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Migrants sew lips together to protest treatment in Calais Jungle


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Migrants sew lips together to protest treatment in Calais Jungle


CALAIS: -- Migrants in France sewed their lips together in protest of their treatment in the Calais camp known as the “Jungle.”

The seven men, mostly from Iran, demonstrated as migrants were evicted and part of the shanty town destroyed.

The men stood in front of French riot police holding signs.

Sarwar, a refugee from Iraq, has been living at the camp for six months.

“I’m planning to go to UK, but how?,” he asked. “The border is closed. I cannot live in the Jungle anymore because CRS (French riot police) no leave me alone, destroyed my shelter, and I don’t know where my life is going.”

Sarwar said he did not want to relocate to a container offered by the French government because he said it is like a prison.

Authorities continued destroying homes to clear the southern part of the camp on Wednesday.

Thousands of migrants fleeing war and poverty have converged on the French port over the past year.

Many try to climb onto trains using the Channel Tunnel or into lorries heading to the UK.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-03
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Personally...I say let em eat soup...........sorry all but no sympathy any longer...........leave their country because they don't want to fight...... to save their country..........and expect handouts forever.....!

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“I’m planning to go to UK, but how?,” he asked.

Try following the legal procedures and applying in accordance with the law.

Maybe no one has explained that countries don't just let anyone in to live there and do as they please, just because they fancy a change or think they'll get better treated for nothing. Iran and Iraq are not at war. They don't want to help their own country to defend itself against terrorists and criminals. Free handouts are much better.

They are simply illegal immigrants who have taken advantage of weak French governments.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Personally...I say let em eat soup...........sorry all but no sympathy any longer...........leave their country because they don't want to fight...... to save their country..........and expect handouts forever.....!

There is bombs or war in Iran- Their economy is taking off. They just want to get to Britain for the DOLE BENEFITS and FREE everything- Kick them out straight back to Iran.They are unemployable and with a mentality like they have just future trouble.

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Personally...I say let em eat soup...........sorry all but no sympathy any longer...........leave their country because they don't want to fight...... to save their country..........and expect handouts forever.....!

Piss easy... give them straws and a bottle of water - no problob.

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What a simply brilliant idea !

The noise will be muted and they can be fed "dish wash water" soup via straws !

The sloppy apologists will be impressed by this display of mass stupidity but the majority will stand firm and continue to oppose this mob of economic migrates being allowed into the UK.

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As far as I understand the French government offered them a chance to go to a camp where they could be processed including taking their finger prints...this they refused.

So, they want and want knowing fully well that they are not entitled to any of it.

I couldn't care less for them. Judging by the news and video clips it was about time to clear that shanty town riddled with crime.

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Iranians ,! , are we taking anyone now as long as they are muslims ?, they would have been better off staying home to vote in their elections and make it a better and more free , if this migration continues we just as well throw one big hijab over Europe as all will be dark , for the sake of a safer world for everyone , if they want to live with europeans they must act like us , when in rome etc etc , otherwise it will lead to the Enoch Powell's rivers of blood scenareo

Edited by osiboy
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They sure learnt the rules of emotional blackmail pretty well, far better than they have learned civilised behaviour, respect for the law or respect for women.

'The West is soft and stupid. Pretend you are desperate, my friend, weep a little, cry out in pain, and they will take you in like the fools they are.'

Maybe they were taught by that female, pregnant, Ethiopian lawyer who arrived in Calais and declared that her child had "a right to be born in the United Kingdom."

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I wish the police, the European governments, the press would desist in their appalling suppression of the reporting of the crime, violence and cost to taxpayers of these anti-social, hostile, unskilled, unintegratable criminals.

It is a stupid policy and flies in the face of the concept of transparency.

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Personally...I say let em eat soup...........sorry all but no sympathy any longer...........leave their country because they don't want to fight...... to save their country..........and expect handouts forever.....!

There is bombs or war in Iran- Their economy is taking off. They just want to get to Britain for the DOLE BENEFITS and FREE everything- Kick them out straight back to Iran.They are unemployable and with a mentality like they have just future trouble.

" with a mentality like they have just future trouble."

if not relocated they ARE the trouble

demanding to go where they want not caring if they are welcome and what they could do for whatever country

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Ol' Lippy said he doesnt want to live in a container because it feels like a prison, and he says he wants to go to the UK....hahaha.

er, if you dont like it, go home! Try looking in a mirror mate, and see how stupid you look. Do you honestly think we need another nut-job like you in England?

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Anyone who supported this mass migration is to blame. So many people were all for these poor refugees coming into their countries, until they realized the reality of it.

I've just invented a new word it's called "MERKLED" it means to finally wise up,after making too many mistakes!

Edited by MAJIC
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Europe will be in flames this summer.

I hope you are wrong but fear you may be right.

There are many signs of an impending explosion.

Attempts by politicians and the MSN to hide the truth about sexual assaults on women, murder and other acts of violence and criminality by "refugees" has failed.

Mad Merkal and her sycophants must accept responsibility for creating a situation which is likely to result in widespread civil unrest.

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