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How many Muslims do you know in Thailand?


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In fact Halal = Kosher is the same...

Nope. Vaguely similar, maybe, but not the same at all.

if I take it from a Muslim 's perspective, yes they are allowed to eat all meat from Jews and that s mentioned in the Quran , I had couple of Muslims friends who were ordering special kosher meals on planes.

Nice to know when they take a break from murdering each other in the name of their ridiculous beliefs they can split a couple kosher franks.

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I bash Muslim religion same as I do all abrahamic religions, or religions based on blind obedience to supposed God given commands.

That said, I have Muslim friends here in Thailand, tourists from Iran, Saudi, Kuwait, Pakistan etc. I also had Muslim friends in USA and Indonesia when I lived there. Generally speaking they are usually kinder, more welcoming and intelligent than random assortment of general population.

When posters say "eliminate them" why don't they say "murder them"? Because how else could they be eliminated?

Potato Potahto

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

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Identifying yourself as gay muslim is like identifying yourself as jewish nazi.

That's an idiotic statement.

Homosexuality occurs among Muslims exactly the same as in any human population.

Is it hard to be out as a GLBT person in Muslim dominated nations? Of course, it's often deadly.

Jewish Nazis? There were some cases of Jews in Nazi Germany finding a way to hide their identity to become Nazi soldiers as a survival mechanism.

Totally different situations.

Also to add Jews are a TINY ethnoreligious group, with significant populations only in three nations: Israel, USA, and France.

Muslims much less so. More like a global religion with a huge very diverse population in many regions on the planet.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all important Abrahamic religions.

But on population size, Jews are very insignificant.

Edited by Jingthing
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if I take it from a Muslim 's perspective, yes they are allowed to eat all meat from Jews and that s mentioned in the Quran , I had couple of Muslims friends who were ordering special kosher meals on planes.

Nice to know when they take a break from murdering each other in the name of their ridiculous beliefs they can split a couple kosher franks.

the Jews and other christian minorities such as the Assyrian and the Egyptian Coptic lived peacefully among the Muslims for hundreds if not thousands of years, the Sephardic Jews of Portugal and Spain found a safe refuge in the lands of the ottoman empire and the kingdom of morocco during their massive planned genocide by the catholic church, the king of morocco protected thousands of Jews from the Nazi-vichy regime, sadly the modern spreading of Wahhabisim with the help of the petrodollars of Saudi Arabia created a total havoc in those Islamic nations, increasing terrorism and raising racial tensions and religious intolerance among communities, sadly that most western nations are allied with Saudi Arabia.

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Identifying yourself as gay muslim is like identifying yourself as jewish nazi.

That's an idiotic statement.

Homosexuality occurs among Muslims exactly the same as in any human population.

Jewish Nazis? There were some cases of Jews in Nazi Germany finding a way to hide their identity to become Nazi soldiers as a survival mechanism.

Totally different situations.

Also to add Jew are a TINY ethnoreligious group, with significant populations only in three nations: Israel, USA, and France.

Muslims much less so. More like a global religion with a huge very diverse population in many regions on the planet.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all important Abrahamic religions.

But on population, Jews are insignificant.

Once again you show that you are entirely controlled by feelings as you do not understand the comparison.

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Identifying yourself as gay muslim is like identifying yourself as jewish nazi.

That's an idiotic statement.

Homosexuality occurs among Muslims exactly the same as in any human population.

Jewish Nazis? There were some cases of Jews in Nazi Germany finding a way to hide their identity to become Nazi soldiers as a survival mechanism.

Totally different situations.

Also to add Jew are a TINY ethnoreligious group, with significant populations only in three nations: Israel, USA, and France.

Muslims much less so. More like a global religion with a huge very diverse population in many regions on the planet.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all important Abrahamic religions.

But on population, Jews are insignificant.

Once again you show that you are entirely controlled by feelings as you do not understand the comparison.

I understand it. It's idiotic. The gay Muslim thing is very real, very today. The Jewish Nazi thing basically doesn't exist.


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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

Good to learn that you believe that 9/11, the London underground bombing ,the beheading of a British solder,again in London, the Paris mass murders and many more atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged.

The real truth is that the bombs dropped on these "people" were not big enough.

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

According to the FBI, 94% of terrorists are not muslim. So basically anyone who says that "most terrorists are muslims" you can safely assume know now what they are talking about as they are too busy watching fox news.

You have previously had a US president preaching the desire of the christian "god" to go to war. You have christians all over the world committing acts of terrorism.

Anyone who thinks christianity is a religion of peace has no idea what christianity is about and has never read the bible.

Anyone who thinks that only muslims are kiddy fiddlers should follow the current investigation in Australia involving George Pell and the way catholic church has covered it up.

Religion is the only thing in the world that people cannot give proof of yet expect people to believe it.


But hey, never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.

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Identifying yourself as gay muslim is like identifying yourself as jewish nazi.

That's an idiotic statement.

Homosexuality occurs among Muslims exactly the same as in any human population.

Jewish Nazis? There were some cases of Jews in Nazi Germany finding a way to hide their identity to become Nazi soldiers as a survival mechanism.

Totally different situations.

Also to add Jew are a TINY ethnoreligious group, with significant populations only in three nations: Israel, USA, and France.

Muslims much less so. More like a global religion with a huge very diverse population in many regions on the planet.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all important Abrahamic religions.

But on population, Jews are insignificant.

Once again you show that you are entirely controlled by feelings as you do not understand the comparison.

I understand it. It's idiotic. The gay Muslim thing is very real, very today. The Jewish Nazi thing basically doesn't exist.


Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

Indian historians calculated that the Muslim conquest in the 12th and 13th century of Afghanistan, in what now called Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, muslims massacred 80 million lives. Also Muslim chroniclers wrote that during annual hunting parties were they decapitated 250 000 hindus in one week.

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

The World’s First Transgender Mosque


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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

When did TORONTO cease being Canadian ?

Last time I was there the head banger's where most definitely NOT in control and pork, bacon and beer was freely available.

The police in Toronto are, however, kept busy rounding up wannabe jihadists

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

So according to you, the great islamolog of TV, there is no death penalty in islam for homosexuality AND islam is mutable. Gotcha. What next... that you can actually start to change verses in the Quran and Muhammed isn't "the perfect man ever to live on this planet and all muslims should be like him"?

But you still didn't get the comparison, try harder.

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Albania is example of a Muslims majority country with very liberal western views, can I compare it to Afghanistan ??? absolutely not, very few people understands that Islam has dozens of versions and they are indeed very liberal and westernized Muslim nations and those same nation has suffered also from the Islamic terrorism preached by the Wahhabi, Algeria had a bloody civil war in the 1990s when Islamist returned from the war Afghanistan caused havoc on the population, I think bombing wont solve this problem today Islam is facing an ideological war by extremists and western nations must assist and help moderate Muslims reform their nations instead of siding with Saudi Arabia.

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

So according to you, the great islamolog of TV, there is no death penalty in islam for homosexuality

yeah the death penalty does not exist inside the Quran, there is 100 lashes for adultery, it exists only in the hadith books, the fact is the prophet never executed any homosexuals.

Edited by marcofunny
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The Bible also condemns apostasy with death , if you read my explanation earlier that the Quran was based on the Torah (Old testament)

some examples of death penalty for apostasy in the bible.

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

So according to you, the great islamolog of TV, there is no death penalty in islam for homosexuality

yeah the death penalty does not exist inside the Quran, there is 100 lashes for adultery, it exists only in the hadith books, the fact is the prophet never executed any homosexuals.

Do you know that for a fact ?

Were the homosexuals separated from the many 1000's the mad "prophet" had slaughtered ?

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

So according to you, the great islamolog of TV, there is no death penalty in islam for homosexuality AND islam is mutable. Gotcha. What next... that you can actually start to change verses in the Quran and Muhammed isn't "the perfect man ever to live on this planet and all muslims should be like him"?

But you still didn't get the comparison, try harder.

Yes, Islam is mutable. It's called REFORM. As in any religion.

I never said many gay people aren't being murdered in the name of Islam. Of course they are.

That's also happening today in the name of Christianity. It's fair to say less so than Islam but still a real problem.

There was a recent case of one insane Jewish fundamentalist trying to kill gay people in the name of Judaism, but that was a very isolated case, loudly condemned by Jewish religious and political leaders, and in general is not a problem with Jews today.

No, you can't really change ancient religious texts except in cases of translation and interpretation issues. But you can change the way ancient texts are regarded in the modern era. There is no Spanish Inquisition anymore. They saw that as inspired by their religion. Modern Catholics don't. Get it now, dude?

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Do you know that for a fact ?

Were the homosexuals separated from the many 1000's the mad "prophet" had slaughtered ?

well the death penalty for homosexuality was never carried out by any modern Muslim nations with the exception of Saudi Arabia - Iran and bokoharam in Nigeria, there is even a story where the prophet met a homosexual were talking with some women and he just argued with him and he definitely did not execute him.

the story is documented in this book Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 32, Number 4095

A mukhannath(a transgender) used to enter upon the wives of Prophet. They (the people) counted him among those who were free of physical needs. One day the Prophet entered upon us when he was with one of his wives, and was describing the qualities of a woman, saying: When she comes forward, she comes forward with four (folds in her stomach), and when she goes backward, she goes backward with eight (folds in her stomach). The Prophet said: Do I not see that this (man) knows what here lies. Then they (the wives) observed veil from him.[2]

Edited by marcofunny
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The Bible also condemns apostasy with death , if you read my explanation earlier that the Quran was based on the Torah (Old testament)

some examples of death penalty for apostasy in the bible.

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

Two old testament quotes from a book that basicly a handful christians in the world care about.

"No one" is denying that the "God" of the old testament is a psychopathic massmurdering lunatic... bit like the "God" in Quran.

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Again, stop feeling so much and start to think rationally and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand the comparison... and it has nothing to do with if something exists today or not.

Still idiotic, dude.

There are a number of nations where a gay Muslim person can be "out" and not usually be murdered. Any Jewish Nazi in Nazi Germany who was discovered was instantly dead. The Islamic world is diverse. It includes places like TORONTO.

So according to you, the great islamolog of TV, there is no death penalty in islam for homosexuality AND islam is mutable. Gotcha. What next... that you can actually start to change verses in the Quran and Muhammed isn't "the perfect man ever to live on this planet and all muslims should be like him"?

But you still didn't get the comparison, try harder.

Yes, Islam is mutable. It's called REFORM. As in any religion.

I never said many gay people aren't being murdered in the name of Islam. Of course they are.

That's also happening today in the name of Christianity. It's fair to say less so than Islam but still a real problem.

There was a recent case of one insane Jewish fundamentalist trying to kill gay people in the name of Judaism, but that was a very isolated case, loudly condemned by Jewish religious and political leaders, and in general is not a problem with Jews today.

No, you can't really change ancient religious texts except in cases of translation and interpretation issues. But you can change the way ancient texts are regarded in the modern era. There is no Spanish Inquisition anymore. They saw that as inspired by their religion. Modern Catholics don't. Get it now, dude?

There is no reform and will never be any reform when it comes to mainstream islam. Sure, you can have fringe cults of islam trying to fool themself that it's alright to be gay muslim according to islam but mainstream islam will be what it has been the last 1400 years or so.

And do you even know why there was an inquisition?

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Do you know that for a fact ?

Were the homosexuals separated from the many 1000's the mad "prophet" had slaughtered ?

well the death penalty for homosexuality was never carried out by any modern Muslim nations with the exception of Saudi Arabia - Iran and bokoharam in Nigeria, there is even a story where the prophet met a homosexual were talking with some women and he just argued with him and he definitely did not execute him.

the story is documented in this book Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 32, Number 4095

A mukhannath(a transgender) used to enter upon the wives of Prophet. They (the people) counted him among those who were free of physical needs. One day the Prophet entered upon us when he was with one of his wives, and was describing the qualities of a woman, saying: When she comes forward, she comes forward with four (folds in her stomach), and when she goes backward, she goes backward with eight (folds in her stomach). The Prophet said: Do I not see that this (man) knows what here lies. Then they (the wives) observed veil from him.[2]

Try quoting the whole text next time you feel the need to impart knowledge !


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The Bible also condemns apostasy with death , if you read my explanation earlier that the Quran was based on the Torah (Old testament)

some examples of death penalty for apostasy in the bible.

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

Two old testament quotes from a book that basicly a handful christians in the world care about.

"No one" is denying that the "God" of the old testament is a psychopathic massmurdering lunatic... bit like the "God" in Quran.

Do christians think it is a different god in the new testament?

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Do you know that for a fact ?

Were the homosexuals separated from the many 1000's the mad "prophet" had slaughtered ?

well the death penalty for homosexuality was never carried out by any modern Muslim nations with the exception of Saudi Arabia - Iran and bokoharam in Nigeria, there is even a story where the prophet met a homosexual were talking with some women and he just argued with him and he definitely did not execute him.

the story is documented in this book Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 32, Number 4095

A mukhannath(a transgender) used to enter upon the wives of Prophet. They (the people) counted him among those who were free of physical needs. One day the Prophet entered upon us when he was with one of his wives, and was describing the qualities of a woman, saying: When she comes forward, she comes forward with four (folds in her stomach), and when she goes backward, she goes backward with eight (folds in her stomach). The Prophet said: Do I not see that this (man) knows what here lies. Then they (the wives) observed veil from him.[2]

Perhaps muslim states aren't murdering gays for just being gays but isn't it.... erhmm... "odd" that muslim majority countries give rats more rights than LGBT[1]?

And while you are at it go read this[2]. I can help you by telling you can skip everything and just read the the two last article (24 & 25).

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory

[2] http://www.oic-oci.org/english/article/human.htm

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I think this whole issue is more complicated than simply muslim being terrorists. Culture has also got to do a lot. Muslims even as late in the 60s were not like this now. So long as the US and the western world keep supporting the barbaric house of Saud there kind of horrible people will keep coming out. Wahhabism is a curse on the religion of Islam. Unless rest of the Muslims, take this issue up they will end up in the same boat. It also does not help that as soon as a secular Muslim becomes a leader of his country the West tries and get rid of him. So long all the West keeps feeding the wahhabi curse this will go on.

Can anyone with a sane mind imagine that Saudi Arabia would in the UN Human Rights Council?

I know many who are horrified by what is going on and they themselves were the people who told me about Wahhabism and the destruction they are causing. But the House of Saud has got all the muslim countries by their balls. They refuse or cut down the Haj Quota if any Muslim country tries to go against them. Look what they are doing now in secular Syria? They have bombed Yemen back to the middle ages with bombs and helped by the US and the UK. Now they are trying to get rid of secular Assad.

Majority of educated Muslims do not support the Saudi wahhabism or what the terrorists are doing. Muslims dislike the US and the western world for their democracy and values but for propping up Islamic dictators like the House of Saud and denying the ordinary Muslims, the right to have that freedom.

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

Good to learn that you believe that 9/11, the London underground bombing ,the beheading of a British solder,again in London, the Paris mass murders and many more atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged.

The real truth is that the bombs dropped on these "people" were not big enough.

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims......So should we not avenge the other terrorists also? Ergo, wipe out all christians, jews, buddhists, atheists etc?

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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way. In Thailand i know none. They have all been very restrictive. I myself cant have contact with anyone that have those values about women and other religions. It doesnt matter what religion..

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