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Should alcohol be more expensive in Thailand?


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Looks like a pic from the full moon party. Where they sell "magic mushroom milkshakes", drugs are freely available, and cheap (potentially illegal) booze is sold in buckets to young backpackers. Perhaps regulating this would be an improvement? LOL

edit: I use to wear contact lenses. I got off a long flight one night and wanted a drink while in Boston. Went to the local pub and was refused a drink because of my red eyes. Bartender said I'd had too much. Maybe something like this would help also. Refusing to sell more booze to somebody already over the top.

I agree. I lived in Australia for a while. Over there, there were some instances I was refused a drink at a bar because I had drunk too much (or at least, the bartender had thought that). I cannot imagine that ever happening in Thailand; lol.

As for the original question of the thread, my answer is NO. Alcoholic drinks (except lao khao of course) are already quite expensive/overpriced in Thailand.

let's cut right to it ... 100 baht surcharge on anything "hoochi coo" related per visit . as well as a excise tacks of 12% of annual income for "dicks with tit's" . the dykes , lezbo's , and confused get a pass along with the "simple homo" . yes as i see it ... that's a plan ..............

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No alcohol should not be more expensive. The older Thais would not be able to afford it just like the younger generation who were raised on it. The will turn violent if not government hospital help. Rob, steal any ting for a drink. The price of drinks do not matter to them but to the Thais it is part of there tradition!

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No alcohol should not be more expensive. The older Thais would not be able to afford it just like the younger generation who were raised on it. The will turn violent if not government hospital help. Rob, steal any ting for a drink. The price of drinks do not matter to them but to the Thais it is part of there tradition!

Exactly, putting the price up on cigarettes and alcohol will only increase the smuggling, mafia, black market for the demand of cheaper products. Remember prohibition in the U.S, gangster's thrived. As for the younger generation, unlike most old politicians and their do gooder's social set, I can remember my youth and I was no different to those today. Half of my day's at university were spent down the pub. Hell, most universities have a students union bar in them anyways. As for tradition, well, I remember eating my first sticky rice and spicy pork at a street vendors stall and watching local Thai's mostly elderly sit down order their food and take a couple of shots of Mekong whisky. It's just way of life, they don't think about it. Like banning wine in France, banning vodka in Russia, banning beer in Germany, ouso in Greece, etc.
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