be president, but I do not think he is anything like Hitler. For one thing, he is not a racist. He is rather full of crap and keeps changing his positions, but he is right about the war on terror, Israel and protecting our borders. I wish that he would be someone's vice president, so he could gain experience and we could get a better idea of what we are getting, but I don't think that is going to happen.

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I don't want Trump to be president, but I do not think he is anything like Hitler. For one thing, he is not a racist. He is rather full of crap and keeps changing his positions, but he is right about the war on terror, Israel and protecting our borders. I wish that he would be someone's vice president, so he could gain experience and we could get a better idea of what we are getting, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Don't know where you got the daft idea that he's good for Israel.

Recent paraphrased quote from an Israeli politician -- Trump is dangerous for the world, so he's dangerous for Israel.

Whether he's personally racist or not, he's milking the racist demographic. That's sick and twisted.

If you were more honest you'd see this too, he changes positions constantly. Nobody knows what's he's really about, probably even himself. He comes off as insane, his supporters come off as insane, and many people all over the world are correct to fear such madness in the oval office.

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I don't want Trump to be president, but I do not think he is anything like Hitler. For one thing, he is not a racist. He is rather full of crap and keeps changing his positions, but he is right about the war on terror, Israel and protecting our borders. I wish that he would be someone's vice president, so he could gain experience and we could get a better idea of what we are getting, but I don't think that is going to happen.

Don't know where you got the daft idea that he's good for Israel.

Recent paraphrased quote from an Israeli politician -- Trump is dangerous for the world, so he's dangerous for Israel.

Whether he's personally racist or not, he's milking the racist demographic. That's sick and twisted.

If you were more honest you'd see this too, he changes positions constantly. Nobody knows what's he's really about, probably even himself. He comes off as insane, his supporters come off as insane, and many people all over the world are correct to fear such madness in the oval office.

I agree with you that Trump is milking the racist demographic. In much the same way that Hillary Clinton has done with her pandering to the African American community and co-opting the AA establishment leadership with the standard beltway quid pro quo. The only difference between the two is, there isn't much evidence that Trump's actions are racist but the same can not be said for Hillary Clinton.

If I've learned anything from the rabid, partisan politicos here, it is the end always justifies the means, so I don't blame either side for doing it as a political calculation. I DO blame the media who will talk around the subject with words like "firewall" and so forth, but they reserve their criticism for only one side. I'd like to see them cast a wider net.

Ironically, it is only African American journalists, who may know a thing or two about the many ways racism presents itself, that I have read that seem to see this equivalency, the great white media has their eyes wide shut. On purpose I would suggest. Is the media racist?

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African Americans are savvy due to the fact they know how they want to vote and why. Hillary Clinton has their support for specific reasons in the present and to include the past.

Black political party identification and voting has gone from 44% of blacks voting the Democratic party in 1936 to 80% voting D in 1968 and finally to 93% voting successfully to reelect Barack Obama the 44th Potus.

While the data may not be a statement of a certain racialism in the larger society or in one particular political party, i.e., the Republican party, one can nonetheless infer a political party racialism from it, given other socio-political factors in a context. For example, Nixon's Southern Strategy.

Trump and the Republican party are outright rejected by black Americans who also have their own specialised media run by black Americans. It is up to Americans to respect choices consciously made by a people who in their political life identify as a group in society and in the body politic.

In short, black Americans will define amongst themselves and for themselves who might be exploiting them and who might be pandering to them, and who might be systematically stealing their vote, in contrast to those who do not do any such things and more.

Smug and pretentious white dudes need not apply.

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LOL Democrats have been successfully pandering to blacks for 50 years and the plight of blacks has gotten worse. As a whole they are poor and lacking jobs. Does someone think that there are no blacks who care about exporting jobs to China and Mexico or illegal immigrants who take jobs from all Americans and drive wages down?

What has Obama done for the plight of Blacks? Rhetorical question, of course.

It was Republicans who got them most of their current rights beginning with Abe Lincoln who freed the slaves. A black man speaks: LINK

1. The Republicans freed the slaves, that helped me
2. The Republicans made black people citizens, that helped me
3. The Republicans gave black people the right to vote, that helped me
4. The Republicans gave black people the right to buy and own land and other property, and that helped me.
5. The Republicans gave black people the right to serve on a jury, and that helped me.
6. The Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and that helped me
7. The Republicans passed the Civil Rights of 1960, and that helped me
8. The Republicans helped passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and that helped me
9. The Republicans helped pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and that helped me
10. The Republicans passed anti-lynching laws, and that helped me
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Don't know where you got the daft idea that he's good for Israel.

Recent paraphrased quote from an Israeli politician -- Trump is dangerous for the world, so he's dangerous for Israel.

Daft? Daft is thinking that a paraphrased quote from an unnamed politician is going to convince anybody of anything.

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Ex right wing nut Hillary was a Goldwater girl

In 1964 when Goldwater got creamed in the general election Hillary Clinton the Goldwater Girl was younger than I was (still is ha ha) and I too supported Barry Goldwater. I was too young to vote (fortunately) but by 1968 I'd come to my political senses and voted for Hubert Humphrey against Richard Nixon and I've been off to the races ever since. Which shows that your lecturing and scolding gets misplaced rather quickly.

You have great idealism and faith in middle America taming it's extremes and thus repeating the past.

The United States has never lurched to fascism or communist. It never will to include electing Trump who is nothing more than a radical wildman. Trump's wild campaign to seize the Republican party nomination may succeed as Goldwater did in his rightwing rebellion, but Trump would never be elected Potus. Count on it. The objective factual historical record shows the United States electorate does not go to ideological or personally radical extremes in these ways. The Civil War was drastic but it settled the matter of political extremes...forever.

Tony Blair has said he does not recognize the political landscape any more,

He never did recognize it globally which makes Tony Blair one of the most discredited UK prime ministers of its history. Tommy Rot could have beat the Torries in 1997. Boris Johnson too can commiserate with Donald Trump in their stinging political retirement from the respective national scene.

(Can socialism deal with america's problems, it hasn't in the last 8 years, more helped to create them?)

The United States does not have socialism. Socialism is the government ownership and operating of the means of transportation, communication, production. Only the radical whingenuts of wingnuttia call the past eight years socialism. The whackjob right wouldn't know socialism from USA progressivism if it up and smacked 'em as if they stepped on a rake.

Stalin is right: It isn't the people who decide anything, it's the vote counters who decide everything, so your vote means nothing.

Stalin was right about that in Russia as well as in your book. Applies also in Cuba, CCP China, Rwanda and a lot of same or similar places. My vote counts and so does your vote, assuming you do vote somewhere.

Thanks for all of that in your post. Without rightwhingenuts it would get boring around here.

Haha! for someone who claims he doesn't do predictions, its a hallmark, ("count on it") you need to revisit your own posts.

So you have migrated from "Rightwingnuttia to Leftwingnuttia". I was opposed to Goldwater when you and Hillary supported him. He was a dangerous man.

Agree with you on Tony Blair but it was still worth quoting his observation. Religion/politics mix saw him and Bush oversee a tragic mistake.

Progressivism is Socialism's child. I never said USA was a socialist country. I asked if the last 8 years were influenced by pro socialist ideas.

In the past FDR's New Deal was considered socialist but was never called that because of peoples aversion to anything socialist.

The 8 hour day, food stamps, 40 hour week, minimum wage, social security were secured as a check on rampant capitalism, and could be called socialism, but it was rugged individualism that made America great. I have mixed views on this, equal opportunity is great but equal outcomes is an impossibility and thus a distortion. Should charity spring from freedom to give or from confiscation? Is it envy taxes when taxation of the "rich" is supported by people who love to covet their neighbor's goods? Should your taxes go to corporate welfare and the bail out of banks? Or support the military and foreign wars you disagree with? Many questions which are not easy to answer unless you are already committed to Left or Right "wingnuttia".

Bernie Sanders (whom I like most of the contenders because of some subconscious reason perhaps he seems personable, which should not be the criteria btw) calls himself a democratic socialist. But more taxes? While you predict Trump will never be President, and unlike you I have no idea, I maintain that if he did, the Office would have a huge moderating effect even if he intends to carry out his threats. Which in my view is simply a marketing exercise to capture the discontented vote. Hence why the torture issue appeals but in reality prisoners will lie to alleviate the pain.

Your vote counts? Your vote already does not count if cronyism continues through big banks and corporations to buy favor and influence from politicians that are meant to represent you, rigging laws and regulations for their benefit.

I cannot vote because I am not an American as I've said several times.

Unlike you I come from "Neitherwingnuttia" if you like, and try to keep an open mind. Your writings try to be objective and authoritative but usually revert to an emotional name calling exercise which betrays that intention and only makes you feel good. Shame really.

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Don't know where you got the daft idea that he's good for Israel.

Recent paraphrased quote from an Israeli politician -- Trump is dangerous for the world, so he's dangerous for Israel.

Daft? Daft is thinking that a paraphrased quote from an unnamed politician is going to convince anybody of anything.

Trump is a yuge supporter of Israel.smile.png

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Donald Trump is not going to be elected Potus. Anyone who doesn't know this does not know anything.

All the same, the CCP Dictators fears Trump 2nd most of all Americans. But the world fears Trump almost equally as do the CCP Dictators.

The person CCP fears and hates most is Hillary Clinton. HRC is attacked online every day by CCP from its highest ranks to its lowest levels. Fiercely, as the Number One Enemy of the CCP.

As the American general in S Korea told congress last month, Kim will initiate war (for about one minute) only when he sees the game is over.

With CCP economy going down, Kim is going to have to think very seriously about having to bail on them too before too much longer. Pres. Park in Seoul has begun speaking openly about Pyongyang collapsing, the first time a S Korean president has spoken openly about it. Something is afoot here.

Publicus post yesterday:

" This poster does not deal in predictions. I don't know meteorology."

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

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Ex right wing nut Hillary was a Goldwater girl

In 1964 when Goldwater got creamed in the general election Hillary Clinton the Goldwater Girl was younger than I was (still is ha ha) and I too supported Barry Goldwater. I was too young to vote (fortunately) but by 1968 I'd come to my political senses and voted for Hubert Humphrey against Richard Nixon and I've been off to the races ever since. Which shows that your lecturing and scolding gets misplaced rather quickly.

You have great idealism and faith in middle America taming it's extremes and thus repeating the past.

The United States has never lurched to fascism or communist. It never will to include electing Trump who is nothing more than a radical wildman. Trump's wild campaign to seize the Republican party nomination may succeed as Goldwater did in his rightwing rebellion, but Trump would never be elected Potus. Count on it. The objective factual historical record shows the United States electorate does not go to ideological or personally radical extremes in these ways. The Civil War was drastic but it settled the matter of political extremes...forever.

Tony Blair has said he does not recognize the political landscape any more,

He never did recognize it globally which makes Tony Blair one of the most discredited UK prime ministers of its history. Tommy Rot could have beat the Torries in 1997. Boris Johnson too can commiserate with Donald Trump in their stinging political retirement from the respective national scene.

(Can socialism deal with america's problems, it hasn't in the last 8 years, more helped to create them?)

The United States does not have socialism. Socialism is the government ownership and operating of the means of transportation, communication, production. Only the radical whingenuts of wingnuttia call the past eight years socialism. The whackjob right wouldn't know socialism from USA progressivism if it up and smacked 'em as if they stepped on a rake.

Stalin is right: It isn't the people who decide anything, it's the vote counters who decide everything, so your vote means nothing.

Stalin was right about that in Russia as well as in your book. Applies also in Cuba, CCP China, Rwanda and a lot of same or similar places. My vote counts and so does your vote, assuming you do vote somewhere.

Thanks for all of that in your post. Without rightwhingenuts it would get boring around here.

Haha! for someone who claims he doesn't do predictions, its a hallmark, ("count on it") you need to revisit your own posts.

So you have migrated from "Rightwingnuttia to Leftwingnuttia". I was opposed to Goldwater when you and Hillary supported him. He was a dangerous man.

Agree with you on Tony Blair but it was still worth quoting his observation. Religion/politics mix saw him and Bush oversee a tragic mistake.

Progressivism is Socialism's child. I never said USA was a socialist country. I asked if the last 8 years were influenced by pro socialist ideas.

In the past FDR's New Deal was considered socialist but was never called that because of peoples aversion to anything socialist.

The 8 hour day, food stamps, 40 hour week, minimum wage, social security were secured as a check on rampant capitalism, and could be called socialism, but it was rugged individualism that made America great. I have mixed views on this, equal opportunity is great but equal outcomes is an impossibility and thus a distortion. Should charity spring from freedom to give or from confiscation? Is it envy taxes when taxation of the "rich" is supported by people who love to covet their neighbor's goods? Should your taxes go to corporate welfare and the bail out of banks? Or support the military and foreign wars you disagree with? Many questions which are not easy to answer unless you are already committed to Left or Right "wingnuttia".

Bernie Sanders (whom I like most of the contenders because of some subconscious reason perhaps he seems personable, which should not be the criteria btw) calls himself a democratic socialist. But more taxes? While you predict Trump will never be President, and unlike you I have no idea, I maintain that if he did, the Office would have a huge moderating effect even if he intends to carry out his threats. Which in my view is simply a marketing exercise to capture the discontented vote. Hence why the torture issue appeals but in reality prisoners will lie to alleviate the pain.

Your vote counts? Your vote already does not count if cronyism continues through big banks and corporations to buy favor and influence from politicians that are meant to represent you, rigging laws and regulations for their benefit.

I cannot vote because I am not an American as I've said several times.

Unlike you I come from "Neitherwingnuttia" if you like, and try to keep an open mind. Your writings try to be objective and authoritative but usually revert to an emotional name calling exercise which betrays that intention and only makes you feel good. Shame really.

So you have migrated from "Rightwingnuttia to Leftwingnuttia". I was opposed to Goldwater when you and Hillary supported him. He was a dangerous man.

Agree with you on Tony Blair but it was still worth quoting his observation. Religion/politics mix saw him and Bush oversee a tragic mistake.

Progressivism is Socialism's child. I never said USA was a socialist country. I asked if the last 8 years were influenced by pro socialist ideas.

In the past FDR's New Deal was considered socialist but was never called that because of peoples aversion to anything socialist.

The 8 hour day, food stamps, 40 hour week, minimum wage, social security were secured as a check on rampant capitalism, and could be called socialism, but it was rugged individualism that made America great.

You excluded your original post from my reply. It's a wise tactical decision due to all the backtracking immediately above.

The self-pronounced open mind comes from the right of the political spectrum as one can easily identify in the point of view, using the word socialism about the Obama presidency, challenging the posters you choose to challenge and to pursue, and in many other ways.

And like wow, I haven't heard "rugged individualism" even from the extremist rightwhingers of past decades so you're really out of time in your referencing of it in the USA, if it in fact ever existed beyond a figment of the imagination of the Goldwater right. That's how long ago. Do try to keep up plse thx.

As for asserting as you cite Josef Stalin that my vote doesn't count, I'll decide that thanks, just as black Americans long ago decided their vote counts and decided to vote 80% for the Democratic party, and now 90%-plus for the Democratic party, the past few decades. Next after getting a quote from Stalin perhaps we'll be hearing about Mussolini and lions but we won't hear any of my analysis based in history and shared by others over the long haul of how Anglophile society and civilisation reject Mussolinis inherently and in the absolute.

What does occur is that US rightwhingers like to call moderate, center-right Republicans RINO (Republican In Name Only) while black Americans like to call the tiny minority of black Republicans OREO, i.e., the cookie that is black on the outside and white on the inside. One can suppose each his point, the latter in particular.

It is also the consistent case a number of people on the hard right who are not always far far far right readily say they like Bernie Sanders. These hardcore conservatives say little more about Sanders however than that he's better than most of those running and that he's a personable guy blah blah blurp blurp.

They instead spend their time attacking HR Clinton and supporters of Clinton. These firmly core conservative talkers hardly ever discuss or criticise Trump....or Cruz....and they are dismissive of Rubio and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. The hard conservative right keep hitting on Hillary Clinton and her supporters while giving Sanders and Trump a basically free ride. That means you....among several other regular but obtuse talkers here. Youse guyz are more than obvious in this tact.

You moreover keep missing my analysis to say I'm a weatherman. Perhaps you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. The wind from over there does blow and it blows hard however. So youse guyz on the hard conservative right do need to spruce up on recognising the difference between an analysis and a rain dance. In instances of analysis one can rebut or counter argue, whereas in a rain dance one does as with Marco Rubio need water.

Analysis based in social science, political science, electoral experience and the like are not the work of Kreskin the Magnificent nor does my analysis come from the inside of a spirit house. It doesn't sweep in off the Texas Panhandle either. It is objective analysis in contrast to "X is going to win blah blah blah because the other side is wrong, and they are evil, wicked socialists/progressives/liberals from hell."

My analysis cites the precedent of R Sen Barry Goldwater in 1964 in respect of Donald Trump, and I increasingly cite the precedent of R Sen Joe McCarthy concerning Sen Ted Cruz and Trump himself. The Bigmouth Three. Historical and other analysis of each individually and the three together are both relevant and material, objectively speaking.

Do try to keep these things in mind next time you head out to the spirit house to meet up with the philosophical brethren of the hard conservative right.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

My guess is that many of those who lost money in Trump adventures would not agree with you.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

My guess is that many of those who lost money in Trump adventures would not agree with you.

The world is filled with people who consider themselves perpetual victims. Not that I forgive Trump, I don't. Let the law take it where it will. But dollars to donuts these people will be taken in by the next charlatan that crosses their path. Not much different than Clinton donors who bought the "Progressive" marketing IMO.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

My guess is that many of those who lost money in Trump adventures would not agree with you.

Indeed, it is difficult for the hardcore conservative right to criticise Trump (Cruz also) while simultaneously stepping forward gently to say something kind about Sanders, then jumping out at Clinton while tossing the net over Clinton's supporters.

Quite the obvious contradiction or so it could seem.

The tact and approach of the hard conservative right in this campaign are indeed unmistakable.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

I too learned my lessons the hard way in business when I was young. It doesn't forgive the scammer Trump's various business misadventures, but it does illustrate a strong point, albeit unintentionally: strong, successful business people take risks, have the courage to face failure, cause chaotic trans-formative change, and as a result usually end up building things of value for their families and for their communities. I've done business with many world-class shysters (you don't always get to choose your partners), and Trump is just another in a long line of swindlers who managed to win more than lose (and had a nice tidy sum of start-up cash). To me, this guy is completely transparent.

But, to others (particularly his uneducated base), Trump's attractiveness is that he is unlike the other slick, low-value producing, blood-sucking politicians. He has courage, bravado, and talks a big talk of change that would align with their interests.

Trump is truly a chump and the foreign embassies in Washington are ringing the phones off the wall in the White House with worry.

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If I was an Israeli I would be very reassured by that given his track record with investors in the Trump Ocean Resort Baja and those who enrolled in his "University". Not for nothing does Trump employ an army of lawyers.

I maintain that if someone gave $35k to Trump University and was wholly dissatisfied with their experience they will have gotten at least $35k in business education. I'll be forever grateful that in my first foray into financial markets that I lost money. It gave me an education it might have otherwise taken me years to learn.

My guess is that many of those who lost money in Trump adventures would not agree with you.

The world is filled with people who consider themselves perpetual victims. Not that I forgive Trump, I don't. Let the law take it where it will. But dollars to donuts these people will be taken in by the next charlatan that crosses their path. Not much different than Clinton donors who bought the "Progressive" marketing IMO.

Perpetual victims is that really all that it amounts to in your eyes?

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'Perpetual victims' is the language and the attitude of the conservative hard right all the way out to the rightwhingers.

The conservative hard right however likes to hem and haw and to hedge, whereas the rightwhingers are hard on in their frontal attacks.

So the conservative hard right can seem reasonable in contrast to the far far far out right. However, the common element is whinging. Whinging from the right.

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Bloomberg would have been a great choice but as he quoted in WSJ today , he knows he has a low chance of winning as he is tough , business savvy and he doesn't spout rubbish that would appeal for votes

Wisely he has step aside , however he has also mentioned both candidates on both parties are not anyone he would endorse either and that's accurate.

Both Hilary and Trump are poor choices and it would be an interesting 4 years of dumb leadership

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