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Neighbour has burning fires on a daily basis - what can we do?


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wow, I'm (not?) surprised to see so many people with the same problems. we'll definitely go and talk with the housing company on monday and possibly with the police. i'm not afraid of bribing them as long as they take action. it's thailand after all, it'll probably take at least a bribe for them to have the will to act.

sometimes i'm close to filling a bucket of water, walking over there and throwing it on his fire. i hope he doesn't pull out a gun if i do that, though he seems quite peaceful.

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The lady next door used to burn plastic in the evening on a fire just outside our window and 10metres from her house, we asked her to stop, she didn't. So every time she lit her fire we turned on this fan that blew the stinking smoke to her houseattachicon.gifimage.jpg

She doesn't burn plastic near our house anymore

You can not stop people doing things on their land. They can not stop you doing things on your land.

Work round the problem if you can.

Two of the cheap 25" models could help to turn the winds?

Nah - couple 'o these -post-166937-0-70633000-1457086894_thumb.

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Since there is nothing illegal about making charcoal, why not just pay the neighbor not to make charcoal. Or just wait it out until someone buys his property to build an adjoining housing estate. By the way, the neighbor has probably been making charcoal long before your housing estate was built. Anyone purchasing a home in Thailand needs to do due diligence and beware that there are few regulations as to what can be done on adjoining property.

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Have you asked him to do it somewhere that means it doesn't blow into your house?

Buy him a fan and plug into your power supply and blow it elsewhere.That's what i did with my bil.Well with him it was my fan,but blew it right back at him.Neighbors on the other side have got the pit dug and the wood ready to go,but are kindly waiting until i go to Nepal for 2 months to get out of the heat.

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Whether it be burning, noise, littering, or sanitation, you will never be able to stop Thais from polluting. They have no consideration for you, and no concept of the future results of their actions.

It's all about themselves and the present moment. Anything you try to do, will only make them hate you more. You will lose and be an exile.

Building or buying a home here is a huge mistake, unless you are prepared and willing to live among the animals. I learned the hard way, much like you.

Not all of us have hard luck stories such as yourself.Everybody and i mean everybody is quite considerate where i live.The occasional loud bike or sub woofer and that's about it.

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