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Think Trump was crude? The Founding Fathers were just as bad


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Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.

Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable.

So get back to us after November 8th which is election day, as we call it. For people who get elected it is their day. If Trump gets the Republican party nomination, it will be his bad hair day.

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Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.

The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable.

Define the respectable? laugh.png

"This morning in Cadillac, Michigan far left protesters repeatedly interrupted, screamed profanities and were forced out of the Donald Trump rally.

With thousands of people in attendance at his rallies there are dozens of fascist protesters who sneak in to each event"


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Because we all know couched in the language of the status quo this nation is surely dying.

Speak for yourself.

. But thanks for inviting further points.

It is the "status quo" language of the Progressive train-wreck of the US that has word meanings muddled, up down, left right, in out, etc. It is the intellectual prison of the social space that has people measured, judged, and ostracized or applauded for toting not points of view but social engineering memes, talking points- agenda! In the modern US social space only approved language is acceptable, and only approved people can use approved words. A body of leftist forces pulls and chagrins and pushes and blackmails the whole into speaking in whispers and silencing any dissent. America under Progressive Stewardship is about as Orwellian as a State can get this side of 2am door kicking-in.

The leftist/socialist infiltration of the body politic in the US has rendered debate into a ballet where the choreography is entirely by agenda. People are sick of this. Like Trump or hate Trump, he has traction because people are sick of the way things are. Lets be clear: nearly all modern pathology in the US from its foreign policy of marrying islamic jihad to its woeful economics and outcome based domestic policy- all are the result of Progressivism and the obedience of the GOP as a lapdog.

"Its a forum. People only speak for themselves; how astute"

When someone writes "we all know" they aren't just speaking for themselves. They're attempting to speak for me as well. One thing I do know. When someone writes "we all know" it's being used as a dishonest rhetorical trick to advance something tendentious. As for the rest of your posting, agian there's no facts or data just tendentious assertions with no facts to back them us. What does "its foreign policy of marrying islamic jihad to its woeful economics and outcome based domestic policy- all are the result of Progressivism" even mean? Talk about gobbledygook!

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Awww your not the only nation on earth with circus performers lobbying for head of state, just take a look in Australia, we had Rudd vs Gillard show now we got Abbot of Costello fame doing a number on the guy Malcolm who unseated him as PM for being just plain terrible....but do you think he gets it? nooooooo.

They were amateurs compared with Paul Keating, like him or hate him, he was the master of the insult.
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Boon Mee, on 06 Mar 2016 - 09:24, said:

Publicus, on 06 Mar 2016 - 08:49, said:

Yann55, on 06 Mar 2016 - 07:32, said:

Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.


The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable. 

Define the respectable?;laugh.png

"This morning in Cadillac, Michigan far left protesters repeatedly interrupted, screamed profanities and were forced out of the Donald Trump rally.

With thousands of people in attendance at his rallies there are dozens of fascist protesters who sneak in to each event"



John Kasich.



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Sadly there are many in the US who think the sort exchange that takes place between the Republican front runners is actually real and normal acceptable discussion!

I'm certain it would be around here too if not for the rules. :)

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...disgusting manner of communicating between adults in the room. However, what has come to be the modern linca franca of political language- BS- is equally proven unfit for the task. The modern diplomatic parlance of lies, deceit, 1/2 truths, no meaning, outright lies, innuendo, sound bites, and disassembling has left Americans somewhat refreshed when a man in the image of a disgruntled curmudgeon says what is actually on his mind. Why? Because we all know couched in the language of the status quo this nation is surely dying.

If Trump's speech is the polar opposite of what would be desired instead- the status quo- I say more of it. Its the current mousey language of liars and deceivers and betrayers and insurgents and the seditious that have brought us to this day, not Trump. Trump is a symptom, only an ill patient would confuse him for the disease.

Well said.

I am no fan of the way Trump behaves. But when I look at the others, Dems or Reps, it's hard to think they are better just because they are more polite in their speech.

On Trump: clownish, childish, boorish, a bully with no filter between his brain and his mouth. No, he is not a fascist or racist who will destroy the country. Well, maybe "destroy" in the context that he is a big step in the direction the country goes down in the movie "Idiocracy". No, I do not think Trump is an idiot. But he is dragging political discourse down to that level and I hope it is not a trend for future elections. However, a good trend would be away from PC-B.S. and more honest, straight talk...but in a polite, mature way.

On Everyone Else (Clinton, Cruz, etc): Oh, no, not more of the same, please. These people are so full of crap. They are what's wrong with the country in the first place. They are big parts in the system that is broken. They don't need a filter between their brain and their mouth because what comes out of their mouth comes directly from their pollsters and campaign managers. The only thing in their brains is how to stay in power (stay employed, continue to get elected to a cushy gov't job). I want to literally throw up every time I hear one of them refer to what they do as "serving the country".

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Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.

The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable.

Define the respectable? laugh.png

"This morning in Cadillac, Michigan far left protesters repeatedly interrupted, screamed profanities and were forced out of the Donald Trump rally.

With thousands of people in attendance at his rallies there are dozens of fascist protesters who sneak in to each event"


thegatewaypundit.com, Very trustworthy sauce. I suspect that the demonstrators were the very same Muslims that Trump saw in their thousands in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.

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This invective might be shocking in the US but it's very tame and lame cf UK or Australia where such bickering and abuse is par for the course in parliamentary sessions ( although it's doubtful that the small hands reference would get up , it's too below the belt)

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Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.

Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable.

So get back to us after November 8th which is election day, as we call it. For people who get elected it is their day. If Trump gets the Republican party nomination, it will be his bad hair day.

"The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable"

Sorry Pub but I would rather have crudity than 'holier than thou' statements like this

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Quote : But in a presidential campaign, she said, "it's tacky and trashy, and I think all politicians, especially someone running for president, should have at least a trace of class and dignity."

So it's come to this ... voters are now begging for politicians to have 'at least a trace' of class and dignity. Having class and dignity being a thing of the past, all we're asking for nowadays is 'at least a trace' ... and even that seems difficult to achieve.

But let's not forget this : we get what we deserve. We get the religions we deserve, the culture we deserve, and the politicians we deserve.

Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable.

So get back to us after November 8th which is election day, as we call it. For people who get elected it is their day. If Trump gets the Republican party nomination, it will be his bad hair day.

"The rest of us are continuing to define the respectable"

Sorry Pub but I would rather have crudity than 'holier than thou' statements like this

Well zz the statement is mainstream. It is meaningful and it has a long and honored history in society.

Trump is a wild radical and so are his supporters who originate at the fringe and because of Trump expand the margins of politics and society in the most objectionable and anti-social ways. It is a dynamic that causes each Trump and his supporters to get increasingly extreme and intemperate.

A guy who quotes Benito Mussolini and who stands by it is in no way respectable. Yet almost all his supporters stand by it.

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